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计算机支持的协作学习(Computer-supported Collaborative Learning,简称CSCL)作为引入技术促进课堂知识建构活动的学习方式,日益受到教育技术领域专家学者们的重视.本文通过解析CSCL环境下知识建构活动发生的本质和认知特征,提出了宏观上基于原则,微观上以跟进性探究模式来促进学生知识建构活动参与的设计理念,并结合案例阐述了具体设计思路和方法.  相似文献   

CSCL中基于对话的协作意义建构研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
协作意义建构是CSCL研究的核心问题之一。从对话的视角,探讨了协作意义建构过程研究的理论基础与研究框架,以具体的网络协作学习课程为案例,运用话语分析的方法,研究了协作学习过程中的对话类型、结构和功能,并深入分析了小组协作学习的过程。研究表明,协作意义建构的过程是一个对话的、社会性的实践过程,小组成员通过不同类型的对话来协商意义、建构知识、创作作品,促进学习者个体对小组共享的理解和意义的内化。认为基于对话的协作意义建构过程的循环模型,对CSCL环境设计、过程分析和评价均具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是教育技术研究的重要领域,也是学习科学的一个重要分支。它主要关注的是在计算机的支持下人们是如何在一起进行学习的。计算机和网络技术在协作学习中的应用促进了CSCL的快速发展,目前CSCL已经发展成为一个跨学科的研究领域。不同领域背景的专家从心理学、教育学、人类学、社会学、传播学、教育技术学和学习科学等视角来研究CSCL。CSCL中主要关注的问题是协作学习的本质和计算机是如何支持与促进协作学习的。和个体学习相比,协作学习更具有社会属性,其主要目标是协商意义和建构知识。信息技术介入到协作学习中,改变了学习的方式和形态,同时也产生了许多新的问题。在计算机支持的小组学习环境中,小组学习的过程究竟发展了哪些情况,学习者之间是如何利用技术工具来共同协商意义和建构知识的,信息技术和协作学习之间的相互关系如何,以及研究小组协作学习的理论基础和主要方法都是CSCL领域所关注的问题。美国Drexel大学信息科学学院的Gerry Stahl教授是致力于CSCL研究的知名专家,他是《国际计算机支持的协作学习期刊(International Journal of Computer-Supported Co...  相似文献   

本文介绍了计算机支持协作学习(CSCL)研究的课题。文章首先分析了当前CSCL交互研究方面的问题,指出计算机对学习之协作的支持,绝不仅是提供一个共同学习的信息交流空间,而是要进一步为学习协作行为的向前发展提供策略性导引和推动。然后,从教学组织策略的角度,介绍了建立分步讨论型远程CSCL交互行为促进策略的研究过程,最后讨论了根据该策略而开发基于策略的CSCL工具原型的问题。  相似文献   

培养学习者的集体认知责任,既是提高知识建构水平的前提,也是CSCL实践亟待解决的问题。为此,基于知识建构理论与分析框架,构建了培养学生集体认知责任的五类干预策略,包括集体认知责任概念图、在线讨论参与社会网络图、在线协作情况反思表、小组学习契约、对话类型与发言规则。并通过一个大学本科课程班的研究案例,考察这些干预策略在协作讨论不同阶段中应用的效果。案例运用社会网络分析、对话文本的内容分析、问卷调查、访谈等方法,对参与学生的知识贡献意识、互补的知识贡献和知识贡献的广泛参与三方面,进行了分析。研究表明:五类集体认知责任干预策略的应用,都能够促进学生更积极主动地阅读并回复小组成员的观点,平等参与讨论,其中“对话类型与发言规则”在提升集体认知责任和学生知识建构水平方面的干预效果最为显著,可以在较大程度上提高学习者观点的认知复杂度和科学复杂度,促进更高水平的知识建构与对话。这一研究发现,可以为学生集体认知责任与协作能力的培养提供策略支持,也可以为开展线上协作学习活动提供案例参考。  相似文献   

CSCL环境中基于对话学习理论的教学设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)在网络学习中得到了广泛应用。为了探讨在网络学习中如何更好地应用CSCL,本文以对话学习理论为基础,分析了基于对话学习理论的教学设计的方法和途径,并提出了一个基于对话学习理论的教学设计框架。在此基础上,结合中英"eChina~UK"项目中跨文化网路课程中的教学设计,深入探讨了基于对话学习理论的教学设计的原则及其策略。  相似文献   

在计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)中,协同知识建构是其重要追求目标。然而如何评价CSCL中的学习协同是高质量的,却没有公认的标准。相应的,CSCL的评价及为达到理想标准的推进策略研究也就无法深入。本文讨论了研究协同知识建构过程的多个角度,然后把多种角度进行综合,提出了评价高质量CSCL协同过程的初步框架,并经过专家访谈和调查对此框架进行发展和确定,形成了一个较完善的指标体系,从而为研究形成符合期望的CSCL协同知识建构支持策略打下了基础。  相似文献   

CSCL中成员知识共享的需要特征与激励策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计算机支持的协作学习中,重要的学习方式是成员间的协作交互,目的是促进和达成个体知识建构和集体智慧的发展.因此,成员之间知识共享程度的高低将直接影响协作学习的效果.本文基于马斯洛的需要层次理论并结合CSCL的特点,通过实证研究发现,CSCL中协作小组成员的需要存在着不同层次、各层次需要需求程度均较强烈且类型多样、社交需要需求程度最强烈、自我实现需要需求程度相对较弱且成员态度差异性较大.在此基础上,结合各小组的知识共享情况,研究还发现,在知识共享方面有积极表现的小组对较高层次的自我实现需要需求程度更为强烈.最后,根据成员的需要特征,文章还探讨了促进CSCL协作小组成员知识共享的四项激励策略.  相似文献   

CSCL在网络课程教学实施中的应用——以生物教学论为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术背景下,对计算机支持的协作学习(简称CSCL)研究受到广泛关注,由于该研究的新兴性,关于CSCL在许多方面的应用研究尚不成熟,比如在网络课程教学CSCL的应用策略等。拳文以生物教学论网络课程的教学为例,探索CSCL在教学中的交互协作机制,讨论CSCL在教学中的应用方法。  相似文献   

在计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)的研究中,交互行为的促进策略研究是最重要的内容之一,也是推进CSCL研究与应用深入发展的重要课题。计算机对学习之协作的支持,决不仅仅是提供一个共同学习的信息交流空间,而是要进一步为学习协作行为的向前发展提供策略性导引和推动。本研究同时讨论了在远程CSCL交互行为促进策略方面值得探讨的内容,最后给出了一个构建此种策略的分析框架。  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习是网络环境下学习的一种新的范式。本文首先从对话学习理论的视角,探讨了对话在学习中的本质和作用。根据协作学习中对话的特点和类型,笔者建立了基于对话的协作学习共同体的框架。在该理论框架的基础上,结合笔者所开设的一门英语网络课程的教学设计,详细地介绍了不同对话的设计策略,以促进语言交际能力的发展。  相似文献   

协作意义建构是CSCL研究的核心问题之一.本文从话语的视角探讨了话语与协作意义建构之间的关系,提出了运用话语分析来研究协作意义建构过程的思想;接着以一个CSCL环境下的教学案例为基础,分析和界定了小组协作意义建构过程中的话语类型和功能;最后选取一个小组话语互动的片段,详细分析了协作意义建构的过程.研究表明运用话语分析可以深入了解协作意义建构的过程和机制.  相似文献   

话语分析-研究CSCL中协作意义建构的新方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)中学习者主要是通过对话来进行意义建构的,意义体现在话语之中。因此话语成为研发和分析协作意义建构的焦点。在过去的二十年中,研究话语正在成为研究社会情境下学习的一个重要的理论视角,因此通过研究话语来研究网络教育成为该领域的一个新的研究路径。文章在探讨了话语的概念和特点的基础上,阐述了话语分析的发展历程和理论基础。结合CSCL中协作意义建构的特点,提出了适合运用话语分析方法研究问题的要素、原则和方法,最后提出了运用话语分析可以研究的CSCL问题及其意义。  相似文献   

While the importance of viewing learning as knowledge creation is gradually recognized (Paavola et al. Computer-supported collaborative learning: foundations for a CSCL community 2002; Rev Educ Res 74:557–576 2004), an important question remains to be answered—what represents an effective instructional design to support collaborative creative learning? This paper argues for the need to move away from efficiency-oriented instructional design to innovation-oriented instructional design if learning as knowledge creation is to be pursued as an important instructional goal. The rationale in support of this argument is discussed from four different theoretical perspectives and an idea-centered, principle-based design approach as an example is proposed for discussion.  相似文献   

Monitoring the learning process in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments is a key element for supporting the efficacy of tutor actions. This article proposes an approach for analysing learning processes in a CSCL environment to support tutors in their monitoring tasks. The approach entails tracking the interactions within the communication platform to identify cues of the participative, social, cognitive, and teaching dimensions of the learning process. Both quantitative and qualitative indicators are employed to achieve a complete and thorough picture of the learning dynamics. A set of methodological and technological tools based on this approach has been tried out in the context of the online component of a blended course in educational technology addressing trainee teachers. The results of the study support the applicability of the proposed approach to content domains where discussion and reflective practice are the most effective learning strategy.  相似文献   

自上个世纪80年代以来,计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)迅速成长为一个跨学科的、充满生机的研究领域,在以科学方法研究学习方面产生了积极影响,并形成了一个国际化的研究共同体。作为一种有望用于实践教育变革的创新学习模式,计算机支持的协作学习也面临着将理论研究成果与教育实践相连接的挑战。从历史角度看,CSCL研究领域的这种趋势是必然的,正如CSCL2011年会主题所展示的,在CSCL领域所开展的研究,需要通过与实践的连接体现其意义和价值。因此,有必要从连接实践的角度对计算机支持的协作学习研究进行新的解读,试图将其视为一种社会性实践,并通过文献的回顾,发现对这种社会性实践如何加以分析,以及如何对这种社会性实践活动进行设计。  相似文献   

This discussion paper for this special issue examines co-regulation of learning in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments extending research on self-regulated learning in computerbased environments. The discussion employs a socio-cognitive perspective focusing on social and collective views of learning to examine how students co-regulate and collaborate in computer-supported inquiry. Following the review of the articles, theoretical, methodological and instructional implications are discussed: Future research directions include examining the theoretical nature of collective regulation and social metacognition in building models of co-regulated learning; expanding methodological approaches using trace data and multiple measures for convergence and construct validity; and conducting instructional experiments to test and to foster the development of co-regulated learning in computer-supported collaborative inquiry.  相似文献   

This study examined how instructional challenges presented by gifted students shaped teachers’ instructional strategies. This study is a qualitative research grounded in a social constructivist framework. The participants were three high school science teachers who were teaching identified gifted students in both heterogeneously- and homogeneously-grouped classrooms. Major data sources are classroom observations and interviews. Data analysis indicated that these science teachers developed content-specific teaching strategies based on their understanding of gifted students, including: (a) instructional differentiation, e.g., thematic units, (b) variety in instructional mode and/or students’ products, (c) student grouping strategies and peer tutoring, (d) individualized support, (e) strategies to manage challenging questions, (f) strategies to deal with the perfectionism, and (g) psychologically safe classroom environments.  相似文献   

Well-designed instructional videos are powerful tools for helping students learn and prompting students to use generative strategies while learning from videos further bolsters their effectiveness. However, little is known about how individual differences in motivational factors, such as achievement goals, relate to how students learn within multimedia environments that include instructional videos and generative strategies. Therefore, in this study, we explored how achievement goals predicted undergraduate students’ behaviors when learning with instructional videos that required students to answer practice questions between videos, as well as how those activities predicted subsequent unit exam performance one week later. Additionally, we tested the best measurement models for modeling achievement goals between traditional confirmatory factor analysis and bifactor confirmatory factor analysis. The bifactor model fit our data best and was used for all subsequent analyses. Results indicated that stronger mastery goal endorsement predicted performance on the practice questions in the multimedia learning environment, which in turn positively predicted unit exam performance. In addition, students’ time spent watching videos positively predicted practice question performance. Taken together, this research emphasizes the availing role of adaptive motivations, like mastery goals, in learning from instructional videos that prompt the use of generative learning strategies.  相似文献   

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is an approach to learning in which learners can actively and collaboratively construct knowledge by means of interaction and joint problem solving. Regulation of learning is especially important in the domain of CSCL. Next to the regulation of task performance, the interaction between learners who work in a CSCL environment needs to be regulated as well. Despite its importance, the regulation of learning in CSCL has received relatively little attention in research. In the contributions of this special issue different labels are used for various forms of regulation of learning during CSCL. During collaborative learning, the regulation of activities can take place at different levels of social interaction: the individual level, the dyadic level, and the group level. Regulative activities of all three levels are presented in the three studies. All studies have investigated whether the use of regulative activities affected performance, and have found that regulation at the dyadic and/or group level was positively related to group performance. In sum, these three contributions provide a constructive overview of the role of regulation of the (collaborative) learning process in CSCL, both in terms of the impact of regulation on learning processes and learning results as well as the influence of different kinds of support on the regulation of collaborative learning.  相似文献   

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