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The purpose of this study was to compare two surveys of newly appointed community college presidents. The first, conducted in 1997, was published in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice . It was entitled, A National Study on the Community College Presidency (Kubala, 1999). In this study, newly appointed community college presidents were asked about their pathways to the presidency, their motivation to serve, the search process, their first impressions, governance, and learner-centered transformation. Newly appointed presidents were chosen for the study because of the assumption that they were knowledgeable of contemporary issues, team building strategies, planning, and governance. The second survey was meant to lead to a comparative analysis with a new set of presidents. The reasons for selecting these new presidents were the same ones used in the 1997 study. The instrument was essentially the same as well. The participants in this new study were appointed as community college presidents during the period of September 1997 to September 1999. Copies of the survey instrument were sent to 183 presidents, and 101 were completed for a return rate of 55% . An SPSS package was used to collapse the data, and determine cross-tabulations among the participants.  相似文献   


The Great Britain Committee of Enquiry into Higher Education (1997) highlighted the significant role that higher education would be required to play in providing the United Kingdom with individuals that could consistently meet the demands of a global market place. Higher education institutions have been entrusted with the task of removing existing barriers to learning and implementing initiatives that will enable students to achieve beyond current expectations. A current initiative by the University of Glamorgan aims to meet some of the challenges laid down by the Great Britain Committee of Enquiry into Higher Education (1997). Peer-Assisted Student Support (PASS) is a scheme directed at facilitating student-centred learning. The initiative encourages students to take responsibility for the learning process in terms of academic achievement and social development. This article offers a unique insight into the scheme, detailing demographic and subject attendance patterns during Semester B of the 1997/98 academic year. Furthermore, the research undertaken also builds on previous work investigating the effect of support mechanisms on academic performance. The article reports that the scheme is primarily dominated by female attendees and students in the under-21 age group. Moreover, whilst the research substantiates previous claims that schemes such as PASS have a positive effect on academic performance, the nature of academic appraisal within the context studied suggests that this generalisation can only be extended to coursework-related assessment.  相似文献   

Web‐Based Instruction. Badrul H. Khan, ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications, 1997, 480 pp., $89.95/Hard, $59.95/Soft).

Distance Learning: A Step‐by‐Step Guide for Trainers. Karen Mantyla and J. Richard Gividen (Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development, 1997, 179 pp., $45.00).  相似文献   

周梅 《海外英语》2011,(8):168-169
Smith (1997) proposes three stages of a situation from the imprefective veiwpoints in English: preliminary, internal and resultant stage and three readings of imperfective aspect. In the essay, the different readings of imperfective aspect in English and Chinese will be explored.  相似文献   

From March 20 to May 13, 1997, faculty andlibrarians at York University in Toronto, Canada, wenton a strike. In order to assess the academic and economic impact of the strike onstudents, two telephone surveys were carried out with apanel of undergraduate students in the fifth and sixthweeks of the strike and in October 1997, five months after the end of the strike. The surveysconfirm that students faced academic and economichardship both during and after the strike. Moreover, inboth surveys, only a minority of students supported the strike. A regression analysis shows,however, that academic and economic hardship explainlittle of the variance in support for the strike. Bycontrast, attitudes toward unions in general are thebest predictor of support.  相似文献   

This case study focuses on how an inner-city school addresses the educational needs of children growing up in a "socially toxic environment" (Garbarino, 1997). Amid a decaying and violent neighborhood in one of America's largest cities, the school provides children placed at risk by their environment with physical, social, emotional/psychological and intellectual safety not usually afforded socioeconomically disadvantaged urban children. Within the framework of Mortimer Adler's Paideia Program (1984), the school provides a safe and orderly learning environment along with an enriched academic program.  相似文献   

Reconstituting approaches to learning: A response to Webb   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Norris and Kvernbekk (1997) deal with questions which arguably should be central to the field of science education: namely, what constitutes normative goal-directed theories in science education and what bearing does the nature of normative goal-directed educational theories have on their application to practice. The response is in sections. First, I present a number of general comments on the characteristics of normative goal-directed theories as specified by Norris and Kvernbekk. Second, I present my argument in outline about the nature of our theory. Third, I focus on the authors' interpretation of our work (as represented in the three articles) in terms of the characteristics of normative goal-directed theories. Fourth, I respond to their criticisms of our theory which they put forward as a result of their analysis. (The authors' analysis of our theory is technical and closely argued. To respond appropriately involves necessarily paying attention to technical details of the ways they interpreted our theory.) Fifth, the response considers a number of additional points relating to the authors' arguments which go beyond or extend their formulation of normative goal-directed theories. In particular, attention is given to the nature of interpretive theory and to the role of teachers in the application of a normative goal-directed theory. The sixth section addresses the central issue of whether, based on the authors' elaboration of normative goal-directed theories, the theory of Driver and associates constitutes such a theory. Finally, I summarize the contributions that the article makes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 1007–1018, 1997.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined two related conditioning problems previously investigated by Red-head and Pearce (1995a) and Pearce, Aydin, and Redhead (1997). Experiment 1 involved an A+, B+, C+, AB+, AC+, BC+, ABC2 discrimination. The Rescorla-Wagner model predicts that response to AB, AC, and BC will be greater than that to A, B, and C at asymptote, whereas the Pearce model makes the opposite prediction. In Experiment 2, we investigated the responding to a novel ABC compound in groups trained with either A+, B+, C+ or AB+, AC+, BC+. The Rescorla-Wagner model predicts greater response to ABC in the group trained with A+, B+, C+ than in the group trained with AB+, AC+, BC+, whereas the Pearce model makes the opposite prediction. In contrast to the findings of Redhead and Pearce (1995a) and Pearce et al. (1997) in pigeon autoshaping, our findings in rabbit eyelid conditioning support the Rescorla-Wagner model.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to describe a pedagogical strategy for gradual enhancement of creative performance among students by using interdisciplinary hands-on projects. A study was conducted comparing 66 students' performances on creativity in three classes—Fall 1996, Spring 1997 and Fall 1997—consisting of juniors and seniors at Temple University. All the students were tested on the creative opportunities actually taught by the projects presented to the students, theoretical aspects of creativity on a specially designed test and the learning process. The results of evaluation on the creativity of the models, the theory tests and the learning process indicated that the pedagogical strategy did help in gradually enhancing the creativity performance of the students.  相似文献   

Yen and Burket (1997) provided a critical analysis of the work by Camilli (1988) regarding scale shrinkage, and suggested that shrinkage in vertical equating cannot be understood apart front multidimensionality. In this response, select research on reliability, multidimensionality and scale shrinkage are reviewed. These perspectives are then integrated with issues of practical importance to educators.  相似文献   

王小波研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以1997—2007王小波研究十年的论文和相关著述为依据,在分析已有研究成果的基础上,对王小波的思想研究、作品研究、现象研究三个方面的成果进行梳理,试图实事求是地描绘出当下王小波研究的概貌。  相似文献   


With over two million students projected to be enrolled in higher education distance learning courses by the year 2002, it is imperative that consideration be given to the design of high-quality online programs. Using the framework of grounded design as a context for dealing with the range of design decisions that best facilitate learning outcomes, five areas are discussed: psychological, pedagogical, technical, cultural, and pragmatic (Hannafin, Hannafin, Land, &; Oliver, 1997). Examples are provided of how each area of grounded design can be used, as instructional designers, content experts, and others establish Web-based programs in higher education.  相似文献   

Beyond Meta-Analysis: A Plea for a Family Systems View of Attachment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Child development》1997,68(4):601-603
De Wolff and van IJzendoorn's (1997) meta-analysis of parental antecedents of infant attachment focuses almost entirely on maternal behavior. I argue here that although the meta-analysis method makes an important contribution to summarizing research studies, it limits the conceptual understanding of attachment to simple causal models, and ignores family systems models that could illuminate our understanding of the development of secure and insecure attachment in children.  相似文献   

The Latvian Education Informatization System LIIS project covers the whole information grid: education content, management, information services, infrastructure and user training at several levels – schools, school boards and Ministry of Education and Science. Informatization is the maintained process of creating the technical, economical and social conditions for fulfilment of information needs. The initiative started in 1997. The strategy for education content creation for 2001–2004 is to cover all forms of cognition – rational, empirical, emotional and modelling – and several levels of skills for all levels of education. The Current LIIS results as at 2002 have been that: developed teaching aids are being used (workbooks, interactive software, tests etc) (approx. 20% of the total amount of high school programme can be taught using information and communication technologies); about 1000 sites are using LIIS school management software; 66% of all teachers are trained on ICT usage; 97% of schools have dial‐up connection to the Internet in year 2002 (44% have a permanent connection); and the number of pupils per computer has decreased from 67 (year 1997) to 20 (year 2002).

Le système d'information LIIS dans l'éducation en Lithuanie

Le projet du système LIIS du système information pour l'éducation comme toute la grile: contenu de l'éducation, management, services d'information, infrastructure et fomation des utilisateurs à divers niveaux: écoles, administrtion des écoles, Ministerie de l'Education et de la Science. Ce projet a débuté en 1997. La stratégie pour créer un contenue de l'éducation 2001–2004 doit couvrir toutes les formes de la connaissance traditionnelle, ainsi que émotionelle, proposant des modèles et divers niveaux de compétences pour tous les niveaux d'éducation. Les résultats actuels du LIIS ont été en 2002: Les moyens d'enseignement dévelpppés sont utilisés (livres, software interactif, tests, etc.) (approximaticement 20% du programme total des programmes des écoles seconfaires peuvent être enseignés en utilisant les technologies de l'information); environ 1000 titres utilisant ler software de management des écoles; 66% des maîtres ont été formé à l'emploi de TIC; 97 % des écoles ont été connectés à Internet en 2002 (44% de connection permanente); et le nombre d'élèves par ordinateur a diminué de 67 (en 1997) à 20 (en 2002)

Das lettisches Bildungsinformationssystem LIIS

Das lettische Bildungsinformationssystem, das LIIS – Projekt, umfasst das gesamte Informationsraster: Bildungsinhalt, Management, Informationsdienste, Infrastruktur sowie Nutzerausbildung auf mehreren Ebenen – Schulen, Schulkommissionen und Bildungsministerien. Die Initiative begann in 1997. Das Konzept für die Erfassung von Bildungsinhalten für 2001–2004 ist, alle Formen des Zugangs – rational, empirisch, emotional, modellierend – und mehrere Stufen von Fertigkeiten für alle Bildungsniveaus zu berücksichtigen. Das gegenwärtige Stand von LIIS (2002) ist: schon entwickelte Lehrhilfen werden benutzt (Workbooks, interaktive Software, Tests usw.) (Ca. 20% des gesamten Highschool‐Programms kann mit Hilfe von Informationstechnologie gelehrt werden); an rund 1000 Standorten wird LIS Schulmanagement‐Software genutzt; 66% aller Lehrer wurden in die Verwendung von ICT eingeführt; 97% aller Schulen haben im Jahr 2002 Wählverbindung in das Internet (36%: permanente Verbindung); die Anzahl von Schülern pro Computer hat von 67 (Jahr 1997) auf 25 (Jahr 2002) abgenommen.  相似文献   

The Study Process Questionnaire (Biggs, 1987) has been widely used in studies investigating learning behaviours in tertiary education. Many of the studies that have used the instrument have investigated the construct validity of the SPQ using a variety of factor analytic methods and techniques in an atheoretical way. Contrary to this method, Burnett and Dart (1997) argued that the hypothesised structure of a scale should be used when assessing the construct validity of an existing instrument. This study investigated the factor structure of the SPQ using a theoretical approach and found strong support for the three approaches to learning structure of the instrument.  相似文献   

1 Background and Literature review of Pluperfect It is well known that the Chinese language, Mandarin, is considered to be a tenseless language since it has no or at  相似文献   

上海股票市场有效性实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
证券市场的外在效率即有效性是指证券市场的价格反映资产价值的效率。本文对上海股票市场的有效性进行了实证分析,结论为:1996年以前,上海股市处于一种无效市场状态;1996年反后,上海股市正向弱式有效市场过渡,但上海股市与强有效市场相距甚远。  相似文献   

In December 1997 OFSTED visited Underley Garden School in Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria, a residential school for girls and boys aged 9‐16 with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD).

They were able to write a very positive report indeed and urged the school to write up for publication its perception of what it does that seems so effective. This article is our response to that request and is based on a series of interviews between members of staff and the school's full‐time Chartered Educational Psychologist.  相似文献   

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