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Dear Friends,If this planet is to survive, it is imperative(必需的,必要的) that we find pathsto peace. It seems obvious that among persons and nations of good will, peace wouldbe an easy destination to reach. Yet our world has had a history of war and violencefrom the beginning to the present. Why war and not peace? What are the impedi-ments(障碍) to peace? I hope that we can try to deal with some of these questions in futurecolumns. They are many and complex.  相似文献   

Dear Friends, Today, let' s considerproverbs. Proverbs are concentrated bits of wisdom. They combinethe wit, experience, outlook, advice, and the sanity or many cultures. They teach us about human feelings and failings, and provide guides for future behavior and better relationships. They tend to be terse, sage and sometimes witty in trying to convey subtle truths and rules of conduct. Proverbial philosophy is found in every part of the  相似文献   

Dr.Robert S.Herman(美)Dear Friends:This column be-gins with abig question:Howwould you redesignThe Universe? We are constantly reminded that “life is what you makeit.”This may or may not be true.To a large extent onr livesare conditioned by the nature of the Universe we live in.Wemust adapt to its limitations.  相似文献   

Dear Friends,This is our third column and it is a pleasure toshare thoughts with you.The purpose of thesecolumns is to spread learning and laughter th rough theuse of language.If my language is not suitable to yourChinese culture,I hope you will tell me.  相似文献   

Dear Friends: Because this is my first column, I have been asked to introduce myself. After spending many years of a varied life as a Public Executive, University Professor and International Advisor, I have turned to writing poetry, enjoying humor, and speculating on the human condition and the meaning of life on this Universe.  相似文献   


某县城镇中小学教师严重超编,超编人员须分流到农村小学.按教育局的新编制,某镇中心小学三个副校长只能保留一个.参加县人事局和教育局组织的考试和主题为"假如我是校长"的治校演讲,三人都取得优良成绩.在这种情况下上级指示让校长自行决定,说是放权给校长,实际上给校长老黄添了一个不大不小的麻烦.  相似文献   

Bob 《海外英语》2004,(4):2-4
Dear Friends,Many of you have written letters to me expressing your concerns over all the wars and violence that continue to exist in this world. I share your concerns. We are living on a very combustible(易燃的) planet.Instead of becoming obsolete(荒废的,遗弃的), wars seem to be as common as theyever were. We have written much about this formidable(可怕的,令人敬畏的)topic  相似文献   

Puerto Rico may be part of the USA but its music and dance is a mixture of both Spanish and African rhythms. The country, as a result, is a mixture of very new and very old. It exhibits the open American way of life yet retains the more formal Spanish influences. This is reflected in the architecture, not just the contrast between the colonial and the modem in urban areas but also in the countryside, where older  相似文献   

Biography(生平简介) Mariah Carey is no stranger to winning musicality, Raised in New York by her mother, a former opera singer and vocal (声乐) coach, Mar ah started singing at age four, and writing songs by junior high. Not long after she graduated from high school, Mariah's singing back up for Brenda K. Starr ultimately led to her signing with Columbia Records. As millions listened and watched, she christened(命名为) her recording career with 1990's self-titled Mariah Carey CD, which ultimately produced four Number One singles("Vision Of Love," "Love Takes Time," "Someday" and "I Don't Wanna Cry"), eventually selling more than 12 million LP's(密纹唱片的) worldwide. By the  相似文献   

多功能会议厅可是省委办公大楼里的一个能容纳将近三百人的会议室。   李高成一走进去,立刻便被会议厅里的情景惊呆了。   偌大的一个会议厅里,黑压压地竟坐满了省市检察机关的二百多名检察官和反贪局的侦查人员 !省市政法委书记、检察长,还有市东城区的检察长,全都神色严肃地坐在会议厅的前排。会场上几乎听不到一丝声息,气氛紧张得让人喘不过气来。   等到李高成随同大家一起坐下来的时候,他也就完全清楚了,刚才在万书记办公室的那一番谈话,其实是省委市委几个主要领导的碰头会,它只是一起重大行动的前奏。杨诚在此之前其…  相似文献   

云,是飘逸的。风,是匆忙的,春若是播种,夏则是耕耘;秋若是收获,冬则是品尝。一次,云和风遨游在四季的蓝图里。风悄悄地对云说:“快选吧!”云,志忑不安的正犹豫。  相似文献   

烦人的开学9月3日8月24日的教师会上,我再三强调:任何人不允许招收不足龄的一年级新生,也不许因择班问题,引起教师间的矛盾。学生报到以来,我家中可就热闹了(我家在学校隔壁)。领导、亲戚、朋友,面热的、不面熟的,从早到晚,提着礼物上门的、打电话的、写条的、探听消息的……那些天,电话似乎特别忙,有时半夜来个电话,刺耳的铃声,让你的心“咚咚”直跳,长时间没有睡意。后来我干脆把电话线拔掉睡觉。他们的要求也就是:调班的、要求减免学杂费的、转进转出的、举报不足龄学生已经进了一年级的、想上一年级的等等。其中,不足龄学生的问题最多。他们从家中跟到学校、从学校跟到家中,休息不好不说,还得赔着笑脸,小心翼翼地解释,或委婉地拒绝,唯恐一个不慎,得罪哪位亲朋好友。  相似文献   

英国维多利亚时代的桂冠诗人丁尼生,创作了大量诗歌,以悼念亡友哈莱姆为主题的《悼念集》不仅表达了痛失密友的悲痛之情,同时也显示出自己在宗教思想和科学发展之间艰难选择的心路历程。作为一个虔诚的基督徒,在科学发展和社会变革中,面对当时的信仰危机,诗人经历了从反对科学,到慢慢接受科学,再到宗教与科学间的权衡,直至在两者中做出妥协的艰难过程。  相似文献   

Name a recent Best Actress Oscar winner who grew up milking cows.Stumped?What if we tell you she's blond and beautiful,except when she's playing a female serial killer,in which case she's shockingly scary? It's Charlize Theron.Growing up on a farm in South Africa,she picked corn,rode motorcycles and.yes.milked cows.In a country divided by apartheid,she was taught to speak her mind during highly charged political discussions.  相似文献   

In China he’s known as the Flying Fish; in America they call him the Baltimore Bullet.Whatever you call him, American swimmer  相似文献   

Full Name:Raul GonzalezBlancoDate of Birth:27 June1977Birthplace:Madrid,SpainHeight:180 cmWeight:68 kgClubs:Real Madrid CFPosition:StrikerAmbitions: Become thebest player Star sign:Cancer(巨蟹)  相似文献   

Albert Einstein,who lived from 1879 to 1955,was the most-outstanding scientist of the twen-tieth oentury,He was a Jew born in Germany.He discovered the theory of relativity and de-  相似文献   

STVU ,AModelinAsiainits 50 ?WangYibin  STVUbecameamodelofopenuniversityinChinain 4 0years,IpersonallywouldliketoraiseandproposeavisionforSTVUtobeamodelofopenuniversityinAsiaatits 50s.Thisisnotimpossible .However,tomakethevisionareality ,requiresnewthinking,newm…  相似文献   

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