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早在1958年,一具电光针炙经穴模型的设计制造成功,为针炙经络腧穴的电化教学开创了一条新路子。设计者荣获卫生部授予的奖状和奖章。同年10月15日,  相似文献   

外科手术及剖宫产后病人常常出现腹部胀气或尿潴留,一般在术后24h~36h内症状自行缓解。但有的病人长达3~7日症状仍不能消失,经针炙治疗后,往往收到满意  相似文献   

鹅膏菌毒素及其毒理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鹅膏菌毒是一类真菌的总称,误食野生蘑菇的中毒事件中,95%以上由鹅膏菌引起,国外自六十年代起,对其毒素毒理进行了深入的研究,而国内则只是在九十年代才开始这方面的工作。为促进国内鹅膏菌毒素毒理的研究,作概括了国内外各方资料,写就本。本概述了鹅膏菌多肽毒素的种类、鹅膏菌毒素中毒反应及病理学症状、机体对鹅膏菌毒素的吸收、鹅膏菌毒素的毒性及毒理以及鹅膏菌毒素在生命科学研究中的应用,为国内这方面的研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

鹅膏菌毒是一类真菌的总称 ,误食野生蘑菇的中毒事件中 ,95%以上由鹅膏菌引起 .国外自六十年代起 ,对其毒素毒理进行了深入的研究 ,而国内则只是在九十年代才开始这方面的工作 .为促进国内鹅膏菌毒素毒理的研究 ,作者概括了国内外各方资料 ,写就本文 .本文概述了鹅膏菌多肽毒素的种类、鹅膏菌毒素中毒反应及病理学症状、机体对鹅膏菌毒素的吸收、鹅膏菌毒素的毒性及毒理以及鹅膏菌毒素在生命科学研究中的应用 ,为国内这方面的研究提供了参考 .  相似文献   

一、踝关节损伤的预防学生在进行训练前必须充分做好准备活动;训练时以粘膏支持带或特制皮护保护踝关节;加强踝关节周围力量的训练,特别是腓骨肌的练习,如负重提踵、足尖走等;强化学生的自我保护意识及训练中的注意力度集中;训练结束后尽量避免加练。  相似文献   

主要是针对脱髓鞘病的诊断和目前治疗的新方法 (包括大剂量甲基强的松龙、丙种球蛋白、血浆置换、鞘内注射、理疗以及中药针炙等治疗 )作了综述  相似文献   

强直性背柱炎(AS)一般采取综合治疗:中医中药治疗、西药治疗、理疗、针炙、饮食体育治疗,心理治疗和调护等方法,本文对AS综合治疗的方法进行了系统的归纳,包括早期和后期治疗侧重点。  相似文献   

1988年以来,我科在门诊用复方青霉素膏治疗鼻前庭感染140例取得满意效果,介绍如下。一、治疗范围:反复发作的鼻前庭皮肤龟裂、鼻中隔前端粘膜糜烂及鼻翼、鼻尖部皮肤的湿疹样改变。二治疗方法:1、复方青霉素膏的制备:取青霉素粉剂80万u、维生素C片400mg研成粉末,红霉素眼膏一支混在一起搅拌均匀(或加入氧化锌膏中,适用于湿疹样改  相似文献   

哗……全国政协礼堂里响起一阵热烈的掌声,年仅38岁的张大干被任命为中华针炙进修学院院长。但谁能想到,这位年轻的院长仅有两年制卫生学校的毕业文凭。  相似文献   

本品为茅膏菜科茅膏莱属植物茅膏菜Droserapeltata Sm.ex Willd.的干燥块根及全草;多年生草本,直立,淡绿色,具紫红色汁液;生于松林下、山坡、草丛半阴湿地,田边、水旁、草坪亦可见;花果期6-9月,海拔1200—3650米。大理有分布;产西南诸省区。  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(12):1966-1975
The relational model of trauma (Scheeringa & Zeanah, 2001) proposes that infants’ trauma symptoms may be influenced by their mothers' trauma symptoms and disruptions in caregiving behavior, although the mechanisms by which this occurs are less well understood. In this research, we examined the direct and indirect effects of a traumatic event (maternal intimate partner violence [IPV]), maternal trauma symptoms, and impaired (harsh and neglectful) parenting on infant trauma symptoms in a sample of mother–infant dyads (N = 182) using structural equation modeling. Mothers completed questionnaires on IPV experienced during pregnancy and the child's first year of life, their past-month trauma symptoms, their child's past-month trauma symptoms, and their parenting behaviors. Results indicated that the effects of prenatal IPV on infant trauma symptoms were partially mediated by maternal trauma symptoms, and the relationship between maternal and infant trauma symptoms was fully mediated by neglectful parenting. Postnatal IPV did not affect maternal or infant trauma symptoms. Findings support the application of the relational model to IPV-exposed mother–infant dyads, with regard to IPV experienced during pregnancy, and help identify potential foci of intervention for professionals working with mothers and children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe law students' psychological symptoms, assess the role of law school stress in students' symptoms, and suggest ways college counselors can help this population. More than half of the 316 participants displayed symptoms of depression and psychological distress, and nearly half showed symptoms of anxiety. Law school stressors significantly predicted students' symptoms. Workload, peers, and low instrumental support most impacted students, thus providing specific directions and implications for college counselors.  相似文献   

基于中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2016年数据,采用潜在剖面分析方法考察2769名青少年抑郁情绪的异质性及其人口学特征,分析不同抑郁情绪类别青少年的人际信任差异。结果发现:青少年可分为高抑郁情绪、中抑郁情绪与低抑郁情绪3种潜在类别,占比分别为6.68%、22.03%、71.29%;乡村,小学、初中、不在学,学业成绩在班级后25%等特征的青少年在中抑郁情绪型与高抑郁情绪型中所占比例更高;青少年人际信任表现为熟人信任与陌生人信任的差序结构,3类抑郁情绪类别青少年的熟人信任均处于中上水平,且低抑郁情绪型的信任水平最高、中抑郁情绪型次之、高抑郁情绪型最低,陌生人信任在3类青少年中不存在差异,均为较低水平。  相似文献   


Objective. This study investigates maternal responsive parenting behaviors as a theorized buffer to the detrimental impact of maternal PTSD symptoms on young children’s depression and anxiety symptoms, disruptive behavior, and stress-related symptoms. Design. A multi-ethnic sample of 242 trauma-exposed mothers and their preschool-aged children was assessed. Maternal responsive parenting behaviors were observed during standardized parent-child interactions. Maternal and child mental health symptoms were reported by mothers. Results. Maternal PTSD symptoms were associated with their responsive parenting behaviors and predicted children’s mental health symptoms. Responsive parenting was inversely associated with children’s depression and stress-related symptoms. Moderation analyses revealed an interactive effect of maternal symptoms and responsive parenting on preschool children’s disruptive behavior and stress-related symptoms. Conclusions. Responsive parenting behaviors can mitigate the ill effects of maternal PTSD symptoms. Nurturing relationships buffer the impact of maternal PTSD. Helping parents’ to sensitively respond to their young children’s distress can support positive outcomes in children.  相似文献   

This study examined whether improvement in parents' depression was linked with changes in their children's depressive symptoms and functioning. Participants were 223 parents and children ranging in age from 7 to 17 years old (M = 12.13, SD =2.31); 126 parents were in treatment for depression and 97 parents were nondepressed. Children were evaluated 6 times over 2 years. Changes in parents' depressive symptoms predicted changes in children's depressive symptoms over and above the effect of time; children's symptoms significantly predicted parents' symptoms. Trajectories of children's depressive symptoms differed significantly for children of remitted versus nonremitted depressed parents, and these differences were significantly predicted by their parents' level of depression. The relation between parents' and children's depressive symptoms was partially mediated by parental acceptance.  相似文献   

Predictors of depressive symptoms among foster caregivers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: The main purposes of this study were to determine (1) the prevalence of depressive symptoms among foster caregivers, (2) the social-demographics, risk factors, and social support predicting depressive symptoms, and (3) whether social support buffered the effects of the risk factors in the Illinois Foster Caregivers Study. METHOD: Telephone interviews were used to collect data from a sample of 189 foster caregivers in the State of Illinois. Interviewers pretested the survey instrument, which included valid and reliable instruments on depressive symptoms and adult report of childhood maltreatment, an important risk factor for depression. Multivariate ordered logistic regression models were estimated. RESULTS: The foster caregivers exhibited few depressive symptoms, with only one respondent scoring in the clinical range. Contrary to past research on the general population, caregivers reporting higher income were at an increased risk of exhibiting depressive symptoms. The three risk factors-experiencing less than excellent or very good health, childhood maltreatment, and insufficient time to carry out responsibilities-were related to higher levels of depressive symptoms. Foster caregivers who perceived their support group as helpful had a decreased risk of reporting depressive symptoms. We found no evidence that social support buffered the effects of the risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that foster caregivers were adequately screened for depression, but suggest that assessing and providing assistance for health problems, trauma from childhood maltreatment, and insufficient time to meet responsibilities might decrease depressive symptoms. Facilitating and enhancing the helpfulness of foster caregiver support groups also might decrease development of depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine (a) the reports of conflict strategies and goals in response to hypothetical conflict situations, (b) generation of solutions to hypothetical conflicts, and (c) conflict in observed dyadic exchanges in children with high and low depressive symptoms. Children from Grades 4, 5, and 6 were divided into high (n = 57) and low (n = 57) depressive symptoms groups. Results indicated that the two groups differed on the types of conflict strategies but not conflict goals chosen in hypothetical social problem‐solving tasks. Also, children reporting depressive symptoms typically chose less effective strategies to solving social problems. In observed dyadic exchanges, the high depressive symptoms group employed more negative strategies than the low depressive symptoms group, but no significant differences were noted for the prosocial conflict resolution strategies exhibited. Findings and implications for children with depressive symptoms are highlighted.  相似文献   

Young children are at significant risk of exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV), and vulnerable to exposure-related psychopathology, yet few studies investigate the effects of exposure to IPV on children under the age of 5 years. The current study investigated the role of maternal PTSD symptoms and parenting strategies in the relationship between mothers’ IPV experiences and psychopathology in their young children, ages 3–6 years in a community-based cohort of 308 mother-child dyads at high risk for family violence. Data were collected from 2011 to 2014. IPV history and maternal PTSD symptoms were assessed by self-report questionnaires. Children’s symptoms were assessed with a developmentally-sensitive psychiatric interview administered to mothers. Punitive/restrictive parenting was independently-coded from in-depth interviews with mothers about their disciplinary practices. Hypothesized direct and indirect pathways between physical and psychological IPV, maternal PTSD, maternal parenting style, and children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms were examined with mediation models. Results indicated that neither physical nor psychological IPV experienced by mothers was directly associated with children’s symptoms. However, both types of victimization were associated with maternal PTSD symptoms. Examination of indirect pathways suggested that maternal PTSD symptoms mediated the relationship between mothers’ psychological and physical IPV experiences and children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms and mothers’ restrictive/punitive parenting mediated the relationship between mothers’ psychological IPV and children’s externalizing symptoms. In addition, there was a path from maternal physical IPV to child externalizing symptoms through both maternal PTSD symptoms and restrictive/punitive parenting. Findings highlight the importance of supporting parents in recovering from the sequelae of their own traumatic experiences, as their ensuing mental health symptoms and parenting behaviors may have a significant impact on their children’s emotional health.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the relationships among maladaptive perfectionism, self-compassion, and depressive symptoms in college students. It was hypothesized that self-compassion would mediate the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and depressive symptoms, with maladaptive perfectionism related to lower levels of self-compassion, and lower levels of self-compassion related to greater endorsement of depressive symptoms. Results supported partial mediation, indicating that self-compassion partially accounts for the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and depressive symptoms. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高校社区学生应对方式在人格特征和心理症状之间的中介效应.方法:采用应对方式问卷、EPQ、SCL-90对高校社区1300名学生进行测评,数据通过中介检验程序进行分析.结果:除求助的应对方式外,其他应对方式在人格特征和心理症状之间都起到部分中介作用.结论:人格特征可以直接预测心理健康水平,人格特征也可以以应对方式为中介间接预测心理症状,两条路径同时存在.  相似文献   

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