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老庄之道与孔孟之道既相抗衡又相通。一方面,二在本体论、伦理观、认识论、方法论上都存在根本分歧:老庄之道是天道、利己之道、出世之道、动之道、不可感知之道.孔孟之道是人道、利他之道、入世之道、不变之道、可感知之道;另一方面,二在政治观上又共同反对不“道”、“霸道”,主张“重民”、“王道”,在人生观上又共同追求超越自我,求得精神升华。  相似文献   

“道”,一般作“说”之义。当然,“道”也有些非常规义,如《唐五代语言词典》“道”条: ①是。白居易《览卢子蒙旧诗多与微之唱和因题卷后》诗:“今日逢君开旧卷,卷中多道赠微之。”又《南湖早春》诗:“不道江南春不好,年年衰病减心情。”②知晓,料想。……  相似文献   

人的生命无疑分为精神与物质两部分,如果说物质的、内体的部分是生命之量的构成的话,精神的部分则是质的构成。然而在当今世界,主导世界的西方科学明对人的生命之关怀,主要的方面是物质部分。他们在物质方面所取得的科学成就不可谓不惊人。其结果是我们的生活富足、安乐了,但  相似文献   

杨柳 《世界文化》2007,(9):25-26
提到贼,人们不禁想起那些偷人钱物,贼眉鼠眼的角色,但在电影的虚拟世界中却存在着这样的贼,他们在给人们带来愉悦的同时,还会让人产生羡慕之情,这些贼既是电影中的“雅贼”。他们从社会角落一跃而成为电影中的“英雄”。更是有许多大牌明星,争先恐后,抢着“做贼”。2006年一部小成本制作的中国影片《疯狂的石头》票房收入超过一千五百多万元,  相似文献   

平凡 《华夏文化》2005,(4):43-44
中国的茶及茶文化,从一产生就浸淫着道教思想,与“道”结下不解之缘。“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏(道教敬奉的三皇之一,农业之神)”。“神农尝百草,日遇七十二毒,得茶以解之”。神农为帮人民治病去痛,亲尝草木而多次中毒,终于寻茶得以解毒,并取名为“茶”,即今之茶。  相似文献   

北宋的苏东坡 ,是以诗、词、书、画多方面的艺术成就载入我国文化史册的。他的作品多富于哲理性 ,这从他的两首绝句《琴诗》和《题西林壁》就可窥见一斑 :《琴诗》是 :“若言琴上有琴声 ,放在匣中何不鸣 ?若言声在指头上 ,何不于君指上听 ?”《题西林壁》是 :“横看成岭侧成峰 ,远近高低各不同。不识庐山真面目 ,只缘身在此山中。”《琴诗》是说弹琴要有琴 ,还要有具备弹奏技巧和音乐素养的弹奏者 ,缺一不可。其概括意义在于阐明一切创造 ,都是主客观交融而成的 ;《题西林壁》描写了庐山云萦雾绕、岭重峰叠的景象。其概括意义在于指出研究问…  相似文献   

老莊哲學是中國哲學最重要的流派之一,在全世界也有很大的影響,而“道”是老莊哲學中最重要的基本概念。雖然老子說“道可道,非常道”, 但是在以老子和莊子為名的著作《老子》和《莊 子》中,還是多處論述了“道”的性狀和內涵,通 過比較和分析,我們便能確定其“道”的物理意  相似文献   

《礼记·礼运》云:“地不爱其宝。”随着云梦睡虎地秦简《为吏之道》和岳麓书院所藏秦简《为吏治官及黔首》等文献的相继出土、发现和整理,我们有幸认识和了解到2200多年前秦人的“为吏之道”。简文《为吏之道》等内容涵盖了当时秦人为吏从政的道德行为规范和基本准则,  相似文献   

《中庸》是《四书》中的一种,其中关于诚信有精到的记述。可能是受到战国时期儒家学派子思———孟子的影响,《中庸》认为,“诚者,天之道;诚之者,人之道也”。大意是说:向“诚”学习,使“诚”成为人的行为准则,使“诚”得到实现,这就是人道。《中庸》中论“人道”,大体上有四方面的内容:第一,天按照规则运行,人应该按规矩办事,不能随心所欲;规矩既含有法规,也包含道德规范。第二,天道不息(自然界不断运行,四季交替),相应于此,人道应当自强不息。第三,人要讲诚信,不自欺,不欺人,自尊、自信、自爱。第四,人不但要爱人,而且要爱万物(当然不包含…  相似文献   

《知北游》属于《庄子》外篇,共十二章,为庄子后学所作。它主要发挥了属于《庄子》内篇的《大宗师》思想,重在论“道”。这篇对于研究《庄子》“道”的思想、内外篇的关系以及《庄子》思想的发展变化均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

汶川大地震以后,在恢复重建中形成了灾后重建精神,这是伟大抗震救灾精神的继续.从灾后重建过程中所呈现的新气象、新风尚、新乐章,以建设中国特色社会主义先进文化为视角,把灾后重建精神初步概括为:"坚忍不拔,率先垂范;大爱和谐、感恩进取;我为人人,人人奉献".以社会主义核心价值体系为引领形成的抗震救灾精神、灾后重建精神,都是宝贵的时代精神财富,对于我们推进社会主义核心价值体系建设的实施,有着深远的意义.  相似文献   

<正>The Tsinghua University Academy of Chinese Learning reopened in November, 2009 to prelude the 100th anniversary of this prestigious institution of higher lea...  相似文献   

宋翔凤是常州学派里起着承上启下作用的重要代表人物,他继承舅父庄述祖今家学,并对龚自珍思想产生了很大影响。他虽然试图用今经学的理论重新解释经学问题,但由于生活在古经学盛行的年代里,故而治学带有浓厚的“朴学”特点。他以朴学方法治经学,难免存在穿凿附会的缺点。  相似文献   

蜀酒早在先秦就已产生,以后历代多有发展,不少酒品名闻海内.约中晚唐之际,川东川西地区出现了烧酒.约在宋初,四川出现了蒸酒,独步天下.本文还对李时珍所说烧酒自元代始有的成说进行了考辨,对中国烧酒起源问题进行了探索.  相似文献   

As the Olympic mascots "Five Friendlies" were released, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is approaching us. The anti-doping of the 2008 Olympics shall be undertaken by China Doping Test Center, whose performance at the 1990 Asia Games has been generally recognized and praised. However, the much larger scale of the Olympics will prove that the anti-doping task in 2008 will be much more difficult and complicated. Recently, the staff journalist interviewed fellow researcher Du Lijun from the sports medicine institute of the State Administration of Sports and his colleague Prof. Wu Moutian who just came back from the Durino Winter Olympics.  相似文献   

Hispanic and Latino Americans want security from terrorists as much as all other Americans. A protective membrane surrounding the country that is too porous is of little use and constitutes a danger to residents, both citizens and non-citizens alike. This much is uncontroversial. Similarly, most American citizens truly benefit from the work product of undocumented workers. Presumably, some case can be made that most undocumented workers see themselves as better off than if they had remained in their country of origin. Things become controversial when an attempt is made to balance resident safety against resident desire for inexpensive labor. The controversy inevitably escalates when consideration is given to the fairness of wages paid to undocumented workers. These moral issues cannot be ignored. However, as important as these issues are, the present argument addresses more specifically the duties educators have towards learners and potential learners regardless of their current citizenship status. The argument acknowledges that all citizens of a nation have certain duties to that nation but then the argument concludes by pointing out that some ageless professions like medicine and pedagogy have special duties transcending any immediate and transient duties imposed by nationalistic affiliation. Specifically in the case of education, all pedagogues have a duty to do nothing to exclude any willing participant from participation in the Great Conversation of Humankind.  相似文献   

The exhibition of "Olympic Fine Arts 2008" opened in Beijing International Exhibition Center on August 11 in celebration of the 29th Olympic Games. The event was initiated by the International Olympic Committee and co-organized by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the Organizing Committee of Beijing Olympic Games. With the theme of "China and the world" and the slogan of "Art makes Olympics better", this international gala for art precisely expressed and continued the spirit and concept of "Olympic Contest for Sports and Art", an event that was held in Sydney and Athens respectively,  相似文献   

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