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若二元函数连续,则二元函数按每一个单变量必连续;反之,二元函数按每一个单变量都连续,但二元函数不一定连续,而补充某些条件后,二元函数就连续。  相似文献   

根据二元函数连续与偏连续的定义,论述了二元函数连续与偏连续的关系。  相似文献   

若二元函数连续,则二元函数按每一个单变量必连续;反之,二元函数按每一个单变量都连续,但二元函数不一定连续.而补充某些条件后,二元函数就连续.  相似文献   

讨论了二元函数中的全面连续和按单变量连续,并概括总结了两之间的具体关系。  相似文献   

现行数学分析教材对一元函数的一致连续性都有详细叙述,但对二元函数的一致连续性往往只略加提及。我们将一元函数的一致连续的一些结论推广到二元函数。  相似文献   

本文给出了二元函数在某点处连续、偏导数存在、可微、偏导数连续之间的关系,并进一步给出了可微的判别步骤。  相似文献   

函数的一致连续性是数学分析学习中一个重要内容,文章讨论了二元函数一致连续性判定的充分条件及充分必要条件,并给出了相应的证明.  相似文献   

一元函数可微与可导等价,可导必连续,但二元函数并非如此.给出了二元函数的连续、偏倒数、可微之间的关系,并给出了简洁全面地证明.  相似文献   

本文先是通过具体例子给出了二元函数的连续性、偏导数、可微分之间的关系,然后推广到多元函数.  相似文献   

针对现有数学分析教材对二元函数一致连续性介绍的不足,详细讨论二元函数一致连续性的四则运算和复合函数的一致连续的条件.其次,用实例的形式对二元函数一致连续性和函数有界、偏导数有界、方向导数有界以及可微之间的关系做了详细的注解.最后,给出了二元函数一致连续区域可加性的条件,并用实例的形式对二元函数和一元函数的一致连续性做了比较.  相似文献   

运用比较异同的研究方法,得到二元函数与一元函数在七个基本性质方面的相异点.  相似文献   

本揭示了严格单调边疆函数和积分、广义积分与其反函数积分之间的关系。利用这一关系,可给某些积分析计算带来方便。  相似文献   

Videotaped excerpts of treatment sessions from a recent intervention study were examined to explore the changes occurring during social skills training and their relation to treatment outcome. 27 unpopular preadolescents who showed few conversational skills during pretreatment observations engaged in cooperative activities with 2 socially accepted classmates for 10 half-hour sessions. Half of these triads received coaching in conversational skills, while the others received nonspecific adult support during these activities. The quality of social interactions among triad members was evaluated during the sixth and tenth sessions. Children who received social skills training displayed more conversational skills and received more positive peer support during treatment than children who did not receive coaching. Coached children increased skill performance over time while noncoached children did not change. Furthermore, both conversational skills displayed and positive peer responses received during treatment sessions were positively related to treatment outcome.  相似文献   

清代著名学者、诗人赵翼宦游四方、交游甚广。无论与何等人交往,赵瓯北均能恪守古时仁人志士那种"与人为善"、"见贤而思齐"的道德规范,又因其为人豁达大度,待人真诚宽厚,故知己友好甚多。考察诗人的交游,对探究其思想的形成、把握清代文人阶层的生存状态大有裨益,亦可管窥乾嘉学风的嬗变轨迹。  相似文献   

随着社会发展,人们对秘书工作要求越来越高。一位合格的秘书,不仅应具有较强的业务能力,较高的品德素质,还要学会处理各种复杂的人际关系。本文从六个方面论述了秘书应如何处理与领导的关系。  相似文献   

关于模拟法庭实践教学的探索与研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
模拟法庭教学是法学教育中一种重要的实践教学方式,但教学实践中对模拟法庭教学实践活动开展的并不理想,存在许多不尽如人意的地方。本文从法学教育教学实际出发,提出应当在以下几个方面加强模拟法庭实践教学活动:将模拟法庭作为一门独立课程列入人才培养计划;建设好够规模、设备齐全的模拟法庭实验室;确定与完善模拟法庭教学活动开展的具体环节与步骤;开展模拟法庭的课程建设;在模拟法庭教学活动中运用多种的教学方法;保证经常性的、典型的案例来源渠道。  相似文献   

This research concerns the development of children's understanding of representational change and its relation to other cognitive developments. Children were shown deceptive objects, and the true nature of the objects was then revealed. Children were then asked what they thought the object was when they first saw it, testing their understanding of representational change; what another child would think the object was, testing their understanding of false belief; and what the object looked like and really was, testing their understanding of the appearance-reality distinction. Most 3-year-olds answered the representational change question incorrectly. Most 5-year-olds did not make this error. Children's performance on the representational change question was poorer than their performance on the false-belief question. There were correlations between performance on all 3 tasks. Apparently children begin to be able to consider alternative representations of the same object at about age 4.  相似文献   

This paper, written within a discursive perspective, explores the co-shaping of public and private discourse, and some of the circumstances under which one occasions the other, in the evolution of mathematical thinking by pairs of 13-year-olds. The discourse of six pairs of students, engaged in interpreting and graphing problem situations involving rational functions, was analyzed by means of recently developed methodological tools. The nature of the mathematics that emerged for each pair was found to be related to several factors that included the characteristics of the interpersonal object-level utterances both before and after the solution path had been generated, the degree of activity of the personal channels of the interlocutors, and the extent to which the thoughts of participants were made explicit in the public discourse. The analysis of the discursive interactions provided evidence that adolescents within novel problem situations can experience some difficulty in making their emergent thinking available to their partners in such a way that the interaction be highly mathematically productive for both of them. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

给出二元函数基本未定型极限的洛泌达法则及三种具体的求极限的运算定理  相似文献   

In a context where changes in conceptions or experiences associated with learning generic skills is a desirable learning outcome, how can assessment instruments be designed to bring about the desired changes? In this paper we show how understanding the variation in students' experience of learning a specific generic capability represents the first step in designing assessment instruments for bringing about desirable learning outcomes. Our research has revealed that from a student's perspective two major elements produce changes in conception or experience. From a teacher's perspective, these changes should lead the student into desirable learning outcomes. The two elements identified by students are assignments designed to encourage reflection and the characteristics of the teaching staff. On the basis of students' perceptions, therefore, we are further challenged to carefully construct assessment to bring about change.  相似文献   

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