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浅议图林博客   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过对图林博客-网络图书馆学这一实践群体的总体介绍,总结了图林博客的发展过程、特点及对图书馆学研究的积极影响,指出了图林博客发展中的几个重要问题,并试着给出了解决方案.  相似文献   

笔者利用内容分析法和链接分析法对厦门大学图书馆图林聚合(http://wiki.xmulib.org/rss/)中收录的154个博客进行了详细的调查研究,主要从女性图林博客的专业化角度,对图林女性博客如何传递女性馆员的价值观进行了分析研究.  相似文献   

秦明 《网络传播》2005,(12):4-4
博客的传道者方兴东曾经提出了这样一个非常严肃而又迫切的问题,他说,当“木子美事件”轰动全国并且极大地冲击了中国新兴的博客世界的时候,一个极为严肃,极为紧迫的问题就摆在了我们面前:我们应该如何塑造博客世界的道德规范?如何为博客的未来发展负起我们每一个人的责任?这个问题关乎博客对社会的影响和作用,也关乎我们自己的生存环境和未来命运。  相似文献   

随着博客的不断发展,越来越多的技术人员开始了自己的博客生涯.文章着眼于博客网络的研究,关注博客网络的结构以及博客之问的关系.利用社会网络分析方法,从网络密度、中心性以及凝聚子群等角度,选择博客因的博客为对象,对国内IT博客网络进行了实证研究,并对结果进行了讨论.  相似文献   

随着博客的不断发展,越来越多的技术人员开始了自己的博客生涯。文章着眼于博客网络的研究,关注博 客网络的结构以及博客之间的关系。利用社会网络分析方法,从网络密度、中心性以及凝聚子群等角度,选择博客园的 博客为对象,对国内IT 博客网络进行了实证研究,并对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

“女性主义”feminism的概念来源于西方的女权运动,它泛指主张性别平等、男女平权的各种社会文化思潮。它竭力主张女性在公共事物中的同等参与,向旧的传统思想挑战。女性主义传播目的在于唤起社会对女性的关注,在媒介宣传上得到应有的与男性平等的地位,营造多元的传播空间与传播视角,拥有更多的话语权。近几年来博客等互联网信息传播渠道的弥漫与家喻户晓,已经将个人——互联网的使用者,  相似文献   

毛彦妮  王菲菲 《图书情报工作》2012,56(18):93-98,126
指出共链分析已在商务网站评价、竞争情报分析、商业信息挖掘等领域有广泛应用。综合运用共链分析与社会网络分析的方法,对国内市场份额排名前50位的电子商务网站的企业竞争态势与竞争关系及地位进行综合分析,并对企业间潜在竞争关系挖掘进行初步探索,以期能对竞争情报方法论研究和国内电子商务市场的发展提供一定的启示和参考。研究发现,共链网络中节点的程度中心性与企业实际的市场份额之间存在显著的相关关系,且竞争关系多存在于不同组织下业务类型相似的企业实体,而有些互补服务的企业之间则是合作关系的存在,这一发现或许能为未来电子商务市场发展战略规划与制定提供一定的指导和帮助。  相似文献   

本文从博客的定义、特点出发,概述了博客与图书馆的关系,以及图林博客对图书馆编目工作的启示与作用.  相似文献   

本文通过搜集整理互联网上中文图书馆学专业blog,介绍了图书馆学专业博客内容。通过进行统计分析,指出博文内容广泛、形式自由、语言生动有趣、写作不受时间约束等特点。  相似文献   

基于链接分析的图林博客显著度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以95个图林博客为研究对象,通过单链分析和共链分析,对图林博客网络内部显著度和外部显著度进行分析.研究发现了图林网络中显著度较高的博客,并分析了其网络显著度高的因为.最后对部分图林博客博主的共链网络和同被引网络进行了对比分析,结果表明它们之间的相关性比较弱.  相似文献   

This paper aims the Benin Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals’ access to individuals on the social network through the study of the structure and use of the network. Subscribers to the library association’s listserv participated in a web-based survey to identify the colleagues they could easily reach. The analysis uses social network techniques and Pajek, a social network analysis software, and focuses on centralities, prestige and sub-groups to identify the key actors required for effective information sharing within the network.

The density of this is very low and suggests that intermediaries are important for the connectedness of subscribers (also referred to as actors); network centralisation is moderate and explains that some actors are central for communication among the subscribers. About 60% of the subscribers fall within one of two groups. In the first group, six subscribers are central to the network, because they are moderators of the listserv, members of the association board, or well-connected to other well-connected actors. The others fall within the isolates or had few connections.  相似文献   

This paper aims the Benin Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals’ access to individuals on the social network through the study of the structure and use of the network. Subscribers to the library association’s listserv participated in a web-based survey to identify the colleagues they could easily reach. The analysis uses social network techniques and Pajek, a social network analysis software, and focuses on centralities, prestige and sub-groups to identify the key actors required for effective information sharing within the network.The density of this is very low and suggests that intermediaries are important for the connectedness of subscribers (also referred to as actors); network centralisation is moderate and explains that some actors are central for communication among the subscribers. About 60% of the subscribers fall within one of two groups. In the first group, six subscribers are central to the network, because they are moderators of the listserv, members of the association board, or well-connected to other well-connected actors. The others fall within the isolates or had few connections.  相似文献   

网络共链分析与网络共词分析用于企业竞争情报分析的有效性已经得到证实。在上述研究基础之上,对基于网络关系整合的竞争情报分析方法进行实证研究。评价指标比较以及QAP分析结果表明,与基于单一关系的分析方法相比,基于网络关系整合的方法对企业间关系的揭示能力更好,不仅可以揭示出企业间的竞争关系,而且能发现产业或企业间的供给关系。   相似文献   

选取全球30个高校的图书馆网站,通过Yahoo!搜集其共链数据,并利用聚类分析、多维尺度分析和网络可视化分析法描述和解释高校图书馆的网络结构及其成因,揭示各馆的网络角色,明晰当代全球高校图书馆网络群体的群落划分及其相互关系,并为我国的高校图书馆建设事业提出建议。  相似文献   

This research investigates structural change made by Naver's online news section and how it has impacted the overall traffic flow of Korea's online news. This paper examined 45 websites in 2008 and 2010, and the total number of pages viewed within these sites was considered in the analysis. Social network analysis was applied to study the relationships between the news sites. The analysis through degree centrality and Bonacich powers shows that there has been a shift in market leadership. In 2007, Naver, the top search engine in Korea, stepped down from its leading position after they started to provide news services. Daum, the second largest search engine, has taken over the central position as the most influential news site. Based on the results of this study, practical implications for online service markets and theoretical implications for online services are recommended accordingly.  相似文献   

近年来,社会网络分析一直是学术界的研究热点,并在多个领域得以应用、发展。简要介绍了社会网络分析的基本理论与研究方法,分析了近年来此方法在国内医药卫生领域的应用,总结了其重要的研究热点,即运用了可视化工具,探测医学领域的研究进展与热点,作者和机构间的合作网络等,并指出其不足,为我国医药卫生研究提供方法性借鉴。  相似文献   

论网络环境下图书馆的内涵与功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对网络环境下的图书馆定义进行了探讨,并就图书馆的主要功能进行了分析。  相似文献   

略论网络文化与图书馆信息服务   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
网络化是随着国际互联网而产生的一种新的化现象,它具有信息传播的快捷性和交互性,信息交流的平等性和多元性以及化交流的个性化及渗透性。在网络化的影响下,图书馆的服务对象社会化,服务内容多样化,服务特色高效化,图书馆应创新信息服务的理念和模式,挖掘网上信息,拓宽信息服务渠道,加强馆员的继续教育,培养高素质的人才队伍。  相似文献   

This study applies social network analysis to examining the pattern of relationships among networked users on Sina Weibo, the most popular social networking site in China. Focusing on verified (or V-) users and ordinary (non-V-) users, this study maps three centrality attributes of the social network, in terms of in/out degree, closeness, betweenness, along with cliques, in the dissemination and sharing of health-related information in the virtual community. Findings reveal a ‘spider web’ pattern of relationship among 50 V-users and 50 non-V-users during a regular period of time, highlighting the dominant position of the V-users for health-related information diffusion. Data analysis then reports a ‘drifting dandelion’ pattern of network among those who shared the information about a health-related incident on Weibo. This study also provides further information about the topical categories of health-related messages shared during the regular period as well as the topics concerning the incident. The implications of social networking media for health communication are also discussed.  相似文献   

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