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针对机械类专业运动控制实验教学需要,设计了一个简易运动控制平台,为学生实践计算机运动控制知识提供了一个低价位平台。该平台主要功能包括,可编程51单片机内核、两路直流电机驱动,两路伺服电机驱动,4路8位AD,2路模拟比较器。可开设双轮驱动小车控制,两自由度X-Y工作台控制等实验。  相似文献   

A brief account of developments in the experimental and theoretical investigations of Brownian motion is presented. Interestingly, Einstein who did not like God’s game of playing dice for electrons in an atom himself put forward a theory of Brownian movement allowing God to play the dice. The vital role played by his random walk model in the evolution of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and multitude of its applications is highlighted. Also included are the basics of Langevin’s theory for Brownian motion. Shama Sharma is currently working as lecturer at DAV College, Punjab. She is working on some problems in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Vishwamittar is professor in physics at Panjab University, Chandigarh and his present research activities are in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. He has written articles on teaching of physics, history and philosophy of physics.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - In this commentary, I consider different theoretical and methodological aspects of Davis and Bellocchi’s study. I begin by identifying definitions of...  相似文献   

The study investigated the effect of test mode anticipation on performance in the anticipated and the unanticipated mode in four sections (same instructor) of a first-year college algebra course. To build up anticipation, students in two sections received recall tests, and students in the other two sections received recognition tests over 6 successive weeks. Following this, the test mode was changed without warning for half the students in each section. Results showed that performance suffered when the test mode was changed for students anticipating a recognition test. Students anticipating a recall test did equally well in both test modes.  相似文献   

针对热胀系数测量的具体实验内容,研究了利用Virtools进行虚拟实验设计的基本思路。根据实验原理和实验内容,分析虚拟实验所需实现的交互功能。介绍了3D建模的注意事项,并对交互功能实现和实验数据分析的方法进行了详细的分析和总结。  相似文献   

利用数码相机拍摄小球运动的短片,利用Premiere,Photoshop和Excel等计算机软件合成轨迹图、处理数据和拟合运动曲线,从而探索抛射体的运动规律,并求得重力加速度值。最后分析了表差法处理结果的不确定度。  相似文献   

In this paper we estimate the effect of class attendance on exam performance by implementing a policy in three large economics classes that required students scoring below the median on the midterm exam to attend class. This policy generated a large discontinuity in the rate of post-midterm attendance at the median of the midterm score. We estimate that near the policy threshold, the post-midterm attendance rate was 36 percentage points higher for those students facing compulsory attendance. The discontinuous attendance policy is also associated with a significant difference in performance on the final exam. We estimate that a 10 percentage point increase in a student's overall attendance rate results in a 0.17 standard deviation increase in the final exam score without adversely affecting performance on other classes taken concurrently.  相似文献   

针对北京航空航天大学自动控制原理实验室目前的教学现状和特点,依据作者自己多年的教学经验,研制开发了实验教学课堂直播系统.该系统可以运行在实验中心的局域网或校园网中,对提高教师的工作效率、改善工作质量具有重要作用.  相似文献   

回顾布朗运动的主要理论解释,简述不同理论的一些结果。  相似文献   

This article documents the use of the screening and formative observation instruments of the Florida Performance Measurement System; a system whose content validity, reliability, and predictive validity has been established for use in evaluating beginning, certified, and master teachers. A videotaped lesson, taught by the Secretary of Education, William Bennett, was coded and the data analyzed by reference to the norms of high school teacher performance in Florida. The specific strengths and areas of potential improvement of the teacher's performance are identified and constructive changes in performance suggested.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether an instructional intervention can increase students’ self-regulated use of retrieval practice in a higher education classroom environment. A lab-experiment by Ariel and Karpicke (2017) revealed that strategy instructions improved students’ self-regulated use of retrieval practice and subsequent test performance. Our goal was to determine whether these effects generalize to a classroom environment using key concepts from marketing communication. We compared two groups on their self-regulated use of retrieval practice using an online environment. An experimental group (n = 58) received strategy instructions on retrieval practice and a control group (n = 58) received neutral instructions. Instructions were provided during sessions 1 and 2; no instructions were provided in a third, transfer session, measuring self-regulated use of retrieval practice. In sessions 1 and 2, no significant differences between groups were found. In the transfer session, the experimental group tested themselves more (Hypothesis 1) and displayed a larger number of (correct) retrieval attempts per key concept (Hypothesis 2) than the control group. No correlations were found with performance (Hypothesis 3). With our experiment, we took a first step in supporting students in their self-regulated use of retrieval practice in a classroom environment with complex materials.  相似文献   

在英语课堂教学中,依据英语教学理论,通过课堂设计与实施,使学生学习依场合、对象、情境等不同,适切而合宜地达到资讯交换与意义传达的目的,培养语言沟通能力。  相似文献   

提出一种采用交流恒流源实现电感测量的方法,采用一些常用元器件实现,电路结构简单,成本低廉.该电路既可用于高校电子电路相关实验室测量电感,也可将其设计成教学实验内容,要求学生自行设计开发,对提高学生的实践动手和创新能力有一定的促进作用.实际测试结果表明,该电路性能稳定,测量精度较高,且具有较强的扩展性.  相似文献   

There are encouraging signs that the history and philosophy of science are becoming more important in the teaching of science and in the preparation of science teachers. This tendency is supported here by looking at the widespread treatment of Galileo's account of pendulum motion in science texts and classrooms, indicating that it is a less than adequate account of the historical facts, and suggesting that the teaching of this commonplace topic can be considerably enhanced if science teachers have some familiarity with basic research in the history and philosophy of science.  相似文献   

针对现有的Stefan扩散管法测试装置技术上的不足,研制了一种带有可拆卸套管式玻璃扩散管的挥发性液体-空气(或其他气体)扩散系数的测试装置。该测试装置不仅可以保证液体能够自动平稳缓慢地从底部注入扩散管,从而在液体上部气体空间不产生明显的对流扰动作用,而且还可以安排几种液体同时测定,提高测试效率。此外,基于安全性考虑,将玻璃扩散管竖直固定于温控数显玻璃恒温水浴中,提高测定精确度的同时,也提高测试系统的安全性。  相似文献   

Abstract: While research on group learning has focused almost exclusively on interactions among individuals within groups, there has been little research on phenomena occurring between groups of learners in classrooms. This exploratory study identifies, describes, and categorizes events occurring between members of different learning groups in three ninth‐grade physical science classrooms. Analysis of interaction data from a collaborative activity involving the construction of complex electrical circuits was used to create a working taxonomy of inter‐group events. This taxonomy was then tested for generalizability with four other collaborative student projects and was found to account for all inter‐group events during these activities. Evidence gathered from videotape, interview, and observational data further indicated that many types of inter‐group interactions are qualitatively different from intra‐group interactions, and that inter‐group interactions contribute significantly to learning within a design‐based classroom context. Students in these classrooms effectively used the special expertise of others outside of their assigned groups and exploited features of the material environment in specific ways with others outside of their assigned groups to create complex products. Examples are included of how concepts, ideas, tools, tool‐related practices, and materials diffused throughout the classroom environment and were appropriated by learners in various ways to contribute to the construction of the design artifacts. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 17–42, 2001  相似文献   


This paper considers the role of a new vocational science qualification in the UK (Intermediate General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ) science) and how it relates to science-based employment. Studies into employers' requirements are reviewed and found to indicate that an ability to understand and evaluate scientific evidence is valued highly. This part of science is not currently taught explicitly either in GNVQ or elsewhere in the science curriculum. The authors report the results of a small intervention study in which ideas about evidence were explicitly taught within Intermediate GNVQ science. The findings suggest that it is feasible to incorporate such teaching into the qualification but that, if it is not part of the formal assessment process, the teaching tends to be undervalued by the students. By contrast, the teaching staff involved in the project recognised that these ideas fill a gap in the qualification and valued the teaching materials developed for this purpose. A means of incorporating the assessment of such understanding into the current assessment procedures is put forward. Such a modification to the assessment process would add rigour to the qualification and provide a better preparation for employment in science-based industry.  相似文献   

A 12‐week peer tutoring reading programme named ‘Shared Reading’ was conducted with a class of SPA primary school children. Significant reading gains were shown by the class at the end of the experimental period when compared to a matched control group. The gains were not maintained when the children reverted back to individual silent reading. Before the programme the children had exhibited poor reading behaviours—whilst the class had a splintered social structure. During the programme the level of on‐task reading behaviours rose considerably and more positive social behaviours were noted in the class with more friendliness, cohesion and co‐operation between the children. The belief that the gains of the children informally acting as ‘tutors’ would be adversely affected by them helping their less able peers was not supported since the ‘tutors’ made more reading gain than the Hutees’. It is concluded that peer tutoring is an under‐used teaching strategy which, if used appropriately, can be a valuable and enjoyable one for teachers and pupils.  相似文献   

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