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Think the hazy(烟雾弥漫的), crazy days are behind you? Think again - Hollywood has already planned your next summer break.In the black Reeves "The Matrix Reloaded" will be pitted (抗衡) against "X Men 2" in May.  相似文献   

" Each age has its own follies (罪恶), as its majority is made up of foolish young people. "-Ralph Waldo EmersonAhhh, lighten up, Ralph. You're taking this fad(时尚) thing way too seriously.Fads are supposed to be fun. They're crazy hairstyles, wild clothes, outrageous dance moves, 15-minute phenomena. . .And nothing launches a fad like hit movies, big TV shows or hot sounds, which makes this collection pretty much the definitive pop-culture time line for an entire century.Some of these fads will make you cringe(畏缩), others will make you long for zanier times. But they all have one thing in common: Each caused a huge sensation during its brief run-and that's something even Emerson should be able to get behind.  相似文献   

由于历史和文化截然不同,中国与西方国家的公众节日也各具特色。随着世界的融合与发展,越来越多西方国家的节日被同学们所熟知,比如圣诞节、情人节、感恩节、万圣节等。但除此之外,还有一些特别的节日大家知之甚少,在这难得的寒假之时,我们为同学们整理出了一些西方节日,供大家在闲暇之余阅读。  相似文献   

Susan: I can't believe that we're almost out ofhigh school.Jack: I can't either. What are you going to do next fall? Go to college?Susan: Yes, but I can't decide where to go.  相似文献   

While I was waiting to enter university, I saw in a newspaper a teaching jobwanted at a school about ten miles from where I 1 . Being very short of money andwanting to 2 something useful I applied (申请). Fearing as I did so, that without adegree and with no 3 of teaching my chances of getting the job were 4 .  相似文献   

女儿在加拿大卑诗省的三角洲市读书,小学的名字翻译成中文就叫灰色小学(G ray Elem entarySchool),因为学校所在街道以前的名字叫G ray R oad(灰色路)而得名。就是这么小学,女儿就是这么个小学生,可是啊,名堂花样还是不少的五花八门的学校日算其中之一吧。到底是怎么的花样?就我所知,有什么“疯狂发型日(crazy hairday)”、“双胞胎日(tw insday)”、“睡衣日(pajam a day)”、“我喜欢写作日(Ilove to w rite day)”、“走路上学日(w alk to schoolday)”和“相反日(backw ardsday)”等等,不一而足。疯狂发型日,做“今日之星”“疯狂发…  相似文献   

Independence Day is all an-nual holiday commemorating(纪念)the formal adoption by the Continental Congress of the Declaration of Independence(美国大陆国会正式接受独立宣言)on July 4.1776.Although the signing of the Declaration was  相似文献   

The Sm ithsonian Institution s N a-tional A ir and Space M useum m aintainsthe largest collection of historic air andspacecraft in the world. It is also a vitalcenter for research into the history,sci-ence, and technology of aviation andspace flight,as well as planetary scienceand terrestrial geology and geophysics.The M useum has two display facili-ties. The N ational M all Building inW ashington,D .C.has hundreds of arti-facts on display including the originalW right 1903 Flyer, the Sp…  相似文献   

Independence D ay is the national holiday of the U nited States ofA m erica com m em orating the signing of the D eclaration of Independenceby the Continental Congress on July4,1776,in Philadelphia,Pennsyl-vania.A t the tim e of the signing the U S consisted of13colonies underthe rule of England s K ing G eorge III.There was growing unrest in thecolonies concerning the taxes that had to be paid to E ngland.This wascom m only referred to as“Taxation without R epresentation”as thecolo…  相似文献   

There are two days in every week about which we should not worry,two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.  相似文献   

巴德·布雷克(杰夫·布里吉斯饰)曾经是耀眼的乡村音乐明星.《疯狂的心》里首次亮相时是在科罗拉多州的一个保龄球馆.他终于有幸在此举办演唱会。他已经57岁,头发花白.穷困潦倒,烟不离口,  相似文献   

U Crazy     

Crazy Words     

别忙着揉眼睛,你没看错。Crazy就是我后排这位“仁兄”的自封号。其实,Crazy是个女生,只是……刚入高中,军训第一日,一向毫不吝惜笑容的我们被迫控制一下发达的笑神经——看着眼前这位如复活节岛上石像一样的教官,就算你  相似文献   

Teacher: Why arc you late?
Webster: Because of the sign.
Teacher: What sign?  相似文献   

lan 《音乐世界》2010,(15):124-133
盛夏来临,酷暑已至,不知是否因为2010年世界末日即将降临,今夏激热升温,全城燥热点升至最High。这样的季节,宅在家里来一场凉爽轰趴才是正经事。恰逢台湾嘻哈摇滚混血天团Magic Power降临Easy讲谈社,  相似文献   

Let’s face it—English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger;neither apple nor  相似文献   

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