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“先行组织者”促进化学问题解决的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“先行组织者”是由美国著名心理学家奥苏贝尔(David Ausubel)在1960年首先提出的。运用“先行组织者”进行教学是目前研究较多的课题,它主要采用不同组织者对学生进行教学干预,随后考查学生理解知识的水平。“先行组织者”的作用主要是帮助学生建立正确的信息固着点,增强新旧知识间的联系。然而,不同类型的“先行组织者”(以下简称“组织者”)是如何影响化学问题解决的?有关的研究较少。  相似文献   

新一轮课改,概念教学仍是化学教学的重点。先行组织者无疑为化学概念教学提供了一条“绿色通道”,在学生已知和未知之间架起一座桥梁。在化学概念教学中要充分运用不同类型的先行组织者,促进学生对概念的意义理解和问题解决能力的提高。  相似文献   

化学教学中实施“先行组织者”教学策略的探索江苏省江阴市南菁高级中学(214400)陆金如“先行组织者”教学策略的核心是:在课堂教学中教授新知识之前首先为学生设置一个能把握所授知识本质、对新知识具有引导性、起到纲举目张作用的知识构架一“组织者”,因为组...  相似文献   

"先行组织者"策略在数学课堂教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国教育心理学家奥苏伯尔认为:“假如必须把教育心理学还原为一部原理,我就要说影响学习最重要的一个因素是学习者已经知道了什么,弄清楚学习者知道了什么并在此基础上进行教学。总之,原有的适用观念是学习新知识的关键。”他认为,促进学习和防止干扰最有效的策略就是利用适当相关的、清晰的和稳定的引导性材料,这种引导性材料就是所谓的“组织者”。通常是在呈现正式的学习材料之前,先用学生能听懂的语言,向学生介绍一些有关的引导性材料,因此这些组织者又被称为“先行组织者”。先行组织者通常比要学习的新材料更一般、更概括,并且与学习…  相似文献   

“先行组织者”是美国心理学家奥苏伯尔提出的一种迁移理论,也就是先于学习任务呈现的一种引导性的材料。这种呈现的材料可以在概括和包容的水平上高于要学习的材料,也可以是具体形象化的模型或指出新旧知识之间异同的材料。因此“先行组织者”能降低学习的难度,维持学习者的兴趣,使其在较短的时间内获得较大的收益。我们借助这一原理努力探索在绘画教学中寻找和运用“先行组织者”,发现了“先行组织者”呈现方式在幼儿创意画教学中所起的作用。  相似文献   

学生是教学的主体,我们在课堂教学过程中为了提高学生学习的实际效果,必须对学生的学情进行分析,在学生的已有知识和经验中找到与新知识相关的先行组织者,基于"先行组织者"的课堂教学策略具有预习前置、联系生活、思维可视化等特点.  相似文献   

教学策略是当前教学研究,尤其是教学心理学研究的热门课题,奥苏贝尔根据意义学习的条件和认知维度提出了“先行组织者”策略,卢家楣从情感维度提出了“心理匹配”策略和“超出预期”策略,在探讨“学生的初始状态”、“最近发展区”和“先行组织者”策略三者关系的基础上,提出并探讨了认知维度上的“匹配与失配”策略,行为维度上的“行为自控”策略和“行为互动”策略。  相似文献   

教学的基本策略就是为学生搭建由已知通向未知的桥梁,使学生顺利获得新知识。“先行组织者”策略就起这种作用。在《机械制图》教学中,可以利用计算机绘图、新颖别致的实际问题、类比(或对比)对象、制图实验以及数学知识等作为“先行组织者”来组织教学。  相似文献   

中学化学练习中经常有“先行组织者”模式的运用 ,特别是信息迁移题。解决化学组织者问题应该加强学生已有知识的清晰性和稳定性 ,针对不同的组织者类型采用不同的方法。练习中的组织者作用与一般的组织者稍有差别 ,主要是为了提高学生的理解能力和学习效果 ,强化学生的认知结构 ,促进知识的保持和迁移  相似文献   

“先行组织者”是由美国著名心理学家在20世纪60年代初提出的一个概念。思想政治教学中的先行组织者运用的方式是多种多样的,但都具有一些共同的基本特征,教师在教学过程中要善于运用先行组织者,促使学生主动、有意义的学习;但同时也应注意知识的横向联系,使之做到融会贯通。  相似文献   

在整个外语教育认识活动中 ,外语教师承担的角色决不仅仅是一个知识的传授者 ,其所承担的角色具有多样性 ;不仅传播语言知识 ,训练学生的语言技能 ,还传播文化知识。在课堂上 ,外语教师也不仅仅是一个演员 ,而是课堂活动的策划者、组织者、参与者和评价者  相似文献   

Fifty-five ninth-grade science students participated in this study which compared the effects of two pretreatments, an advance organizer and a prerequisite knowledge passage, on learning and retention measured at low (knowledge and comprehension) and high (application and analysis) levels of the cognitive domain. The effectiveness of the pretreatments was measured by a framework test and a prerequisite knowledge test prior to the beginning of instruction. An analysis of covariance, with IQ as the covariate, was performed on the framework test and the prerequisite knowledge test. It was found that the advance organizer group performed significantly better than the prerequisite knowledge group (p < 0.001) on the first framework test, and the prerequisite knowledge group performed significantly better (p < 0.001) than the advance organizer group on the prerequisite knowledge test. These results provide evidence that both passages were read and understood by the students and that the passages had their intended effects as preinstructional treatments. An analysis of covariance, with IQ as the covariate, was performed on the low-level questions, high-level questions, and total score for the posttest and retention test. The group means for the two question levels and the total score were not found to be significantly different (p > 0.05) for either the posttest or retention test. The results of this study do not provide evidence that an advance organizer facilitates learning and retention more than a preinstructional treatment that concentrates on developing prerequisite knowledge.  相似文献   

It has long been assumed that graphic organizers (GOs) should be presented to students following text as an organizer, rather than preceding text as an overview. Robinson et al. (Educational Technology Research & Development, 51(4), 25?C41, 2003) challenged this assumption by finding support for GOs as an overview. The present study further examined this issue by having 111 undergraduates view three GOs before (overview) or after (organizer) reading or listening to a narration of a 3,400-word text, followed by measures of retention and transfer. Students who received GOs as organizers transferred knowledge better than those who received GOs as overviews. Whether GOs should also be used as overviews, as prescribed by Robinson et al., is unclear and in need of further investigation.  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to examine two fundamental questions related to the use of graphic organizer instruction with fifth-grade, normal-achieving students: (a) Does graphic organizer instruction facilitate comprehension, recall, and transfer of information contained in an expository textbook? and (b) To what degree is explicit instruction necessary for independent generation and use of graphic organizers by students? In four experimental conditions, participants read social studies information with or without the graphic organizer. The conditions were further separated by the presence or absence of explicit instruction. Participants in the control condition received traditional basal instruction, as prescribed by the teacher's manual of the district-adopted textbook. Participants in all groups performed comparably on acquisition and retention measures. However, when required to read and recall novel social studies content, participants receiving the graphic organizer and explicit instruction performed better on the measure of transfer than students who received traditional basal instruction did.  相似文献   

在信息化浪潮席卷全球的时代,传统的大学英语教学已不能满足学生对语言学习的要求。大学英语教师的角色,更多地从台前转到了幕后,从课堂上的知识传授者转为课堂教学的设计者、组织者、管理者。相应地,教师的工作更多地转为幕后准备,其中包括知识的积淀、大纲的设计和规划、信息资源的收集、课堂内容的布局以及课下的管理与评估。把握这一定位是大学英语教学改革即多媒体网络技术在英语教学中取得成功的关键所在。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of including interactive graphic organizers into a whole-class PowerPoint lesson as an instructional approach intended to improve student engagement and generative learning in schools. A software application was developed and integrated into PowerPoint that makes it possible for the instructor to fill in empty graphic organizers during PowerPoint projection mode. The participants were 152 fourth-grade students selected from three schools that were grouped in four classrooms. Each classroom was divided in two groups—graphic organizer and content-based. The graphic organizer group was taught using an 11-slide PowerPoint presentation on a social study topic that included two empty graphic organizers plus two additional slides explaining how to make a comparison. The content-based group was taught using the same presentation but without these additional slides plus a set of questions students had to answer as a class activity. The lessons were recorded and the verbal statements between instructor and students examined using the Flanders Interaction Analysis System. Results indicated significant differences in how instructors and students interacted in each group, including more questions asked by teachers (d?=?1.99) and more students participating in the classroom discussion in the graphic organizer group (d?=?1.76). Learning outcomes showed that the graphic organizer group outperformed the content-based group on a memory test (d?=?.45) and a comprehension test (d?=?.44). These results encourage the use of graphic organizers as an instructional approach, and are consistent with a generative theory of learning.  相似文献   

初中生受年龄特点、知识基础、智慧水平以及教学内容的制约,数学学习如果采取有意义的接受学习为主、发现学习为辅的模式,同时结合网络多媒体技术辅助教学,通过先行组织者的桥梁作用和借助图形、动画等多媒体技术手段,能够帮助学生寻找新旧知识的联系,能够训练学生运用知识解决问题的能力,全面提升学生的智力、能力和综合素质。  相似文献   


This paper describes the development of a software program that supports argumentative reading and writing, especially for novice students. The software helps readers create a graphic organizer from the text as a knowledge map while they are reading and use their prior knowledge to build their own opinion as new information while they think about writing their essays. Readers using this software can read a text, underline important words or sentences, pick up and dynamically cite the underlined portions of the text onto a knowledge map as quotation nodes, illustrate a knowledge map by linking the nodes, and later write their opinion as an essay while viewing the knowledge map; thus, the software bridges argumentative reading and writing. Sixty-three freshman and sophomore students with no prior argumentative reading and writing education participated in a design case study to evaluate the software in classrooms. Thirty-four students were assigned to a class in which each student developed a knowledge map after underlining and/or highlighting a text with the software, while twenty-nine students were assigned to a class in which they simply wrote their essays after underlining and/or highlighting the text without creating knowledge maps. After receiving an instruction regarding a simplified Toulmin’s model followed by instructions for the software usage in argumentative reading and writing along with reading one training text, the students read the target text and developed their essays. The results revealed that students who drew a knowledge map based on the underlining and/or highlighting of the target text developed more argumentative essays than those who did not draw maps. Further analyses revealed that developing knowledge maps fostered an ability to capture the target text’s argument, and linking students’ ideas to the text’s argument directly on the knowledge map helped students develop more constructive essays. Accordingly, we discussed additional necessary scaffolds, such as automatic argument detection and collaborative learning functions, for improving the students’ use of appropriate reading and writing strategies.


大学英语阅读课支架式教学模式探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生是课堂的主体,教师是课堂的组织者和引导者,在大学英语阅读课堂上,教师应引导学生发挥学习的主观能动性,积极的参与到课堂活动中,逐步培养和提高自主学习能力。本文以支架理论为理论依据,探讨支架式教学模式指导下的大学英语阅读课,对提高学生自主学习能力的帮助。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展及全球化时代的到来,传统的大学英语教学已无法满足时代的需要。成功的英语教学需要通过教师与学生间的语言沟通训练才能实现。这就需要英语教师在课堂上扮演不通的角色以期对课堂活动进行有效的组织、引导和参与,从而使学生的各方面能力得以提高。本文分析了目前大学英语教学模式中大学英语教师可能充当的多重角色及其作用。  相似文献   

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