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提升学生在线学习中的数字韧性,引导学生正确面对变化、适应技术带来的学习挑战或逆境,是混合学习新常态下不可回避的任务。研究在对数字韧性内涵梳理的基础上,运用探索性和验证性因素分析,确定了在线学习中数字韧性的4个一级维度和10个二级维度,据此设计问卷并面向江苏省13个地级市的初中生进行调查。结果表明,初中生在线学习的数字韧性接近良好水平,遇到困难时情绪控制力较弱且存在性别差异,自我调节维度存在“初二低洼地”现象,农村学生仅在积极认知方面显著高于城镇学生。据此,研究提出在线学习中数字韧性的提升策略,即借助“预先计划—行为控制—自我反思”三阶段引导学生自我调节,基于“自己—世界—未来”三联征促进学生积极认知,根据“情境监测—注意分配—意义重构—反应调整”四过程帮助学生控制情绪,通过“家长—教师”双协同引导学生寻求支持。  相似文献   

大数据、人工智能等数字技术和教育深度融合,赋能数字化教育转型升级。学习韧性是影响数字化教育成就的重要因素,深受国内外研究者重视,但对于数字化学习韧性的影响机制的认识尚未统一。以4市6所高校438名大学生为调查对象,运用描述性统计与相关分析、结构方程模型及Bootstrap中介效应检验法,探索CSCL对大学生数字化学习韧性的影响机制以及认知负荷在影响机制中的中介效应。研究结果表明,大学生整体数字化学习韧性不强;CSCL与认知负荷显著负相关、与数字化学习韧性显著正相关;认知负荷能够显著预测大学生数字化学习韧性,并在CSCL对大学生的数字化学习韧性的影响中起部分中介效应。增强大学生数字化学习韧性,亟须创设人机协同的CSCL群智空间、重塑旨在降低认知负荷的精准化教学形态、构建旨在提高大学生数字化学习韧性的个性化教育生态,进而规避学业风险。  相似文献   

借助数字经济实现制造业产业链韧性的提升是产业链现代化建设和制造业高质量发展的重要议题。产业链韧性包括了代表“稳链”能力的抵抗力维度、代表“补链”能力的恢复力维度和代表“强链”能力的转型力维度,数字经济可以从这三个层面实现对制造业产业链韧性的提升。为更好地释放数字经济的驱动效应,应从“稳链”“补链”和“强链”三个方面明确数字经济驱动制造业产业链韧性提升的重点任务,并从充分发挥数字经济各要素的多元驱动力、实现产业链数字化转型阶梯式发展、构建“一链多点全面”的产业链数字化推进模式和打造以“链主”企业为主导的产业链生态体系等方面提出实现路径。  相似文献   

新发展格局下,加快数字经济发展、增强城市经济韧性是实现区域经济高质量发展的重要途径。基于2011—2019年长三角地区41个城市的面板数据,实证研究数字经济对长三角城市经济韧性的影响效果及作用路径,结果表明:(1)基准检验发现,数字经济发展能够显著提升长三角城市的经济韧性,并且对城市经济抵抗与恢复力的提升效果最明显。(2)异质性分析发现,数字经济发展对长三角都市圈内城市经济韧性的促进效果显著。(3)中介效应检验发现,数字经济发展可以通过促进创新创业和改善社会保障两条路径来提升城市经济韧性。(4)空间效应检验发现,数字经济发展对长三角城市群内邻近城市经济韧性存在正向溢出效应。由上可见,为了更好地发挥数字经济发展对经济韧性提升的作用,有关方面应当推动数字经济与实体经济融合发展,促进数字经济与社会保障体系联动发展,加快都市圈人才引进,以及加强非都市圈城市数字经济建设力度。  相似文献   

数字技术蕴含着影响全民终身学习观念、改变传统学习模式、助力全民终身学习教育体系高效构建、促使教育公平与高质量发展等价值。然而,在数字技术赋能全民终身学习中,存在着社会大众数字素养较低、数字学习平台单一、数字技术自身不成熟、赋能制度体系不完善等诸多问题。为此,应大力提升全民数字素养,强化主体学习能力;构建数字学习平台,高效共享教育资源;强化数字技术研发,提升技术赋能效度;健全数字技术法规,完善终身教育制度。目的是不断促进数字技术赋能全民终身学习的成效最大化。  相似文献   

孙杰 《江苏高教》2022,(11):120-124
民办高校作为中国高等教育的重要组成部分,为中国高等教育大众化作出了重要贡献。经过几十年的发展,民办高校已经从纯粹的注重规模扩张逐步向内涵发展阶段转型。但是由于民办高校师资队伍治理长期缺失,师资队伍薄弱,尤其高层次人才严重短缺,民办高校的转型发展和内涵发展受到严重掣肘。文章基于韧性视角,引入师资队伍韧性概念,从树立韧性规划理念、构建韧性制度体系、推行共建共享的弹性机制、赋能数字技术、加强韧性文化建设五方面入手,提升民办高校师资队伍的稳定性、适应性和可持续性,为民办高校探索打造充满活力、具有韧性的师资队伍治理体系提供理论探讨和实践路径。  相似文献   

研究基于在线教学情境,以“数字土著”的大学生群体为研究对象,通过对38个教学班的116名教师和533名大学生进行配对问卷调查,探讨大学生数字韧性的形成机制。回归分析结果表明,大学生对在线教学的感知有用性和易用性既会直接地正向影响其数字韧性,也会通过网众互动生成行为间接影响其数字韧性;多层次线性模型分析结果表明,教师对在线教学的支持力度会调节大学生对在线教学的感知有用性与网众互动生成行为的正相关关系。为此,教师应关注大学生对在线教学的感知情况,激发学生自主能动性,通过在线教学互动提高学生的数字韧性。  相似文献   

教学方式发生了深刻变化的标志是数字技术成为重要的教学手段。但教学环境却不适应数字技术的发展需要,主要表现在现有的人机系统难以适应人类的学习活动,使数字技术发挥不了先进作用,甚至阻碍了学生的学习。因此探索数字技术下的人机教学环境已迫在眉睫,本文旨在依据人的认知心理理论和对现有的数字技术在教学中的实际应用,初步探索人机系统的构想,并据此对未来的人机系统在教育领域的应用前景进行展望。  相似文献   

随着数字新媒体的关键技术和服务平台的不断成熟,传统把关人角色必须对自身重新审视.构建科学的把关体系,强化把关人的行为:慎把思想关,提高信息的导向性;严把学术关,提高期刊竞争力;精把规范关,提高期刊呈现度;善引社会公众监督,完善监督体系.增强知识整合能力,提高学术导向、信息互动能力.  相似文献   

数字时代谁可被称作数字记者?现有研究对数字记者的界定有技术路径和网络化路径。前者将技术视作实践过程;后者关注数字环境下传播活动的多元参与主体,但研究尚无法明确数字记者的范畴。考察实践活动中对专长的运用可以进一步明晰数字记者的边界。数字时代的新闻专长包含技能、社会-文化和伦理三个维度,分别对应技能性专长、互动性专长和伦理性专长。只有在实践活动中同时运用三类新闻专长,才可被视作数字记者,由此突破了职业视角。同时,这种界定方式可将技术物纳入数字记者的实践主体范畴,打破了以人类为中心的惯常界定方法。  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the significant protective factors that are likely to facilitate the development of Korean adolescents’ resilience. The participants were 2,677 students in Korea, among whom 442 were receving support from social welfare agencies. The results of hierarchical regression analysis show that the school adaptation variance was largely accounted for by protective factors rather than by risk factors. In addition, the results of logistic regression analysis indicate that the hope, teacher support, and meaning of life variables significantly distinguished the resilient group from the maladaptive group. Implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

Anti-bullying strategies are significant approaches addressing bullying in schools, however their capacity to produce a reduction in bullying behaviour is open to question. This article examined a resilience-based approach to bullying. One hundred and five primary and high school students were surveyed using several standardised instruments. The study found that high school students reported more victimisation than primary students; that students reporting greater resilience; experienced less distress regarding bullying; that relatedness demonstrated a stronger negative correlation than mastery with distress levels to bullying; that students exhibiting greater emotional reactivity engaged in more bullying behaviour compared to others; and that a younger group exhibited greater resilience levels compared to an older group. The results support an evolutionary psychology view of bullying and suggest an operational definition of bullying in terms of power differentials within a relational context. Further examination and development of a resilience-based intervention model focused on developing a sense of relatedness is supported.  相似文献   

在概括了网络环境下图书馆数字参考服务的概念、涵义和形式的基础上,详细论述了国外图书馆开发运行的几种合作式数字参考服务模式,以及我国图书馆合作式数字参考服务开展的情况。通过对比分析,指出我国图书馆应寻求适应我国国情和馆情的数字参考服务合作化发展之路。  相似文献   


RESCUR Surfing the Waves is a recently developed resilience curriculum for early years and primary schools in Europe. It seeks to develop in marginalized young learners the requisite competences needed to overcome the various challenges in their lives to achieve academic success and social and emotional wellbeing. The competences include developing a growth mindset, making use of one’s strengths, self-determination, effective communication skills and healthy relationships, and overcoming challenges and obstacles. This paper presents the findings of a study on the implementation of the programme in five kindergarten centres in Malta over a 1-year period. A pre- and post-intervention study in 20 classrooms (97 children) showed an improvement in resilience skills, prosocial behavior and learning engagement, but not in internalized and externalized problem behaviors. A small scale study in two nurture classes at two of the schools found similar findings. The findings suggest that there are indications that the programme as a proportionate universal intervention for early years leads to an improvement in social and academic behaviours, but more rigorous research is needed to substantiate these findings.  相似文献   

为探究外来工子女和留守儿童在社会排斥和支持情境下的内隐心理弹性的差异。采用RSCA量表划分出两类儿童的高低弹性组,分半参与社会排斥或支持的活动,进而完成stroop任务。结果显示在社会排斥情境下,对消极词汇的反应,外来工子女比留守儿童快,高弹性者比低弹性者快;社会支持情境下,高弹性者对积极词汇的反应快于低弹性者。说明受社会排斥的留守儿童和低弹性者有更多的内隐消极情绪,而受社会支持的高弹性者内隐积极情绪也更多。  相似文献   

While increasing attention is being placed on the crucial importance of a positive supervisor–student relationship, few studies have investigated how to enhance this. Our paper investigates the effect of gratitude practices, proposing it brings both focus and intentionality to the student–supervisor relationship resulting in better research outcomes and, by implication, a positive impact on attrition rates. Recent research has demonstrated that increased attention to gratitude can enhance relational well-being, but only a few studies investigate the role of gratitude in the higher education context. This qualitative case study explores the impact of gratitude as an intervention, following eight Ph.D. students and their two supervisors, in the schools of physical sciences, and medicine over a six-week period of focused attention on practices of gratitude. Findings revealed that all participants noted a positive impact in the areas of communication, social and emotional well-being, as well as on the research process itself.  相似文献   

Sexual victimization has been one of the most frequently studied forms of child victimization. Its effects are common and diverse; however, not all children and youth exposed to sexual victimization eventually develop adjustment problems. A total of 1105 children and youth (590 male and 515 female) aged between 12 and 17 from northeastern Spain were assessed regarding their experiences of sexual victimization, symptoms of psychopathology, and protective factors. The results showed that all forms of sexual victimization were associated with higher levels of emotional and behavioral problems. However, the presence of a low Negative Cognition, high Social Skills and high Confidence seem to act buffering internalizing problems. Additionally, a significant interaction between Sexual Victimization and low Negative Cognition was observed (p < 0.5), so that, low Negative Cognition was related to a lower risk of being in the clinical range for internalizing problems. Likewise, high scores on Empathy/Tolerance, Connectedness to School, Connectedness to Family and low Negative Cognition acted as promotive factors in relation to externalizing symptoms, in this case without any interaction effect. The strong relationship found with emotional and behavioral problems highlights the importance of continuing the research on the protective factors underlying resilience in the relationship between sexual victimization and psychopathological symptoms. The findings also support the multi-dimensional and specific nature of resilience and identify some of the protective factors that should be regarded as key intervention targets in adolescents with a history of sexual victimization.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment increases the risk of poor developmental outcomes. However, some children display resilience, meaning they are high-functioning despite their adverse experiences. To date, few research studies have examined protective factors among very young maltreated children. Yet, domains of resilience, and the protective factors that promote resilience among maltreated children, are likely to differ by developmental stage. Drawing on ecological systems theory and life course theory, we examined how protective factors at multiple ecological levels across early childhood were related to social and cognitive resilience among very young children involved with child protective services. The results demonstrated that the buffering effects of protective factors varied by social or cognitive resilience and the cumulative effects of protective factors were more consistently related to later resilience than protective factors at specific time points. In addition, the influence of specific protective factors on resilience slightly varied by initial in-home or out-of-home placement. These findings have important policy and research implications for promoting optimal development among children involved in child protective services.  相似文献   

随着多媒体信息技术、通信技术的进步以及信息高速公路的飞速发展,数字图书馆的研究与建设已成为计算机科学界、情报科学界和全球各地区图书馆的重要研究课题。概述了数字图书馆的功能和技术特点,并分析了数字图书馆的发展现状以及目前存在的问题。  相似文献   

This study examined (a) the extent of heterogeneity in the patterns of developmental trajectories of language development and academic functioning in children who have experienced maltreatment, (b) how maltreatment type (i.e., neglect or physical abuse) and timing of abuse explained variation in developmental trajectories, and (c) the extent to which individual protective factors (i.e., preschool attendance, prosocial skills), relationship protective factors (i.e., parental warmth, absence of past-year depressive episode, cognitive/verbal responsiveness) and community protective factors (i.e., neighborhood safety) promoted the development of resilient language/academic functioning trajectories. Longitudinal data analyses were conducted using cohort sequential Growth Mixture Model (CS-GMM) with a United States national representative sample of children reported to Child Protective Services (n = 1,776). Five distinct developmental trajectories from birth to age 10 were identified including two resilient groups. Children who were neglected during infancy/toddlerhood or physically abused during preschool age were more likely to be in the poorer language/academic functioning groups (decreasing/recovery/decreasing and high decreasing) than the resilient high stable group. Child prosocial skills, caregiver warmth, and caregiver cognitive stimulation significantly predicted membership in the two resilient academic functioning groups (low increasing and high stable), after controlling for demographics and child physical abuse and neglect. Results suggest that it is possible for a maltreated child to successfully achieve competent academic functioning, despite the early adversity, and identifies three possible avenues of intervention points. This study also makes a significant contribution to the field of child development research through the novel use of CS-GMM, which has implications for future longitudinal data collection methodology.  相似文献   

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