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This paper describes the use of newspapers in a philosophy of science course.Using the newspaper as a required text facilitates student exploration of the nature of science by examining current scientific topics. Students in the course read The New York Times on a weekly basis. The articles from the Times support two pedagogical activities: newspaper journals and weekly discussions. The journals consist of free responses to published articles and serve as a means to encourage students to direct their own learning. The weekly discussions permit a free exchange of ideas about controversial topics while facilitating discourse about a multitude of topics concerning the nature of science. This paper describes the course design and provides several examples of how newspaper articles can be used as pedagogical resource.  相似文献   

互联网给传统报业带来了严重的危机,"报业消亡"似乎已经不再是没有根据的预言。在与网络的较量中,报业也采取了很多措施来进行对抗,这些措施包括:获得国家的支持,开展报业之间的联合,进行多种经营,等等。从根本上来看,报业要度过这场危机,根本出路还在于要利用互联网,发展电子报纸。而要保持高质量的报业,在网络化的过程中,报业要解决好两个问题:一是网络报纸的收费问题;一是新闻专业主义的保持问题。  相似文献   

1923-1924年间日本驻芜湖领事馆向日本外务省隐秘地提供了两份关于安徽新闻报刊事业的调查报告。这些调查材料显示,从清末至1924年,安徽新闻报刊事业经历了萌芽、低迷、急速发展期,一时间仅省会安庆便有二十余家报社。之后多数报刊则因经营不振、缺少经费支持继而废刊以致倒闭,有些报刊则不得不求助于省府资助。省府资助的选择性对报刊的存续、安徽新闻报刊事业的发展曾产生了一定的影响。至1924年底,经历了短暂辉煌发展后的安徽新闻报刊界,只存有5家报社。  相似文献   

新闻学是一门实践性极强的学科,近年来,不少高校竞相开设新闻专业,新闻学教育的快速发展带来多方面的问题,学生实习难也日渐显现.新闻学教育应与高校校报加强合作,把校报打造成本校新闻专业学生的实习基地,可以在一定程度上缓解新闻专业学生实习难的现状.  相似文献   

“民生新闻”作为新闻学的一个新名词始于2002年,而事实上的民生新闻早在130年前就已经出现,即《申报》的市井新闻。《申报》作为中国最早也是影响最广的市民报纸,一直以关注百姓生活为己任,其市井新闻也是今日民生新闻之鼻祖。对《申报》市井新闻的梳理以及对《申报》市井新闻与当时上海社会的关系的分析有助于加深人们对当下民生新闻的思考和创新。  相似文献   

Based on our research on two Athenian daily newspapers for the first decade of the twentieth century, we present some historiographical reflections concerning the role of the daily press in the circulation of scientific knowledge, ideas and practices. From the wealth of material provided, we examine some of the ways in which scientific and technical knowledge was made available to a wider public and contributed to the creation of a general scientific literacy. Although Greece has never been in the forefront of scientific and technological research, the vast amount of newspaper articles on science and technology, but also references to science and technology in other kind of articles, show how discussions on science and technology become part of daily life in order to serve various agendas. Since newspapers address a very wide and diverse public on a daily basis they become privileged media not only for understanding the role science and technology played in the formation of modern societies, but also for examining the values and ideas attached to them and communicated to a wider public.  相似文献   

作为新闻学的专业基础课,新闻写作教学必须强化采访和写作两个实践环节。只有带领学生走进新闻现场,走近新闻人物,才能让学生在实践中发现和选择新闻,学会新闻写作。  相似文献   

“民生新闻”作为新闻学的一个新名词始于2002年,而事实上的民生新闻早在130年前就已经出现,即《申报》的市井新闻。《申报》作为中国最早也是影响最广的市民报纸,一直以关注百姓生活为己任,其市井新闻也是今日民生新闻之鼻祖。对《申报》市井新闻的梳理以及对《申报》市井新闻与当时上海社会的关系的分析有助于加深人们对当下民生新闻的思考和创新。  相似文献   


The concept of science capital has a growing influence in science education research for understanding young people’s science trajectories. Popularised in the UK, this paper aims to extend and evaluate the applicability of science capital in the context of China by drawing on PISA2015. More specifically, we make use of existing items in the PISA2015 survey as a proxy for operationalising the construct of science capital to explore the science career aspirations and attainments of 15-year-old Chinese and UK students (n?=?23,998). Our findings indicate that science capital has more explanatory power for understanding UK students’ science career aspirations than for Chinese students, where science attainment seems most important. We raise the potential challenge for Chinese students to convert their science capital into scientific self-efficacy and science career aspirations as we highlight the importance of recognising cultural and national differences in operationalising science capital.  相似文献   

In postcolonial multilingual societies, matters of education are deeply rooted in the discourse of ethnicity. In Malaysia, the interface between ethnicity and education is reflected in recent debates on the choice of medium of instruction (MOI). In 2002, the Malaysian government introduced English as MOI by replacing Malay, the national language, for teaching mathematics and science, at the school level. However, in 2009, the policy was reversed to Malay. This policy initiative has been actively contested in the Malaysian media. Through an analysis of news reports on the controversy published by the Malaysian Chinese newspaper, Nanyang Siang Pao, this paper aims to illustrate how a sizeable ethnic minority is able to position itself vis-à-vis a national policy. To explain the ethno-political construction of MOI debates in the newspaper, we use two concepts, namely, ‘plurality of struggles’ (Laclau, 2006a, 2006b; Laclau & Mouffe, 1985) and ‘transmission of the speech of others’ (Bakhtin, 1981). These notions are contextualized in the macro-context of a multi-ethnic polity in which Chinese society, Chinese press and Chinese education are seen to co-construct community interests.  相似文献   

新闻美术在上世纪九十年代的新闻界,是一个曾被广泛讨论的热点话题,但随着新闻电脑排版技术的发展应用.新闻美术跟传统美术编辑的工作方式一样,逐渐遭到摒弃,也造成了新闻版面“千报一面”的弊端。怎样才能增强报纸版面可读性与审美性,形成报纸自身的特色,使之能够在激烈的报业竞争中立于不败之地?在报业的发展过程中.新闻美术在版面设计中的作用重新引起业界的重视,由于电脑排版技术在报界得到广泛地应用,如何将电脑技术与传统的新闻美术相结合,创造性地发挥传统新闻美术的作用,成为新闻业亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

This paper sets out an argument and approach for moving beyond a primarily arts‐based conceptualization of cultural capital, as has been the tendency within Bourdieusian approaches to date. We advance the notion that, in contemporary society, scientific forms of cultural and social capital can command a high symbolic and exchange value. Our previous research [Archer et al. (2014) Journal of Research in Science Teaching 51, 1–30] proposed the concept of “science capital” (science‐related forms of cultural and social capital) as a theoretical lens for explaining differential patterns of aspiration and educational participation among young people. Here, we attempt to theoretically, methodologically, and empirically advance a discussion of how we might conceptualize science capital and how this might be translated into a survey tool for use with students. We report on findings from a survey conducted with 3658 secondary school students, aged 11–15 years, in England. Analysis found that science capital was unevenly spread across the student population, with 5% being classified as having “high” science capital and 27% “low” science capital. Analysis shows that levels of science capital (high, medium, or low) are clearly patterned by cultural capital, gender, ethnicity, and set (track) in science. Students with high, medium, or low levels of science capital also seem to have very different post‐16 plans (regarding studying or working in science) and different levels of self‐efficacy in science. They also vary dramatically in terms of whether they feel others see them as a “science person.” The paper concludes with a discussion of conceptual and methodological issues and implications for practice. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 52: 922–948, 2015.  相似文献   


This essay examines #SayHerName as a case study to analyze how circulation of the hashtag both challenged women’s erasure from #BlackLivesMatter discourse and motivated activists to center the stories of Black women killed in police interactions. We introduce the term rhetorical stratification to discern why the #SayHerName hashtag came to matter, and how it remained relevant in the national discourse about police brutality. To do so, we analyze how the #SayHerName movement evolved from the discursive to the material through policy briefs, social media circulation, and citizen journalism, which influenced news framing and initiated greater deliberation about this issue in both the networked public sphere and in local communities. We conclude that this hashtag invitation to digital activists engaged more nuanced perspectives about police brutality and policy reform, influenced the way Black women victims of police violence are covered in the news, and motivated community-based policy proposals addressing necessary changes in local policing.  相似文献   

This paper is about a longitudinal study to investigate how student‐teachers developed understanding of some key ecological concepts during a teacher education programme. Another aim was to interpret the student‐teachers' intentions in respect of the programme and to examine how these intentions influenced their learning. A group of students were followed through 2.5 years of a teacher education programme. The whole student group (n = 47–60) answered a questionnaire three times. Their understanding of scientific concepts, relevant to environmental education, was examined. Fourteen students were interviewed three times about a newspaper article discussing the use of surplus heat from a crematorium. The students were also asked about expectations of the teaching programme and of learning experiences from their science courses and from school practice. It is concluded that many of the student‐teachers did not develop the conceptual understanding necessary to be able to engage with the socio‐scientific issue presented to them. It also concludes that many of the student‐teachers approach the learning of science content from the perspective of their personal notions of the tasks of a primary schoolteacher, which is significantly different from the perspectives underpinning the curriculum and the intention of teacher educators. The connection between these two conclusions is discussed.  相似文献   

本文主张抛开现有新闻学概念,从新闻实践活动入手,抽象出了体现新闻实践活动共相和本质的“三元素”——“新闻理念”、“媒介功能”、“媒体形态”。文章通过对“三元素”的提出背景、内涵、对于当前新闻工作指导意义的分析.论证新闻理论创新应提“三元素”的必要性.也为新闻理论创新研究梳理基本脉络。  相似文献   

本文紧紧围绕报纸的新闻宣传策划这一主题,从新闻策划的本义谈起,结合作者自己的新闻实践,明确了新闻策划要充分调动新闻要素和传播艺术要素,在纸质媒介的版面上演奏出优美和谐的韵律,构造出多姿多彩的作品,由此形成新鲜活泼的文风,催出读者的新鲜感和阅读欲,达到新闻创新的目的.  相似文献   

The present study examined the outcomes of a newly designed four‐lesson science module on opinion‐forming in the context of genomics in upper secondary education. The lesson plan aims to foster 16‐year‐old students’ opinion‐forming skills in the context of genomics and to test the effect of the use of fiction in the module. The basic hypothesis tested in this study is whether fiction stimulates students to develop opinions with regard to socio‐scientific issues. A quasi‐experimental pre‐test and post‐test design was used, involving two treatment groups and one control group. One of the experimental groups received a science module incorporating movie clips (i.e., the movie group). The other experimental group received the same science module, but only news report clips were used (i.e., the news report group). Prior to and after the module, 266 secondary school students completed a questionnaire to test their opinion‐forming skills. The results demonstrate that the science module had a significant positive effect on students’ opinion‐forming skills and that the movie group improved their skills more compared with the news report group. It may be concluded that the use of fiction—to be more specific, movie clips about genomics extracted from feature films—to introduce a socio‐scientific issue in the classroom stimulates students to develop their opinion‐forming skills.  相似文献   

Monk and Osborne (Sci Educ 81:405–424, 1997) provide a rigorous justification for why history and philosophy of science should be incorporated as an integral component of instruction and a model for how history of science should be used to promote learning of and about science. In the following essay we critique how history of science is used on this model, and in particular, their advocacy of a direct comparison of students’ conceptions of scientific phenomena with those of past scientists. We propose instead an alternative approach that promotes a more active engagement by inviting students to engage in the sort of reasoning that led past scientists to reach insights about scientific phenomena. As an example we describe in detail two lesson plans taken from an eight-class unit developed with reference to the history of research on sickle-cell anemia. These lessons demonstrate how an open-ended, problem-solving approach can be used to help students deepen their understanding of science. Throughout the unit students are invited to explicitly and reflectively consider the implications of their reasoning about the disease for their understanding of nature of science issues. The essay draws attention to how this alternative approach actually more closely aligns with the constructivist rationale Monk and Osborne have articulated. It concludes with a brief summary of empirical research demonstrating the efficacy of this approach.
David W. RudgeEmail:

目前,随着知识经济的崛起和信息技术的提高,网络新闻在技术和内容两个方面都得到了迅速发展,然而,"网络新闻学"学科建设问题,在当前并没有被足够重视。因此作为人才输送者的高校,应逐步从三个层面——在现有的新闻学课程中添加网络新闻学的相关章节,逐步设置合理的网络新闻学学科的课程,设立网络新闻学专业——发展网络新闻学。  相似文献   

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