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This qualitative case study focused on the role of cognitive referents in the sense-making process of one teacher as he attempted to change his classroom science assessment. The interpretations identify cultural myths, conceptual metonymys, as well as personally constructed beliefs as referents that constrained change. The teacher's cognitive struggle to make sense of assessment and his role as assessor are linked to conflicting referents he used in varying contexts including day-to-day assessment and summative assessment settings. The results of the study suggest that cognitive referents are important influences in driving how a teacher thinks about assessment and may constrain an individual teacher's implementation of innovative practices. Accordingly, identification of referents such as myths, their associated beliefs, and metonymic conceptual models that teachers use to make sense of their actions is an important first step in developing an understanding of constraints to educational change.  相似文献   

文章通过系统地考察发现,汉语特殊语序的古今名称存在着未能准确地揭示出特殊语序的全部所指、名称的选用不合适等问题。解决这些问题的办法是:废除全部旧名,新造一组专名,对特殊语序进行科学而规范的说明。  相似文献   

词义的动态建构过程是多种认知因素互动的结果,词义的变迁和新义项的产生是社会的、认知的、语用的和心理的等综合作用的结果。对“晒”词义构建过程的概念隐喻和概念整合进行研究,力图解释词义变化和词的新义产生的动态过程和认知推理机制。  相似文献   

该研究对语料进行了基于意义建构的分类,并对不同类别的汉语新式复合形式单位的意义建构进行了解析,发现:复杂的意义建构是汉语新式形式单位超常的原因;转喻式数量最庞大,整合式次之,隐喻式最少;转喻和概念整合是汉语新式复合形式单位意义建构最主要的手段。  相似文献   

介词的多义研究在认知语言学中具有相当重要的理论意义和实用价值。文章运用认知语言学的范畴化的原型理论对介词(以"over"为例)的空间核心意义与空间引申意义之间的联系进行阐释,然后通过意向图式及隐喻认知分析探索介词的空间、认知域的核心与引申意义是如何映射到抽象领域的。由此来解释介词多义现象乃至所有多义词形成的原因以及多个义项之间的关系。  相似文献   

Environmental education (EE) is an holistic educational approach the main goal of which is to develop the students’ environmental cognition, as compared to the disciplinary approach which develops a compartmentalized cognition. Environmental cognition is defined as a reciprocal relationship, comprising knowledge, understanding, sensitivity, perceptiveness and imagination with regard to the environment as well as responsibility and motivation to make environmental decisions. A conceptual model was constructed for this purpose comprising three stages: sensing the environment and generating questions; analysing and then synthesizing a system presentation of the environment, thereby focusing upon the inter‐relatedness and interdependence of environmental components; and environmental problem‐solving.

The model was implemented for training EE teachers and for EE curriculum development. Both of which may enhance the inclusion of EE within the formal educational system.  相似文献   

The number of analyses of cognitive activity situated in a material and social world has increased. It has been particularly challenging to the theoretician and researcher to make the bridge from macrosocial theories of cultural learning to microanalytic details of situated human activities for learning in specific subject domains. The ontogenesis of conceptual change in scientific thinking provides a central case for examining this problem. A sociocultural framework informed by studies of conversation analysis is described, in which meaning negotiation and appropriation are identified as mechanisms for achieving such conceptual change. Key implications of this perspective for the design and study of learning environments are outlined.  相似文献   

认知视角下的多义词是包含多个相互关联的意义的词语的语义网络。每一个多义词都是一个意义范畴。有的意义接近原型,有的意义则通过概念隐喻、意象图式转换等认知机制,从原型意义中分离出来,成为引申的意义。认知语言学认为多义词的所有意义都可以通过表示与意义临近的关系的节点向外辐射,形成辐射状语义网络。多义词的语义网络不仅可以揭示多义词由原型义向边缘义引申的脉络,而且可以帮助语言学习者理解多义词意义的发展轨迹。多义词语义网络的构建具有很强的实用性和语言学价值。  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to consider how current vocabulary training methods could be optimized by considering recent scientific insights in how the brain represents conceptual knowledge. We outline the findings from several methods of vocabulary training. In each case, we consider how taking an embodied cognition perspective could impact word learning. The evidence we review suggests that vocabulary training methods can be optimized by making a congruent link between the words to learn and one’s own perceptual and motoric experiences. In particular, we suggest that motoric information about the meaning of a word could be incorporated into more standard vocabulary training methods. Finally, we consider the impact an embodied cognitive perspective may have on other characteristics of word learning, such as individual differences in learning and variations in learning different types of words, for example words from different word classes and words in different contexts.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the effectiveness of learning words while displaying meaning congruent animations. We explore whether learning words with animation is sensitive to properties known to influence action understanding. We apply an embodied cognition framework and predictions from a recent theory about language and action (Action-Based Language theory, Glenberg & Gallese, 2012). The current study aims to investigate whether dynamic animations add to word learning (Experiment 1) and what the linguistic relation between the dynamic animation and the word learning is (Experiment 2). Results indicate that meaning congruent animations improved verb learning compared to meaning incongruent animations when measured by a recognition task. When measured by an active recall task, congruent animations led to better learning than static pictures. In both measures, meaning congruent animations support word learning. Experiment 2 replicates and extends this and suggests that highlighting conceptual information related to the dynamic action (such as the goal) improves word learning further. The findings are in line with Action-Based Language theory, which suggests that children are able to make better simulations of an action during learning when supported by meaning congruent animations. Highlighting conceptual information additionally supports this learning process.  相似文献   

词的内涵意义是基于概念之上的意义,它总能引发出一种甚至多种联想:同一个词的内涵意义因人、因时、因文化而异,有的甚至大相径庭。因此,要准确地把握词的内涵意义需结合多种因素。另一方面,词的内涵意义的表现方式也复杂多样,而最常见的是与一些修辞手段的结合,从而取得特殊的修辞效果。  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to the concept of pedagogical link‐making in the context of teaching and learning scientific conceptual knowledge. Pedagogical link‐making is concerned with the ways in which teachers and students make connections between ideas in the ongoing meaning‐making interactions of classroom teaching and learning. First of all we draw upon socio‐cultural perspectives to outline why we think that ‘link‐making’ is fundamental to science learning and consequently to science teaching and then we identify three main forms of pedagogical link‐making. The related research literature is then used to specify pedagogical link‐making approaches associated with each of the three main forms. Finally, the resultant framework of link‐making forms and approaches is applied in analysing a teaching sequence taken from a UK secondary school science classroom. Part of this analysis involves identifying specific pedagogical tools/strategies that might be employed in the classroom to support link‐making.  相似文献   

This article presents a conceptual schema of the instructional process which is intended to make a number of relevant findings from research more readily understood and applied by designers of instruction and instructional materials. It is based on severll summary sources of research-based findings and principles from the perception, memory, and concept formation literature. The basic conception is that learning is the product of an ongoing interactive process between learner and environment, and that instruction is a temporary and purposeful intervention in that process, the aim of which is the optimization of the learner-environment interaction.The schema is organized around relevant characteristics of the learner, i.e., four basic learner requirements (stimulation, order, strategy, and meaning). These basic learner requirements are subdivided into twenty limitations, particularities and qualities of the human information processing systems. The resulting picture of the human learner provides the basis for describing what the other part of the interaction — the instructional environment — should be like in order to provide an optimum fit between learner and environment. The schema subsumes and interrelates many of the research-based principles found in the literature and hence may make them more memorable and usable.1 Because of the generality of research findings referred to in this schema, few specific references will be given. However, the principles on which the schema is based are all properly credited in the sources noted earlier, e.g. Fleming and Levie (1978).This article is based on a paper presented at the IWAPP Festival 1980, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 1980.Note  相似文献   

排课是高校教学管理中一项非常复杂且必不可少的任务.过去传统的开发方法很难满足用户需求变更,随着高校的进一步发展,排课越来越成为教务信息化、办公自动化的瓶颈.笔者在分析现代软件开发方法的基础上,运用UNL和Rose2003对排课系统体系结构进行可视化建模,给出了软件体系结构的整个模型方案.通过实践,该模型方案具有一定的通用性,对代码实现和调试具有较强的指导作用。对类似系统有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Lundqvist, Almqvist and ?stman describe a teacher’s manner of teaching and the possible consequences it may have for students’ meaning making. In doing this the article examines a teacher’s classroom practice by systematizing the teacher’s transactions with the students in terms of certain conceptual schemes, namely the epistemological moves, educational philosophies and the selective traditions of this practice. In connection to their study one may ask how conceptual schemes could change teaching. This article examines how the relationship of the conceptual schemes produced by educational researchers to educational praxis has developed from the middle of the last century to today. The relationship is described as having been transformed in three steps: (1) teacher deficit and social engineering, where conceptual schemes are little acknowledged, (2) reflecting practitioners, where conceptual schemes are mangled through teacher practice to aid the choices of already knowledgeable teachers, and (3) the mangling of the conceptual schemes by researchers through practice with the purpose of revising theory.  相似文献   

由于文化差异,在中国和英语本土国家,单词的社会文化意义或指代必有不同。通过探讨单词的概念意义和联想意义,论述了社会文化意义的交际价值,强调了文化的重要性以及充分理解和正确运用单词词义在达成成功交际方面的重要性。  相似文献   


In this review, we discuss (1) how the notion of conceptual change has developed over the past three decades, (2) giving rise to alternative approaches for analysing conceptual change, (3) leading towards a multiperspective view of science learning and instruction that (4) can be used to examine scientific literacy and (5) lead to a powerful framework for improving science teaching and learning.  相似文献   

空间概念是人类较早产生的、可以直接理解的概念,也是人们认识社会表达各种认知成果的基础。据Brown和LOB语料库统计,空间介词on在英语语言学习中占据着至关重要的地位。意象图式是认知语言中的重要概念,基于认知语言学中的意象图式来剖析介词on的空间原型义,及其在进行跨概念域转用时的隐喻映射过程,是符合人们跨概念域认知世界的过程。  相似文献   

高师公共教育学课程的实践性质决定了它不能给师范生一个分析逻辑的知识体系,而是通过教师的经验、学生的体验展示给师范生一个生动的教育生活世界。公共教育学课堂就是帮助师范生叩问教育的意义,寻求对教育意义的整体理解。从现象学和解释学的视角重新建构高师的公共教育学课程,有助于培养师范生的教育学意向。  相似文献   

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