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马正霞 《科幻画报》2022,(11):110-111
《新课程标准》指出“计算能力指能够根据算理、算法正确进行计算的能力”,计算能力是学习数学的基础,是小学生必备的一项基本数学技能。因此,提高计算能力有利于提高计算方法的简便性、计算结果的准确性和计算速度的快捷性。计算能力不是一成不变的,可以在平时的教学与练习中,通过一系列行之有效的策略来提高,尤其在小学阶段,该阶段是提高学生计算能力的黄金时期。  相似文献   

在低年级数学教学过程中,计算部分所占的比重一直很大。无论是综合类应用题还是分析思考型习题,计算能力都会被贯穿进去。因此,低年级学生计算能力教学对于培养小学生数学学习及其重要。小学数学教师应该不断地对低年级学生计算能力等方面的教学策略进行分析探讨,从而更好地促进相关方面的教学。  相似文献   

计算是多个学科的基础,也是人人必备的基本素质。对日常生活中的经常用的计算方法进行学习,是小学数学的重要构成内容。因此,对小学生计算能力的培养应从小学阶段开始,提高小学生的计算能力可为日后的学习打下良好的基础。本文以计算能力为核心,明确培养小学生计算能力的重要性与必要性,从学生和教师两个角度入手,分析部分小学生计算能力较差的主要原因,并针对性提出提高小学生计算能力的策略,将其应用到现实小学数学教学当中。  相似文献   

计算是小学数学学习的重要环节,是学生学习数 学的重要基础。小学数学教学中,计算能力是一项必备的基本 能力。培养学生具有一定的计算能力,能有效提高学生处理和 解决实际问题的能力。随着教育改革的深化,学生的动手实 践、相互合作能力得到了强化,但却忽视了基本计算能力的提 高,这对于提高学生的整体素质产生了很大的影响。因此,小 学数学教师在平时的教学中要非常重视对学生计算能力的 培养。  相似文献   

计算能力是每个人都应当具备的基本素质,因此在小学数学教学过程中培养学生们的计算能力是非常重要的一项教学任务,同时也是学生们今后学习数学的基础。新课程改革指出:"小学数学的一项重要任务就是要培养学生们的计算能力",纵观小学数学,我们不难发现数学中计算占有相当大的比例,而农村小学生的数学计算能力普遍存在一定的问题。虽然在新课程改革的实施下,大部分的数学教师都开始重视培养小学生计算能力,鼓励学生们自我动手实践,相互合作,鼓励他们算法多样化等等,但这样却在一定程度上忽略了学生们良好的基础计算习惯,经常会造成因粗心而导致计算错误。  相似文献   

小学低年级学生的加减法运算能力是非常重要的数学能力,二十以内的加减法运算能力训练,能够为学生的未来发展打下良好的基础。教师在小学数学教学过程中,必须准确把握教学重点,制定科学、合理的教学计划,有针对性地开展本年级数学教学活动。同时,教师要注重精讲,从基础入手,开展各种形式的数学训练,以此来培养学生的数学思维,让学生获得良好的运算能力。此外,课内数学训练必须充分结合课外训练,不断激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生主动进行二十以内的加减法运算能力训练。就二十以内加减法运算能力训练进行了深入探索,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

计算教学是数学教学的重要组成部分.学生计算能力的高低直接影响着学生的学习效果。教师要巧做"加减法",通过增加铺垫、优化等教学方式使计算教学真正落到实处。  相似文献   

1.重视口算训练,打牢计算基础。口算是学生必须熟练掌握的一项基本功,是数学学习中最基本、最重要的技能之一。口算能力的强弱关系到以后能否顺利学习和掌握多位数加减法、乘除法和小数(包括分数)的四则运算等一系列内容,因此应重视口算训练。  相似文献   

计算是小学数学教学中的重要组成部分,对学生未来数学方面的发展有很大影响。教师在小学数学教学中要重视学生计算能力的培养,通过计算的锻炼发展学生的智力和逻辑思维能力,使得学生的数学能力得到全面提升。学生计算能力的提升也是小学数学教学质量提升的重要指标,教师要针对学生数学计算能力方面的发展需求,适当调整教学策略,为学生创建更好地能力提升平台,为学生未来的数学学习打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

农村小学生的数学计算教学工作是整个小学阶段的重要组成部分。数的计算不仅需要清楚地知道数的概念、运算法则和原理,还需要端正的态度和大量的练习。本文以农村小学生数学教学为研究对象,通过分析农村小学生特点和农村小学数学教学工作的不足,提出了提高农村小学生计算能力的具体策略。  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - This study aimed to explore the digital environments of 3–6-year-old children within the home setting. A total of 537 children aged...  相似文献   

探讨考察聋童与普通儿童在解决加减文字题上是否存在差异以及这种差异与字词意识发展的关系。被试为二、三年级的普通儿童51人和三、四、五年级的聋童49人。研究结果表明:(1)聋童解决加减文字题的正确率显著地低于普通儿童,聋童和普通儿童解决合并题的正确率均好于变化题和比较题;(2)聋童和普通儿童在解决三种类型的加减文字题上均存在着年级差异;(3)聋童字词意识好的比例低于普通儿童;(4)字词意识对聋童的影响小于对普通儿童的影响。  相似文献   

中英文化之间既有相通之处,也存在差异性。翻译传递不同的文化,要尽可能保留源语文化信息,有意识地加强跨文化交际意识。本文从跨文化交际的角度出发,通过对中英文思维模式差异性的分析,初步探讨译者应对的策略。  相似文献   


In view of the lack of any clear available data, the incidence of underachievement at the high school level was determined. An underachiever was defined as a student with at least average intelligence whose achievement test placement is at least one standard error of estimate below expectancy. Subjects were 1,263 high school students in a suburban community. Correlation coefficients between the Otis and the National Educational Development Tests were computed and regression equations developed. The incidence of underachievement was 26 percent with the NEDT Composite Score as achievement criterion. The high proportion of students in an affluent community who underachieve is alarming.  相似文献   

Research Findings. The present study examined relations between social-cognitive skills, aggression, and social competence using teacher questionnaires and tabletop tasks with preschool and kindergarten children. It was hypothesized that the acquisition of a theory of “mind”, as indexed by an understanding of false beliefs, might be related to social behavior for this age group. Overall, results indicated that both generation of forceful solutions in a traditional social-problem solving task and performance on the false belief tasks were significantly related to social competence, after controlling for the effects of age, language comprehension, and teacher ratings of aggression. In addition, theory of mind understanding was a better predictor of social competence than performance on a more traditional social information-processing task that involved the generation of alternative solutions to interpersonal problems. Practice. The implications of these findings for preschool and kindergarten peer relations and their potential relevance to treatment of deficits in social skills are discussed. Specifically, training in an understanding of counterfactual thinking (e.g., through increased and structured opportunities to engage in pretend play and storytelling) may enhance preschooler social skills.  相似文献   

Research Findings. The present study examined relations between social-cognitive skills, aggression, and social competence using teacher questionnaires and tabletop tasks with preschool and kindergarten children. It was hypothesized that the acquisition of a theory of "mind," as indexed by an understanding of false beliefs, might be related to social behavior for this age group. Overall, results indicated that both generation of forceful solutions in a traditional social-problem solving task and performance on the false belief tasks were significantly related to social competence, after controlling for the effects of age, language comprehension, and teacher ratings of aggression. In addition, theory of mind understanding was a better predictor of social competence than performance on a more traditional social information-processing task that involved the generation of alternative solutions to interpersonal problems. Practice. The implications of these findings for preschool and kindergarten peer relations and their potential relevance to treatment of deficits in social skills are discussed. Specifically, training in an understanding of counterfactual thinking (e.g., through increased and structured opportunities to engage in pretend play and storytelling) may enhance preschooler social skills.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of anticipation of either an objectives combined objective and essays or essay test on students’ study methods and actual performance on both objective and essay examinations. In the first of two experiments-conducted under ordinary classroom conditions-introductory education students were told to anticipate one of the three midterm examination formats. In the second experiment-conducted with language arts students-the preparation period was tightly controlled to permit precise, unobtrusive measures of study methods. In both experiments each analysis of study method variables and various performance criteria revealed no reliable differences between the three treatment groups, suggesting that kind of examination expected did not affect amount or type of preparation, or actual performance on either examination type.  相似文献   

Although attachment theory has long posited a link between early experiences of care and children's prosocial behavior, investigations of this association have not embraced the multifaceted nature of prosociality. This study is the first to assess associations between child attachment and independent observations of helping, sharing, and comforting. Attachment quality in 3- to 5-year-old children (= 137) was linked to all three prosocial behaviors. Additionally, bifactor analyses revealed distinct associations between attachment and children's general prosocial dispositions and their specific abilities to meet the unique challenges of helping and, marginally, comforting. These findings underscore the importance of considering multiple explanations for links between attachment and prosocial behavior and provide novel insights into sources of variation in children's prosociality.  相似文献   

语言运用是一门艺术,人们在社交活动中,常常为一个词的用法而斟酌再三,力求准确、精炼,这就是词的辨析。本文着重阐述“同异”辞格与同义词辨析中的相同点与区别点,从而进一步体会一字之差给语义带来的变化,以加深人们对语言重要性的认识。  相似文献   

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