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汉代的女性频繁而广泛地使用方术,是一个十分引人注目的现象.而通过对相关问题的考察可以发现,汉代女性在方术活动中扮演了发明者和传播者的角色.作为巫者,女性曾是早期历史上主管祭祀活动的官员,与祭祀有关的媚道、祝诅等方术可能都是由她们发明的.而在女性的日常生活中,驻颜、房中等方术关系女性自身的发展和生活幸福,因而女性对于这些方术的发明无疑也有巨大贡献.另外,女性在方术的传播中曾扮演了师者的角色,这一点也是应当引起注意的.  相似文献   

More than two-thirds of STEM jobs are held by men. In this paper, I provide a detailed analysis of the STEM pipeline from high school to mid-career in the United States, decomposing the gender gap in STEM into six stages. Women are lost from STEM before college, during college, and after college. Men are more likely to be STEM-ready before college, scoring higher on science tests and having taken more advanced math and science courses. This accounts for 35% of the overall gender gap in STEM careers. During college, men are far more likely than women to start in a STEM major, accounting for 26% of the gap. After college, male STEM graduates are more likely to enter STEM jobs, accounting for 41%. Men’s higher persistence in STEM majors is a smaller factor, while women attend college at higher rates than men, which works to reduce the final gender gap in STEM. The results show that there is no single stage to focus on in understanding the gender gap in STEM.  相似文献   

Efforts to professionalize counseling practice have yielded extraordinary benefits to counselors. However, professionalization has also caused counselors to adopt strict definitions of their education, practices, and ethics. In order to combat the ideological insularity brought on by professionalization, several marginalized ideas are considered. The implications of these ideas and ways to overcome ideological insularity are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以小说家玛格丽特·德拉布尔对魔幻现实主义小说的定义为理论基础,又结合柳鸣九老师对魔幻现实主义作品的原型论,论述了卡特的《神奇的玩具店》中的魔幻现实主义色彩。卡特熔古怪离奇的梦幻、现代童话、神话原型和社会现实为一炉,向读者展示出充满魔幻色彩的、鲜活的社会画面。而且透过魔幻与现实的混沌状态,昭示出她女权主义的立场。  相似文献   

Magic in the Air     
This article considers the Harry Potter phenomenon in terms both of its contemporary significance and the debates surrounding the status of children's literature as literature. It also sets the stories themselves within traditions in children's literature, where orphans and schools and magic may work as they do in these novels to expunge with parents any class or geographical specificity from the worlds they inhabit. Finally, the work is looked at in the context of magic and the realism of a writer like James Hogg in the early nineteenth century.  相似文献   

This paper represents a series of reflections on collective and individual efforts of diverse women scholars to reconcile alternative views of scholarship within the academy. We document our collective experience with embedding the concept of the “scholarship of engagement” in our practice of research, teaching, and service through a process of collaborative inquiry. In addition, we discuss individual efforts to challenge university colleagues and students (many of whom are teachers in training) to interrogate issues of social justice, diversity, and marginalization in their academic environments. Our experiences provide a critical examination of the supports needed for diverse women faculty who engage in critical dialogues that challenge traditional institutional structures while on the tenure path.  相似文献   

Wiz是基于互联网开发的一款软件,集成了多种便于学习的工具.通过对Wiz的介绍,以教育技术学研究生为例,说明如何将此软件应用于学生学习,有效地帮助学生进行个人知识管理和协作式学习.  相似文献   

The experiences of a Black Female academic, working at a Predominately White Institution (PWI), is explored in this work. The author suggests that Black women have been historically marginalized within most PWI’s and historically this has been viewed in a negative light. Here it is suggested that Black women in academe view this position as one of power which can be used to propel them towards the goals of tenure and promotion. This work uses Black Feminist Theory to examine these experiences and to provide a proper context for analysis.  相似文献   

During the 18th and 19th centuries, numerous “entrepreneurs de spectacles scientifiques” — a new category of “stall-keepers” — travelled around France, displaying their scientific shows to the public. They turned out to be physics demonstrators, magicians, mechanical engineers or curators of museums of anatomy. A general survey of these shows is not easy because we have but few documents to consider. Through a various set of texts and pictures, we’ll try to understand the general philosophy of these shows: the wonder, the novelty and the surprising are the key-ideas which prevail and not only the idea that these shows mostly deliver knowledge. But above all, we will see that these shows played an important part in popularizing the 19th century scientific achievement as well as achieving the 18th century goal of the Enlightenment. Finally, we may question and discuss the 21st century answer to the question of science understood as entertainment: “science’tainment” as we say: “info’tainment”!  相似文献   

In our small scale, exploratory study of four black supplementary schools, we adopted a genealogical approach. By uncovering the subjugated knowledges and hidden histories of black supplementary schools we found evidence of a female centred new social movement. Our analysis of black female agency in these organic grassroots organisations enabled us to interrogate the normative mainstream discourse on ‘race’ and education. The narratives of black women educators consistently decentred assumptions of mainstream schooling. Supplementary schools provided a context in which whiteness is displaced as central and blackness is seen as normative. Parental involvement showed the effectiveness of black working class agency, in a discourse which assumes their passivity. We conclude by arguing that women's work within black supplementary schools embrace strategies for inclusion ‐‐ such as emphasis on the formal 3Rs, and dialogue with the mainstream ‐‐ which though appearing on the surface to be conservative and contradictory, in effect subverts the mainstream discourse on black underachievement and offer transformative possibilities from the margins.  相似文献   

玛丽·沃尔斯通克拉夫特生前因《女权辩护》的发表被视为当时的重要作家和女性思想家。20世纪中期以后,她更被誉为18世纪英国著名女性主义思想家和现代女性主义的奠基人。然而在她身后近一个世纪里,她因其反传统的生活方式被批判为离经背道的女人,评论界对她几乎无人问津。本文在回顾沃尔斯通克拉夫特充满争议的一生后,对她的国内外研究状况做了一个梳理和评析。  相似文献   

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