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科技团体创造力中的认知风格研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
认知风格是个体创造力研究的一个重要方面,在团体创造力研究中同样具有重要作用。影响团体创造力的因素极其复杂,在评价个体认知风格的基础上评价团体认知风格对团体创造力作用的研究表明,有利于科技团体创造力的团体认知风格并不能由有利于个体创造力的个人认知风格的简单相加来决定,而只能用团体认知风格构成的创造氛围指标因素来诠释。  相似文献   

通过对学生提出问题的心理分析,进一步阐述提出问题是培养学生创造力的主要途径。教师以身示范做提出问题的榜样和创设引人入胜的教学情境,训练学生提出问题,激发学生探究欲望是行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

摄影作为一门集知识性、趣味性、审美性、实用性于一身的艺术学科 ,其创作活动是摄影的主体活动。在摄影教学中学生创造力的培养显得极为重要。认知风格对摄影创造力的培养有一定的影响。笔者从培养学生掌握丰富的摄影基础知识和文化艺术修养及对生活的热爱 ;树立敢于想象、探索的精神 ;把科学和艺术相结合 ,才能为学生摄影创造力的培养提供可能等几个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

问题意识、人格特征与教育创新中的创造力培养   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教育创新是时代和社会发展对学校教育提出的基本要求。然而,目前的教育现状,一方面是社会对创造性人才的渴求,一方面却是学生提不出问题,缺乏问题意识。本文从心理学的视角阐释了问题意识的概念、影响问题意识的因素、与问题意识相关的人格特征及其相互关系,基于此,我们把教学理念、教学气氛、教学过程作为创造力培养的突破口,即教学理念:从注重“学”转变为关注“问”;教学气氛:激活问题意识,增强学生提出问题的动机;教学过程:培养问题意识,提高提出问题的能力。一句话,创造力培养是教育创新的根本目标。  相似文献   

高中物理教学中学生创造力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创造力是指根据一定的目的和任务,主动和积极地开展创造性的思维活动,对已有的信息进行加工处理,从而产生某种新颖、独特的有社会价值产品的能力。它有初、中、高多个层次,中学生的创造力多属于初级层次。在物理教学中,学生的创造力表现在发现和提出问题、解决问题等。其创造性思维过程也就是发现问题和创造性地解决问题的思维过程。  相似文献   

杨楠 《黑河教育》2013,(9):76-76
美术课,因其具有独特的认知方式、认知技能和个性特征,使其在培养学生创造力方面具有重要的地位。如"水彩画作品欣赏"一课,教师可先在课堂上作简单水彩画一幅,以体现水彩画透明淡雅、水色交融、淋漓流畅的特点,教师边画边讲,让学生在欣赏的同时了解水彩画的有关知识。然后,将全班分成若干小组,每组发几页"水彩"画册,进行小组间轮流交换欣赏或进行投影欣赏。通过多种方式的交替欣赏,可调动学生多种感官感知事物,储存丰富  相似文献   

要培养和发展儿童的创造力,主要的教育力量应该在家庭。根据皮亚杰的认知发展理论可知,儿童的发展是一个循序渐进的过程,切忌操之过急,最好的教育应该是尊重孩子的发展规律,在每一项能力发展的关键期进行教育;家长应该帮助孩子找到"最近发展区",家长可以在孩子的某项能力即将到来的时候,设置一些小游戏,帮助孩子顺利过渡。各阶段父母培养儿童创造力的侧重点应该有所不同。  相似文献   

目前的学校教育在培养学生的创造力方面还没有意识到这些方面,仍存在着一定的限制因素。  相似文献   

关于提出问题能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1、问题的提出 在中美两国部分省区间进行的一次比较研究中,对小学四年级学生进行一次测试,测试题包括两个部分,第一部分要求学生按照所给的情境分别提出易、中、难三个数学问题,结果表明,美国学生普遍感到第二部分难于第一部分,而对中国学  相似文献   

The degree to which truancy may contribute to delinquency, social disorder and educational failure has led to continued political and public interest in the problem of school non‐attendance or refusal. There is, however, a notable lack of empirical research into the phenomenon of truancy and school refusal. This paper investigated the learning style of 17 students aged 15‐17 years identified as school refusers and compared their style distribution to that of 850 students in regular attendance in mainstream secondary schools. The Cognitive Styles Analysis was administered individually to students in the Refusal Group at their Centre during the period of one term. The results indicated that, compared to the comparison group, the learning style of the school refusers was skewed to the Wholist end of the Wholist‐Analytic style dimension. An implication of this research is that a particular learning style was associated with school refusal and research is merited particularly to (a) develop further research into the learning characteristics of students who refuse school and (b) inform a developing school response to refusal.  相似文献   

Two hundred and five 14-16 year olds from two Anglophone Canadian schools (99 females and 106 males) were given the Canadian Test of Cognitive Skills (an intelligence-type test) and the Cognitive Styles Analysis and their grade 9 scores in the subjects of French, English, mathematics, geography and science were obtained. The study first looked at the relationship between cognitive skills and cognitive style. The correlation between cognitive skills and cognitive style approached zero suggesting their independence. Having confirmed the independence of cognitive skills and cognitive style, their interactive effect, including gender, on subject performance was investigated by means of analysis of variance. There was a significant interaction between sex and subject; females were superior to males in all five subjects, but particularly so in French and English. There was also a significant interaction between skill, style and subject in their effect on performance. This was discussed in terms of the role of style in learning and the effect of skill/intelligence on strategy development.  相似文献   

采用《认知灵活性问卷》和《所罗门学习风格自测问卷》对273名初中生进行调查,考察认知灵活性、学习风格对学业成绩的影响,结果表明:(1)认知灵活性与学习风格关系密切,认知灵活性高的学生偏爱直觉型、沉思型的学习风格;(2)认知灵活性与语文、数学及各学科总成绩均呈显著正相关,并对语文、数学及各学科总成绩均具有显著的正向预测作用;(3)学习风格各维度中,信息输入对数学及各学科总成绩具有显著的正向预测作用,信息感知对数学成绩具有显著的正向预测作用。  相似文献   

To a great extent the nature of the relationship between the cognitive style of a student teacher and their predominant teaching style in the classroom has been ignored by educational research. This study used an opportunist sample of 84 trainee teachers studying for one year full time for a Post Graduate Certificate in Education, in a range of subject specialist areas, based at a single English university. Students' cognitive styles were assessed, and those with more extreme cognitive style scores were selected to participate in semi‐structured interviews. A subject specialist mentor had been assigned to each student; 77% (n=59) completed a questionnaire on their perceptions of the teaching style of their PGCE student. Statistically significant differences in approaches to learning and teaching were identified between the four cognitive styles. Gender differences were also noted with analytic‐verbaliser females adopting the most analytical style in the classroom and wholist‐imager males the most wholist style. Qualitative analysis identified differences in approach to teaching between the students with more extreme cognitive styles. Wholists were more sensitive than analytic students to situational factors such as the culture of the school, support from the mentor, and in their ability to accept criticism. Further research is recommended to verify such findings. In this respect, a longitudinal study focusing on changes in cognitive style and approach in the classroom could be fruitful. Consequently, universities need to adopt varied teaching and assessment tools varied in order to accommodate the continuum of cognitive styles.  相似文献   

A total of 149 students (79 males and 70 females) living in single‐sex flats, with typically five occupants per flat, on a university campus were given two questionnaires to assess the personality characteristics of their flatmates, the degree of socialisation in their flat, the harmony in their flat and who they found it easiest to relate to. They also received the Cognitive Styles Analysis to assess their personal styles on the two dimensions Wholist‐Analytic and Verbal‐Imagery.

Nine personality characteristics were listed and students indicated which of their flatmates most exhibited that characteristic. A factor‐analysis of the responses indicated that the characteristics could be grouped as four factors: shy, helpful, impatient and assertive. On the style dimension of Wholist‐Analytic, for Analytics, the mean rating was highest for shy and decreased to assertive, while for Wholists the reverse occurred.

The effect on socialisation and harmony in flats of both the majority style in the flat, and the degree of balance between styles in the flat, was examined. With respect to majority style, both socialisation and harmony were highest in the case of Wholist‐Verbalisers. For the degree of balance, females were highest in socialisation and most harmonious when with people of a style similar to their own, while for males they socialised least and were least harmonious when with those of the same style.

Students were also asked to choose the flatmate they got on best with. There was a significant effect for the Verbal‐Imagery style with female Verbalisers getting on better with female Imagers, than with female Verbalisers, but with no preference in the case of males.

The findings were discussed in terms of their practical implications for groups living or working together.  相似文献   

近年来对外语教学中的学习者个体差异的研究越来越多,人们越来越关注学习者的学习风格和认知风格对语言习得的影响.本文对学习风格和认知风格理论进行了系统的梳理,论述了两者的关系和对外语教学的启示,希望为进一步的研究提供一个理论上的系统的认识.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the origins of the construct of cognitive style, its fundamental dimensions and their method of assessment. The evidence for the independence of the style dimensions from one another, from intelligence and from personality is presented. The relationship of style to observed behaviours, such as learning performance, learning preferences, subject preferences and social behaviour, is described. Physiological measures and their relationship to style are considered. The distinction between style, which is likely to be relatively fixed, and strategies which are capable of being learned and developed, is discussed. A ‘level’ model is then outlined with, at the primary level: experience, personality sources and gender. Styles operate at the next level of cognitive control. The outer output level comprises the learning strategies. Priorities for further research are outlined.  相似文献   

提问式教学法在体育教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂提问是每个体育教师在教学中经常遇到的事,通过提问可以调动学生学习的积极性、主动性,从而获得更多的体育教学方法。文章对提问式教学法进行初步探讨,旨在为体育教师提供参考。  相似文献   

认知风格与外语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个体差异是影响教学活动的一个重要因素,在两者之间寻求一种合理、有效的途径一直是教学研究的重要内容.根据认知风格结构模型的分类,着重对四种不同的认知方式与语言学习的关系进行了研究.具有不同认知风格的学习者,采取的学习策略也不同,教师应针对学习者不同的认知风格选用多样的教学方法,实施因材施教的教学策略.  相似文献   

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