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One evening Mr Harris was on duty when the phone rang.He wentto answer it.Itwas Mrs Green.“Please,sir,come to my house.I had 5,000 dollars stolen.”Mr Harris hurried to her house.He asked Mrs Green,“When didyou find the money missing?”“Atseven,I put my money on the table in the living-room.Then Iwent to wash my hair.I came back at seven thirty and the money wasgone.”“I see,”Mr Harris said.“Were you alone in the house?”“No.My sisters daughter,Nancy,was here,too.”“Lets talk…  相似文献   

1.Many,manyyearsago,fivemerchantsweregoingtogetherfromonetowntoanother.Theyweregoingthroughaforestnow.Eachofthemhadabagofgoldonhim.许多许多年以前,有五个商人要一起从一个镇到另一个镇去。他们要穿过一片森林。每个人的肩上都背有一袋金子。2.Oneday,theycampednearariver.Thatnightoneofthemerchantstookonebagofgoldoutofthetentstealthilyandhidthebagsomewhereandthenwentbacktothetent.一天,他们在一条河边宿营。晚上,其中一个商人偷偷地拿了一袋金子溜出帐篷,把金子藏好后又回到帐蓬里去。3.Thenextm…  相似文献   

Initial teacher licensing is intended to provide public assurance of core competence in classroom settings. Core competence's implicit vulnerability is mediocrity. In daily practice, many educators appear satisfied in reaching a merely acceptable level of performance, thus minimizing the period of effortful skill acquisition required to attain core excellence. To transition from core competence to core excellence in instructional settings requires deep learning. Five professional practices reside at the heart of deep learning: a mind-set for continuous learning, an entrenched openness to feedback, deliberate practice, rigorous self-critique of instructional practices, and consistent coaching. Who is your coach?  相似文献   

Who Is Who?     
Tony was a policeman,andhis younger brother,Bill,was acollege student(大学生).One day the two brotherswent into a restaurant(餐馆)tohave their supper.When theysat down at a table,Bill said toTony,“Oh,three of my class-mates are here having theirsupper.”He pointed to a tablein the corner.Three young menwere sitting at that table talking.“They are Slick,Smiley andMug.”“But who is who,Bill?”said Tony.“My guess(猜测)isthat the one smoking the cigar(雪茄烟)is Smiley,the onewearing the …  相似文献   

Mr. Will Knott is a teacher.He teaches in a big school in London.He lives a long way from the school.So he is usually very tired when he gets home.  相似文献   

教学背景:近年来,小学英语演讲活动在我区开展得十分普遍。我校为紧跟英语教改的步伐,除了从三年级开始教学牛津版教材外,还在二年级开展了“英语兴趣小组”活动。本课“W hat'syour nam e?”是本学期的第二课,也是二年级“英语兴趣小组”的学习内容之一。本课的教学是在学生掌  相似文献   

编辑部的小编们一起去沙漠里探险,可是琪琪却和大家走散了,幸亏她有一帮小伙伴。不过,她只能带上它们中的七个上路。同学们,除了食物和水,她应该选择哪七个伙伴呢?请把你选择的伙伴的英文单词写在下面的横线上。  相似文献   

一、教材分析本教材是人教版(PEP)小学英语第七册第四单元第一课时。主要内容是讲述某人的业余爱好的英语表达和一般现在时的简单用法。本课的重点是掌握五个短语:“dive-diving,ride-ridingm ake-m aking,collect-collecting,play-palying.及动词的-ing形式;重点句型:“W hat's your hobby?I like diving.”根据此目标和重点、难点,我采用了故事教学法,利用多媒体教学(包括课件、投影仪等),通过“真实情景中体验语言”的教学思路,完成教学目的。二、课件使用说明本课件采用大学A uthorw are6.0制作,应用框架结构,模块化设计。从故事引入…  相似文献   

程朝峰 《辅导员》2010,(3):29-30
“哈哈!”英语演播厅里不是传来阵阵笑声,怎么回事?原来大屏幕上憨态可掬的猪八戒逗得大家直乐。这时英语“变色龙”——Pig几个大字映人大家的眼帘,同学们明白了,今天要学有关猪Pig的习语。  相似文献   

Who Counts?     
This article recovers a 1972 essay from James Moffett entitled ‘Who Counts?’ that the National Council of Teachers of English commissioned at the onset of US standards and accountability reforms. The essay historicises NCTE’s positions on teacher accountability by comparing its recent positions on teacher evaluation and the Common Core Standards with Moffett’s opposition to behavioural measurement and business-federal collusion in education reform. These historical juxtapositions highlight how NCTE’s recent policy agenda has reconfigured ‘who counts’ in US English education: its positions now hedge NCTE’s longstanding critiques of behavioural measurement in English, mix quality assurance with professional development, and adopt the educational priorities of federal grants, corporate philanthropy and private sector partners. The article de-naturalises NCTE’s political realignment and considers how Moffett’s prescient critiques of ‘who counts’ in English education might inform individuals’ and organisations’ positions on standards and accountability reforms.  相似文献   

"Who's calling?"was the answer to the telephone.“Watt.” “What is your name,please?” “Watt’s m y nam e.” “That’s w hat I asked you.W hat’s your nam e?” A long pause, and then, from W att, “Is this Jam es B row n?” “N o,this is K nott.” “Please tell m e your nam e.” “W ill K nott.” Then they both hung up and got puzzled.N otes: 1.W ho’s calling?你 是谁?(打电 话用 语) 2.W att’s m y nam e.我叫 瓦特。 对方 理解 为:W hat’s m y nam e? 3.a long pause 停了很 长时 间 4.N o,…  相似文献   

1.You have a tendency(习惯)to stayleaning(斜站着)throughout your:A.Upper body.4B.Entire body.2C.Lower body.2D.Middle body.1  相似文献   

The Pig     
One day, the young pig says to his parents.  相似文献   

Leaders work at all levels in organizations, but few of them are truly empowered. Why don't organizations do a better job of empowering them? Four factors obstruct organizations' efforts. Most leadership development programs (a) are offered out of context of other organizational development efforts; (b) are generic and not specific to organizations' needs for change; (c) do not last long enough; and (d) are based on either a skill development model or a personal development model, instead of personal development interweaved with skills development. An effective program to empower leaders might overcome these obstacles by drawing on initial and continuing support from top management; implementing an articulated plan including training, reward systems to encourage leaders to develop others, appropriate process and outcome performance appraisal objectives, and regular channels for feedback among individuals across many organizational levels; linking process goals (e. g., building community, envisioning) to organizational outcome goals; developing mechanisms to institutionalize long–term leadership and organizational development goals; and ensuring that training addresses skill and personal areas of development as much in concert as possible.  相似文献   

Who is Knocking?     
Who 15 knoeking?knoek,knoek,knoek,Charlie,Charlie,ehuek,ehuek,ehuek!Who will oPen?uP,uP,uP,Peter,Peter,hov,hop,hoP!Who is Knocking?~~  相似文献   

Who is this?     
我,来自古生代,看,多么遥远又神奇的谱系啊……哎哟,谁?谁扔西红柿砸我?!要知道,我的家族对于探讨和研究有翅昆虫的起源和演化具有十分重要的价值哦!啊,不好,说漏了!  相似文献   

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