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This research examines the treatment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) topics in 12 popular multicultural education textbooks. Following a line‐by‐line analysis of each textbook, the findings report the extent to which LGBT topics were included in each text and the themes that became apparent in how LGBT topics were treated. The authors conclude with a discussion of the texts’ contents and the suggestion that texts do more to include LGBT topics and provide more complex and complete representations of LGBT identities. This analysis sets a basis for comparison for future studies to gauge how levels of LGBT inclusion have changed both quantitatively and qualitatively.  相似文献   

Research exploring the educational experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) students and staff members has traditionally been characterised by homophobia, hostility, victimisation and marginalisation. Recent research has evidenced a shift in the experiences of LGB young people, to somewhat more accepting and positive narratives, including within post‐compulsory schooling. Yet, there is limited research exploring the lived experiences of LGB staff members in the Further Education context. Utilising inclusive masculinity as a sociological paradigm, this research explores the qualitative data from the narratives of 26 LGB staff and students at one Further Education college in the south of England. The results find a distinct lack of homophobia within this college, a nuanced understanding of homosexually themed language, and an organisational culture of inclusivity and widespread symbolic visibility of the LGB community. Overall, our research aligns with broader social patterns that the experiences for LGB persons is improving.  相似文献   

Should children and adolescents be educated in school about gender diversity, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues? This is a question many governments and educational policymakers discuss in their process of reforming relationships and sex education. However, these reform plans face resistance from parents, religious groups, and political parties. Specifically, opponents argue that (a) children who learn about LGBT issues in school will engage in same-sex practices or even become homosexual, bisexual, or trans* themselves; (b) schools force a particular view on children that stands in contrast to the heteronormative, religious, and/or political views of parents; and (c) teachers act as role models and change the sexual orientation and gender identity of their students. This systematic literature review aims to offer evidenced-based answers to these arguments on the grounds of biological, sociological, psychological, and educational research. First, twin studies and genome scans in behavioral genetics research unveil strong biological roots of sexual orientation and identity that will not change through inclusive sexuality education. Second, psychological and sociological research signals that heteronormativity, homosexuality non-acceptance, and negative attitudes toward LGBT people in general are associated with lower levels of education and intelligence as well as higher levels of religious belief and political conservatism. For at-risk sexual minority students who show gender nonconforming and gender atypical behavior, schools can create a safe climate and protect adolescent health if they succeed in reducing homophobic and transphobic discrimination, bullying, peer victimization, and verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. Third, action research and ethnographic narratives in educational research tend to indicate that queer educators as role models in classrooms do not change the sexual orientation and gender identity of their pupils. In summary, based on this systematic review, governments and policy makers can expect that reforming the teaching of sex education to include LGBT issues in schools will have positive effects for heterosexual students and for students belonging to a sexual minority.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate the population of sexual minority or LGB (lesbian, gay and bisexual) children and youth involved with the child welfare system, and to compare their health, mental health, placement and permanency outcomes to those of non-LGB youth. Data were drawn from the Second National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW-II), a nationally representative sample of children who were referred to child welfare due to a report of abuse or neglect over a fifteen month period. This sample included youth ages eleven and older who self-identified their sexual orientation (n = 1095). Results indicate that approximately 15.5% of all system involved youth identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual, and that lesbian and bisexual females, and LGB youth of color are both overrepresented within child welfare systems. Although no substantive difference in risk factors, permanency and placement were found between LGB and Non-LGB youth, LGB youth were significantly more likely to meet the criteria for adverse mental health outcomes. Implications for child welfare practice and policy are presented, along with recommendations for future research in this area.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the four primary issues that directly affect service delivery to students with learning disabilities in postsecondary settings, including (a) How are high school and post-secondary settings different? (b) How are eligibility and access determined? (c) How are reasonable accommodations determined? and (d) How can the independence level of college students with learning disabilities be fostered? Each of these issues will be discussed within the context of the student's transition from high school, where Public Law 94-142 is in effect, to college, where Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies.  相似文献   

A comparison of cognitive, academic, and linguistic profiles for 74 college students with learning disabilities and 37 college students without learning disabilities resulted in significant differences in achievement for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. No significant differences were found for gender or the presence of a Verbal-Performance split in cognitive ability. Instruments for measuring academic and linguistic skills were similar in their ability to classify students with and without learning disabilities. These findings support the importance of using measures of multidimensional attributes, including language, for making decisions concerning the criteria for learning disabilities.  相似文献   

The extent to which UK universities are ‘gay friendly’ has received some attention in the press. Whilst there are a number of published studies exploring campus climate for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) students and/or staff, these are primarily localised studies undertaken in State Universities and Baccalaureate Colleges in the US. The present study is a nationwide UK study of campus climate, based on survey data collected from a sample of 291 LGBT students from 42 universities across the UK. The findings show that despite the increased implementation of an equality agenda (e.g. equal access; widening participation) in UK Higher Education, homophobia on campus is still a significant problem and therefore universities are not perceived nor experienced by LGBT students as ‘safe spaces’ in which to be open about sexual orientation/gender identity. The implications of the findings for university policy and practice in relation to LGBT (and indeed all) students is also explored.  相似文献   

The goals of the study were to examine personal resources and social distress during the first month in college among students with learning disabilities (LD) and to compare their experiences with non-LD peer. The sample consisted of 335 first-year undergraduate students falling into two groups: 85 students with LD and 250 non-LD students. Questionnaires assessed hope, dispositional optimism and loneliness. We hypothesised that, after participation in a single-session hope intervention workshop, the hope and optimism levels of both students with LD and without LD would increase, while their loneliness would decrease. However, after a month of facing the academic and social demands of their new college environment, we expected that the hope and optimism scores of students with LD would be lower than their peers without LD and that their loneliness scores would be higher. As hypothesised, both groups reported enhanced hope and optimism, as well as lower loneliness, immediately after the workshop. However, students with LD – but not their peers – returned to baseline levels of hope and loneliness after a month. Loneliness after a month predicted lower hope, after controlling predictors from the beginning of the year.  相似文献   

Peer tutoring is a commonly provided support service for students with learning disabilities (LD) in institutions of higher education. A large-scale survey was conducted to evaluate the PERACH peer tutoring project for students with LD at 25 universities, regional colleges, and teacher training colleges in Israel. The purpose of the study was to understand the tutoring process from the point of view of both tutees and tutors with respect to 5 main areas: tutees' needs, focus of tutoring activities, difficulties surrounding the tutoring endeavor, importance of similar study experiences, and satisfaction with the project. It is our supposition that major discrepancies in perceptions are likely to undermine the effectiveness of the tutoring. Similarities and differences in perceptions were identified, and implications that can be useful in guiding service providers are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the semantic processing abilities of college students with learning disabilities (LD) to those of their peers without learning disabilities (NLD) who were matched for age, gender, and intelligence. Participants were compared on results from the Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding (TAWF) and from event-related potential (N400) sampling to the processing of semantically incongruous sentences. The LD and NLD groups did not significantly differ in accuracy on the TAWF; however, students with LD demonstrated a significantly greater number of delayed responses. The LD group's N400 responses were significantly delayed at the Pz electrode site. Effect size indicators also revealed somewhat reduced amplitudes at Fz and Cz locations. The significant delays of the students with LD on standardized testing and on N400 suggest an inefficiency in the semantic processing of these individuals, in both automatic and attention-based aspects of lexical access.  相似文献   

Research indicates that transgender individuals frequently experience marginalisation and interpersonal victimisation within college and university settings. Missing from the literature is a discussion of what can be done to address such patterns in higher education, based upon empirical data gathered from transgender and gender non-conforming students, staff, and faculty. The present study aimed to fill this gap by reporting on solutions offered by a sample of 30 individuals in one US state while integrating a lens of intersectionality. Five resulting themes include (a) offer education, campus programming, and support for trans individuals; (b) improve university systems and procedures for recording one's name and gender; (c) encourage greater inclusivity and recruitment of diverse groups; (d) make physical changes to facilities; and (e) hold people accountable. These findings suggest institutional actions and policy changes for higher education administrators and others committed to improving campuses for transgender and gender non-conforming people.  相似文献   


Some resilient students with LD succeed ‘against the odds’ and reach college. The goals of the study are to explore their resources and barriers during their studies. The relationships between academic self-efficacy (ASE) and personal resources (sense of coherence (SOC) and hope) among college students with learning disabilities (LD) will be examined. The sample consisted of 438 college students divided into two subgroups: 149 students with LD and 289 Non-LD students. Results indicated that college students with LD reported lower levels of ASE, as well as lower levels of hope subscales and SOC. Persistent challenges of early learning distress experienced by those students during school periods continue to be prevalent during their college years. The ASE was predicted by the personal resources, and the risk factor (tiredness lost its significance). The importance of personal resources (SOC and hope subscales) was further emphasised by the mediation model (PROCESS). They mediated the relationships between LD and ASE. These outcomes call for empowering interventional programmes in order to promote hopeful thinking and personal coherence.  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) are the largest sub‐group of all students with disabilities attending college in the United States. However, due to the multiple difficulties involved in transitioning from school to college, many do not succeed during their first year. This article chronicles ways in which three students with LD negotiate academic, social, and personal demands of college. The author‐artist utilizes cartoons drawn to represent meaningful episodes within student experiences. By combining cartoons with personal narratives, participant testimonies reveal powerful ways in which students with LD strategize and self‐advocate in order to survive their transition onto college. After highlighting the strengths and limitations of this approach, a case is made for the potential value of using cartoons for education research.

Das Erarbeiten von Cartoons als Beispiel: Sehberichte von Universitätsstudenten mit Lernbehinderungen

Studenten mit Lernbehinderungen (LD) sind die größte Untergruppe aller Studenten mit Behinderungen an den Universitäten der Vereinigten Staaten. Jedoch auch wegen der vielfachen Schwierigkeiten, die beim Wechseln von der Schule zur Universität überwunden werden müssen, sind viele während ihres ersten Jahres nicht erfolgreich. Dieser Artikel zeigt Wege auf, wie drei Studenten mit Lernbehinderungen akademische, soziale und persönliche Anforderungen mit der Universität aushandeln. Der Autor / Künstler verwendet Cartoons, die gezeichnet wurden, um bedeutungsvolle Episoden innerhalb von Studentenerfahrungen darzustellen. Durch die Kombination von Cartoons mit persönlichen Berichten offenbaren Teilnehmerzeugnisse starke Wege, welche Strategien Studenten mit Lernschwierigkeiten entwickeln und selbst beurteilen, um ihren Übergang auf die Universität zu "überleben”. Nach dem Herausarbeiten der Vorteile und auch der Einschränkungen dieses Ansatzes werden Argumente für den potenziellen Wert gesammelt, Cartoons für die Ausbildungsforschung zu verwenden.

La création de bandes dessinées comme forme de représentation: les récits visuels d’étudiants de 1er cycle ayant des difficultés d’apprentissage

Les étudiants affectés par des difficultés d’apprentissage constituent le sous‐groupe le plus important de tous les étudiants handicapés inscrits dans un cursus de premier cycle aux Etats Unis. Cependant du fait des difficultés multiples qu’entraîne la transition du secondaire à l’université, beaucoup échouent au cours de leur première année. Cet article relate de quelles façons trois étudiants ayant ces difficultés d’apprentissage abordent les exigences académiques sociales et personnelles de l’enseignement supérieur. L’auteur‐artiste utilise des bandes dessinées représentant des épisodes significatifs vécus par l’étudiant. En associant ces bandes dessinées avec des récits personnels, les témoignages des participants font apparaître avec quelle force les étudiants ayant ces difficultés élaborent des stratégies et se font leurs propres avocats pour survivre à la transition vers les études supérieures. Après avoir souligné les forces et les limites de cette approche, l’auteur plaide pour l’atout que peut constituer l’usage des bandes dessinées pour la recherche en éducation.

La creación de historietas como forma de representación: los relatos visuales de estudiantes del primer ciclo universitario con dificultades de aprendizaje

Los alumnos con discapacidades de aprendizaje (DA) constituyen el sub‐grupo más importante de todos los alumnos con discapacidades matriculados en el primer ciclo de universidades en los Estados Unidos. El problema es que, debido a las numerosas dificultades que conlleva la transición del colegio a la universidad, hay un alto índice de fracasos en el primer año. Este artículo describe de que manera tres alumnos con DA sortean las exigencias académicas, sociales y personales de la enseñanza superior. El autor/artista utiliza historietas dibujadas para representar episodios significativos asociados con las vivencias de los alumnos. A través de la asociación de esas historietas con relatos personales, los testimonios de los participantes revelan con que fuerza los alumnos con DA elaboran estrategias y auto‐defensas para sobrevivir a su transición hacia la universidad. Después de destacar las fuerzas y limitaciones de esa metodologia, el autor aboga por las potencialidades positivas del uso de historietas para la investigación en educación.  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) are particularly vulnerable in making the school-to-college transition where they negotiate a complex constellation of challenges that include academic demands, social expectations, and emotional/personal growth. Although a substantial body of knowledge exists about college students with LD, it is largely predicated upon both extrinsic supports available to ensure a successful transition into college and ways to maintain that success. In contrast, intrinsic knowledge as the basis of agency exerted by individuals with LD to strategize for their own success has received comparatively little attention. This study uses narrative methodology guided by a theoretical framework of disability studies, to render three nuanced portraits of college students with LD. Participants demonstrate ways in which they manage to navigate the academic, social, and emotional/personal realms when transitioning into college. In doing so, they reveal instances of self-knowledge that are often hidden or overlooked, revealing numerous instances of agency.  相似文献   

Salient practices in the parenting literature—support and control—have seldom been applied to understanding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ) youth mental health. We examine associations among perceived parental social support, psychological control, and depressive symptoms for LGBTQ youth in the United States (n = 536; Mage = 18.98; 48.1% women; 25.2% Black or African American; 37.1% Hispanic or Latino/a/x). Data were collected in 2011–2012. Results indicated joint effects of social support and psychological control predicting youth depressive symptoms. Multiple group analysis yielded a significant interaction of parenting practices for youth whose parent(s) did not know their LGBTQ identity. Findings support further consideration of parental support and control in relation to LGBTQ youth well-being.  相似文献   

The Eastern cultural tradition, together with other social factors, has shaped a group-based, teacher-dominated, and centrally organized pedagogical culture. Drawing upon this cultural perspective, this article reviews the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in Eastern schools, including ICT planning and management, hardware infrastructures, software resources and services, professional development, and ICT-supported educational practices. It highlights the impact of the pedagogical culture on technology use, as well as the role of technology in pedagogical change. The review suggests a number of critical challenges Eastern educators need to address.  相似文献   

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