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This paper discusses the concepts which trained teachers carry into the classroom from their initial teacher education courses and argues that these outmoded concepts must be altered so that the roles which other adults play can be understood by teachers. There is a common perception that teaching is a solitary activity carried out by a trained adult with a group of learners. The reality is that there is often another adult present. To maximize the support of another adult, teachers must understand the roles of those involved and they must be prepared to manage the involvement of other adults who may not be trained teachers. The paper is set in the context of classroom assistants working in Scottish primary mainstream classrooms. It concems the way in which teachers and other adults work together to support children with behavioural difficulties. Although the data is peculiarly Scottish, the lessons learned have a wider national and international currency, for it seeks to explain the changes necessary in teachers' thinking about collaborative working. This paper argues that continuing professional development must be provided to allow teachers already in the field to consider the effect on their professional identity produced by the presence of other adults. Most crucially, it is argued that initial teacher education must acknowledge the changes happening in mainstream classes and must include personnet and performance management training in courses for student teachers.  相似文献   

语言学习课堂上文化参与的方式和内容应该根据不同的人群设计和选择。然而,国内语言课堂上的文化参与内容和方式均过于单一,因而不利于培养不同学生群体的语用能力。为了借鉴国外课堂文化介入方式以改进我们的外语教学,本文作者结合我国短期成人英语学习者的实际需求,通过观察国外语言课堂活动和国内课堂实践,总结出了一个把文化学习融入语言技能训练的课堂文化介入方式系列活动,并对短期语言培训涉及到的文化介入内容问题进行了讨论,以期对各个层面的语言教育有所启发。  相似文献   

This paper explores case study research of the group process for teachers as learners in an Online Learning Module delivered in a blended problem‐based learning (PBL) environment. Blended learning, as the name suggests, consists of a blend of at least two pedagogical approaches: within the context of this research, blended learning is the integration of the PBL face‐to‐face learning in a classroom with an e‐learning environment. The 10‐week module was part of an accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Third Level Learning and Teaching for academic staff (lecturers, librarians, learning technology support staff) from a range of higher education institutions in the Republic of Ireland. This Postgraduate Diploma attracts academic staff keen to experience and implement a variety of pedagogical approaches within their own teaching. Over the four years of the module’s existence, there have been a wide variety of subject disciplines in higher education represented. This paper shares experiences and lessons learnt from the case study, and provides a set of recommendations for other teachers pursuing this form of blended PBL with students.  相似文献   

Online education is used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are improving one's performance over time and understanding one's professional development in the context of online teaching and learning. Relying on data from online staff development courses delivered in five Spanish universities, this article explores online faculty learning through the lens of staff development theory. This theoretical perspective emphasizes the universities' quality assurance contexts and offers an empirical examination of the ways in which faculty members learn curriculum and teaching competencies (CTCs) in online staff development programmes. At the core of this analysis is the contention that faculty members understand and respond to quality teaching lessons and activities. Finally, this study highlights the points deemed important when designing, implementing, and evaluating Internet CTC training courses.  相似文献   

教育类课程是教师教育机构区别于其他教育机构的特色课程,主要是解决“如何教”的问题。作为课程的实践者,教育类课程师资队伍是影响课程教学效果的关键因素。本文从江西省部分本科教师教育机构教育类课程师资队伍结构、科研、师德、课堂教学、继续教育等现状调查出发,提出队伍建设要创新选拔、培养机制,创建适合教育类课程师资队伍的管理制度,建立长效激励机制以鼓励教师深入基础教育实践,从而实现队伍“了解基础教育,研究基础教育,服务基础教育”使命。  相似文献   

Given that it is a delicate task to meet the educational needs of adult emergent readers in a second language setting, this study serves to explore the teaching practice of teachers working with learners of initial literacy and second language. Based on a situated learning perspective, data from 16 lesson observations of nine teachers is analysed. The findings show that teachers initiate and negotiate learning activities, strive to get the students to understand words and other symbols, facilitate participation within and outside the classroom and negotiate the acceptable student behaviour. These findings suggest that Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults (LESLLA) teaching and learning is a particular practice, where the teachers’ actions are intertwined with those of the learners and with the teachers’ conceptions of the learners. In that way, the teachers’ actions do not only speak of the learners, but also of their own professional identity.  相似文献   

作为支撑中国特色基础教育教学研究制度的专门人员——教研员,在基础教育发展中发挥了不可替代的作用,承担着“教学研究、指导、服务”的重任,对于我国课程改革理念的落实、基础教育质量的提升、中小学教师的专业发展等发挥着举足轻重的作用。通过研究发现,我国30多年来关于教研员方面的研究呈现出以下态势:研究内容围绕教研员的内涵与素质、角色与职能等五个方面展开,成果丰硕,若干理论问题应深入探讨;研究主体以教研员为主,有待多元化;研究方法以经验总结、理论思辨为主,亟须加强实证研究。  相似文献   

对远程教育学习者学习成绩影响因素的实证研究发现:远程教学机构提供的学习资源越多、教师的教学方法与学习者的学习风格越匹配、教辅人员对学习者的支持越到位,那么学习者的学习成绩显著更高;学习者与同学之间的互动越多,学习者的学习成绩显著更高。  相似文献   

合作学习有利于加强学习者之间的交流互助,促进职业英语写作元认知知识习得及提高写作成绩。通过对顺德职业技术学院职业英语写作课堂的实证分析,结果表明,合作学习促进了学生职业英语写作元认知知识的主动建构,提高了建构效率,从而大大提升了学生职业英语写作水平。  相似文献   

开放教育提倡以学生自主学习为主,教师导学为辅,但开放教育的成人学生并不都是成熟和理性的学习者,因此教师如何激发学生的学习动机、引导其进行自主学习就成为了开放教育教学的关键。凯勒的ARCS模式虽然在激发学习动机方面提供了一套系统的理论方法,但仍缺乏相应课堂教学应用的实例,本文以具体一课的教学设计与课堂实践为例,为此提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Motivation research could profitably represent students as critics of schooling, rather than simply "active" learners of the lessons presented to them or perceivers of classroom climate, and engage students in dialogue about the nature and ends of education. We review complementary interview and ethnographic research on but one of the many topics that could be addressed from this perspective: students' interpretations of classroom tests and test-like assignments and their conceptions of fair and effective practices for implementing tests. Conceptions of testing change with age, whereas theories about the role of testing seem to reflect the existing school context. Students' critiques of school activities can be considered motivation rather than cognitions that mediate motivation. Research of this type might be of value to educators who seek to involve students more fully in the construction of the purposes that govern their own education.  相似文献   

自主学习是现代教育的显著特征,自主学习意味着"学习者承担起学习的责任"。师生协商制定教学目标、设计教学活动、完成考核评价是外语自主学习协商式教学模式的核心。"协商"使"教师赋权于学生",从而真正地实现了"学习者自主"。协商式教学模式体现了一种灵活、动态、开放的外语教学思想,师生在平等协商对话中实现了课程的创生以及师生的共同成长。  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育条件下素质教育简论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代远程开放教育条件下的素质教育具有特殊性和自己的特色。开展现代远程开放教育条件下的素质教育必须准确把握素质教育的内涵,根据教育对象和远程开放的特点,以课程教学为主渠道,以面授教学课堂、网络教学课堂、社会实践课堂为依托,提高学习的创新精神,实践能力和职业素质。  相似文献   

依据成人学习特点及现实需求,成人高等教育应推行工作本位学习模式,工学一体化可作为一种有益尝试。工学一体化模式以职业行为的结果为能力标准,以岗位需要构造学习模块,按岗位分布建立柔性课程结构与内容体系,采取项目式的教学程式,实施作业式课堂教学模式,并采取了与项目式教学相配套的总结(设计)式考核方式。  相似文献   

The qualification of adult educators is a central aspect of the quality of adult education. However, within current policy discourses and adult education research on the professional development of prospective adult educators, little attention is paid to teacher qualification when compared to other fields of education and training. In this study, we analyse the qualification paths, or learning trajectories, of prospective adult educators in Sweden and Denmark. The analysis is based on narrative interviews with 29 students in training to become adult educators. The career paths of adult educators are often long and winding roads. Becoming an adult educator could be their primary desire, but it could also be their ‘Plan B’, a second choice. Individual motives and external demands interact in the professionalisation process. A shift in focus from teaching subject and methods to teaching context and the relation to the learners is part of the professional development. Finally, we argue that both academic studies and hands-on work in the adult education community are crucial parts of the adult educator's qualification path.  相似文献   

This paper examines the understandings (‘constructs’) of teachers’ professional knowledge and its sources that underpin current practice in initial teacher education in Kazakhstan and in particular the way in which pedagogika contributes to these. Drawing on empirical data collected over four years, the paper illustrates the ways in which professional knowledge and professional preparation of teachers in pre-service institutions are constructed within the Kazakh and Soviet pedagogical traditions, albeit with some reference to international scholars. Teachers’ professional knowledge is formed from pedagogic theory mediated by academic staff in what is seen by many from outside and inside the country who are engaged in educational ‘reform’ in Kazakhstan as a largely didactic style with little or no critical engagement or exploration of the implications for practice. This stands in contrast with two recent professional development programmes: the Collaborative Action Research and Center of Excellence, which are focused on interactive learning and teaching, reflective practice, classroom action research, and teachers’ collaboration as sources for teachers’ professional knowledge. This paper highlights this contrast and begins to explore what happens when these two different approaches to the construction of teachers’ professional knowledge encounter each other.  相似文献   

怀特海在《教育的目的》中将教育的节奏划分为浪漫阶段、精确阶段和综合运用阶段,充分揭示了基于学习者智力发展特点的学习进阶规律,以及教育遵循智力发展的阶段性所应体现出的节奏性。这为分析课堂教学时序,促进课堂教学的有序运行提供了新的视角。具体而言,课堂教学时序包括学习主体之身心时序、课程知识之逻辑序、教学过程之运行序。这就要求教学遵循学习者的身心发展序,让“适合学生的教学”成为可能;课程知识的选择、组织与传递符合知识的内在逻辑,并联结主体经验,让课程富有活力;厘清教学关系,精心设计教学流程,合理创设教学情境,让教学过程富有诗意,让学习者在学习中充满体验和遐想。  相似文献   

Growing pressure to restructure and reform tertiary education is encouraging university academics to use innovative practices that assist students to develop ‘employable’ skills. The hybrid approach described in this paper stimulated students to be self‐directed adult learners who maximized their learning of content and skills by means of problem‐based learning and action research strategies. The lecturer also operated as a reflective practitioner and role model by using an action research approach. This paper demonstrates the value of student empowerment, communication and leadership in autonomous learning groups. It outlines methods by which academic teaching staff can build continuous improvement into a university unit’s curriculum design and processes. These can be powerful additions to lecturers’ teaching strategies and to students’ learning experiences.  相似文献   

Although classroom inquiry is the primary pedagogy of science education, it has often been difficult to implement within conventional classroom cultures. This study turned to the alternatively structured Montessori learning environment to better understand the ways in which it fosters the essential elements of classroom inquiry, as defined by prominent policy documents. Specifically, we examined the opportunities present in Montessori classrooms for students to develop an interest in the natural world, generate explanations in science, and communicate about science. Using ethnographic research methods in four Montessori classrooms at the primary and elementary levels, this research captured a range of scientific learning opportunities. The study found that the Montessori learning environment provided opportunities for students to develop enduring interests in scientific topics and communicate about science in various ways. The data also indicated that explanation was largely teacher-driven in the Montessori classroom culture. This study offers lessons for both conventional and Montessori classrooms and suggests further research that bridges educational contexts.  相似文献   

Carole Bignell 《Literacy》2019,53(3):150-159
This study offers an insight into the experiences of three newly qualified English primary teachers and their pupils as they sought to develop dialogic teaching in lessons. It draws upon a range of literature from the field of classroom talk, with a particular focus on the work of Robin Alexander to underpin teacher/researcher professional discussion and analysis of periodic video recordings of talk in these classrooms. Supplemented by teacher interviews, the research examines the extent to which a dialogic approach to teacher professional development might facilitate teacher self‐evaluation as a means of developing a more dialogic classroom. In doing so, it seeks to exemplify key talk moves (dialogic bids) that these teachers used to open up dialogic spaces in lessons. The research concludes that raising teacher awareness of such talk moves through professional discussion and reflection upon teaching can provide teachers with a metacognitive resource for talking about and furthering dialogic teaching practices.  相似文献   

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