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李燕子  吕岩  关成雪 《冰雪运动》2003,(2):17-17,20
分析了蹬冰力与速滑成绩的关系,并通过实验对比进行证明,介绍了蹬冰力的一些训练方法。  相似文献   

蹬冰力是揭示滑行动力的重要手段之一。将近 2 0年来国、内外对速滑蹬冰力的测试研究情况按一维、二维和加速理论 3种分类进行了综述。不仅将荷兰、日本、中国等国内外学者的研究进行对比 ,同时对蹬冰技术演变、发展的脉络和研究中存在的主要问题进行了归纳分析 ,并提出了今后应重点解决的课题。  相似文献   

从动力学角度分析和探讨弯道蹬冰技术。弯道滑行蹬冰技术制约着运动成绩的提高,认真分析研究蹬冰技术动作、改进弯道蹬冰技术,是提高我国速度滑冰水平的重要环节。  相似文献   

速度滑冰教学中,常见到初学滑冰者用冰刀的内刃或外刃站立,或用一外刃一内刃站立。在两腿做蹬冰动作滑进时,不是向身体的侧方蹬冰,而是向后侧方蹬冰,刀尖扒冰,骑着身体重心做蹬冰动作。  相似文献   

由蹬冰技术浅谈克莱普新式冰刀的优点   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文从速滑蹬冰技术的结构特点,阐述了新式克莱普冰刀在蹬冰角度、蹬冰腿膝关节的伸展幅度等方面的优点所在。  相似文献   

速度滑冰运动产生速度的动力来自于蹬冰,蹬冰技术是速度滑冰的核心技术.什么样的蹬冰技术才能使蹬冰产生最大效率,经过速滑界很多人的实践、研究和总结,提出最佳蹬冰技术应该是充分利用体重进行蹬冰,蹬冰方向向侧,利用倾倒加大蹬冰力量,蹬冰发力时机要早等等.怎样才能掌握速滑最佳蹬冰技术,掌握早蹬冰技术和其关键技术环节,是速滑项目重要的致胜因素.探讨了早蹬冰的涵义、意义,早蹬冰的关键技术、时机和实现条件.  相似文献   

Clap冰刀蹬冰技术动作原理的探讨   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
通过对第 10届冬季运动会、世界锦标赛的调研以及对 clap冰刀结构和性能的分析 ,探讨了 Clap冰刀蹬冰技术动作原理。认为尽管对 clap冰刀的功效有多种解释 ,但其核心是以提高踝关节的灵活性来达到增大下肢各关节协调作用的目的。在比较传统冰刀和 clap冰刀肌群工作特点后 ,提出 clap冰刀技术动作的训练重点 ,应强化臀大肌、股二头肌、背肌等伸肌群的训练。  相似文献   

谷化铮  陈民盛  邹晓峰 《冰雪运动》2007,29(4):22-24,31
运用运动生物力学研究方法,对优秀速滑运动员的弯道蹬伸技术与重心移动方式之间的关系进行分析,认为左右腿蹬伸方式上的不同,决定了速滑运动员在蹬冰过程中重心沿切线方向上前移程度的差异。  相似文献   

从运动生物力学角度,对影响速滑成绩的主要因素、新式冰鞋的运用对原有技术的影响及其异同点进行了探讨,进而阐述了速滑技术发展的演变趋势。  相似文献   

关于速滑直道蹬冰中重心位置的动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用生物力学方法对速滑直道蹬冰过程中重心位置的动态变化特点进行了分析,结果认为:在水平面内(冰面),重心滑角随蹬伸过程的延续而逐渐减小,并且重心点内倾逐渐加大且向滑行方向前移.在矢状面内(滑行正侧面)蹬冰后期重心也明显前移.  相似文献   

关于速滑蹬冰动作"爆发力"性质的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过运动生物力学的方法对速滑蹬冰动作“爆发力”的性质进行了探讨。结果认为:蹬冰技术动作是典型的爆发式动作,逐渐加大用力的蹬冰方式无法实现再加速作用。克莱普冰刀蹬冰动作下肢肌群的工作特点与传统冰刀蹬冰动作的肌群工作方式有着本质的区别。新式冰刀中更好地利用了小腿的能力,增加了蹬冰力量。  相似文献   

主要研究速滑腿部动作,着重分析滑行中足部和冰刀部位细微动作。主要结论为:摆动腿着冰时间(从冰刀接触冰面到刀刃完全放平)为0.1s,着冰处靠近支撑足,从录像片未观察到着冰时足艰与冰刀座有分离现象;从足艰(蹬冰腿)开始抬起到足艰与冰刀分开最大距离(此时冰刀仍然是全刃着冰)的时问为0.05-0.067s。这正是克莱普冰刀能提高运动成绩的关键所在。采用克莱普冰刀在这段时间能仍然在全刃蹬冰,延长了蹬冰时间,提高了滑行速度。此时的蹬冰主要是依靠足尖。这种情况也预示了蹬冰足蹬离冰面的最后一段时间伸展踝关节的重要性,提高伸展踝关节的速度将有助于进一步加大蹬冰的力度而提高滑行速度。  相似文献   

通过生物力学方法,从三维角度对世界优秀运动员王曼利1000 m滑行的弯道1个复步蹬冰动作研究后认为:王曼利左右腿支撑时间各个阶段存在一定的节律性,有利于弯道滑行速度的稳定.但左腿起蹬时刻要略晚于世界优秀选手的平均值,而左右单步动作频率都要高于世界优秀选手的平均值,说明是通过加快动作频率来达到提高步速的.蹬冰起始时刻膝关节角度较低,有利于增大蹬冰距离,而蹬冰的展膝程度中,膝、踝关节蹬冰角度没有充分伸展.  相似文献   

The relationship between the affect and timing of the four forces involved in running (gravity, ground reaction force, muscle force, and potential strain energy) is presented. These forces only increase horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass during stance but not flight. The current hierarchical models of running are critiqued because they do not show gravity, a constant force, in affect during stance. A new gravitational model of running is developed, which shows gravity as the motive force. Gravity is shown to cause a torque as the runner's centre of mass moves forward of the support foot. Ground reaction force is not a motive force but operates according to Newton's third law; therefore, the ground can only propel a runner forward in combination with muscle activity. However, leg and hip extensor muscles have consistently proven to be silent during leg extension (mid-terminal stance). Instead, high muscle-tendon forces at terminal stance suggest elastic recoil regains most of the centre of mass's height. Therefore, the only external motive force from mid-terminal stance is gravity via a gravitational torque, which causes a horizontal displacement. The aim of this paper is to establish a definitive biomechanical technique (Pose method) that is easily taught to runners (Romanov, 2002): falling forwards via a gravitational torque while pulling the support foot rapidly from the ground using the hamstring muscles.  相似文献   

The relationship between the affect and timing of the four forces involved in running (gravity, ground reaction force, muscle force, and potential strain energy) is presented. These forces only increase horizontal acceleration of the centre of mass during stance but not flight. The current hierarchical models of running are critiqued because they do not show gravity, a constant force, in affect during stance. A new gravitational model of running is developed, which shows gravity as the motive force. Gravity is shown to cause a torque as the runner's centre of mass moves forward of the support foot. Ground reaction force is not a motive force but operates according to Newton's third law; therefore, the ground can only propel a runner forward in combination with muscle activity. However, leg and hip extensor muscles have consistently proven to be silent during leg extension (mid-terminal stance). Instead, high muscle–tendon forces at terminal stance suggest elastic recoil regains most of the centre of mass's height. Therefore, the only external motive force from mid-terminal stance is gravity via a gravitational torque, which causes a horizontal displacement. The aim of this paper is to establish a definitive biomechanical technique (Pose® method) that is easily taught to runners (Romanov, 2002 Romanov, N. 2002. Dr. Nicholas Romanov's Pose method of running, Miami: PoseTech.  [Google Scholar]): falling forwards via a gravitational torque while pulling the support foot rapidly from the ground using the hamstring muscles.  相似文献   

对检测冰刀弧形状的基准问题进行了实验研究。结果表明:将检测冰刀弧形状的基准置于刀弧面上,会因刀弧被磨削而使测量基准位置发生改变,以不同基准测得的刀弧坐标值则失去准确性。采用固定基准检测出的冰刀弧坐标变化值是刀弧的实际被磨削量,能够准确反映出刀弧形状的变化。  相似文献   

张丽萍 《冰雪运动》2003,(1):101-102
在黑河市少年运动员使用黑龙江省体育科研所研制的“屈趾型”速滑冰刀过程中,对其滑跑技术和今后训练方法进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

陈民盛  刘彤  程湘南 《体育学刊》2006,13(1):108-110
通过对clap式冰刀与传统冰刀蹬冰机制的比较得出,clap式冰刀蹬冰技术原理体现在两个方面:一是通过提高踝关节的灵活性来改变下肢各关节的发力性质;二是通过冰刀结构的改变来揭示速滑蹬冰技术动作加速理论的适用条件。其核心是提高踝关节的灵活性。  相似文献   

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