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With the support of the central government, the Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) was initiated by CAS in 1998 in an effort to build a national innovation system at the advent of a knowledge-based economy. Since then, scores of major projects under the Program have been launched with an objective to address the key S&T issues that are of strategic significance to the economic development, national security and social sustainable development in China. Through integrating CAS strengths with social resources, these projects have scored encouraging achievements.  相似文献   

Addressing major S&T issues of strategic importance to China's socioeconomic growth, national security and development sustainability, the key projects of CAS during the period of the 11th Five-year Plan (2006-2010) are large-scale research initiatives with an expectation to give rise to S&T breakthroughs. In accordance with the national mid- and long-term planning for S&T development, they are designed in a top-down approach to make full use of CAS advantages in disciplinary studies by widely pooling resources across the country. So far the first batch of 13 such projects has been initiated. The following is a brief introduction to some of them.  相似文献   

As China's leading academic institution and comprehensive research and development center in natural science, technological science and hightech innovation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is committed to making fundamental, strategic and forwardlooking contributions to China's economic reconstruction, national security and sustainable development.  相似文献   

中国科学院肩负国家战略科技力量职责使命,一贯重视知识产权工作。在分析中国科学院知识产权保护与运用的制度规范和重要举措的基础上,总结了中国科学院知识产权保护和运用的模式特征。基于中国科学院案例,从战略制度、专业安排、模式举措、管理流程等方面提出了对于加强国家战略科技力量知识产权保护和运用工作的建议。  相似文献   

CAS member Zhao Zhongxian, director of Working Committee on Consultation and Evaluation of the CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD),has announced that the Academic Division of Earth Sciences has drafted a consultative report on planning and strategic studies of  相似文献   

Under the aegis of CAS and the Royal Society of London, a high-level Sino-UK seminar on solar energy convened in Beijing on 2 and 3 March.  相似文献   

At the 2004 enlarged sum- mer meeting of theLead- ing GroupoftheCommu-nist Party of China at CAS heldfrom July 26–31, CAS leadersstudied the medium- and long-term development plan of CASand worked out, in a fairly com-prehensive manner, the strategicgoals to be attained by the Acad-emy in the coming five to 15years. In basic research, CAS willmake innovative contributions thatare of major importance and abletowithstand thetestoftime. Inhigh-tech development, it will m…  相似文献   

中国科学院是我国科技扶贫的先行者和践行者。根据国务院扶贫办的统一部署,中国科学院承担了4个国家级贫困县的定点扶贫任务,包括内蒙古库伦旗、广西环江县以及贵州水城县和六枝特区。近年来,中国科学院发挥科技综合优势,根据贫困地区地域特点,通过部署科技扶贫项目支撑帮扶地区产业发展和脱贫增收,构建服务贫困地区发展的科技扶贫网络,培育贫困地区可持续发展的“造血功能”,取得了显著的帮扶成效。在国务院扶贫办组织的2018年度脱贫攻坚成效考核中,中国科学院定点扶贫工作考核等次为第一等次“好”。  相似文献   

Since CAS is charged with the key task of carrying out strategic, fundamental and forward-looking studies for this country, it is incumbent upon CAS scientists to take an active part in the National Program for the Development of Western China. This is also an important part of the national Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) spearheaded by CAS. Over the past two years, CAS has made a series of remarkable advances in Western China with regard to the development of research bases, exploration of crucial scientific problems, the training of talented people, and providing consultation services for decision makers.With the furtherance of the national drive to develop the country's western region, CAS will step up its efforts and increase its funding, to make more and greater contributions to the overall development of the region.  相似文献   

分析了中国科学院高技术研究面临的形势和国家的战略需求,讨论了中国科学院高技术研究工作的定位、总体战略、评价标准、体制和机制创新等问题,对信息、先进制造、新材料、能源、化工以及空间等科学技术领域的发展趋势和中国科学院高技术研究工作关注的战略重点问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

西藏生态安全屏障保护与建设成效评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西藏是青藏高原的主体,地球第三极的核心,地理环境十分特殊,全球生态地位极为重要。2009年2月18日,国务院第50次常务会议审议并通过了《西藏生态安全屏障保护与建设规划(2008—2030年)》,提出用近5个"五年规划"期的时间,投入资金155亿元,实施保护类、建设类和支撑保障类三大类10项工程,基本建成国家生态安全屏障。截至2015年,一期工程顺利实施完成。根据中科院与西藏自治区科技合作座谈会精神,在中科院"西部行动"计划和"战略性先导科技专项"支持下,完成了西藏生态安全屏障保护与建设一期工程成效评估。结果表明,一期工程进展顺利,完成了阶段目标;高寒生态系统结构整体稳定,生态格局变化率低于0.15%;生态系统服务稳中略增,增幅3%—5%。但西藏生态环境脆弱,筑牢屏障任务依然艰巨。  相似文献   

In order to promote the national capability in S&T innovation in an all-round way, the Party's Central Committee and the State Council made a key decision of great strategic significance to initiate a pilot project for the national Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) at CAS in 1998. This signifies a new stage for the buildup of a national knowledge innovation system and a new era for the development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).  相似文献   

中国科学院在院党组的领导下,紧密结合帮扶地区实际,依靠科技项目支撑地方发展县域特色经济,动员全院相关科技力量,通过干部派遣、成果转化、驻村帮扶、战略咨询等方式,开展了形式多样的科技扶贫工作,逐渐总结出一系列有效模式和成功范式,为科技扶贫促进县域经济发展开辟了新途径,作出了突出贡献。在国务院扶贫开发领导小组组织的中央单位定点扶贫工作成效考核中,中国科学院2018、2019年连续2年获得第一等次“好”。  相似文献   

A total of 556 members from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) recently selected China's top 10 news events of scientific and technological progress for the year 2001. The selection was jointly organized by Science Times, and the Academic Divisions of both CAS and CAE.  相似文献   

文章针对在科研院所调查过程中发现的一些问题,对科研组织的战略管理规律进行分析。以经济学原理为依据,寻求科研组织战略管理的一般规律,并试图探索中科院体制改革的新方向。  相似文献   

贵州省六盘水市水城县是中国科学院定点帮扶县。文章回顾了近年来中国科学院在水城县开展科技扶贫工作主要内容和成效:发挥综合科技优势,结合水城县实际情况,打造特色科技扶贫项目,重点培养贫困地区的自我造血功能。总结成功经验,探索科技扶贫助推"三变"改革的新模式,强化科技支撑,推进精准扶贫,建立科技扶贫长效机制。  相似文献   

贵州省六盘水市水城县是中国科学院定点帮扶县。文章回顾了近年来中国科学院在水城县开展科技扶贫工作主要内容和成效:发挥综合科技优势,结合水城县实际情况,打造特色科技扶贫项目,重点培养贫困地区的自我造血功能。总结成功经验,探索科技扶贫助推"三变"改革的新模式,强化科技支撑,推进精准扶贫,建立科技扶贫长效机制。  相似文献   

院地合作是中国科学院与大学、企业、地方政府等各单元联合合作,共同推进国家创新建设和提高自主创新能力的一项重大举措。本文认为,新时期,中国科学院应该加强院地合作工作四方面的认识,即科技需求的战略性、资源布局的区域性、功能目标的引导性、运行机制的系统性。在这种认识下,提出院地合作当前或未来面临的四项重点工作和四种能力建设,且基于实践工作,建议成立院地合作研究中心与工作网络;建立全方位、多层次和多领域的交流平台;不断完善相关管理制度。  相似文献   

关于完善项目代建制模式的几点思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
建设项目的代建制管理模式在政府投资公共工程项目的建设管理中发挥了积极的作用,同时在项目代建制的试点运作过程中也暴露出一些普遍性问题。根据上海、北京、重庆等地项目代建制试点反馈情况,结合工程实际,提出进一步完善代建制度的几点思考。  相似文献   

曾艳  周桔 《中国科学院院刊》2019,34(12):1345-1350
生物资源是支撑国民经济可持续发展,保障人民生产、生活与生命健康的战略资源,也是生命科学与生物技术的基石,是国际布局与竞争热点。发达国家历来重视战略生物资源的收集保存和发掘利用。我国是世界上物种最丰富的国家之一,出台了多项政策支持生物资源领域发展。面向国家重大需求和国民经济主战场,中国科学院整合了植物园、标本馆、实验动物平台、生物遗传资源库以及生物多样性委员会等机构,构建我国核心战略生物资源平台,大力提升我国战略生物资源收集、保藏、评价、转化与可持续利用的综合能力,支撑和服务生物产业发展,为我国经济社会的可持续发展提供强有力的科技支撑。  相似文献   

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