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Rapid growth during the 1970s in the number of foreign students, led several countries to introduce quotas or differential fees to regulate or restrict foreign student enrolments. An analysis of the effects of full-cost fees, introduced in Britain in 1980, shows that this caused a reduction in the number of students, particularly from developing countries, but since 1983 a policy of targeted scholarships has helped to redress the balance. Many countries are now reassessing the costs and benefits of foreign students and developing new policies, to ensure that both sending and receiving countries benefit from increased student mobility.  相似文献   

Chinese college graduates have faced increasing labor market competition since the expansion of tertiary education. Given rigid market demand, graduates with realistic earnings expectations may experience a more efficient job search. Using the 2008 MYCOS College Graduate Employment Survey, this study finds that a 1 000 yuan reduction in a graduate’s reservation wage can significantly increase the probability of finding a job by 66% and increase the likelihood of being employed six months after graduation by 92%. In addition, the gap between the reservation wage and the market wage has a positive impact. By slightly adjusting earnings expectations, college graduates can significantly improve job search efficiency. Market wages should be seen as reference points when adjusting income expectations.  相似文献   

The research findings have made it clear that Chinese college student aid policy has several characteristics. Generally speaking, student financial aid is increasing up to some extent. The government financial aids focus mostly on improving equality of educational opportunity in higher education. However, aids from the government are inadequate, especially national student loans. Besides, all kinds of aids were decreasing from 2004 to 2006 and the aid programs were short of stability between various years. In order to improve equal access to higher education through student aid policy, it is necessary to enlarge the government aids and reform the aid system. __________ Translated from Jiaoshi Jiaoyu Yanjiu 教师教育研究 (Teacher Education Research), 2008, (2), 59–63  相似文献   

在高校学生资助工作中,由于一些因素的影响,部分受资助的大学生自暴自弃、不思进取、不知恩、不感恩、弄虚作似、背信弃义等现象时有发生。这对高校思想政治教育工作提出了新的课题。在高校学生资助工作中渗透思想政治教育显得尤为迫切。  相似文献   

高校学生党支部在高校中扮演者非常重要的一个角色,是高校学生自我锻炼、自我提高的一个好去处。高校学生党支部对学生起着良好的辅助作用,包括思想教育作用、桥梁作用、纽带作用、管教作用以及推动作用等。因此,高校必须极大对学生党支部的相关建设,最大限度地发挥学生党支部的作用及功效,提高学生的自我能力。然而,在现实的高校学生党支部建设中存在着许多的问题亟待解决,高校管理者必须在探索和实践的过程中采取相应的有效措施来进行学生党支部建设。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国高等教育的快速发展,高校毕业生人数持续增长,"就业难"的问题已经引起了社会的普遍关注,也成为政府亟待解决的重大课题。党中央、国务院高度重视高校毕业生就业工作,党的十七大报告明确提出"实施教育优先发展战略,积极做好高校毕业生就业工作"的总体要求。作为大学生进入大学校门后的领路人及与大学生朝夕相处的良师益友,高校辅导员有必要也有责任为解决高校毕业生就业难的问题贡献自己的一份力量。作为一名毕业班辅导员,笔者结合自身就业经历,提出了一些具体的工作对策,即"围绕一个中心、抓住两个技巧、坚持六个步骤"。  相似文献   

It was the purpose of this study to assess the effects of differential college environments on academic learning and cognitive development by testing Pascarella's theoretical general causal model with longitudinal data from a national database on college students. Secondary analysis of longitudinal data from the 1986 Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) freshman survey and from the 1990 follow-up CIRP survey was conducted to formulate the five clusters of independent variables and two dependent variables as postulated by Pascarella. The final sample was composed of 2,165 students at four-year institutions. The data were analyzed using path analysis. Direct, indirect, and total effects of all variables are reported. Results of the path analyses partially supported Pascarella's theoretical causal model. Findings suggested that student precollege traits, the quality of student effort in academic pursuits during college, and interactions with faculty and peers are more salient influences on learning and student perceptions of cognitive development than institutional characteristics and institutional environment. Based on the findings of the present study, a refined causal model for college student academic and cognitive outcomes is proposed. Recommendations and implications for further study are given.  相似文献   

The effect of student aid on the duration of study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I evaluate the effect of student aid on the success of academic studies. I focus on two dimensions, the duration of study and the probability of actually graduating with a degree. To determine the impact of financial student aid, I estimate a discrete-time duration model allowing for competing risks to account for different exit states (graduation and dropout) using individual level panel data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) for the years 1984-2007. My findings suggest that the duration of study is responsive to the type of financial support a student receives. There are three main results. First, student aid recipients finish faster than comparable students who are supported by the same amount of parental/private transfers only. Second, although higher financial aid does on average not affect the duration of study, this effect is (third) dominated by the increased probability of actually finishing university successfully.  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业难问题的解决多从政府、用人单位和政策客观上来寻求有效合理的配置方法。本主要从高校自身要转变观念,主动应对应业市场,拓宽就业渠道,有针对性地提出了建议。以适应社会主义市场经济迅速发展带来的对人才多样化的需求。  相似文献   

文章针对当前大学生自主创业意识的现状进行分析,从大学生自身因素、教育环境因素、社会因素三个方面剖析了影响大学生自主创业成功率的因素,为大学生自主创业教育提供有效的理论依据,并为进一步做好高校毕业生就业工作打下基础。  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯规划探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业生涯规划,关系着一个人是否能在社会环境中找到自己的正确定位、充分发挥自己的潜能、走向成功.它是大学生迈入社会,实现自己人生抱负的关键一步.大学生当前面临职业生涯理念模糊,学校所提供的相应服务亦需要完善等问题,因此,大学生应提高对职业生涯规划重要性的认识,积极进行职业生涯规划;学校也应帮助学生制订切合实际的职业生涯规划.  相似文献   

学生管理工作是高等院校管理中的重要组成部分,随着教育体制的不断改革,学生管理工作的模式也作出了适当的调整,但是距离实现教育改革的具体目标还有一定距离,还需要进一步的创新。传统的高等院校学生管理工作模式已经无法适应现代教育体制的发展,需要结合现代化的思想理念进行创新与改革。本文将针对当前高等院校学生管理工作模式的创新进行分析。  相似文献   

在时代飞速发展的今天,高校招生规模在不断的扩大,就业形势日趋严重,受到了全社会普遍的关注。不同的学者对大学生就业难问题,有着差异化的意见,从不同角度上进行了分析和阐述,有人认为是劳动力供求失衡导致的,也有人认为高等教育质量需要进一步提升。从微观层面上来讲,很多人认为学习成绩再好,不如有一个成功的父亲,如果父亲代表的是社会资本,那么学习成绩就代表着人力资本。因此,本文通过问卷调查的方式,分析了高校毕业生人力资本积累对其就业的影响状况,希望可以提供一些有价值的参考意见。  相似文献   

高校毕业生社会评价的架构与运行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校毕业生社会评价是高等教育人才培养质量监控体系的重要内容,是提高人才培养质量与社会需求契合度与增强自身竞争力的有效信息途径.当前,我国高校毕业生社会评价存在市场缺位,独立的教育评估机构发展不成熟,评估主题不够明确,用人单位参与意识不强,忽视外延性评价等问题.鉴于此,构建了高校毕业生社会评价的基本架构和指标体系及其社会评价的运行机制,以期架构高校、人才市场和社会评价三者之间循环反复、螺旋上升的动态运行体系.  相似文献   

美国联邦大学生资助政策伴随国家和社会的现实需要而产生和发展,并在政策环境的影响下经过逐步改革而日趋完善。本文分析了联邦学生资助政策在扩大弱势群体的高等教育机会,在促进教育平等和社会公平等方面产生了积极影响,但也指出在不同群体高等教育入学机会和未来发展方面仍旧存在很大差距,就联邦学生资助政策而言,主要是学生资助资金不足以及学生资助体系以贷款为主所致。  相似文献   

A review of the literature is presented with particular reference to design flaws in previous studies of the effect of stated purpose of evaluation upon student ratings of instruction. Special attention in this study is paid to insuring the salience of the manipulated purpose-of-evaluation variable through using different oral instructions given to college students concerning the purposes of course evaluation. Students (N=516) within each of 18 classes were divided randomly into faculty use and administrative use conditions. Data were analyzed using global course and global instructor items as dependent variables on a standard short-form rating instrument. No statistically significant effect of the independent variable on either dependent variable was found. Recommendations regarding the design of this type of investigation are discussed as well as the implications of misconceptions about student ratings held by many college faculty.  相似文献   

In this study of college student retention and progression, significant differences were found between black and white student cohorts in terms of their attrition rates, overall progression rates (defined as length of time to graduate), and tendency to follow the prescribed progression pattern (sophomore in the second year, junior in the third year, senior in the fourth year, and graduate after the fourth year). However, multiple regression analyses show that racial differences disappear when the effects of other student and institutional characteristics are statistically controlled. Therefore, colleges and universities would do well to rethink special retention and counseling programs designed especially to serve minority group students.  相似文献   

A survey examining the economic benefits of returning to college for older women was conducted in 1986 at the College of Public and Community Service at UMass/Boston, a competency based educational institution for poor and working class adults. The results of the survey show that, while monetary returns are quite limited, the college degree has given older women access to professional and managerial positions. The vast majority of the women believe that the acquisition of the college degree greatly improved their economic opportunities.Previous to this position, she was Associate Vice Chancellor for Planning at the University of Massachusetts at Boston. She began this article when she was the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the College of Public and Community Service, the University of Massachusetts at Boston.  相似文献   

2016年全国高校毕业生人数达到765万,毕业生就业形势依然严峻,其中就业困难群体的就业问题更加突出。本文根据毕业生就业工作的实际情况,对就业困难群体进行了分类,针对不同群体的就业困难原因进行分析,帮助他们解开就业症结,在此基础上提出了相应的就业服务与指导策略,从而进一步提升大学生的就业质量,提高学生的就业满意度。  相似文献   

由于高校不断扩招,毕业生逐年增长,在就业高压下,高校毕业生在就业时受挫心理情况日趋严重,探索消除其心理障碍的方法,指导他们尽快走出心理误区,培养良好的心理素质,顺利就业,已成为一个急需解决的社会问题。  相似文献   

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