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A longitudinal study was conducted over four stages of three school years across the primary – secondary transition. The purpose was to understand the dynamic transition experience of pupils, investigate the effectiveness of preparation by schools to support transitions and understand pupils’ most important support networks. Using online questionnaires, data were collected from pupils at four time points, twice from secondary school professionals and their parents, and once from primary school professionals. Results highlight the ongoing and dynamic nature of transitions. What pupils were excited about were still seen to be good once they were in secondary school , and aspects that worried them declined over time. Some pupils experienced problems and adapted at different times, whereas for some, problems emerged later. It seems that those who anticipated problems when in primary school were more likely to experience problems; this has implications for the discourse around transitions and its impact on pupils’ anticipation of transition experience. Although transition planning and preparation by schools were important and varied, they were not always effective, not provided in a timely manner and did not tap into their naturally occurring support networks in the home and community. This study makes unique contributions in terms of highlighting the dynamic transitions process and change in pupils’ experience over time; various aspects of transitions that children are excited and concerned about and how these changed over time; professionals’ conceptualisations of transitions; pupils’ and parents’ views of the effectiveness of transition practices at various stages; and pupils’ real support networks.  相似文献   

One of the first achievements of post-conflict Afghanistan was to bring almost 4 million children back to school. Issues remain daunting, however, with low primary enrollment especially for girls and in rural areas and very weak learning achievements. We review some key features of the education system in Afghanistan. By matching household and school data, we assess the impact of various factors on enrollment. Overall, the analysis indicates that further increasing supply alone is unlikely to lead to higher enrollment. The analysis confirms the importance of demand factors such as the education of parents, the family language, and other community and ethnic factors.  相似文献   


This paper describes and analyses some of the legal consequences of the schooling reforms of 1989 in New Zealand, which devolved the power to run schools to individual Boards of Trustees in each of the 2,600 schools in the country. The focus will be on three main kinds of legal action: between the state and schools (relating to interpretations of the legislation, resourcing and related issues), between the schools and parents/children attending (or not) a particular school, and finally one case between parents and the state, which encompassed a range of the problems raised by devolution. doi:10.1300/J467v01n03_09  相似文献   

In this paper we consider why students in poor and rural regions of China are dropping out of school in numbers that may be greater than official statistics admit. With questions about education quality among the most intractable in Education for All initiatives across the developing world, we sketch a portrait of education in a remote mountain village community as it might be painted from the perspective of a primary school dropout: a portrait in which education quality is well in the shadows. We indicate the limits of the view that commonly relates the phenomenon of school dropout primarily with poverty, a lack of school resources and inequities in resource distribution, suggesting that the picture is more nuanced and subtly shaded at local levels. Our research indicates that the education system in the radically transitional society that China is today brings with it values that clash with those of its citizens, particularly those who are marginalized and cannot easily adjust, perhaps because of their disadvantaged socio-economic, cultural and geographic location. In an ethnographic study in a poor, rural area in Yunnan province, we found significant disjunctions in values: between those of the school system and those of parents with regard to the aims and purposes of education; between those of the curriculum and those of teachers with regard to their role in the classroom vis-à-vis knowledge as represented in textbooks; between those of government education policy and the concerns of the remote rural poor with regard to resource distribution; and between those of a newly market-oriented society and educational ideals about teachers’ and students’ abilities. We also offer some insight into the scale and complexity of the problems associated with a lack of education quality and students’ dropping out of school as a consequence, which cannot be revealed by the official 1% dropout rate.  相似文献   

家庭心理环境是指人为因素形成的家庭条件,包括家庭中一切成员的世界观、气质、道德修养、家庭活动氛围等。研究采用家长报告法,用家庭环境量表(FES-CV)(第三修订版)对城市46名小学4年级学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)城市小学生家庭环境中的亲密度、娱乐性、组织性和控制性四个因子的得分显著高于全国常模,成功性因子显著低于全国常模;(2)城市小学生父母受教育程度和职业类型均对家庭环境因子的影响存在显著差异,但总体影响作用不突出;(3)在家庭知识性因子上,父母文化程度均为大学的得分高于或显著高于大专或高中家庭。母亲为企业职员的得分显著高于专业技术、无业和自由职业三类家庭;(4)在家庭情感表达因子上,父亲为企业职员的得分高于专业技术、政府和自由职业三类家庭;母亲为自由职业者的得分高于或显著高于无业、企业、政府和专业技术人员四类家庭;(5)父亲文化程度与家庭环境的知识性因子呈显著正相关,而与道德宗教观因子呈显著负相关;(6)母亲文化程度与家庭环境的控制性因子呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

目前,师范院校小学教育专业建设存在着不适应农村基础教育的现象,主要表现为培养目标与农村小学教育实际不协调、课程设置与农村小学教育实际脱节和毕业生服务农村小学教育的意识不强等方面。要从确立适应农村实际的“全科型”人才培养目标、构建适应农村实际的课程体系和加强学生就业指导等方面入手,不断提高办学质量,增强其与农村基础教育的适应性。  相似文献   

随着信息技术课程成为全国中小学的必修科目,加快"信息技术课程教师的培养与培训工作,使教师能够适应新课程改革"已成为国家赋予高师院校教育技术学专业的重要使命。为适应新形势下基础教育信息技术学科改革需求,笔者对安徽省部分中小学校长与一线教师进行访谈与调查,以求准确把握中小学一线信息技术学科现状和信息技术人才的需求状况与能力要求,并及时了解教育技术学专业培养信息技术人才所存在的问题,在此基础上,有针对性地分析了"顺应时代需求、加快专业建设"的应对策略。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of pre-school education on learning achievement at primary level in Bangladesh. Evidence from learning achievement test and household and school-related data were obtained from 7093 pupils attending 440 primary schools in Bangladesh. Findings suggest that a small proportion (15.3%) of primary school pupils attended pre-school. Pupils from educated parents and well-off families were more likely to attend. In principle, however, attendance at pre-school did not predict later learning achievement at primary level, but a range of socio-demographic, school-related and additional educational factors did have an impact. It is concluded that further research is warranted to examine the quality of pre-school provision offered in Bangladesh and the qualifications of professionals working with young children in these centres.  相似文献   

张泽红 《天津教育》2021,(11):42-43
小学道德教育对于小学生的成长十分重要,良好的小学道德教育能够在很大程度上促进小学生的发展。因此,本文对小学道德教育进行研究,指出了目前小学道德教育中存在的问题。针对存在的问题,本文从学校、教师、家长等方面入手,更好地解决小学道德教育中存在的问题,促进小学生的良好发展。  相似文献   

家校共育为孩子的健康成长提供了必需的合力,然而在实践中存在许多困境。家长作为家校共育中的核心人物,对学校开展的家校共育工作有重要话语权。研究采用实证研究方法,以北京市某区的120名小学家长为访谈对象,研究结果显示家长对家校共育现状基本满意。他们认为学校对孩子的培养起了关键作用,但是孩子在学习行为与习惯、合作与交往等方面发展不尽人意。为了更好地促进家校共育,应提高家长参与家校共育活动的有效性,同时增强家长的自我反思意识。  相似文献   

中国和德国的义务教育年限相当,其小学和中学的交接方式不同。“免试就近升入初中学习”和“过滤、选择、分流”进入中学学习两者存在着较大的差异。中德中学教育,有必要互相学习。  相似文献   

This article reports on recent findings from a mapping study of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education in schools in England, focusing on the data derived from primary school participants. It is based on a nationally representative survey of 923 primary school PSHE education leads, and follow-up in-depth interviews and discussion groups with 171 participants. This included local authority support staff, and from participating primary schools: senior management representatives, PSHE education leads, teaching staff, governors, school improvement partners, parents, and pupils. Results included here primarily relate to two areas: delivery models and curriculum coverage, and pupil views on their experiences and the (potential) value of PSHE education. In examining these areas, the article raises issues about blurred boundaries between PSHE education and Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning and/or pastoral care within school more widely, and particular staff sensitivities about the teaching of certain elements of PSHE education, particularly sex and relationships education and drugs, alcohol and tobacco education. These subject areas were less likely to be included or prioritised within PSHE education than, for example, emotional health and well-being, but were often the areas highlighted as most important by pupils. In conclusion, the article raises questions about the potential links between PSHE education and attainment, and the use of different teaching approaches across the curriculum more broadly.  相似文献   

本文运用个案研究方法,对一名徐动型脑瘫儿童进行了长达两年的研究。通过长期观察、访谈和追踪分析探讨了帮助该类儿童随班就读的方法和策略,为普通小学老师、特殊教育人士、康复服务人员和家长提供了一些建议和参考。  相似文献   

调查显示,我国现阶段教师教育专业的招生和就业出现了一系列新的情况和问题:教师教育专业对高中毕业生有较大的吸引力,但优秀学生报考的积极性不高;有志于教育事业的师范毕业生较多,但愿意去农村中小学的很少;与此相关的是,中小学教师队伍建设成绩显著,但问题依然突出。要加强我国的教师教育,国家有必要强化激励机制、加强政策引导,设立国家教师教育专业奖学金,实行师范毕业生农村就业优惠政策,确保教师基本待遇、努力提高教师质量。  相似文献   

In the last decade the national Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) programme has focussed on universaling access to elementary education (Grades I–VIII). Most recently the Right to Education Act provides the legislative framework to guarantee schooling to all children between 6 and 14 years of age. It remains the case however that less than half of all children attend and complete secondary school especially in the Northern states. Under the 11th National Plan Rastriya Madhyamic Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) has been launched to increase the numbers entering secondary school. This paper explores some of the key issues in planning and managing the growth in participation that is envisaged so that 75% or more enjoy the benefits of transition to Grades IX and X. The issues include the constraints on expansion that arise from the restricted output of elementary school graduates, the continued exclusion of the poorest and those from disadvantaged groups from progression to Grade VIII, the costs to households and government of universal secondary schooling as currently structured, the limits to growth of private provision, the massive infrastructure needs, and the problems associated with increasing teacher supply and deployment. Policy dialogue around secondary school expansion is a central concern if India is to close the gap between itself and China and other rapidly developing countries in educating most of its population beyond the elementary level.  相似文献   

我国高职毕业生就业模式在理念、时间、主体、政策等方面与国外发达国家高职毕业生就业模式存在差异。比较研究显示,就业问题之根本不在就业,就业问题解决时间也不在毕业时,就业问题解决主体也不仅仅在高校。为解决我国高职毕业生就业问题,可构建"四维度"就业模式,改变我国社会对于职业教育、技术型人才的旧有观念,从初、高中起培养学生的职业意识,构建全社会参与的就业保障体系。  相似文献   

Primary school‐aged children with conduct problems are at risk of future antisocial and criminal behaviour, particularly when there are additional family‐level risk factors. However, little is known about how school‐related factors can reduce that risk. This qualitative longitudinal study investigates school‐related influences on changes in the behaviour of at‐risk children in high‐need families over a period of 5 years. Families of 11 children with serious behaviour problems were followed over the transition to secondary school. In‐depth interviews with mothers, and with practitioners who support the child or family, explored school‐related factors which appeared helpful or unhelpful in improving children's behaviour over time. The analysis found that the disjuncture between the nurture experienced at primary school and a lack of nurture later at secondary school was problematic. Children tended to change primary school until they found one prepared to offer them a high level of nurture and supervision. Consistent relationships with supportive adults were important, but were rare after the transfer to secondary school. Literacy problems remained unrecognised or unaddressed for too long, contributing to children's lack of engagement. Inconsistent disciplinary responses to minor behaviour issues tended to escalate problems and most children were eventually excluded from mainstream education. Communication between parents and school staff was often problematic; parents sometimes experienced school contacts as burdensome, ill‐informed and unsupportive. However, good communication could aid development of successful approaches to supporting children with difficult behaviour.  相似文献   

This research article explores the perspectives of students, administrators, teachers and parents on the UNRWA school dropouts’ dilemma in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. Based on qualitative methodology, field data are grounded in two forms of data collection: one-on-one interviews with 11 dropout students; and focus group discussion interviews with students, parents, teachers, and school administrators. These stakeholders were drawn from four carefully selected UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) schools in Lebanon. The qualitative study provides ethnographic accounts of the factors underlying and motivations behind students dropping out of school in these communities. More specifically, attention is paid to important issues, including socio-economic status, school curriculum and services, family involvement, and domestic laws governing the participation of Palestinian refugees in various professions. Beyond simply listing these factors, this study amplifies the voices of students, parents, teachers, and school administrators to highlight the different and detailed ways in which such issues interact with the decision to drop out of school.  相似文献   

Chinese higher education has gained outstanding achievement in expanding its access to the mass population since 1999. However, the mismatch between university curricula and job market requirements leads to increasing unemployment and underemployment of Chinese graduates. In recent years, the central and local governments and universities have viewed entrepreneurship as an efficient means to solve the unemployment and underemployment issues of university graduates. They issued many policies to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among young people. However, university graduates are still facing barriers in deciding to start their entrepreneurial journey. In this qualitative study, we interviewed 37 young entrepreneurs in Shenzen. Results show that the respondents encountered barriers from three aspects: personal traits, resources, and culture. With the empirical data collected from the interviews, we aim to enable higher education professionals and innovation policymakers to develop an advanced understanding of the experiences of the new generation of entrepreneurs while reflecting the efforts in coping with the negative effects of the massification of higher education.  相似文献   

对海安县831名义务教育阶段学生的问卷调查表明,课业负担的外在表现和内在感受随年级增长而增长,初中生课业负担较重。课业负担成因分析表明,初中生负担主要源于教师(学校),小学生负担主要源于家长,教师和家长压力主要源于学校和社会。要减轻学生过重课业负担,小学要做好家长工作,初中要侧重做好学校工作。  相似文献   

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