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目的:研究渐进运动对恶化性肺部真菌感染的感染过程,分析斑点追踪指导治疗方法对肺部真菌感染恶化过程的临床指导。方法:以某运动疾病康复治疗医院从2014年1月到2014年3月收治的85例肺部真菌感染患者为分析对象,对患者的肺部真菌感染过程进行全程监控,对恶化过程每天进行观察记录,综合提取肺部真菌感染的斑点分布特性与斑点运动特性,比较伊曲康唑、霉素B脂质体、氟康唑三种药物代谢过程的斑点特性,给出真菌感染度及恶化趋势,最后采用相应药物进行治疗。结果:不同感染和恶化程度的肺部真菌感染斑点分布复杂,运动特性各异,随着真菌感染恶化加剧,斑点分布更加随机化,且运动特性明显加剧。结论:渐进运动对渐进恶化性的肺部真菌感染的斑点追踪具有很好的临床参考价值,可以依据斑点特性对肺部真菌感染恶化特性做出准确预测。  相似文献   

由于企业对物资有严格的质量要求,一旦发生质量事故,甚至可能导致整个项目的失败,一旦发现某种物料不合格,则可能报废整批物料,所以企业的物资管理不仅要管理好通常的物资采购、库存及供应,还必须具有完善的物料追踪管理能力,必须能够追查到进厂物资的来龙去脉,即进行物资的溯源与追踪。据此,本文对物资追踪技术进行研究和总结。  相似文献   

利用VC++语言编制了多功能图层系等值线图绘制程序,在OpenGL制图环境下即可生成图层式等值线图,利用该程序绘制的图层的等值线图不仅图件清晰、准确、详细,美观大方,形象、直观地表示出图层等值线的垂直深度、图层等值线的趋势对比、是否钻遇断层,而且工作效率成倍增长,改变了过去图层等值线图单一逐个显示的落后面貌和局限性,是等值线图画法的一次革新。  相似文献   

舒文婷  何天龙 《科技风》2011,(5):180-181
跨入新世纪以来,面对数码科技给动画界带来的强烈冲击,以传统手绘为主要制作方式的二维动画电影与CG技术为主的三维动画电影分庭抗争,探究二维动画的未来发展趋势,可以更好的规划自己所从事的职业蓝图,为创作出更优秀的二维动画贡献一份力量。  相似文献   

动画在表现形式和材质上的结合,为动画创作带来了形式和内容上全新的视听感受。材质和表达形式一直是世界各地动画艺术家重要的创新手段。二维动画作为传统动画最主要表现形式,二维动画与其它材质动画的结合在诸多动画表现形式中占有重要的地位,对动画表现形式和内容的创新上有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

二维条码技术的发展及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了二维条码的发展状况和编码的几个关键因素,并以QR码为例介绍了矩阵式二维条码的一般结构及其应用,最后阐述了二维条码的最新发展方向。  相似文献   

海量的网络媒体信息使得人们在有限的时间内难以全面地掌握一些话题的信息,这样容易导致部分重要信息的遗漏。话题检测与追踪技术正是在这种需求下产生的。这种技术可以从庞大的信息集合中快速准确地获取人们感兴趣的内容。近几年,话题检测与追踪技术已成为自然语言处理领域热门的研究方向,它能把大量的信息有效地组织起来,并使用相关技术从中挖掘出有用的信息,用简洁有效的方式让人们了解一个事件或现象中所有细节以及它们之间的相关性。对话题跟踪的研究背景、相关概念、评测方法以及相关技术进行了综述,并总结了当前的相关技术。  相似文献   

近年来,二维物体渐变技术在虚拟现实、科学计算可视化、广告娱乐等领域获得了快速的发展。本文对二维物体渐变技术作了讨论,介绍了它的两方面内容:一是二维形状渐变的基本方法;二是图象渐变,阐述了它的主要算法和成熟的方法。  相似文献   

科技实力决定经济实力,而科技活动的核心体现是研发活动,因此合理配置研发资源对于科技实力的提升、经济实力的增长具有重要意义。对河北省研发资源配置问题的研究分为规模研究和效率研究两个方面。规模研究方面采用聚类分析法对河北省11个设区市的研发资源配置规模进行了分类,分为好、中、差三类;效率研究方面采用DEA分析法对河北省11个设区市的研发资源配置效率进行了分析,并据此将这11个设区市的研发资源配置效率进行了分类,分为高、中、低三类;最后进行规模与效率的二维测度,将这些地区进行效率与规模的二维组合,给出各个地区的特点并有针对性地提出改进的对策。  相似文献   

二维定向凝固技术是20世纪末首先在我国发展起来的高新技术.九五期间.在我国首创二维定向凝固技术的是湘潭大学廖世杰教授及其课题组.廖世杰教授主持实施和完成国家高技术(863)计划“二维定向凝固技术一步整体成形”课题。廖世杰教授及其课题组的成果众多,本文将扼要介绍他在“九五”期间带领课题组的同志在自行研制二维定向凝固技术的成果。  相似文献   

细胞色素P450 2D69CYP2D^0基因2064G→A突变,造成表达产物212位上谷氨酸变成甘氨酸,从而引起酶分子失活,被称为CY2D6^*6。利用等位基因特异扩增法,建立了ASA-PCR测定了CYP2D6^*6的方法,经396例测定,说明本法快捷,准确,测定结果显示CYP2D6^*6与CYP2D6T共存,如何只为准确预测CYP2D6酶活性,对CYP2D6^*6进行测定并无意义。  相似文献   

目的 使用多普勒组织成像(DTI)评价多巴酚丁胺负荷超声心动图(DSE)过程中冠心病患者心脏舒张功能变化.方法 14例正常对照(CON),20例冠心病患者(CAD)采用标准的DSE方案[0~40μg/(kg·min-1)],记录各室壁节段的舒张早期的峰值速度(Ve)和舒张晚期的峰值速度(Va)以及舒张早、晚期的峰值速度比值(Ve/Va).正常状态下,随着多巴酚丁胺(Dob)药物剂量的增加,各节段室壁运动速度Ve均增加,而峰值速度运动时间逐渐缩短,Va无明显变化,Ve/Va>1;CAD组小剂量负荷时运动速度Ve亦随着药物剂量增加而增加,大剂量时,室壁运动速度Ve较小剂量下降,Va无明显变化,Ve/Va<1,两组间各指标有显著性差异(P<0.001).结论 DTI-DSE可定量发现冠心病患者舒张功能的变化,对CAD患者左心室舒张功能的无创性诊断具有应用价值.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional(2D) ferromagnetic materials have been discovered with tunable magnetism and orbital-driven nodal-line features. Controlling the 2D magnetism in exfoliated nanoflakes via electric/magnetic fields enables a boosted Curie temperature(TC) or phase transitions. One of the challenges, however, is the realization of high TC2D magnets that are tunable, robust and suitable for large scale fabrication. Here, we report molecular-beam epitaxy growth of wafer-scale Fe  相似文献   

The scalable and high-efficiency production of 2D materials is a prerequisite to their commercial use. Currently, only graphene and graphene oxide can be produced on a ton scale, and the inability to produce other 2D materials on such a large scale hinders their technological applications. Here we report a grinding exfoliation method that uses micro-particles as force intermediates to resolve applied compressive forces into a multitude of small shear forces, inducing the highly efficient exfoliation of layer materials. The method, referred to as intermediate-assisted grinding exfoliation (iMAGE), can be used for the large-scale production of many 2D materials. As an example, we have exfoliated bulk h-BN into 2D h-BN with large flake sizes, high quality and structural integrity, with a high exfoliation yield of 67%, a high production rate of 0.3 g h−1 and a low energy consumption of 3.01 × 106 J g−1. The production rate and energy consumption are one to two orders of magnitude better than previous results. Besides h-BN, this iMAGE technology has been used to exfoliate various layer materials such as graphite, black phosphorus, transition metal dichalcogenides, and metal oxides, proving its universality. Molybdenite concentrate, a natural low-cost and abundant mineral, was used as a demo for the large-scale exfoliation production of 2D MoS2 flakes. Our work indicates the huge potential of the iMAGE method to produce large amounts of various 2D materials, which paves the way for their commercial application.  相似文献   

The uncontrolled hyperglycemia can lead to disturbances in the cell structure and functions of organs. This study was performed to analyze the “differential proteome” change in rat liver associated with diabetes mellitus in relation to effects of an anti-diabetic herb, Cynodon dactylon leaf extracts. Rats were intraperitoneally injected with alloxan (150 mg/kg/bw) and treated with C. dactylon leaf extracts (450 mg/kg/bw/day/orally). The liver proteins were subjected to proteome analysis using the advanced technologies i.e., 2D electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass spectrometry. Comparison of 2-DE protein distribution profiles among the livers from normal, alloxan-induced diabetic rats and alloxan-induced diabetic rats treated with C. dactylon leaves identified three proteins that were up-regulated in alloxan-induced diabetic rats i.e., nucleophosmin, l-xylulose reductase and carbonic anhydrase III which are known to be mainly involved in ribosome biogenesis, centrosome duplication, cell proliferation, tumor suppression, glucose metabolism, osmo-regulation, water–CO2 balance and acid–base balance. These results help us to understand the elucidation of molecular mechanism connected to liver function and insulin associated with diabetes mellitus. These identified proteins were primarily involved in cell proliferation and homoeostasis of liver tissues upon the treatment with C. dactylon leaf extracts.  相似文献   

将项目教学法应用到《Flash二维动画设计》课程教学活动中,从项目设计、教学效果以及评价机制等方面探讨项目教学法在计算机软件类课程教学中的模式,充实了计算机软件类课程教学的相关理论和实践方法,可为同行进行教学改革提供实践思路。  相似文献   

细胞内钙离子参与了许多重要的细胞生理功能,因此研究其三维空间分布和动态变化具有重要的生理意义。本文针对通过激光共聚焦显微镜获得的细胞内钙离子荧光图像,应用计算机可视化技术,提出了一种四维(空间和时间)可视化技术方法,用于描述钙离子在细胞内的三维空间分布及其随时间的变化。  相似文献   

Confocal Raman microscopy is important for characterizing 2D materials, but its low throughput significantly hinders its applications. For metastable materials such as graphene oxide (GO), the low throughput is aggravated by the requirement of extremely low laser dose to avoid sample damage. Here we introduce algorithm-improved confocal Raman microscopy (ai-CRM), which increases the Raman scanning rate by one to two orders of magnitude with respect to state-of-the-art works for a variety of 2D materials. Meanwhile, GO can be imaged at a laser dose that is two to three orders of magnitude lower than previously reported, such that laser-induced variations of the material properties can be avoided. ai-CRM also enables fast and spatially resolved quantitative analysis, and is readily extended to 3D mapping of composite materials. Since ai-CRM is based on general mathematical principles, it is cost-effective, facile to implement and universally applicable to other hyperspectral imaging methods.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2D) rare-earth oxides (REOs) are a large family of materials with various intriguing applications and precise facet control is essential for investigating new properties in the 2D limit. However, a bottleneck remains with regard to obtaining their 2D single crystals with specific facets because of the intrinsic non-layered structure and disparate thermodynamic stability of different facets. Herein, for the first time, we achieve the synthesis of a wide variety of high-quality 2D REO single crystals with tailorable facets via designing a hard-soft-acid-base couple for controlling the 2D nucleation of the predetermined facets and adjusting the growth mode and direction of crystals. Also, the facet-related magnetic properties of 2D REO single crystals were revealed. Our approach provides a foundation for further exploring other facet-dependent properties and various applications of 2D REO, as well as inspiration for the precise growth of other non-layered 2D materials.  相似文献   

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