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作为一种新的教学理念,合作学习已经广泛地应用到中小学的课堂教学过程中,但是,实际操作过程中伦理关怀的缺失,使得合作学习往往流于形式而不能起到应有的作用。从伦理学的视角来透视合作学习使得我们更接近于一种哲学的方式来反省该研究的价值与意义。其中,教育的伦理品性是合作学习伦理探究的着眼点;学习的本真含义是合作学习伦理探究的契入点;人是目的则是合作学习伦理探究的落脚点。  相似文献   

教师社会责任的伦理审思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚文峰 《教育导刊》2008,(12):36-38
在当今教育变革的时代,教师工作与角色呈现多元化,相应地教师承担的社会责任也日趋扩展。然而,教师履行社会责任的现状并不乐观,在思想、道德及工作上还存在诸多问题。教师承担社会责任的着力点应从社会、学校、教师三方面入手,切实构建三者互动的激励和保障体制。  相似文献   

每个学生都有自己独特的内心世界、内心体验,有着不同于他人的观察、思考、感悟和解决问题的方式,也就是每个学生的学习方式本质上都是其独特个性的体现。教师惟有尊重学生的个性心理,由学生自由地主动地学习,学生的语言灵活性才能得以滋养.语文素养才能得以发展,更重要的是发展了学生的个性。  相似文献   

21世纪,哪一项工作不需要人们的合作?学生合作意识的培养有赖于新课程提倡的自主、合作、探究的学习方式,这三者是一个有机的整体.合作学习的纽带。于是,合作学习成了~种时髦的形式,有的课动不动就小组讨论、合作学习,学生海阔天空,说长道短,可是.学生愿不愿意合作,能不能合作,怎么合作,老师根本不去考虑。如果说“要合作”是合作学习主动性的表现,那么,“能合作”就是独立性的表现.“会合作”则为能动性的表现。本文就从这三方面初步探讨合作学习的有效策略。  相似文献   

张亚峰 《教师》2014,(19):71-71
正一、实践中小组合作学习现状的审思《数学新课程标准》指出,教师应倡导"自主、合作、探究"的学习方式,促进学生在教师的指导下主动有个性地学习。但是,"课堂小组合作学习"活动往往过于形式和浅层化。主要表现有:(1)小组成员间缺乏必要的人际交流和小组合作,不具备合作的倾向性,有的小组一看就只是在公开课、研讨课时临时拼凑而成,缺乏系统性、科学性。(2)问题一出现,教师不引导学生认  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国社会婚姻状况发生了重大变化,对于诸如"闪婚"等现象的"失语"折射出人们在社会转型期面临的伦理困惑。因此,通过对"闪婚"现象及其社会影响进行分析和伦理审视,努力寻求一条构建新时期婚姻伦理体系的路径,相当关键,也相当迫切。  相似文献   

思品教学中合作学习的前期准备系统包括:合作学习小组的组建、合作心态的调整、合作目标的指定、合作责任的分配、合作教案的设计和合作环境的布置;思品教学中合作学习的具体操作系统包括一般性课堂教学合作学习操作、研究性学习合作操作和课外合作学习操作等。在合作学习的操作过程中,应注重多重结构合作学习小组的组织。  相似文献   

随着生理、心理的不断成熟,恋爱已成为当代中国大学生的普遍现象。本文通过对大学生恋爱观进行调查分析,得出当代中国大学生恋爱观的特征、存在的问题及成因,引导大学生树立积极、健康的恋爱观。  相似文献   

思品教学中合作学习的前期准备系统包括:合作学习小组的组建、合作心态的调整、合作目标的指定、合作责任的分配、合作教案的设计和合作环境的布置;思品教学中合作学习的具体操作系统包括一般性课堂教学合作学习操作、研究性学习合作操作和课外合作学习操作等。在合作学习的操作过程中,应注重多重结构合作学习小组的组织。  相似文献   

This commentary addresses some of the ethical considerations that arise when the college consultant attempts to strike a balance between the parsimony of Shakespeare's Cordelia and the "can-do" posture of Pirandello's Guido. Particular emphasis is given to the ethical implications of mandatory psychotherapy. As well, the author's clinical examples are analyzed and alternative approaches to those that were used in the vignettes are recommended.  相似文献   

In a paper presented at last year's conference, the author argued that there were at least six definitions implied in contemporary discussions of quality in higher education. The paper suggested that, by accepting quality as a measure of expectation, it was possible to place quality issues at the heart of the formulation of corporate strategy for institutions of higher education. It also argued that the linking of quality with funding mechanisms would be a procedure fraught with both conceptual and practical difficulties. In this paper, it is argued that the current position in the UK, with regard to quality issues, is demonstrating the predicted conceptual confusion and is generating practical consequences which can be catastrophic for the future of the higher education sector. It is proposed that this situation has its roots in a disregard of the ethical considerations involved in the determination of the appropriate concept of quality and its implementation in both national strategy and corporate policy. There are many approaches to the problems of ethics, but for these purposes the simple distinction between the ‘Guardian’ and ‘Trader’ syndromes is sufficient. The former identifies those ethical standards which are appropriate to protective, governmental behaviour whilst the latter concerns standards of behaviour in commerce. Whilst there are common elements, there are also codes of behaviour within each syndrome which are irreconcilable. The paper argues that the proper understanding of quality issues in higher education must be related to the choice of ethical standard, whilst the confusion which currently exists is caused by a reluctance to face up to that choice. It is clear that quality issues can never be ‘value free’: what is less evident is that quality can never be ‘amoral’.  相似文献   

The family autobiography assignment in counselor education is discussed from the standpoint of ethics related to dual relationships, self-disclosure, and student and family reactions. Instructional recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

European universities must face the crisis of the Humboldtian model, and find new organisational solutions. This paper proceeds from two starting observations. The first is the one according to which we are in a “cultural shift” that makes culture the element on which performance, including technologically and cognitively, depends. The development of societies now depends on the culture shared by human beings more than on their economy or technology. The second observation is that culture itself and its ethical underpinning should be open for consideration. The development of society now depends on culture and on its adaptive capacity.  相似文献   

科学技术发展的伦理思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学技术的发展给人类的发展带来巨大进步,但也令人类的持续发展面临许多困境,如:科技的危险程度与其强大程度成正比,现代科技的发展带来新的富有挑战性的伦理问题,传统的伦理价值淡化甚至消失,人的异化不可避免,系统危险增加,等等.因此,必须全面理解科技与伦理的联系,科技与伦理相互渗透、和谐发展,推进人类全面、协调、可持续发展.科技工作者必须建立将科技造福于人类的伦理观,这是唯一正确的选择.  相似文献   

从克隆人技术目的看,基础研究性克隆一般不会引起伦理上强烈冲击,治疗性和生殖性克隆则强烈冲击着人类伦理道德。生殖性克隆伦理问题的突出表现在于有损人类的尊严,治疗性克隆伦理问题的核心则是胚胎的权利与道德地位问题。考虑到克隆人技术的真理性和实践性两个层面,以及评判标准的相对性,对该技术进行绝对的善恶评判有失慎重。不过,生命伦理领域制定规范该技术的伦理原则是必须的,其中,知情同意原则理应是一个重要原则,其伦理学依据在于:人是目的,而不是手段。  相似文献   

在我国人事管理中,存在着“211工程”与“985工程”标准的滥用问题以及引进人才手段不当的问题,这两大问题是我国高校人事政策伦理中较为突出的问题。解决高校人事管理的伦理问题,在对大学人事管理进行伦理考量的基础上,认识到大学政策决策的复杂性、不确定性以及决策机制上的精英决策机制所带来的弊端,提出应进行合理的人事政策安排,使大学的决策机制向更加多元化、民主化的方向发展。  相似文献   

我国官德教育的伦理思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"德"是为官的灵魂所在,我们要培养出优秀的干部队伍,关键就在于抓好官德教育。要把官德教育落到实处就要对官德教育作出伦理思考,找到官德教育的应然状态。我们要在明确官员的道德层次基础上通过加强廉政教育,使各级领导干部形成公正廉洁的作风;通过加强理论教育帮助领导干部树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;通过加强以为人民服务为核心的宗旨教育,使各级官员树立正确的权力观。不仅如此,我们还要综合利用各种教育方式,不断提高官德教育的效果。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT—Work in the new area of Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) raises epistemological and ethical issues. With respect to epistemology, the norms of the component disciplines must be honored and the resulting amalgam must be more than a mere sum of the parts. With respect to ethics, the roles of scientist, educator, and practitioner each raise ethical dilemmas and the MBE worker must be cognizant of each set of dilemmas and the possible strains among them. Only if both of these spheres are confronted can good work be achieved in MBE.  相似文献   

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