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This article examines the levels of analysis adopted in higher education research, using a database of 567 articles published in 15 leading higher education journals internationally during 2010. Level of analysis is a relatively overlooked issue in this field of research, when compared with methodology, theory and/or topic—to which it is, of course, closely related—but is worthy of more investigation. The article seeks to address the question of whether certain levels of analysis are more or less common for different kinds of research. Eight levels of analysis are recognized, varying from the individual, through the course, department, institution, region, nation and system up to the international. The relationships between level of analysis, journal, theme, methodology and authors' characteristics are considered. It is argued that, given the constraints of available data and intended audiences, while valuable research may be conducted at all levels of analysis, the key issue is choosing an appropriate level for the questions being explored, and the methods and theories being applied.  相似文献   

本文是一篇有关医学教育研究的文献综述,以过去五年在四本主要医学教育杂志上发表的140篇文章为基础,阐述了当代医学教育研究的趋势。本文作者G1enn Regehr教授是加拿大威尔逊教育研究中心副主任,他描述了课程与教学、同职业相关的技能和态度、学生的特点以及个人的评价等方面的基本趋势,并就某些问题进行了讨论。原作已发表在美国医学教育杂志Academic Medicine 2004,79(10):939—947。  相似文献   

运用文献法、统计法与分析法,通过中文科技期刊数据库1989年-2010年(维普数信息资源—镜像站)文献检索,对国内十所民办高校体育科研论文成果进行了统计分析。研究表明:论文成果各个学校总数分布极不平衡;论文成果主要集中在2007-2010四个年度;论文研究主题主要集中在体育教学、课余训练、体育传统与文化及社会体育等方面,以教师自身体育工作为研究主题的论文偏少;论文成果发表刊物多数级别不高;湖南涉外经济学院体育科研取得了一定成绩,其经验值得借鉴。  相似文献   

《旅游学报》、《旅游科学》和《旅游论坛》是我国旅游研究三大主流期刊。基于5年来这三种期刊关于旅游研究进展,对载文数量的时间分布、载文作者的地域分布、论文作者单位、研究内容和研究方法作统计分析。研究发现,旅游研究问题和方法及接待业的研究是三种期刊研究最多的内容,《旅游论坛》偏重于旅游教育和人才培养,《旅游学刊》更注重基础理论问题的探讨;三种期刊均是定性研究方法所占比例最:赶.其他方法的运用较少;《旅游学刊》载文作者所处地域在经济发达地区占绝大部分,《旅游科学》和《旅游论坛:》载文作者所属地域分布最多的分别是上海和广西,体现了服务地方的特点;三种期刊载文作者单位最多的都是高等院校及其研究机构。  相似文献   

高职高专院校学报的科研导向功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学报与其主办院校的科研工作之间存在相互影响、彼此促进的共生关系,但高职高专院校却往往只注重学报对于科研水平的展示作用,忽视了其对科研产生的主动影响。从学报与科研的关系着手,探讨高职高专院校学报对其主办院校科研工作所产生的积极作用及如何发挥这种作用的对策。  相似文献   

Articles published in three leading North American higher education journals during the year 2000 are compared with those published in three leading, English language, non-North American higher education journals (and with a larger sample of fourteen such journals). The comparison focuses on the location of their authors, the themes researched, the levels at which the analyses are pitched, the methods and methodologies employed, and the explicitness of both methodological and theoretical engagement. Compared to the non-North American sample, the North American articles evidence a dominance of North American-based authors, a greater focus on the student experience, and on institutional and national level studies, and a much stronger emphasis on multivariate analysis as a method. Articles in the North American sample were also more likely to be both methodologically and theoretically explicit. Possible reasons for the divergent patterns observed are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

The study of higher education journals – that is, refereed academic journals wholly focused on higher education – reveals much about the field of higher education research. This analysis identified 86 such journals published in the English language, considering their focus, ownership, location, orientation, age, size and ranking. From this analysis, a shorter list of 28 key journals is identified. It is argued that, given the scale of the contribution being made to higher education research – for example, the 86 journals between them published over 16,000,000 words in 2016, with this total increasing year on year – it may be time to spend more effort on synthesising and disseminating what we have already learnt, rather than, or before, undertaking fresh research.  相似文献   

对1986—2007年间国内教育类和学报类核心期刊上有关农村义务教育研究的文章的分析显示:(1)进入新世纪以后,我国农村义务教育研究呈现大幅度上升的趋势;(2)从研究方法上看,非实证研究占绝对优势,实证研究有显著的增长;(3)研究内容主要包括农村义务教育经费、教育管理体制、教育普及、教育均衡发展、师资力量、城乡二元教育结构、教育为农村建设服务等7个方面的问题;(4)资金短缺是农村义务教育发展的最根本问题。  相似文献   

运用文献法、统计法、调查法与分析法,通过《中文科技期刊数据库》(全文版)维普数据信息资源—镜像站进行文献检索(2007-2011年),对北京24所高职院校体育教师论文成果进行统计与分析。研究表明:(1)各个院校论文成果总数分布极不平衡;(2)论文发表主要集中在2009-2011 3个年度;(3)研究主要集中在体育教学、社会体育、课外锻炼、体育文化4个领域;(4)论文成果发表刊物较均衡,体育专业刊物居多;(5)核心论文成果对高职院校体育借鉴意义不大。  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic review of university students’ emotions in connection with virtual learning based on 91 articles published between 2002 and 2017 in four international journals that focus on virtual learning and educational technology or on learning in higher education. These journals were considered potential channels for research on emotions in virtual learning and higher education. The objective was to analyse the articles for concepts and theoretical background related to virtual learning and emotions, contextual focus, methodological choice, and/or results. The review showed that the most common emotion-related concept was “satisfaction.” The most common context for the articles was a complete non-physical learning environment (e.g. Second Life). Approximately 60% of the articles used quantitative methods. The most common design for studying emotions was an explanatory design. Students’ emotions were mainly studied through concepts related to emotion (e.g. “satisfaction”). Yet only a few of the studies focused on the fluctuation of emotions in the course of events, relying instead on post hoc data that treat students’ emotions as traits rather than states.  相似文献   

Higher Education Research & Development (HERD) was established to address a perceived gap in higher education publishing: research of interest to practitioners that was engagingly written. After 30 years of contributing to the field, HERD has constructed a unique position for itself among higher education journals. This paper reviews the general patterns and tendencies demonstrated through the citation practices of authors in the first five years of HERD and it compares them with the ideas used to support arguments about higher education research in more recent articles published in the journal. By comparing the results of this review with citation practices in similar journals of higher education, the study suggests that HERD continues to attract practitioner researchers responding to the changing social and epistemological landscape of higher education. The paper concludes that HERD has been instrumental in consolidating the concepts of the field in a way that has accommodated a large number of authors who only occasionally engage in higher education research. This, in turn, has led to the emergence of a distinctive literature about higher education teaching and learning.  相似文献   

高等教育研究领域研究人员科研绩效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用Hirsch指数(简称h指数)方法,通过对中国知网(CNKI)中国引文数据库收录的中国大陆地区高等教育研究领域的15个学术期刊在1998-2007年所刊发论文的被引用情况进行统计分析,对高等教育研究领域1998-2007年研究人员的科研绩效进行了评价,评选得出"1998-2007年高等教育研究领域最具影响力的47位学者",从一个侧面反映了中国大陆地区高等教育研究领域近10年来的研究现状。  相似文献   

教育研究合作行为的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对六种重要的中外教育研究杂志中合作文章篇数以及实证文章篇数的统计分析,展现了最近五年中、外教育学者的合作研究状况,并得出如下基本结论:1.国外教育研究者比国内教育研究者更倾向于进行合作研究,其合作频率显著高于国内教育研究者的合作频率;2.从事实证研究的教育研究者合作频率比其他研究的教育研究者的合作频率更高,而且国外进行实证研究的教育研究者比国内实证研究者更倾向于进行合作研究;3.国外教育研究者更加重视实证研究,近年来国内教育研究杂志中的实证文章比例在平稳提升.  相似文献   

通过对中国知网中的中国期刊全文数据库等数据库1979—2013年发表的旅游教育相关文献进行精确检索,运用定量方法进行统计分析,得出以下结果:从研究年度来看,不同时间段呈现不同研究特征;从文献种类来看,旅游类和教育类期刊是旅游教育研究的刊文主体;从发文作者来看,高校人员是旅游教育研究的主体;从研究内容来看,旅游教育发展和人才培养是研究重点。未来的旅游教育研究还需要方法多样化,内容具体化,领域多元化,主体多层次。  相似文献   

基于对国内11种外语类核心期刊和4种职教类核心期刊的高职英语类论文的统计与分析显示,高质量的高职英语研究成果数量偏少,研究方法不够科学,以及缺乏对研究重点和热点的关注。高职院校应重视培养高职英语教育者的科研意识,为英语教学与科研队伍的成长创造良好的外部环境,同时建议在现有外语类核心期刊上开辟高职外语专栏。  相似文献   

This project was designed to provide a retrospective analysis of the parent training literature during the last decade. Eighteen journals with behavioral psychology, clinical/counseling psychology, school psychology, and special education emphases were selected for review. Data related to the number of articles published in each journal, year of article publication, referral problem, and contributing institution were collected. Results indicate that behavioral journals published the most empirically based parent training articles (66%), followed by clinical/counseling psychology (26%), special education (6%), and school psychology (3%) journals. Parents with noncompliant, handicapped, or abused/neglected children comprised the majority (58%) of research participants. Suggestions for involving school psychologists in parent training research and broadening the focus of parent training to include preventive, as well as remedial, efforts are presented.  相似文献   

国际远程教育学术研究现状之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文统计和分析了2002-2004年期间刊发在五本国际著名远程教育学术期刊上的论文,统计内容包括学术论文的基本情况、所涉及的研究领域、研究选题,以及作者来源等.希望本课题研究结果可用于了解目前国际远程教育领域的研究动向,并探索其潜在的研究方向,从而对中国远程教育的发展有一定的启示.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from two studies of publication patterns in leading English, German, European and US journals of education. The studies were funded by the German Research Association and conducted by an international team of researchers. All papers published in 14 selected journals between 2001 and 2010 were analysed in terms of their author profile, their methodological approach and their thematic focus. The analyses resulted in publication patterns for the selected journals and at an aggregated level for the four geographic areas in which journals are published, highlighting many similarities, but also distinct differences. As far as the differences are concerned, the lower share of female authors and the relative low proportion of papers drawing on empirical research in German journals are noteworthy. For US journals, the comparatively low importance of papers drawing on the international research discourse seems to be particularly important. Based on an analysis of related studies in this field the paper demonstrates a degree of alignment of publication patterns with disciplinary traditions and formation processes in the field of education. However, the trend analysis provided also shows that some of the traditional boundaries of education as an academic discipline are in a state of flux.  相似文献   

采用文献法、内容分析法、统计法等方法。分析了“十一五”中文核心体育期刊刊载的足球论文的研究主题分布情况。发现研究主题在体育学二级学科的分布上存在不均衡现象,研究主题的基础从教育训练学迁移到了人文社会学,运动人体科学的足球科研比较薄弱。教育训练学的科研集中于比赛分析、训练方法与理论主题的研究,人文社会学的研究主题基本上都与我国足球发展面临的理论和实践问题密切联系.运动人体科学各子学科的研究主题侧重于各自学科的基础研究。  相似文献   

创新创业教育作为我国高等教育体系的重要组成部分,是高等教育人才培养改革的重要突破口。构建定量与定性相结合的分析框架,深入剖析我国高校创新创业教育研究的科学合作网络、文献特征、知识基础、研究前沿以及发展趋势。研究发现,该领域科研合作关系分散,尚未形成稳定的、具有影响力的科研群体;期刊分布相对集中,少数期刊刊登了绝大多数的文献;现已形成基础研究与宏观体系建设、共同体生态系统研究、改革与改进策略研究、适用性与微观子系统研究等四个知识基础;围绕“人才培养”,不同时期的研究主题动态延续,时代性与政策导向性显著。最终,构建基于“准备生成环节、驱动实施环节、发散深化环节”的我国高校创新创业教育系统性研究框架,并提出进一步探索空间,以期为该领域的研究与发展提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

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