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Turpin  Tim  Iredale  Robyn  Crinnion  Paola 《Minerva》2002,40(4):327-340
Institutions of higher education are today under increasing pressure tointernationalize their courses and programmes. The overall impact ofthis process is far from clear. This essay compares and contrastspatterns of Australian higher education offered to students fromdeveloping countries, with services delivered to Australian-bornstudents. We suggest that the process of globalization is contributingto uneven economic and educational development, and may weaken theover-stretched educational systems of poorer countries.  相似文献   

Higher Education as a Business:Lessons from the Corporate World   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ryan  Yoni 《Minerva》2001,39(1):115-135

本文从探讨"义"与"仁"和"礼"的关系入手,细致分析了孔子之"义"的确切内涵."仁"和"礼"分别从本然和验证的维度规定了"义"的基本内涵."义"在对"仁"与"礼"的承转与兼综过程中得以确立,最终体现为由君子的人生素养自然而然地外化而形成的行为准则."义"是一个实践范畴,却带有鲜明的主体性,体现于其形成方式及其对"仁"和"礼"的权衡与判断作用上.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an experiment concerning the social construction of statistical definitions, where the first census of Higher Education Institutions in Europe has been developed. It conceptualizes the construction of indicators as a social process of definitions and boundaries’ negotiation, involving value judgments, social and political opinions, as well as practical interests and power strategies of actors. The paper exemplifies this process on three issues, namely the social demand for establishing a census, the controversy concerning the definition of a perimeter as well as the selection of indicators, and the nature of comparability judgments. We first conclude that the socio-political dimension has to be explicitly taken into account when designing statistical systems; second, that social scientists involved in this process need to openly recognize the conflicts around the definition of indicators; third, that the objectified and taken for granted status of indicators makes them a powerful instrument to influence policy decisions and, that indicator designers need to make their own value judgments and interests fully transparent.  相似文献   

From Mass Higher Education to Universal Access: The American Advantage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trow  Martin 《Minerva》2000,37(4):303-328

This paper pursues three objectives. First, it seeks to identify the determinants of performance of German motion pictures in terms of cinema admissions and producers’ rates of return. Second, against the background of heavy subsidization of the German film industry, it discusses two types of subsidy allocation: committee principle allocation and reference principle allocation. Third, the profitability of the industry is considered as the presumed economic non-viability of the industry constantly recurs in the public debate as an argument for subsidies.  相似文献   

我国城市发展已由增量时代转向存量时代,山地城市存量空间更新、激活是实现城市可持续发展的关键。在长期发展的过程中,山地城市遗留了大量密度高、环境差的老旧小区、棚户区,以及低效闲置用地,这些空间与人民日益增长的美好生活需求相背离,亟需更新改造。以贵阳市老城区(云岩区、南明区)为研究实例,探究山地城市更新改造策略。首先摸清贵阳市老城区城市更新底数,并总结老城区目前更新存在的困境,然后针对性地提出分区引导、容量控制、分类实施、政策保障的更新策略,最后提炼出几点适用于山地城市更新的策略。  相似文献   

Bocock  Jean  Baston  Lewis  Scott  Peter  Smith  David 《Minerva》2003,41(4):327-346
The increased support of science andtechnology were fundamental factors in theexpansion of university education in post-warBritain. American technical assistance toWestern Europe, exemplified by the MarshallPlan, also focused upon the role of appliedscience and technology as a means of boostingproductivity and competitiveness. This commonconcern for science and technology led Britainto consider the adoption of American models,specifically a British version of MIT, in thesearch for an effective higher education policyfor applied science and technology. However,this paper argues that, whilst America offeredimportant models for change, British policieswere ultimately shaped by British traditions.  相似文献   

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