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Unit4whatwere they doing? 单项选择1 .It's a strong horse,isn'tit?A.too   B.quite   C.very   D.so2 .They apple this time yesterday.A.was picking     B.were pickingC.picked D.pick3.Wei Hua found difficult to learnJapanese.A.them   B.they  C.it  D.its4.There are two pictures in the room. ison the frontwall,and is on the back wall.A.Other,the other B.One,oneC.One,the other D.The one,the other5.She always comes into the classroom asmile.A.on   B.by   C.in   D.with6.…  相似文献   

一、Listen and choose.二、L isten and num ber.三、L isten and circle.(1)A.D oing the dishes.B.D oing m y hom ework.(2)A.Cooking dinner.B.Eating dinner.(3)A.A nsw ering the phone.B.A nswering the questions.(4)A W riting a letter.B.W riting an e-m ail.(5)A.Listening to m usic.B.W ashing clothes.四、L isten and answ er the questions.(1)W hy is the fam ily busy?(2)W hat is grandm a doing?(3)Is sister singing now?(4)W here is brother?(5)W hat is he doing?五、M ake sentences in right order…  相似文献   

第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用第一节:单项填空题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.The British are not so fam iliar with differentcultures and other ways of doing things,isoften the case in other countries.A.as B.that C.so D.it22.—A ren’t you going to breaking thatwindow?—W hy should I?I didn’t throw the ball.A.start with B.apologize forC.drink to D.think of23.Thank you very m uch for giving m e onhow to im prove m y English.A.so m any advices B.such m any …  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 选择填空 1.M any boys and girls are m ade what they’r not . A.to do;interested B.to do;interested in C.do;interested in D.doing;interested 2.─H ello。W ould you like to go to the concert with m e tonight? ─I’m sorry,I can’t.M other won’t m e to go out in the evening. A.let B.allow C.offer D.ask 3.Don’t buy things in a hurry.Only when prices can you see which is m ore expensive and which is cheaper. A.are listed B.are list C.list D.will be listed 4.M any restaurants,especially…  相似文献   

other,the other,others,the others与another1.I don’t like this shirt,so I want tosee some.(2003年,宁夏中考)A.other B.the otherC.others D.another2.Mr White has three children.Oneis in London,and are in anothercity.(2002年,北京宣武区中考)A.the other B.otherC.the others D.others3.If you want to book a round-tripticket,you’ll have to pay$30.(2003年,安徽省中考)A.more B.otherC.the other D.another4.Two foreigners are in the readingroom.One is Jack and is Peter.(2005年湖南省中考)A.other B.an…  相似文献   

1.The general wouldn t allow the boy the tree to see what the en-em y was doing.A.risk clim bing B.risking to clim bC.risk to clim b D.to risk clim bing2.W e watched the m en the tree and as w e were w alking aw ay weheard it with a trem endous crash.A.sawing;to fall B.saw ing;fallC.saw;fall D.to saw;falling3.The students are all gone.B ecause of the bad weather,the teacherperm itted them early.A.leave B.to being leavingC.to leaving D.to leave4.A re you sure the students use the new com p…  相似文献   

Unit19Modern agricultureⅠ.单项填空1.What are you doing here?A.on the earth B.on earthC.in earth D.over the earth2.Today CCTV offers a great of programs to meet the differeneeds and.A.deal;likes B.variety;tastesC.many;interests D.number;habits3.Many great  相似文献   

1.this and that各种事情;各样东西注解:该习语的意思是“各种各样的事物”,还可以写作this,that and the other.例如:Hewent to thisdoctor and that.他去看过不少医生。A:What are you doing here?B:It’syou!Nice meeting you here.I’m waitingfor a friend.A:Boyfriend?B:  相似文献   

盘笋 《初中生》2003,(18):25-26
1.We've worked out the first problem. Let's go on__the secondA.to do B.doing C.with D.to be点评:go on to do sth.意为“(做完doing(Key:A)一件事后)接着做另一件事”。如:  相似文献   

1.—H ave you ever visited the m useum?—Y es,Ive visited it tim es.A.few B.several C.m uch D.any2.—M ay I speak to M iss G ao?—Im sorry,she isn t here.A.a m om ent ago B.just a m om entC.at that m om ent D.atthe m om ent3.There a big tree in front of the house.A.used to have B.used to beC.is used to have D.is used to being4.Please the new pictures and take dow n the old ones,becauseN ew Y ear is com ing.A.putup B.put dow n C.putoff D.putaway5.—Li Lei likes doing eye exercise ever…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。 1. I’m thirsty. I can drink ____ water. A. lot B. a lot C. lots D. lots of 2. ——You should leave now. It’s late. ——Yes, I think ____. A. it B. right C. so D. too 3. I hope you feel ____ soon. A. good B. nice C. well D. better 4. One of the students goes to the front. ____ students sit there and take a guess. A. Other B. Another C. The other D. Each other 5. We all like to play the game ____ “Simon says”. A. call B. to call C. calling D. called 6. When I have …  相似文献   

1 .Reeorde招_in the examination must be PrePa伴d with great eare to make sure nothing goes~ng In OPeratlon·A .to use B.u,ed C .to be use‘1 D.beingu,ed 2.KobeB汀ant performed amazingly well this sea- son,_an ave叱e of35即inrseach,me. A .seored B.seodng C.seore D.ro soore 3._a eolle罗or unive邝ity in the USA,Chi- nese and other in一emational,tudents must show and Prove thoir stro咫abi飞ity in sroken and written English. A .Having been admit一ed ro B .To he admitte(】to C .Admit…  相似文献   

第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。1.—Can children swim in this pool?—Yes.However,they never do so alone.A.may B.need C.could D.should2.—Excuse me?——How can I get to the nearest post office?A.ThatBs OK.B.Pardon?C.WhatBs wrong?D.Yes?3.If you go to the movie tonight,so I.A.will B.do C.am D.go4.—What are they doing over there?—They are arguing each other what caused Bird Flu.A.with;for B.with;aboutC.to;about D.at;on5.E-mail,as well as telepho…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。 1. You can believe in him, a person who always has the job ____ and tries to do it well. A. in his mind B. in mind C. on his mind D. on mind 2. She had clearly no ____ of doing any work, although she was very well paid. A. tendency B. ambiti  相似文献   

1 .Li Lei_sehool ats:00 eve卿day·A .gets to B.get to C .atrive D.arrlves 2.一Can you eateh what 1 said?一Sorry,1 ean_understand it. A .almost B.hardly C .nearly D.never 3 .The teacher told the students that light faster than sound. A .travel B.仕aveled C .traveling D.travels 4 .The rich_not always haPPy·A .are B.15 C.has D.ha姆5一认飞at does Lucy often do in the evening?一She often_her homework,but on the evening ofjune 14 she_TV. A .does;watehes B .15 doing:watehed C .does;wate…  相似文献   

Unit 17 Great women 1. —It is said that you threw your cat out of the window. —Well, now I regret that. A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done 2. For many women such hardship would be too heavy . A. to be born B. to bear C. being born D.…  相似文献   

一、典型例题 1.听力练习 M:Well,I'll be leaving now. W:Must you go so soon? How does the woman feel? A.She knows he must go soon. B.She wants him to stay longer. C.She wants him to go now. 2.单项选择 (1)The sign reads"In case of____fire,break the glass and push____red button." A.不填;a B.不填;the C.the;the D.a;a (2)You'll find this map of great____in help- ing you to get round London. A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness 3.完型填空 Having entered a store,he put two fingers to- gether on the counter and made____movements with the other hand.The clerk brought him a ham-  相似文献   

1.Meeting my uncle after all theseunforgettable moment,SUre.(NMET 2002)years was analways trea. “-。 A.that B.one C.it D.what2.We will be shown around the city:schools,ITlUseums,and some other places,other visitors seldom go.(2002北京) A.what B.which3.Alec asked the policeman to contact him wheneverC.where D.when he workedthere was an acci. dent.(2002上海1 A.with him B.who C.with whom D.whom4.The famous basketball star.tried to make a comeback,attracted a lot of attention. (2002北京春…  相似文献   

A:Look!You've been talking about repairing the roof for weeks now.Don't you think it's about time to get the ball rolling?B:I know,but I've been busy with other things.I promise I'll get to it this weekend.A:The time to start doing it is right now!According to the weather report it's supposed to rain  相似文献   

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThere was a w om an in D etroit,whohad two sons.She was worried about them,especially the younger one,Ben,becausehe was not doing well in school.Boys inhis class m ade jokes about him because heseem ed so1.The m other2that she wouldherself have to get her sons to do better inschool.She told them to go to the D etroitPublic Library to read a book a week anddo a book report for her.O ne day,in Ben’s3,the teach-er he…  相似文献   

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