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正六十多年來,中國藝術史硏究在西方取得了空前的發展。我的朋友方聞先生則在這一發展中一直扮演着開創性的功能:他寫出了無數的專書和論文,不但觀點新穎、資料豐富,而且方法精密,因而在這一領域中發揮了長期的影響。我非常高興,他的論著現在已系統地譯成漢文;他們必將引起廣大中國讀者群的深厚興趣,是可以預卜的。方先生的輝煌成就不是偶然得來的,我願意先就平時彼此交往之所知,對他成學的背景,略作介紹。  相似文献   

引言學術和文教體制從屬於主權國家,受主權國家利益支配——如果一個中國人在國外(比如美國或日本)接受大學教育和學術訓練并進而獲得教職,接下來的生涯就得爲所在國的文教體制效力.倘若所在國的國家理由與中國的國家理由并不一致,這類華僑學人的學術位置就面臨某種尷尬,這種情形尤其見於社會科學領域——最突出的莫過於政治學的中國研究.  相似文献   

周敏秋 《中国文化》2023,(1):269-298
章太炎是現代中國最早倡導全國方言調查、最先對全國方言予以分區的方言學家。他利用各省留學生集聚東京之際,采用直接法與間接法調查全國方言,著成中國現代方言學開山之作《新方言》,并對全國各省漢語方言的語音特徵進行歸納。章氏上承古典方言學的優秀傳統,下啓中國現代方言學的嶄新領域,以方言調查、記録和研究爲基礎,注重方言詞彙、方言分區、方言歷史演變與比較,旁及方言語法、方言文化等内容,尤其重視發揮方言的社會與文化功能,爲中國現代方言學奠立了新典範。然而,《新方言》長期被誤解,導致晚清民國時期摹仿與踵武《新方言》的系列著作在學術史上長期失語,遂使清末民初洶涌澎湃的中國方言研究浪潮與“五四”以來的方言運動斷爲兩橛,成爲中國方言學史上缺失的一環。文章通過梳理章太炎生平調查與研究方言的歷程,以《新方言》初刻本、重訂本爲中心,輔以《章太炎<説文解字>授課筆記》及其它資料,探求章太炎方言調查方法與過程,釐清其語料來源、調查範圍、研究目的等基本問題,重建中國古典方言學向現代方言學轉型歷程中的關鍵環節,進而將中國現代方言學的草創時間從二十世紀二三十年代提前至二十世紀初。  相似文献   

“三才之道”是對中國文明的超越秩序的最簡要概括,與沃格林的原始存在共同體的四元結構具有明顯的對應關係。在將沃格林關於意識的平衡的主題擴展爲教化的平衡之後,通過對《中庸》中論述聖人之道的一段話的深入分析,我們能够得出結論説,中國文明中强烈的宇宙論關切,并非像沃格林在韋伯的影響下所認爲的那樣,是精神突破不徹底、不完全的表現,而是出於教化的平衡這一重要考量有意保持的。這爲我們理解中國文明的藝術性特徵——相比於希臘文明的哲學性特徵和以色列文明的宗教性特徵——提供了新的視角。  相似文献   

1904年(清光緒三十年),林傳甲和黄人分別在京師大學堂和東吴大學同時開始了<中國文學史>的编寫工作.他們或許没有想到,這一編寫活動竟會引發百年來文學史編寫的熱潮,各種類型的文學史已多至近兩千部,[1]幾乎以每年二十部的速度高速產出,正式形成一門中國文學史學科.這一學科在很大程度上受制於中國古代文學研究的水平,但反過來又影響和决定着中國古代文學研究的旨趣、格局和方向."我家江水初發源",研究文學史早期编著中的一些問題,當能為文學史的繼續编寫和中國古代文學研究提供一些經驗和啟示.  相似文献   

一我觀察到的西方某些學者研究"中國學"的三個新視點 中國學術思想要走向世界,也許應對"海外中國學"有所瞭解.最近閱讀了一些這方面的材料,有些想法,很想和大家討論.  相似文献   

歷史觀及其對愿創作觀念在中國電影的歷史叙事中是一個實踐、位移、演進和嬗變的過程。早期歷史電影受正统史觀和英雄史视的影響;"十七年"雹影的歷史叙事贯穿着人民史觀和革命史觀;新時期之後不再是鐵板一瑰、步調一致,而是出现了分層和多維方向的拓展;二十一世紀後趨向於現代性史觀。  相似文献   

吴正格 《寻根》2012,(2):54-56
“粥”的本字是“鬻”。字中的“鬲”,为最原始的煮粥器,是猿类进化为人类的物象标志。“粥”置“鬲”上,兹证是野蛮到文明的食象标志。人以口喝粥,“人”加“口”就成了“史”。因而,这一碗粥里就装得下中国历史。  相似文献   

正引言這次研討會在法國巴黎召開,這讓我想起讓一皮埃雨·里烏(Jean-Pierre Rioux)和讓一弗朗索瓦·西里内利(Jean-Francois Sirinelli)注編四卷本《法國文化史》中的一段输述。在這部書第一卷第二章的一開頭,作者追問:"(法國的)人们究竟在哪個時代停止了講拉丁語?"這一有關語言史的問題引出了重要的文化史話题。按照這部文化史的叙述,正是因爲法語取代拉丁語,知識陪層取代貴族陪層,用法語表達的新文化(如說唱、演出、文學)改變了中世糸己的舊傅統,才奠定了法國這個民族國  相似文献   

本文以璽印文化與中國史研究的關係爲主要研究對象,首先對璽印研究的歷史進行簡單的梳理;然後從新資料、新思路和新方法等方面,討論了璽印對於中國史研究的作用;最後結合古璽印相關集譜、專著以及工具書,探討中國史研究對於璽印研究的影響。本文指出:從商代到清代,中國文字璽印是從未中斷的地下出土文獻在重要組成部分,中國歷史的研究離開了這部分的應用和探討,將是不够完整的研究。  相似文献   

The annual nine-day "Spring of April" International Friendship North Korea from April 10 to 18,with the theme of "pcace,friendship,exchange and cooperation".The Chinese delegation consisting of performers from the southeast province of Jiangsu won extensive praises and applauses with their outstanding performance.  相似文献   

Europalia.China, a four-month arts festival to be opened in Belgium in October, 2008, will feature more than one hundred projects involving such diverse forms of arts as performing arts, literature, exhibition and film. Some one thousand Chinese artists from Mainland China as well as Hong Kong and Taiwan will bring fascinating art galas to Belgian audiences with their unique and outstanding performances of Chinese styles.  相似文献   

Europalia is a major international arts festival held every other year to celebrate one invited country's cultural heritage. Founded in 1969, this biennial festival is celebrated in Brussels. Belgium atul since the 1990s countries outside Europe have been invited as the 3festival's highlsghts.  相似文献   

The 29th summer Olympiad, extolled as "truly exceptional" by IOC President Jacques Rogge, has left over tremendous legacy to Beijing, in particular, its perfect combination of sports and culture. The showcases of Chinese folk arts in the Olympic Village, while amazing the whole world with their vitality and creativity, have boosted Chinese people's awareness of the protection of Chinese intangible cultural heritage which bears unique historical and aesthetic values  相似文献   

March 5, 2008 marked the 110th anniversary of late Premier Zhou Enlai's 110th birth anniversary. Zhou Enlai was a great Marxist and outstanding revolutionary. As a major member of the first generation of the leadership of Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic of China, he devoted all his life to his beloved motherland and people. He enjoyed widespread respect among Chinese people of all ethnic groups and his lofty spirit and personality have been considered valuable assets in the history of Chinese nation. On the occasion of his 110th birth anniversary commemorative events were launched nationwide.  相似文献   

<正>The 1st China Arts Festival for Peasants, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, opened in the National Agricultural Exhibition Center in Beijing on June 16. In his opening speech,  相似文献   

陈虎  詹素娟 《寻根》2007,(3):34-40
房中术作为道教养生方法之一,来源于先秦时期的神仙家、秦汉之际的方仙道和汉代的黄老道,在中国早期的文献中多称之为“阴道”、“房中”或“房内”。大约在150万年前,人类就可能已经发现了性交与怀孕之间的关系。在母系氏族社会时期,初民通过观察女性在种族繁衍中的巨大作用,产生了对女性生殖器的崇拜。  相似文献   

In October 2009, The Chinese Cultural Ministry hosted "China Culture Festival" in Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia respectively to mark the 60th anniversary of its diplomatic ties with these three countries in Eastern Europe, In one month's time, Chinese artists presented fascinating performances, exhibitions, film showcases and other cultural events. Wherever these celebrations were held, the reporter can deeply feel the friendship with Chinese people and the strong interest in Chinese culture.  相似文献   

Arts Council England is the national development agency for the arts in England, distributing public money from government and the National Lottery. The rationale for research at Arts Council England is explained, including the drivers behind a commitment to an increased research capacity. It is summarized how research takes place in the organization, the context in which work is undertaken and the key reporting requirements. Arts Council England works across a broad spectrum of artforms—from literature and the publishing sector, through dance and opera, to visual and multimedia arts. The research addresses all of these artforms as well as cross-cutting agendas such as employment, education and economic impact. Five broad areas are considered: evaluating the impact of Arts Council England's spending; audiences and participation in the arts; cultural employment and the arts economy; tools for the sector; and disseminating findings and informing policy. Details are given of some of the main research projects under each of these areas, and what is known now and where there are gaps in knowledge and challenges for the future are highlighted.  相似文献   

Shanxi folk dance "A Handdful of Wild Juiubes" opened the 8th China Shanghai International Arts Festiwd on October 17, Zhang Jigang's new Shanxi ballet romance is permeated with local flavor, and was honored as "poetic perfection of love in the land of Shanxi". This is the first time that the festival has broken with tradition and hrought in repertoire from another province as the opening performance.  相似文献   

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