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20世纪90年代中国城镇教育收益率的变化与启示   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:47  
随着市场经济改革的深入进行及知识经济的萌芽 ,与 2 0世纪 90年代中国经济发展和教育规模扩大相伴随的是各级教育收益率水平的显著提高。对中国城镇就业人员跨年度的抽样数据分析显示 ,在中国城镇 ,教育收益率水平 90年代初期以前大大低于国际平均水平的状况基本得到了扭转。截止 2 0 0 0年 ,中国教育收益率水平虽然略低于国际平均水平 ,但已与后者逐步接近。进一步的分析发现。在竞争性的经济部门以及年轻的就业者中 ,教育具有更高的收益率。该结果从一个角度验证了在中国经济转型的过程中 ,随着劳动力市场化程度的提高 ,教育的收益率得到了提高  相似文献   

特殊教育需要人道主义的关怀和支持。但如果过分强调“养”而忽视“教”,仅强调人道主义的投入而忽视对残疾人潜能的发掘和利用,这既不符合我国的现实国情,也不符合残疾人的社会化需要。我国特殊教育的出路只能是在对残疾人进行品德、知识教育的同时,培养他们某种职业技能,使他们尽可能自强自立,既能够享受正常人的生活,又能够奉献于社会,从而体现出自己的人格和社会价值。这才是我国特殊教育中人道主义的具体体现。  相似文献   

从权利平等到机会均等-新中国教育公平的轨迹   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文分析了新中国不同时期教育公平的制度特征和当前影响教育公平的主要因素,认为在1977年之后,教育公平的主要矛盾已经从教育权利平等转为教育机会均等。精英主义与大众主义两种不同的教育发展模式、转型期新的利益格局和“教育产业化”的发展路径等,造成对教育机会均等的深刻影响。  相似文献   

笔者运用社会共生理论来分析中国的民族关系,认为从古至今,中国各民族就是一种共生态关系,并通过政治、经济、文化的共生态关系表现出来。主张在全体国民人文教育中,要倡导和树立民族共生理念,这是实现社会和谐发展,加强民族团结,增强国家凝聚力的一项基础工程。  相似文献   

邓小平具有强烈的机遇意识,在改革开放的每一个历史时期,他都从战略高度强调要抓住历史机遇。他的机遇意识对于“转轨”时期的地方高校改革意义重大。地方高校的主要领导要有强烈的机遇意识,在改革之中寻求机遇,从所处环境和实际出发办学。从而使地方高校真正成为地方政府的“孵化器”、“人才部”、“思想库”。  相似文献   

“郑风”爱情诗的产生与郑国的经济发达有关,与郑国的地理位置有关,同时与上古沿袭下来的风俗有关,与奴隶社会奴隶制较少“礼”的束缚有关。“郑风”爱情诗不仅抒写青年男女相爱的欢乐、相会的愉悦、家庭的温馨,同时抒发爱情受阻的烦恼及弃妇的痛苦。“郑风”爱情诗是我们认识春秋时代末期郑国社会的一面镜子。“郑风”爱情诗抒写各种感情,真挚醇厚、自然直观、朴素明快。“郑风”以典型的语言和行动、简捷的笔墨勾勒生动传神的人物形象,给人以深刻的印象。  相似文献   

The German education system does not traditionally rely on standardized testing. However, when the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study revealed an average performance of German students compared to other participating countries, a particular proportion of low-performing students, and remarkable disparities between the federal states, German policy makers decided for a major reform of the education system. A core piece of this reform was the introduction of National Education Standards. For science education, these standards were heavily influenced by the PISA results and its underlying framework. That is, with the standards, a paradigm shift took place from the German notion of Bildung towards the Anglo-American notion of literacy. With the introduction of these standards, a new field of empirical educational research was created: research on models of scientific literacy or competency models as a basis of benchmarking the standards. This article describes the German education system before PISA, summarizes the major findings from PISA, and describes how these findings informed the formulation of the performance standards for science education. It also details the measures undertaken to benchmark these standards. Finally, it provides insight into the issues with developing and benchmarking performance standards and points out future areas of research on evidence-based decision making in educational policy.  相似文献   

This article reports on part of a doctoral study in which epistemological obstacles that mathematics students at undergraduate level encounter in coming to understand the limit of functions in different modes of representation were investigated. A group of mathematics students at undergraduate level at the National University of Lesotho was the sample for the study. Empirical data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   


Following on the 1990 and 2000 World Conferences on Education for All, African governments increased their focus on access to schooling (but not necessarily on outcomes) by providing more facilities for increased enrolments. The learning outcomes that had been neglected led to a call to focus on more sustainable access – re-examining the quality of some of those facilities against the anticipated quality of educational outcomes. Studies in Southern and Eastern Africa, including the one under discussion here, indicate that the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will not rely only on school-based factors but also on the careful analysis of wider socioeconomic and cultural factors. This paper, through the results of the case study component of the Early Literacy Development project in the Lindi Rural District of Southern Tanzania, discusses why literacy development has lagged behind in Sub- Saharan Africa. The focus of the study and of this paper is on the relationship between literacy practices, literacy events and early literacy development at home and school in low-resourced communities. The extent to which school infrastructure and ecology including buildings, teaching learning materials and teacher characteristics reinforced literacy practices and events at home and school is also highlighted as being of special interest.

The study was sponsored by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Development (formerly CIDA) – Strengthening Education Systems in East Africa (SES-EA).  相似文献   

Friendship patterns in an urban girls’ secondary comprehensive school with nearly 30 per cent immigrant pupils were studied by a sociometric technique. Pupils were found to choose their friends most frequently from their own ethnic groups, but this was more marked in the lower streams and older age groups than in the upper streams and younger age groups. In the upper streams and the sixth form some preference was found, but immigrant pupils tended to be well integrated with British girls in complex friendship groups.  相似文献   

本文对《地球概论》中的难点——球面坐标内容的教学做初步探讨。认为教学中要首先加强空间概念的建立,关键讲好地理坐标,并通过学生的实践性练习来保证教学的有效性。文章重点对具体做法加以阐述和分析。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This article explores the 'second chance' myth that surrounds the role of adult education in society. This myth apparently offers all citizens an equal chance to access educational opportunities to improve their life chances. I argue that recent developments in educational policy-making are increasingly shaped by neoliberal discourses that adapt adult education principles, such as lifelong learning and emancipation, for its own economic and political logic. This has important implications for adult education, especially equality of opportunity and social inclusion.  相似文献   

This article reports a case study that described and analyzed the changes in the Danish school culture induced and encouraged by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results. The educational policy and reforms that were temporally connected with the publication of the PISA 2000 results are outlined and the related socioeconomic and sociopolitical influences are explicated. Furthermore, we investigated to what degree the PISA science assessment framework and test system were in accordance with the Danish educational goals in science in order to discuss the relevance of PISA as a catalyst for the educational actions taken. The results of our inquiry revealed areas of good correspondence and fundamental differences related to values underlying the Danish school system and PISA, respectively (e.g., Bildung orientation versus cognitive skills/competency orientation, different learning/assessment paradigms). We argue that such differences are crucial when considering curricular relevance, validity, and the use of PISA as an agent of change on the national level.  相似文献   

Modern neuroscientific research has substantially enhanced our understanding of the human brain. However, many challenges remain in developing a strong, brain-based theory of human learning, especially in complex environments such as educational settings. Some of the current issues and challenges in our progress toward developing comprehensive neuroscientific-based theories of human learning, particularly in the academic disciplines, are reviewed, beginning with a brief summary of the history of publications in science learning. This is followed by an analysis of some of the large-scale issues and conceptual problems that we currently face in developing a strong, middle-ground “neuroeducational theory” relevant to learning, especially in rather abstract disciplines such as mathematics and science. Finally, some perspectives on possible future strategies and challenges in reaching the goal of a neuroeducational theory are presented.  相似文献   

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