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In 2 studies, 2-year-old children learned a novel word modeled as a proper noun (e.g., "This is Zav") for an animate stuffed toy. Children who learned the word for a familiar object (i.e., one for which they knew a basic-level count noun for the kind) interpreted the word appropriately as a proper noun reliably more often than children who learned the word for an unfamiliar object (i.e., one for which they did not know such a count noun). When the creature was familiar, children typically interpreted the novel word as if it were a proper noun referring uniquely to the labeled individual. When the animal was unfamiliar, children frequently interpreted the word as if it were a count noun referring to a kind of object. Children's spontaneous comments during the tasks provided striking additional evidence that their interpretations of the proper noun varied with the familiarity of the object. The results suggest that young children's sensitivity to the form class of proper nouns is affected by the familiarity of the referent object. The findings are discussed in terms of interpretative biases in word learning.  相似文献   

To explore relations among parents' self-reported disciplinary styles, preschoolers' playground behavioral orientations, and peer status, 106 mothers and fathers of preschool-age children (age range = 40-71 months) participated in home disciplinary style interviews. Observations of their children's playground behavior in preschool settings and measures of sociometric status were also obtained. Results indicated that children of more inductive mothers and fathers (i.e., less power assertive) exhibited fewer disruptive playground behaviors. In addition, daughters and older preschoolers of inductive mothers exhibited more prosocial behavior. Children of inductive mothers were also more preferred by peers. Few significant relations were found between paternal discipline and child behavior/peer status. Age-related patterns of behavior also indicated that older preschoolers who engaged in more prosocial and less antisocial and disruptive playground behavior were more preferred by peers. In addition, child behaviors were found to mediate maternal discipline and peer status.  相似文献   

利益范畴与消费范畴分别是马克思历史唯物主义和鲍德里亚消费社会批判理论的核心范畴。在两种不同的理论语境下,这两个范畴既有内在的关联又有本质的差异。从两者的关联来说,利益和消费是人类物质生活条件的体现与实现;从利益到消费是人类生存与发展活动的逻辑进程。从其差异来说,两者的内生逻辑、产生根源、批判内涵有显著的不同。  相似文献   

文章根据复合动词前后项动词对句中名词的格支配关系,将日语复合动词分为三大类,即并列关系、修饰关系和融合关系。其中修饰关系又分为中心词前置式和中心词后置式两类。通过对句中名词的格支配关系分析,也可以为分析复合动词自他性的特征提供一个新方法。  相似文献   

为分散效应的普遍性提供新证据,拟将记忆领域中的分散效应拓展到词汇之间逻辑关系的分类学习中。通过操纵学习方式(集中/分散),考察人们在学习词汇之间逻辑关系的类别时是否存在分散效应。结果发现:(1)分散学习成绩显著高于集中学习,表明逻辑关系的分类学习中也存在分散效应;(2)被试自信心判断在两种学习条件下没有显著差异,表明在该研究范式下的被试在元认知监测的过程中对分散效应不敏感。  相似文献   

This study examined relations between behavioral inhibition (BI) assessed in toddlerhood (n = 268) and attention biases (AB) to threat and positive faces and maternal‐reported anxiety assessed when children were 5‐ and 7‐year‐old. Results revealed that BI predicted anxiety at age 7 in children with AB toward threat, away from positive, or with no bias, at age 7; BI did not predict anxiety for children displaying AB away from threat or toward positive. Five‐year AB did not moderate the link between BI and 7‐year anxiety. No direct association between AB and BI or anxiety was detected; moreover, children did not show stable AB across development. These findings extend our understanding of the developmental links among BI, AB, and anxiety.  相似文献   

汪洪俊 《时代教育》2010,(2):152-152
本文介绍了英语教学过程中,怎样指导学生用科学的方法判断英语中的可数名词和不可数名词。从而使学生避免死记硬背,减轻学生的学习负担,提高学生的学习兴趣,激发学生对新事物的探究精神。  相似文献   

经济全球化与全面建设小康社会的新形势,要求我们在推进德育发展的新实践中,遵循其内、外部关系的规律性,把握好社会发展与人的发展、继承与创新、理论与实际、动力与机制等基本范畴。  相似文献   

英汉词汇中表动植物名词的文化负荷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
词汇是语言最基本的要素 ,也是文化负荷量最大的成分。作者对龙、狗、竹、柳树等表动物、植物名词的文化负荷进行了对比分析。表动物、植物名词能揭示出其赖以生存的文化的内涵。民俗、地理等对表动物、植物名词的影响较大 ,赋予了动物、植物名词不同的联想意义 ,联想意义的多寡决定了该词的文化负荷量。动植物名词的文化负荷具有层次性  相似文献   

1978年起 ,国务院颁布一项条例 ,按联合国教科文组织制定的一条重要翻译原则 :“名从主人”,即对外国或中国人名、地名一律音译 ,废弃意译与半音半意译法 ,对科学新事物则意译  相似文献   

Hello, everybody, and welcome to my grammar clinic. Dear Readers,Last month we looked at some abstract nouns with the preposition "to". This month, I thought we'd continue with our mini-series on abstract nouns and look at some nouns that go with the preposition "for". I hope you find it useful.  相似文献   

论和谐的内涵和范畴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
和谐是系统内部各要素之间以及系统之间的联系有序、动态协调、充满活力的最佳状态,是客观世界普遍存在的基本状态;和谐是客观辩证法的总体特征,是唯物辩证法逻辑体系的总体范畴;和谐是科学发展观的实质。  相似文献   

文章从现代汉语名词加数量词的角度。分析了名词进入句子层面以后所表达的指称信息变化,认为现代汉语里有一类不能直接加数量词的名词存在.它们直接以词汇形式出现来类指事物;这种指称手段的出现。形成了不同于通常所说的普通名词的一个新类别:类别义名词。表示对事物的类指与用于对事物的分类是它的原型意义。  相似文献   

从现代汉语名词加数量词的角度,分析名词在进入句子层面以后所表达的指称信息变化,认为汉语的名词在个指亭物方面,有一类总不能以光杆形式存在,而必加数量信息词语的名词,它们总是专门表达对事物的个体指称.这种指称形式的出现,形成了不同于通常所说的普通名词的一个新类别“个体化事物”名词,它们总表示“个体化”的事物意义,总指称个体化的事物.这样在名词内部,形成了对事物指称的三种分工;这种分工,形成了现代汉语名词的三大范畴:普通名词、类别义名词、个体化事物名词.其中类别义名词与个体化事物名词构成了现代汉语名词的一对对立的语义语法范畴,而普通名词居于其中.  相似文献   

"趣味"是中国古典文艺美学的一个重要范畴。作为"趣味"理论的源头,"味"范畴有着独立的、鲜明的发展历程。先秦时期,"味"主要是作为一种感官体验被提及和运用;汉魏时期,"味"开始逐渐进入政治、文化视域;唐宋时期,"味"进入文学艺术领域,成为独立的审美范畴。"趣"范畴的出现,在丰富"味"范畴的审美内涵的同时,也宣布了"味"范畴黄金时代的终结。  相似文献   

对副词与名词的组合现象进行了探讨,认为否定副词虽然可以有时直接用在名词前,但构成的并非是修饰与被修饰关系;程度副词与名词的组合情况很特殊:从语义上扩大了名词的内涵。同时,对一些不规范的语言现象提出了批评。  相似文献   

名词性词语能否作补语,一般语法教材不涉及,本认为名词性词语能作补语,并且不是个别现象,但含名词性补语的句子有一定的条件限制,在这类句中,补语一般是表示情况或处所等意义的,能带名词性补语的一般是动词。  相似文献   

Comparing SAT scores among states using regression analysis leads to biased results because states differ in the proportion of students taking the exam. When the proportion of students taking the exam is included in the regression equation, the results can be biased because of misspecifieation bias. A method intended to correct for selection bias is presented, and empirical results suggest that sample selection bias is present in SAT score regressions. Regression equations and state rankings are compared between the selection-corrected equation and equations for which the selection problem is not addressed. The proposed method is one of many available as possible solutions to the selection problem. Alternative methods may produce different results  相似文献   

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