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张曼玲 《父母必读》2011,(8):152-155
盼望已久的暑假真的就这么来了,准备和宝宝一起做些什么?去某一个心怡的地方旅行,还是去外婆家过一段无拘无束的日子?……种种计划里,有没有想到一本本精彩的图画书会让这个暑期更加丰富。  相似文献   

一、美国中小学课外计划的缘起 近几年来,美国中小学课外计划项目迅速增多,这主要是对三个社会焦点关注的结果。 第一,就业模式上的巨大变化,使双职工家庭的数量增加,造成了许多学生在下午有很长一段时间自己一个人呆在家里。据美  相似文献   

本文从美国中小学课外计划的缘起、组织和所要完成的任务三个方面对美国中小学课外计划的开展情况作了介绍,以期对我国中小学课外计划的开展有所启示。  相似文献   

美国自1969年起,开始对中小学实施阅读评价,并定期发布评价报告。美国中小学阅读评价实践取得了很大的成就,有力地促进了全美中小学阅读教学与评价改革,对我国中小学语文阅读教学与评价改革具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

美国中小学暑期学校的发展经过了漫长的历史检验,其在预防暑期犯罪行为、为学困生提供补救性教育、弥补弱势阶层子女的学业差距、减少学生暑期学业损失、提高教师收入和促进教师专业发展等方面产生了一定的积极作用.美国中小学暑期学校之所以能正常运转,离不开其在资金、课程设置、师资力量、出勤要求、活动安排等方面都采取了相应的举措.借鉴...  相似文献   

美国的师范教育经过一百七十多年的发展,现已发展成为以非定向型师资培养模式为主导的、专业设置完备的、体系完整的师资培养和培训体制。美国的师资培训机构为中小学教师设置了大量的学位与证书教育计划,以满足中小学校对教师的需求。  相似文献   

在南加州的ROCK HILL.孩子们从学校的阅读小组里获得图书。如北边小学的阅读小组是通过基金会的形:式建立的,这是学校和社区一起合作成立的一个组织。每年2月份是阅读月,父母会收到一封让孩子们参加类似:于文学社活动的信.每周一至周四的下午从5点到7点是孩子活动时间。父母可以通过这封信检查孩子家庭作业.与孩子玩词汇游戏,或者让孩子间读.并鼓励他为其他的亲属读书。每年孩子们要签下阅读保证书。尼尔逊老师说:“一旦有关阅读效果好的纸条反绩回来,我们就会给学生的家庭一个气球、一本获奖证书,还包括给他一张他家附近餐厅的蹭券。”[第一段]  相似文献   

小丫和小男这天又在公园遇见了,小男见小丫手里拿着一本书,于是问道:你拿着什么书啊?[第一段]  相似文献   

美国中小学阅读和数学课的历史发展及趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以数学和阅读两门课程的历史论争为线索,展示美国中小学课程的发展脉络有理论上的纷争,在总结其论争特点的基础上,归纳出课程开发的基本趋势,即中小学课程开发的日趋政治化。  相似文献   

王洋  孙志远 《中学教育》2011,8(1):126-129,121
美国青少年课后生活的"家长缺席"现象愈发严重,使得他们面临空前的成长危机。为此,美国教育部门提出中小学课外计划,旨在保障学生的学业进步、安全和健康,促进家庭与社区的参与。计划的主要形式包括日间看护项目、21世纪社区学习中心以及其他种类的活动。虽然计划已经取得巨大进展,但仍然存在一些障碍。将学生课外生活纳入教育体系中是我国亟待解决的问题,美国的经验对能够为我国提供一些启示。  相似文献   

美20个州联名上书要求联邦修改《不让一个孩子落伍法》,放宽学校评价标准,由州来判断学生进步与否与进步的时间问题。  相似文献   

从奥巴马政府修订NCLB法看美国教育均衡发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年3月以来,奥巴马政府着手修订《不让一个孩子掉队》法,提出了一系列均衡发展美国教育的措施。这些措施既源自美国民众对教育均衡发展始终如一的追求,是美国政府因势利导的政策选择,又源自《不让一个孩子掉队》法没有完成既定目标,各州教育标准低下,教育差距在拉大,以及美国民主党的教育理念等。因此,推进教育均衡发展不仅应该有切实可行的目标,还要根据实际情况优先实施关键措施,缩减贫困地区学校班额,并为均衡发展教育提供持续的经费支持。  相似文献   

美国特殊教育教师的职前和在职培训一向较受重视,在历次教育改革中多有涉及。美国各州在执行《不让一个孩子掉队法》、《障碍者教育法》时,对特殊教育教师的职前和在职培训方面的具体做法既有共同之处,又略有差异,其中不乏我国特殊教育教师培养可以借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

In the twenty-first century, the use of standardized tests as the primary means to evaluate schools and teachers in the United States has contributed to severe dilemmas, including misleading information on what students know, lower-level instruction, cheating, less collaboration, unfair treatment of teachers, and biased teaching. This article provides reasons for the increased use in high-stakes testing and detail on the problems it causes. Also included are possible solutions to alleviate the concerns associated with high-stakes testing.  相似文献   

美国中小学“服务学习”课程:内涵、方案、实施及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
服务学习(service-Leaming)是当代美国教育改革中一种颇为引人注目的课程形式,目前在美国中小学校已趋于普及。文章从“服务学习”课程的内涵、方案、实施和评价四个方面简单介绍了服务学习。  相似文献   

This article is a call to become more critically aware of the new law commonly referred to as No Child Left Behind Act, which was put into effect in 2002 in the United States. The article is also an invitation to early childhood educators worldwide to engage in a dialogue that raises several questions: (a) How does such legislation affect early childhood educators and teacher preparation programs?; (b) How might teacher educators react and respond to the new law as they continuously practice informed decision-making about teacher preparation that is socially responsible? In view of these questions, it is a hope that we can see the initiation of nationwide dialogue regarding the issue of the No Child Left Behind Act. Primarily, how does the new law affect teacher educators and teachers? It is inevitable for us to be united and politically informed to prevent further scrutiny of questionable politically and economically driven educational practices in the United States, not to mention “test-heavy” evidence-based education reform.  相似文献   

美国《不让一个学生掉队法》着眼于解决基础教育的现实问题,强调通过降低学校之间存在的教学质量的不平等性和各类背景不同的学生之间在学习成绩方面的差距来保证每个学生都合格,并以此来达到提高整体的教育质量水平的目的。但是,这一看似较为现实的教育发展目标,由于要同时解决教育的质量和平等性问题,存在着目标所要求的管理体制与现行体制之间的矛盾和目标所要求的测评技术与现有技术之间的矛盾,对学校教学也带来一些负面的影响。教育发展目标对促进教育的发展的作用不是完全能够由超前性所决定的。调和目标的超前性和可行性之间的矛盾,对顺利实现政策目标、保证政策效果有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigated how six practicing school principals responded to the requirements of the No Child Left Behind law (United States Congress Public Law 107–110, 2002, January, No Child Left Behind Act, ) in light of the multicultural leadership demands presented by an urban setting. It examines perspectives of principals on the legal aspects of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and what they did to manage its requirements. Multicultural leadership literature provided a framework to understand the perspectives of school leaders. The findings suggest three principals were engaged in meaningful and practical work to both fulfill the requirements of NCLB and meet the needs of their students. Three principals were focused on the requirements of the law and did not see the connection between multicultural leadership and NCLB. The study’s recommendations include a multicultural leadership approach to current NCLB school reform. An earlier version of this study in progress was presented to the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Montreal, Canada 2005.  相似文献   

Since 2001, considerations of school reform have been dominated by performance-based accountability. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) has changed the way policymakers and educators talk about education, look at educational performance, and think about educational challenges. Nonetheless, NCLB and the state accountability systems it has spawned have been subjected to little careful scrutiny. This article discusses four recent research contributions and considers how they might inform policymaking on accountability. While scholarly scrutiny will not necessarily settle debates, it can help yield more constructive and informed decisions. In particular, research can clarify the actual consequences of policy decisions; highlight and refine approaches that may be more reliable, stable, and effective than those in use; flag the unanticipated or overlooked effects of design decisions; and ensure that both policymakers and the public are aware of the costs and benefits of accountability.  相似文献   

In an effort to correct for perceived deficiencies in the No Child Left Behind Act, value-added models were proposed as a way to find out how much students learned in schools and classrooms throughout the school year. What has garnered much controversy regarding the value-added model, however, is the attempt to link pay and tenure to performance. In this article, a theoretical framework is introduced that examines the likely success of using value-added assessments as a pay-for-performance tool. After applying the theory, the author suggests that caution should be used when utilizing value-added assessments to pay teachers for student learning.  相似文献   

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