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溯因推理作为发现与解释的最佳方法,被著名哲学家皮尔士纳入与演绎推理、归纳推理并列的推理范畴。皮尔士及其后的科学哲学家较多地讨论溯因在科学发现与解释中的哲学角色问题,忽视了溯因运行的内在逻辑机制问题。近几年随着人工智能与计算机技术的发展,人们对溯因体现出极大兴趣,并将其着力点转向逻辑进路上。溯因有其显著的逻辑特征:非单调性与动态性,以及影响其非单调性与动态性的逻辑参数,根据其逻辑特征与逻辑参数,选择不同的逻辑处理办法,建构不同的逻辑规则、语言以及模型。  相似文献   


Unlike states with established immigrant populations, Indiana is a new immigration gateway state that is developing its infrastructure to address immigrant needs. Indiana's English learner (EL) population between 1999 and 2018 has grown by 550% from 9,114 to 59,255 students. Of the current 59,255 ELs in K–12 schools, 24% are immigrants. Employing a collective case study, this article examines how Indiana university faculty prepare pre- and inservice teachers to address the needs of emergent bilingual immigrant (EBI) youth. While there are institutional constraints that impact how EBI youth needs are met, faculty in EL licensure programs are addressing these needs by explicitly facilitating activities that promote respect and develop empathy through perspective sharing. Despite underdeveloped social infrastructures for EBI youth and EBI teachers in Indiana schools, implications suggest that a methodical inclusion of immigration history, perspective-taking, and critical self-reflection can facilitate teacher identity development, and foster their stances of advocacy for EBIs.  相似文献   

关注民生,关心群众生活,作为全心全意为人民服务宗旨的体现,始终是贯穿我们党的历史的一条红线。在党的十七大报告中,胡锦涛同志提出了以改善民生为重点的社会建设六个方面的任务,是构建和谐社会的需要,也是我们党以人为本、执政为民理念的最好诠释。  相似文献   

归纳推理的合理性问题最早由体谟提出,故又称“休谟问题”。他认为归纳推理中前提的真实性不能为结论的真实性提供逻辑保证,因而是无效推理。对此问题,许多哲学家和逻辑学家从不同角度提出解决方案,但无一得到普遍承认。本文试图从科学哲学角度寻找归纳推理在逻辑学和经验科学之间的最佳结合点,并从而得出结论:归纳推理作为一动态开放的过程,其合理性一方面在于归纳前提与归纳结论之间的互动关系,另一方面则在于一般归纳现则与具体归纳推理之间的相互调节而使双方获得相对一致的过程之中。  相似文献   

5 活动面板下面我们将就Flash5.0的16个活动面板进行详细的介绍。1)信息面板(info)。信息面板(图6)显示编辑中的组件的一部分物理信息:大小、位置(坐标)和颜色,以及鼠标的当前坐标。当你改变对象组件的大小、颜色、位置等属性时,信息面板会即时反映出来。同时这个过程的逆转就是当你要精确定义一个对象组件的对象组件的位置与大小的时候,可以在输入栏中输入确定的数值,数值精确到小数点后  相似文献   

Authors who write introductory business statistics texts do not agree on when to use a t distribution and when to use a Z distribution in both the construction of confidence intervals and the use of hypothesis testing. In a survey of textbooks written in the last 15 years, we found the decision rules to be contradictory and, at times, the explanations unclear. This paper is an attempt to clarify the decision rules and to recommend that one consistent rule be chosen to minimize confusion to students, instructors, and practitioners. Using the t distribution whenever σ is unknown, regardless of sample size, seems to provide the best solution both theoretically and practically.  相似文献   

"矧"字由于本义及其引申之实词义用例少且较早淹没,文献上大多表现"为语词所专",本义与文献习见之虚词用法的连续性变化线索不显,其虚词用法的来源一直未明."矧"的本义应为"开弓、引弓",引申有"滋长、增益"的意思,由于它与"况"的本字"兄"都有"滋长、增益"之义,故文献中"矧"、"况"亦多通用之例,属义近而通."况"之"滋长、增益"义逐渐弱化,语法化而为虚词,文献用例颇多,人所周知.而"矧"字亦有如"况"一样的虚化过程.故"矧"、"况"的虚词用法亦多通用之例."矧"、"况"二词的"滋长、增益"之义虚化为"况且"这类虚词义,是语言中习见的平行发展现象.  相似文献   

论文从形、音、义分析“脘”的词源义,认为它与“宛”为同源词。“脘”的词义从“胃腔”一直引申发展,进一步可指心、心思。  相似文献   

本文对《说文解字》释“登”提出疑议.总结了前人研究的得失,概括了两种认识上的主要倾向:“豆非字”之说和“从(?)省声”之说,并结合合源字和文献用例的佐证,对“登”形义的分析作了新的尝试,笔者认为“登”是会意兼形声字,本为进祭之义。  相似文献   

对唐宋宫廷队舞中的舞头、引舞、戏头、引戏等进行辨析可以发现,引舞与舞头、引戏与戏头均是不同的概念,而引舞、舞头在功能上的部分重叠是造成二者被混淆的主要原因;引舞之出现并不始于唐代,至迟隋代已有之。以上观点对王国维先生《宋元戏曲考》中的一些学术见解将有所修正。  相似文献   

《辞源》、《汉语大词典》等辞书把《多收了三五斗》等文中的“油水”解释为“指不正当的物质收益或额外的好处”,不够准确,最好改释为“隐指钱财,泛指可以得到的好处。”  相似文献   

本文将陈那、法称因明与西方传统的三段论相比较,指出佛教逻辑从推论前提是否为真的角度来建立推论的基本规则即因三相;西方传统的三段论从形式是否有效的角度来建立推论的一般规则,这反映了佛教逻辑与西方逻辑的根本差异.本文首先指出佛教逻辑中的典型谬误即似因并非形式谬误,其致误之由在于前提为假.佛教逻辑从实质的角度来探讨有效性,不同于西方逻辑形式有效性的概念.佛教逻辑所说的推论其实都是论证.推论前提的真在何种程度上得到因三相的保证,又因陈那、法称因三相的不同而有区别.陈那的因后二相由于除宗有法的限制,只是前提为真的一种例证,其推论并非演绎;法称的因三相则全面保证了前提的真,其推论达到了演绎.法称恰恰是通过剖析推论前提为真的知识论基础从而改造了陈那因明,这体现了佛教逻辑的知识论性格.实际上,佛教逻辑关注前提的真,这已经预示了它在历史的发展中向佛教知识论(量论)的必然转化.  相似文献   

我国城市化进程的加速推进,使城市科学研究日益成为学术界的热点之一.在加速推进城市化过程中产生的矛盾和问题,使城市科学成了城市领导者的研究热点之一.2005、2006两届城市科学论坛,是北京城市学院在硬件和软件方面,对城市的建设与管理的分析;在宏观与微观层面上,对城市科学理论与研究方法的探索;在现实与未来的之间,对城市科学的发展与走向的寻求.三年来,我们始终在追寻"城市科学研究需要我们做什么"和"我们能够为城市做什么".  相似文献   

This chapter deals with a crucial component of our position, the presumption that there are objective grounds for preferring one thing to another within the various cultural institutions we deal with, that there are better or worse symphonies, soufflés and theories of the atom. The task of showing this is more urgent for some institutions than others. While philosophers can doubt anything, most people are persuaded of the objectivity of our efforts to comprehend the physical world and to weigh, count and measure accurately in many areas of human activity. Again, when we are faced with a choice among functional objects or processes, most people will admit that we can ground a preference for a knife or an exercise routine on objectively established facts: sharpness, or measurable increase in strength. Here, certainly, various conflicting desiderata may enter and make actual decisions more difficult — the sharpest knife may also be the most expensive; we may need to worry about its safety features; it may be ugly; and so on. But many will doubt that our judgements of comparative worth for non-functional objects such as paintings or sonatas can claim a similarly objective basis. We shall, therefore, concentrate our efforts on the most doubted areas, but will begin with the less contentious, where we think it is useful to draw attention to the genuine problems some philosophers have stressed, to show in fact that what we believe to be popular unconcern deserves to be somewhat ruffled.  相似文献   

Personal Best (PB) goals are defined as specific, challenging, and competitively self-referenced goals involving a level of performance or effort that meets or exceeds an individual’s previous best. Much of the available research underpinning arguments for PB goal-setting is self-report-based; thus, the causal effect of PB goals on learning outcomes remains in question. The present experiment examined the impact of PB goal-setting (against a no-goal condition) on 68 Year 5 and 6 schoolchildren’s problem-solving during an arithmetic fluency-building activity, SuperSpeed Math. Equivalence of the two conditions was established across a range of prior ability and self-report motivational variables, including prior mathematical ability; Personal Best, Mastery, and Performance goal orientations at the individual and classroom level; mathematics self-concept; and valuing of and interest in mathematics. Controlling for initial problem-solving performance, students who set PB goals in subsequent rounds showed a small but reliable advantage over students in the control condition. These results suggest PB goals may provide a way for students to experience both challenge and success in a range of classroom activities. Suggestions for future research based on these initial findings are made.  相似文献   

本文对王力先生主编的《古代汉语》中的部分词语进行了补释:“缩酒”中的“缩”是■的假借字。“左右以君贱之也”中的“以”作“认为”解。“传不习乎”中的“传”作“传授于人者”解。“昼寝”作“画寝”解。“兼人”作“胆大勇为”解。“洵”是“恂”的假借字。“离离”中的“离”字是■的假借字。“以”可作“能”解。  相似文献   

“剥床”被认为是剥落大床,其实,“剥床”是剥击王位。其依据是从本卦卦爻辞的内容出发,联系别卦卦义以及前人的说解。  相似文献   

吴超 《家教指南》2004,(5):58-61
天田作为一种军事防御设施应有人进行管理,烽燧之间有天田相连,天田和虎落同时存在,天田与土河不尽相同.  相似文献   

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