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质疑"学校监护"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于“学校监护责任”问题存在许多模糊认识。对未成年学生在学校发生的伤害事故,许多人认为学校应无条件赔偿损失,承担无过错责任即监护责任。学生在校是其监护人适时适当的一种“监护脱手”,是一种特殊的监护形式,不构成监护关系转移给了学校。学校不是未成年学生的“委托监护人”,只有在有过错的前提下对事故承担适当的赔偿责任,而判断学校过错不能随意化。建议制订《学校法》以弥补教育法、民法监护制度的不足。  相似文献   

高校“平安校园”创建机制建设的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校平安校园建设是一项长期的工作任务,必须建立长效的工作机制。该机制应遵循“以人为本,依法管理”、“预防为主,教育先行”、“明确责任,管教结合”、“实事求是,妥善处理”4项原则;从长效机制内涵体系的客体与主体出发,应建立“平安校园”创建层级管理责任机制、投入保障机制、检查督办机制、师生心理健康教育机制、预警机制和考评机制。  相似文献   

1 hypothesis about children's developing conception of the mind is that preschoolers are limited to an understanding that persons have internal, mental contents like thoughts and beliefs, whereas older children and adults conceive of the mind itself as an independent, active structure or processor. Adults' conception of the mind in this independent active fashion seems evident in their use of personified mental metaphor (e.g., "My mind tricked me"). 3 studies examined the development and consolidation of this active, personified view. Study 1 provided an analysis of natural language data regarding 1 child's uses of vision words such as see and look from age 2 1/2 to 8 years. We examined the child's use of such words to refer literally to perception (e.g., "I see the TV") and also to refer nonliterally to active mental processes such as comprehension and inference (e.g., "I see what you mean"). Studies 2 and 3 examined 6-, 8-, and 10-year-olds' comprehension and production of mental metaphors. In a metaphor comprehension task, we asked children to interpret personified metaphoric statements about the mind (e.g., "My mind wandered") and 3 comparison domains, mechanics (e.g., "The car is dead"), nature (e.g., "The wind is howling"), and emotion (e.g., "Her heart was smiling"). In an explanation task, we asked children to explain the processes underlying the making of both instant photos and mental images. The findings reveal a developing ability to interpret and produce statements personifying the mind and provide considerable evidence about children's movement toward a conception of the mind as an independent entity deserving reference and conceptualization in its own right.  相似文献   

对中国大陆和香港地区研究型大学教师的访谈发现,"服务"是一个模糊的交叉领域,概念上的混乱和聘任晋升标准对服务责任的不重视,是导致教师忽视服务职责的重要原因。教师的某项活动是否属于"服务"应视其做事情时的立场而定,因而学术责任与学术道德之利他价值观的树立尤为关键。  相似文献   

近年来我国加快了购买公共教育服务法治化步伐,政府购买服务的法律责任内容及其分类的研究不断取得发展,但对担保等新的责任类型及如何实现并未形成共识。政府担保责任是在以契约方式由社会力量提供公共教育服务条件下产生的一种新型责任,构成了实现公共教育服务“提供—生产”职责分离的条件。为此,要在认识政府购买公共服务的“契约治理”本质基础上,区分“公共教育服务”与一般服务的属性差异,并由此分析政府购买公共教育服务担保责任的含义和特征,揭示担保责任实现的行动逻辑。行政机关的价值定位对契约关系发展和购买服务效果具有主导影响,担保责任实现需要把握以下策略:处理好调控引导与使用行政优益权的关系,恪守购买服务法治化要求;遵循对价交换原则,为成本普惠、教育质量等担保责任履行提供条件;尊重社会组织真实意志,提高购买服务的契约合意程度。  相似文献   

在大众传媒日趋娱乐化的社会背景下,加强"新闻立台"具有十分重要的意义。新闻媒体应重申媒体的社会责任,把"新闻立台"方针放在首位,避免节目的娱乐化发展;重申新闻的真实性原则和新闻价值的选择标准,切实提高新闻媒介的公信度;做好贴近民生的节目,加强受众参与新闻的活动,倡导人文精神,创立品牌新闻节目。  相似文献   

With the waning of influence of Piaget's theory and the shortcomings of information-processing perspectives of cognitive growth, cognitive developmentalists lack a common set of broad, overarching principles and assumptions—a metatheory—to guide their research. Development biology is suggested as metatheory for cognitive development. Although it is important for developmentalists to understand proximal biological causes (e.g., brain development), most important for such a metatheory is an evolutionary perspective. Some basic principles of evolutionary psychology are introduced, and examples of contemporary research and theory consistent with these ideas are provided.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the role of students’ homework practices in their self-efficacy beliefs regarding their use of specific learning processes (e.g., organizing, memorizing, concentrating, monitoring, etc.), perceptions of academic responsibility, and academic achievement. One hundred and seventy-nine girls from multi-ethnic, mixed socioeconomic status families residing in a major metropolitan area of the United States were studied in a parochial school that emphasized homework in the curriculum with more than 3 h of work assigned daily. Path analyses showed significant paths (a) from homework experiences to the girls’ self-efficacy for learning beliefs and their perception of student responsibility for academic outcomes, and (b) from these two academic beliefs to the girls’ academic grade point average at the end of the school term. The implications of these findings for future research and school policy will be discussed.  相似文献   

Augmented reality is an emerging technology that utilizes mobile, context-aware devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets) that enable participants to interact with digital information embedded within the physical environment. This overview of design principles focuses on specific strategies that instructional designers can use to develop AR learning experiences. A review of the literature reveals the following three design principles as instructive: 1. Enable and then challenge (challenge): 2. Drive by gamified story (fantasy); and 3. See the unseen (curiosity). These design principles can also be viewed as an attempt to either leverage the unique affor- dances of AR or minimize the limitations of the medium as reported in the literature (Dunleavy & Dede, 2014). As the field matures and more research teams explore the potential of AR to enhance teaching and learning, it will be critical to determine the design techniques that optimize the unique affordances of AR, minimize the limitations of the medium, and ultimately enhance learning across the curriculum.  相似文献   

3 experiments are reported, all of which show the crucial importance of the "half" boundary in children's proportional judgments. In the first experiment 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-year-old children had to judge which of 2 boxes of blue and white bricks was represented in a small picture. The proportion of blue to white bricks was different in the 2 boxes, and the question was whether the children could use these proportions to make their choices. The 6- and 7-year-old children solved the problem much more successfully when the proportions crossed the "half" boundary (e.g., 3/8 blue vs. 5/8 blue). The second experiment showed that discriminations involving half (e.g., 1/2 blue vs. 1/4 blue) are also easier than those that do not cross the "half" boundary for the 6- and 7-year-olds. The third experiment confirmed the results of the first 2 with pictures of different absolute sizes from each other. We conclude that "half" plays a crucial role in children's early proportional reasoning, and that the "half" boundary is to some extent similar to, though not as powerful as, the category boundaries discovered in speech perception.  相似文献   

To become competent professionals, students should work on both their strengths and weaknesses. Considering students' limited amount of time and energy to work on multiple subjects, it is important to know what determines their allocation of effort to their perceived relative strengths or weaknesses. In a series of five studies, we examined the moderating effect of instructional strategy (i.e., self-directed versus test-directed) on the within-person relation between perceived relative strength (i.e., strengths versus weaknesses) and allocated effort across multiple subjects. We used different methodologies (scenario, field, and experimental studies), research designs (within-person and mixed factorial), populations (secondary school, college, and university students), and measures of effort (intentions, self-reported, and behavioral). The results consistently indicate that students in a self-directed instructional strategy condition tend to allocate more effort to their relative strengths, whereas students in a test-directed instructional strategy condition tend to allocate more effort to their relative weaknesses.  相似文献   

"社会责任理论"来源于自由主义报刊理论,但又超出并发展了自由主义理论。它强调自由须以责任为前提,新闻媒介在享有自由权利时要克尽对于社会、公众的义务和责任。作为新闻传播分支的体育学术期刊,理应承担起对社会和利益相关者的责任和义务,追求真理,引导向善,使社会协调发展。  相似文献   

马克思主义“五观”“四个认同”教育在新疆高校中是个长效而重要的工作,回顾、总结、展望。调查、分析、思考和研究是我们在新疆高校从事思想政治理论教育工作者义不容辞的责任。了解学生对这一教育的认识和掌握这一教育工作的落实情况,为我们以后有的放矢地开展这方面的工作起到了引航作用。  相似文献   

Although technology by itself may not be motivating, a relationship seems to exist between the opportunities that technology presents and motivation for gifted students. When technology use aligns with authentic or “real‐world” applications, motivation can be enhanced. This article explores the overlap between factors that have historically been shown to increase motivation and the unique affordances of technology tools to meet the needs of gifted and talented students. Some examples of this overlap include skills related to control and autonomy (e.g., time management, project management, and decision making about choices provided), challenge (e.g., perseverance and patience through hard work, proposing a project and following it through to completion), collaboration and cooperation (e.g., teamwork, people skills, social skills, anger management, and communication with students at other schools), curiosity (e.g., finding resources online, finding the work interesting, and learning new things), and recognition (e.g., the opportunity to communicate beyond the school walls, a “real” product). © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Generic noun phrases (e.g., "Bats live in caves") are important for expressing knowledge about abstract kinds. Past work has found that parents frequently use generic noun phrases in their speech to young children. However, little is known regarding how children understand these expressions, nor which cues signal generic meaning. The present set of 5 studies examined the influence of linguistic form class (e.g., "What color are dogs?" [generic] versus "What color are the dogs?" [nongeneric]) and of pragmatic context (e.g., "What color are they?" in the presence of either a single exemplar [generic] or multiple exemplars [nongeneric]). Participants were 2-year-olds (N = 42), 3-year-olds (N = 40), 4-year-olds (N = 40), and adults (N = 51). The data indicate that by 2 years of age, children use linguistic form class, and by 3 years of age, children use pragmatic context. These findings demonstrate that young children have begun to understand the distinction between generic and nongeneric noun phrases from a very young age, and that identification of generics is signaled not by formal or pragmatic cues alone, but by a combination of information from both language form and pragmatic context. It is suggested that children make use of multiple linguistic and conceptual cues to acquire and interpret generics.  相似文献   

高职院校辅导员在学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作中要坚持"两面三点",使学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作上台阶、上水平、上档次,达到教育育人、管理育人。辅导员以改革创新为动力,在依"势、术、法"构建的学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作平台上,挥动着"奖和罚"这两面旗帜,履行好辅导员的职责,完成为中国特色社会主义事业培养合格的建设者和可靠的接班人神圣使命。  相似文献   

The special edition of JEAH published in August 2006 on ‘Administration and Leadership in Education: A Case for History?’ argued that history has been seriously undervalued in the study of administration and leadership in education. My introductory editorial explained why this mattered and outlined the framework in which the papers it contained were set. It then examined the concepts of administration and leadership in education and considered them as a field (or fields) of knowledge. In an exploration of how knowledge is produced, it discussed history as a form of knowledge and considered the contribution it could make to the study of the field. This was followed by a review of what was asked of the contributors and their response. The editorial concluded with ideas for future work. At the request of the new editors of the journal, this paper is a revised and extended version of my earlier editorial. Some aspects have been shortened (e.g., the review of contributions), others extended (e.g., views on history and its role), and some new material has been added (e.g., a discussion of the history of the field in the UK as represented in attempts to review the field since George Baron’s ground‐breaking keynote given at the first research conference of the British Educational Administration Society held in Birmingham in 1979).  相似文献   

Parents' Attributions for Their Children's Behavior   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Parents' attributions for children's behavior are of interest both as a form of adult social cognition and as possible contributors to children's development. This article reviews work on the determinants and the effects of parents' attributions. Included in the discussion of possible determinants are characteristics of the target (e.g., age and sex), characteristics of the judge (e.g., mothers vs. fathers), and characteristics of the behavior to be explained (e.g., positive or negative). Included in the discussion of possible effects are effects on parents' affect and behavior and on children's development. The evidence suggests that parents do form attributions for their children's behavior and that these attributions vary in predictable (although not perfectly consistent) ways across judges, targets, and outcomes. The evidence also suggests, although less certainly, that attributions affect both parents' behavior and children's development. The review concludes with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Childhood victimization impacts on the well-being of children and young people, particularly those experiencing an extreme amount of different types of victimization (i.e., poly-victims). However, limited attention has been given to the impact of different categories of extrafamilial victimization (experienced outside of the family), particularly in the UK. The intricacies of the significant detrimental impact poly-victimization has on victims are also poorly understood. In this study, 730 young people, aged 13 to 16 years (mean 13.8 years), from one county in the UK, were surveyed about their lifetime and past year experiences of extrafamilial victimization, the locations in which these occurred, and current trauma symptoms. The results showed that interpersonal forms of extrafamilial victimization (e.g., sexual victimization) were significant predictors of trauma, whilst more indirect forms of extrafamilial victimization (e.g., witnessing the victimization of others) were not. When extrafamilial poly-victimization and number of extrafamilial victim locations were accounted for within regression models, however, this impact was reduced. Poly-victimization within the past year was the strongest predictor of trauma symptoms. Number of victim locations did not significantly predict trauma symptoms above and beyond the impact of poly-victimization, although it was a contributory predictor. These findings suggest that a holistic exploration of a young person's extrafamilial victim experiences is needed in any clinical assessment or research into its psychological impact. Specifically, attention should be given to the experiencing of extreme levels of victimization (e.g., poly-victimization). Further longitudinal research is needed to understand why poly-victimization has the greatest impact on psychological well-being.  相似文献   

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