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现代主流经济学热衷于照搬自然科学的研究思维和方法,这种强烈的方法论导向而非问题导向把经济学引入了一个致命误区:一者,经济学相对于自然科学缺乏定量的特性;二者,数学泛滥形成了以数学公式推演替代经济理论演绎的倾向。尽管如此,绝大多数经济学家却依旧保持熟视无睹的心态,甚至把反思者嘲讽为分析上的无能力者。其实,经济学具有不同于自然科学的学科特性,它研究的是社会现象背后的本质以及相互之间的作用机理,显然,这没有一个普适性的结论。因此,我们不能用形式逻辑一致性来评估经济理论的科学性,相反,经济理论的发展有赖于研究者的知识素养和人文关怀。  相似文献   


Instrumentalist theories are older than liberal, reconstructionist or child‐centred ones and the concept of progress they embody seems very obvious at first sight: making schools and other educational institutions more relevant to social needs. In open market societies however social needs are even more fiercely contested than are intrinsic educational values or the needs of individual childen. When a social need is politically legitimated in newly closed societies, even resolute instrumentalists may blanch at what is required of schools, as Durkheim's disciples found in occupied France. In contemporary English‐speaking societies the paradox is noted that neo‐Marxists consider educational institutions to be instruments in the hands of the ‘ruling classes’ and to be part of an Ideological State Apparatus (ISA), whereas all those who may be defined as members of such ruling classes bemoan that these institutions are dysfunctional to the needs of industry and commerce and hostile to market societies.  相似文献   

当代教育技术学研究方法若干问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文从教育技术学“本原性“研究对象的讨论出发,揭示了当代教育技术学研究在性质上具有“物理研究“与“事理研究“的两重性,其研究的取向在于从“基础“向“应用“的单向推演,其主要研究逻辑特性是建立在科学哲学基础之上,遵循“发现的逻辑“,其方法体系特征是科学、技术与艺术的统一。  相似文献   

在教育生活实践中,存在着执着于个人有限的经验,进而遮蔽事情的整全,或者对自身之外的有限经验痴迷与崇拜,从而视局部经验为普遍真知,这就是所谓的教育经验主义现象。教育经验主义现象就其表征来说,主要有人们对局部经验的趋之若鹜、对教育理论的简单轻视和对方法、技术的情感偏执;教育经验主义现象的根源,主要在于教育经验对教育实践者具有亲和力,而教育理论又过度学术化,说到底是教育理论和教育实践运行着不同的逻辑。教育经验主义现象显然阻碍了教育实践境界的提升,对教育研究也产生了消极的作用。为了消解这一现象,教育研究者需要揭示教育经验的局限,自觉改变教育研究的形象,并探究教育理论与教育实践两种逻辑的会通。  相似文献   

现象图析学是瑞典哥德堡大学教育学系的研究团队发明并使用的一种教育研究方式,属于教育研究领域一种中观层面的方法论,拥有独特的本体论、认识论、方法论假设.现象图析学的本体论假设,即知识并非绝然的客观真理,而是个体观念与外部现实世界交互式作用的结果.认识论假设,即描述是获得个体对于具体事物观念的基本认识方式.方法论假设,即强调数据收集过程中的探索性特征以及数据分析过程中的情境性特征.现象图析学旨在对个体对于周遭世界体验的现象进行描述,涉及的主要内容包括一阶观点和二阶观点、差异、质的差异的(理解)方式、描述的分类等.近年来,教育研究领域使用现象图析学完成的经验性研究数量与日俱增,但其尚未引起我国大陆学者的高度重视.  相似文献   

There are many possible ways to approach the topic of educational theory and critique. One could inquire into the meaning of critical phenomena and subject‐matter in practical education and instruction, investigate the various forms of critique with the goal of determining the extent to which they assist in clarifying pedagogical action, or one could ask: ‘What is meant by critical educational research?’ and ‘How do the various approaches to this topic relate to one another?’. This article inquires into the relationship between critique and negativity. Such a distinction is relevant for the practical, theoretical and research‐oriented use of the various forms and subject matters of critique. This analysis of their relationship aims to clarify how the structure of human learning connects to that of pedagogical action; and, additionally, how the theoretical guidelines and orientation for pedagogical action relate to scientific analyses and research in education in a way that is productive. Distinctions made in thought, judgement and action are not simply delimiting positive characteristics. Such distinctions are at once mediated by the relations of knowledge and ignorance, ability and inability. Although ignorance and inability can be transformed into positive knowledge and ability, they are not superseded in the process. Ignorance and inability are, on the contrary, constitutive elements of learning. The possibility for transitions from ignorance and inability to knowledge and ability—a possibility that itself presupposes knowledge and ability—point to a form of negativity within the process of education (Bildung). This form of negativity relates to the human ability to learn (Bildsamkeit) and provides the definitive basis of human learning. A form of negativity constitutive of learning processes leads to one that grounds pedagogical processes. Pedagogical efficacy is mediated by a double negativity, comprised of both a universal and a particular form of negativity. The relation of negativity to learning and pedagogical efficacy, with specific reference to educational research studies on teaching and learning processes, is considered. A form of educational research that operates beyond fundamentalist criticisms—that is to say, criticisms based on unshakeable beliefs—and utilises issues arising from a pluralisation of critique to confront the pluralism of critical positions, is considered. The article closes with reflections on the relation between the Critical and the Uncritical.  相似文献   

新制度经济学制度理论批判   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新制度经济学运用经济学方法分析制度,其制度理论具有独特的魅力,但也因此带上了明显的缺陷。它把制度在经济与社会发展的作用抬高到决定性的地位,过分强调理性行为,想念社会精英分子创造制度,禀持个人主义规范标准,把社会看作是原子式的社会。这些缺陷使其在解释历史与社会现象上说服力不足。这是采用经济学方法论解释社会与政治问题的局限所在。  相似文献   

With a view to basic formal education, this study explores actual experiences and potential values of current community-school initiatives in Africa. Using data from different programmes around the continent, it examines their dynamics in terms of various conceptions about alternative provisions for basic education. The wider policy question posed is whether community schools can respond in a meaningful and viable manner to the interests of learners and their communities, meet social-policy goals of equity and social justice, and foster reform. While its conclusions remain tentative, the study explores effective but problematic approaches supported by communities, non-governmental organizations and governments. It gives particular attention to those elements promoting empowerment and transforming educational provision and local socio-economic conditions. It also raises fundamental questions about sustainability and equity as well as the responsiveness of schools to community needs and their ability to assist learners in overcoming disadvantage and marginality.
Zusammenfassung GEMEINDESCHULEN ALS EINE ERZIEHERISCHE ALTERNATIVE IN AFRIKA: EINE KRITIK – Mit einem Blick auf die formale Grundbildung erforscht diese Studie tatsächliche Erfahrungen und mögliche Werte gegenwärtiger Gemeindeschul-Initiativen in Afrika. Anhand der Nutzung von Daten aus verschiedenen Programmen vom ganzen Kontinent untersucht sie ihre Dynamik in Bezug auf verschiedene Konzeptionen von alternativer Grundbildungsversorgung. Die weitere politische Frage, die aufgestellt wird, lautet, ob Gemeindeschulen in einer bedeutungsvollen und gangbaren Weise auf die Interessen von Lernern und ihren Gemeinden antworten, sozialpolitische Ziele von Fairness und sozialer Gerechtigkeit erreichen und Reformen fördern können. Während ihre Schlussfolgerungen vorläufig bleiben, erforscht die Studie wirkungsvolle, aber problematische Zugänge, die von Gemeinden, Nicht-Regierungs-Organisationen und Regierungen unterstützt werden. Sie widmet jenen Elementen besondere Aufmerksamkeit, welche die Handlungskompetenz fördern und die erzieherische Versorgung sowie die örtlichen sozio-ökonomischen Bedingungen weiterentwickeln. Sie erhebt darüber hinaus grundlegende Fragen über die Nachhaltigkeit und Gerechtigkeit ebenso wie die Verantwortlichkeit von Schulen gegenüber den Bedürfnissen der Gemeinden sowie ihre Fähigkeit, die Lernenden darin zu unterstützen, Benachteiligung und gesellschaftliche Ausgrenzung zu überwinden.

Resumen ESCUELAS COMUNITARIAS COMO ALTERNATIVA EDUCATIVA EN ÁFRICA: UNA CRÍTICA – Con miras a una educación básica formal, el autor explora con este estudio experiencias concretas y valores potenciales de iniciativas actuales relacionadas con escuelas comunitarias en África. Usando los datos de diferentes programas implementados a lo largo y a lo ancho del continente, examina su dinámica en cuanto a diferentes conceptos referentes a provisiones alternativas de educación básica. El interrogante político, más amplio, es el de si las escuelas comunitarias pueden ofrecer una respuesta razonable y viable a los intereses de los educandos y sus comunidades, alcanzar los objetivos sociopolíticos de igualdad y justicia social y promover las reformas. Si bien las conclusiones del estudio siguen siendo provisionales, explora enfoques efectivos, pero problemáticos sostenidos por comunidades, organizaciones no gubernamentales y gobiernos, prestando especial atención a aquellos elementos que promueven el fortalecimiento y la transformación de la provisión educativa y de las condiciones socioeconómicas locales. También plantea interrogantes fundamentales sobre persistencia y equidad y la capacidad de las escuelas de responder a las necesidades de las comunidades y de asistir a los educandos para superar desventajas y marginación.

Résumé LES ÉCOLES COMMUNAUTAIRES EN TANT QU’UNE ALTERNATIVE ÉDUCATIVE EN AFRIQUE : UNE CRITIQUE – Tout en ayant un regard sur l’éducation formelle de base, cette étude explore les expériences actuelles et les valeurs potentielles des initiatives en cours dans les écoles communautaires en Afrique. Faisant usage des données des différents programmes sur tout le continent, elle examine leur dynamique en termes de conceptions différentes quant aux dispositions alternatives en faveur d’une éducation de base. La question politique plus large qui se pose est si les écoles communautaires peuvent répondre d’une façon significative et viable aux intérêts des apprenants et de leurs communautés, si elles vont à l’encontre des buts socio-politiques de l’équité et de la justice sociale, et si elles favorisent les réformes. Alors que ses conclusions demeurent provisoires, l’étude explore les approches effectives mais problématiques soutenues par des communautés, des organisations non gouvernementales et des gouvernements. Elle accorde une attention particulière à ces éléments qui promeuvent la mise en vigueur et transforment les besoins éducatifs et les conditions socio-économiques. Elle soulève en outre des questions fondamentales sur la persistance et l’équité ainsi que sur la responsabilité des écoles vis à vis des besoins de la communauté et sur leur capacité à aider les apprenants à surmonter des désavantages et la marginalité.

With a view to basic formal education, this study explores actual experiences and potential values of current community-school initiatives in Africa. Using data from different programmes around the continent, it examines their dynamics in terms of various conceptions about alternative provisions for basic education. The wider policy question posed is whether community schools can respond in a meaningful and viable manner to the interests of learners and their communities, meet social-policy goals of equity and social justice, and foster reform. While its conclusions remain tentative, the study explores effective but problematic approaches supported by communities, non-governmental organizations and governments. It gives particular attention to those elements promoting empowerment and transforming educational provision and local socio-economic conditions. It also raises fundamental questions about sustainability and equity as well as the responsiveness of schools to community needs and their ability to assist learners in overcoming disadvantage and marginality.  相似文献   

Despite a political climate demanding evidence-informed decision making in education both within individual countries and at the international level, empirically grounded European research in this field is scarce. This paper reports on a European Commission-funded study that sought to identify and analyze different initiatives across Europe aimed at furthering research-informed policymaking in education, one of a number of comparative analyses in this emerging field. The nature and extent of activity in this area is outlined and an analytical framework is developed to assist understanding. Potential reasons for the observed variation among countries are discussed, along with some of the methodological and conceptual challenges involved in undertaking empirical work in this area. Practically, it is hoped that the results of the mapping exercise and the framework provide a platform for further empirical and conceptual research on research use, an area of study that until recently has been largely ignored by education researchers.  相似文献   

我国教育经济学在20世纪经历了萌芽、停滞、初建、成型和发展阶段,广大学者在其研究对象、研究内容、学科性质、学科体系和研究方法等方面的探讨已经取得了丰硕的成果,同时也显现出一些问题,能否建立一门共认的教育经济学、研究内容如何臻于丰富、研究视角如何多样化,以及如何构建科学的学科体系将成为今后学者亟待解决的课题.  相似文献   

关于教育研究方法论的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从分析方法论、教育研究方法论的基本涵义人手,对当前教育研究方法论探讨所涉及的几个基本问题作了具体分析。笔者认为,当前我国教育研究方法论主要应该探讨如何运用马克思主义哲学作指导的问题,并通过比较研究和元教育学研究,探询国外教育学理论发展的方法论背景,同时,对当前人们使用的教育研究方法要具体分析,并主张从教育哲学的高度来认识方法论探讨的意义。  相似文献   

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