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This article presents parallel and collaborative research and teaching practices that expand approaches to encountering site through the lenses of observation and performative drawing. These drawing practices record phenomena, whilst in their presence, through a designed temporal framework. This asks the drawer to observe over a duration of time and to record the world in motion. By spending an extended period of time in the presence of the phenomenon of our study, with active receptivity, our capacity to see shifts. Rather than the drawn outcomes of this observation recording a past time, the notion of experiential time – and an expanded present – is embedded in the act of drawing. These processes of observation and performative drawing allude to Edmund Husserl’s expression of a ‘thickened present’. The outcomes of this drawing practice demonstrate that observational techniques are embodied, relational, temporal and generative and so offer an alternative approach to site analysis. How this approach sits within the larger domain of spatial temporal relationships and forms of drawing are also considered.  相似文献   

This article makes a case for recording and using dreams in the teaching of writing. Calling on some well-known statements of Freud and on some recent research, I attempt to show how dreams can provide writers with a route to their unconscious. I also illustrate the role of dreams in furnishing writers with inspiration and source material. I provide examples of writing, both my own poems and extracts from the work of Coleridge, Byatt, Kafka, Blanchot and Murakami amongst others, to show how dreams, the experience of dreaming and dream-like imagery have been used successfully in literature.  相似文献   

从毕业赠言的内容、形式和风格三个方面谈如何写好毕业赠言,为同窗学友留下人生旅途中一份珍贵的礼物.  相似文献   

This article discusses a Bachelor of Design honours year typography project in the medium of letterpress. The Letter‐space project positioned letterpress as a textual, spatial and structural visual language, through which the experiences and meanings of a local urban place were translated, mapped and given form through typographic design. We outline and contextualise the pedagogical approach we took in this project. In Letter‐space a pedagogy based on the principles of situated and reflective learning drew urban place and letterpress into a theorised practice. Metaphorical frameworks advanced in urban theory offered new insights into the ways in which urban place could be understood. These metaphors provided departure points for specific place‐based investigation and interpretation. The subject of urban place and the medium of letterpress interacted through their shared language of structure and compositional order, facilitating the processes of mapping and translation. Examples of the student work produced in the project are discussed and show how theory and practice interacted through conceptual and metaphorical structures. The Letter‐space project advanced the students’ structural understanding of the principles and practices of typographic design, while at the same time deepened an awareness of the complex relationships which form and order familiar urban places  相似文献   

浅谈如何编写会计记账凭证摘要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就如何简练、准确地编写会计记账凭证摘要作了详尽的论述,说明了会计记账凭证摘要的重要性。  相似文献   

司马迁的《史记》在中国历史上第一次系统地整理了古代历史,并赋予了历史哲学的理论体系。司马迁自己称之为"厥协六经异传,整齐百家杂语"。本文以司马迁如何"厥协"与"整齐"历史文献,构建中国古代史为主题,提出司马迁编写历史著作的基本方法,即原始察终、见盛观衰、详变略渐、熔铸改写。这四个方面构成了司马迁历史方法论的基础。  相似文献   

在教育思想史研究中,居主导地位的方法是在教育学的抽象层面上展开的,教育史学家的主要兴趣在于记载教育家的生平事迹及所提出的教育思想。这种研究方法的主要缺陷是它的非历史性,它把教育思想从其所在的具体历史语境中分离出来,把教育思想看成是教育家本人思考的结果。洛克、卢梭、夸美纽斯三位教育思想家思想有其不同的历史命运,因此教育思想史应该将教育家的思想置放在特定历史语境中去理解,从而明确一种教育思想是如何被接受、被拒绝又被重新发现的。  相似文献   

赵继孔 《天津教育》2021,(2):146-147
学习语文,传统的观念是从听、说、读、写四个方面。对于阅读和写作,尤其是写作方面,大多数人都认为是一件比较容易凸显个性的事。因为学生的社会经历不同,对客观事物的看法不同,基本知识储备量不同,写出来的作文也是风格迥异、各有千秋。实践教学中,如何写好一篇作文的开头,需要技巧,良好的开端就是成功了一半。  相似文献   

英语商务信函在国际贸易中起着重要的作用。无论何种方式的商务信函都应注意语气、态度、用词和符号的选择以及商务套语。本文以实例对以上几个方面分别加以阐述。  相似文献   

研究计划可以说是研究的蓝图,而研究报告是研究过程的精炼和研究成果的体现。研究报告就是把研究的过程和成果写成论文。从国际规范来说,写研究报告是有固定的模式可循的,在远程教育研究领域,无论是提交给固际研讨会的研究论文,还是提交给国际上的远程教育研究的学术期刊的论文,抑或项士和博士生的研究生论文,一般都有基本相同的论文撰写要求,这些要求也是确定提交的论文能否接受的基本前提。总的来说,研究报告有四大部分:报告前的基本资料,包括题目、作者、摘要、关键词:正文,包括介绍、研究方法、研究结果、讨论和结论:感谢;参考资料。本文着重以远程教育研究的范例来阐述如何撰写研究报告中正文的介绍、研究方法、研究结果、讨论和结论、感谢以及参考资料。作者希望,本文的内容能帮助我国的研究人员和学生撰写符合国际规范的研究报告,从而增进远程教育的国际学术交流。  相似文献   

作文是语文教学的重要组成部分,也是语文教学的难点。对于作文,教师觉得难教,学生觉得难学,使得作文教学效率一直很低。要想真正提高学生的写作水平,教师应在作文教学中教授给学生作文写作技巧,并让学生在写作中运用这些技巧,就能慢慢地使学生爱上写作,获得能力上的发展。  相似文献   

Although infants say “no” early, older children have difficulty understanding its truth‐functional meaning. Two experiments investigate whether this difficulty stems from the infelicity of negative sentences out of the blue. In Experiment 1, given supportive discourse, 3‐year‐olds (N = 16) understood both affirmative and negative sentences. However, with sentence types randomized, 2‐year‐olds (N = 28) still failed. In Experiment 2, affirmative and negative sentences were blocked. Two‐year‐olds (N = 28) now succeeded, but only when affirmatives were presented first. Thus, although discourse felicity seems the primary bottleneck for 3‐year‐olds' understanding of negation, 2‐year‐olds struggle with its semantic processing. Contrary to accounts where negatives are understood via affirmatives, both sentence types were processed equally quickly, suggesting previously reported asymmetries are due to pragmatic accommodation, not semantic processing.  相似文献   

Rater‐mediated assessments are a common methodology for measuring persons, investigating rater behavior, and/or defining latent constructs. The purpose of this article is to provide a pedagogical framework for examining rater variability in the context of rater‐mediated assessments using three distinct models. The first model is the observation model, which includes ecological/environmental considerations for the evaluation system. The second model is the measurement model, which includes the transformation of observed, rater response data to linear measures using a measurement model with specific requirements of rater‐invariant measurement in order to examine raters’ construct‐relevant variability stemming from the evaluative system. The third model is the interaction model, which includes an interaction parameter to allow for the investigation into raters’ systematic, construct‐irrelevant variability stemming from the evaluative system. Implications for measurement outcomes and validity are discussed.  相似文献   

1 让学生感受"数"的意义 小学生往往感到数据抽象,学起来很枯燥.因此要注意紧密联系学生的生活实际和他们所熟悉的社会实践活动进行教学,引导学生用数学的眼光观察事物,初步学会从数学的角度提出问题,理解问题,能在具体的情景中把握数的大小关系,使小学生知道学好数学能解决周围生活中的问题,从而使学生体会到学习数学是生活的需要、社会的需要也是继续学习的需要.  相似文献   

提高学生写作水平,关键在于树立学生自信,热情鼓励,激发兴趣,乐于扶植,精心培育,巧于点拨,拓宽思路,让学生感到自己聪明能干,前途无量。  相似文献   

转眼间,塔间道栏目已经一岁了。在过去的一年中,我们在大学生读者们的支持与关注中不断成长;在今后的日子里,塔间道栏目愿意与大学生们分享更多与校园有关的点点滴滴。今年的塔间道栏目将会一如既往地为大家奉上关于校园生活的饕餮盛宴,我们将会呈现四个板块的内容,分别是学业、生活、实践与社交。在第一个板块中,编者为你准备了三个方面的内容:如何写好大学书面作业,如何找到合理的学习方法,以及如何准备大学考试。希望我们的学习小贴士能对你有所帮助!还等什么呢,现在就跟随我们的脚步去探寻写作的秘密吧!  相似文献   

A group randomized controlled trial tested the efficacy of the Friendly Schools program to reduce student bullying behaviour. This socio‐ecological intervention targeted the whole school, classroom, family, and individual students to reduce bullying behaviour. Self‐report data were collected in 29 schools over three years from a cohort of 1968 eight to nine‐year‐olds. Surveys measured frequency of being bullied, bullying others, telling if bullied and observing bullying. Results indicate that intervention students were significantly less likely to observe bullying at 12, 24 and 36 months and be bullied after 12 and 36 months, and significantly more likely to tell if bullied after 12 months than comparison students. No differences were found for self‐reported perpetration of bullying. The findings suggest whole‐of‐school programs that engage students in their different social contexts appear to reduce their experiences of being bullied and increase their likelihood of telling someone if they are bullied.  相似文献   

The study assessed the contribution of stereoscopic depth cues to infants' perception of a Kanizsa rectangle as a surface that temporarily occludes a moving object. In Experiment 1, the Kanizsa figure was shifted into the foreground by enriching it with stereoscopic depth information. According to the results, perception of a three‐dimensional Kanizsa figure as an occluding surface emerges between 5 (= 16) and 7 (= 16) months of age. Experiment 2 demonstrated that 7‐month‐old (= 16) infants performed similarly to the 7‐month‐olds who participated in Experiment 1 if the moving object was shifted into the background. These findings suggest that 7‐month‐old infants respond to stereoscopic depth cues and that they exploit it to perceive subjective contours as occluders.  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - Place value is a challenging concept in children’s developing understanding of number. In this study we examine how first-grade children’s developing...  相似文献   

如何撰写好管理学博士论文?如何写出符合国际要求、代表中国学术水平的管理学论文?这已成为教育界的一个重大问题。 管理学是一门与实践紧密联系的学科。因此,管理学博士生完成学位论文的过程也应是一个理论联系实际的过程。这种让学生将所学知识运用于具体实践的过程,在南京大学国际商学院主要是通过让博士生直接参与导师课题来完成的。一般而言,课题有两种:一种是横向的研究课题,学生可以通过这些课题比较容易地确定自己的研究方向和研究内容;另一种是纵向的管理咨询项目,它可以让学生学到书本上没有的知识,并真正了解中国企业…  相似文献   

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