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接纳幼儿个性培养良好情感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据美国科学家的一项研究证明,情商比智商更重要,它决定着人们工作、交往、事业的成败和个人的幸福,主宰着社会的未来。但由于长期受传统教育思想的影响,情感教育缺乏素材积累、方法陈旧,又加上独生子女家庭环境的影响,目前幼儿情感发展发生偏差状况较为普遍。比如:任性、自  相似文献   

14-month-old toddlers vs. 8.5-month-old crawling infants were encouraged to ascend and descend a sloping walkway (10°, 20°, 30°, and 40°). Infants in both locomotor groups overestimated their ability to ascend slopes. However, on descending trials where falling was more aversive, most toddlers switched from walking to sliding positions for safe descent, but crawlers plunged down headfirst and many fell at each increment. Toddlers touched and hesitated most before descending 10° and 20° slopes, and they explored alternative means for descent by testing out different sliding positions before leaving the starting platform. In contrast, crawlers touched and hesitated most before descending 30° and 40° slopes, and they never explored alternative sliding positions. In addition, we analyzed measures of locomotor skill and experience in relation to children's ability to perceive affordances. Findings indicate that children must learn to perceive affordances for locomotion over slopes and that learning may begin by fine-tuning of exploratory activity.  相似文献   

美不是在知觉之前就已现成地存在着的(不管是在客观还是在主观),只是随着知觉行为的发生,由于外部信息和内部信息的重组,美才产生了,而且就产生在知觉中。在这种情况下,知觉不仅仅具有审美的功能,而且美直接取决于知觉;知觉直接地孕育了美,直接地成为美产生和存在的处所。只有在知觉中,客体对象才因为主体的加工而成为审美对象;也只有在知觉中,人才把符合条件的客体对象感知为审美对象。审美知觉和一般知觉所不同的是它不仅为主体提供信息和对客体作出加工,更重要的是还提供了一种肉身的身体———主体的享受。从知觉传递信息到通过知觉获得享受,这是人的知觉意义重大的一次分化。自此,知觉不仅具有认知的功能,同时还形成了审美的功能。  相似文献   

Students’ concerns about mathematics can significantly affect their ability to learn the subject. In particular, their anxieties and attitudes can greatly affect how they perceive their own mathematical competence, and in return, this may make them reluctant to pursue mathematical studies. Many researchers believe in the role of active learning environments in reshaping students’ perception of and emotions about mathematics. This paper reports the results of an investigation on the effect of one such environment. As a result of being exposed to an active learning environment, a group of 21 cohort students showed opinion changes from a pre- to post-survey statements significantly on emotion and noticeably on confidence and perception statements. There was, however, no statistically significant change observed on the opinions of a group of 41 traditional students.  相似文献   

We explored infants' ability to perceive stationary, partially occluded objects as connected units (Experiments 1 and 2) with specific appearances (Experiment 3). In each experiment, the infants saw 2 test events involving what appeared to adults to be a tall rectangular object whose middle portion was hidden behind a narrow screen. During the test events, the screen alternately uncovered and covered the object. In Experiments 1 and 2, removal of the screen revealed either a single, connected rectangle (complete object event) or an interrupted rectangle with a gap where the screen had been (broken object event). In Experiment 3, removal of the screen revealed either a rectangle (rectangle event) or a cross-shaped object (cross-shape event). The pattern of infants' looking times at these events suggest that they perceive the unity of the partially occluded object by 6.5 months of age but did not perceive the form of the hidden part of the object until 8 months. The results of baseline control conditions support this interpretation.  相似文献   

诗歌鉴赏由原来采用选择题的考查方式,改为采用主观题的考查方式;考查范围由原来古代诗歌和现代诗歌改为只考古代诗歌;考查的内容主要包括对作品的形象、语言和表达技巧进行初步的鉴赏,对作品的思想内容进行评价。这个转变表明了诗歌鉴赏题型更加重视文化素养的考查。然而从测试的效果来看并没有达到预期的目的。应试专家和老师们精心炮制诗歌鉴赏的解题技巧,学生并没有进行真正的鉴赏活动,而是一味地追求技巧的运用和答案要点的完整性。  相似文献   

《诗经》二雅与竹简《老子》的契合主要表现在写作旨趣相近,表现出“绝智弃辩”的思想和“无为而治”的政治主张。所不同的是:二雅所描绘的多是些具体的现象,而《老子》则从哲学的高度对其进行抽象的概括。两者的相同之处,反映了春秋时期儒道两家思想的融合;不同之处,反映了由西周到春秋学术个性的变迁。  相似文献   

公文修辞的理性、情感和美感蕴涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于修辞的论述向来无一定的范围。本文主要依据谭永祥的“修辞说”,从公文的内容和形式上看其理性、情感和美感蕴涵,从而揭示公文语言的修辞特点。  相似文献   

文艺创作决不是"模仿说"、"反映论"所说的那种对生活的简单的直线似的反映,它往往经过一系列的复杂的中介环节的转换才最终得以生成作品,这里首先且最重要的就是情感,从社会生活到创作行为的发生离不开情感,从创作行为发生到作品生成需要经过情感这一环,因此,情感在文艺创作行为社会学中意义重大。  相似文献   

<幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)> (以下简称<纲要>)明确指出幼儿数学教育的目标是"能从生活和游戏中感受事物的数量关系并体验到数学的重要和有趣",幼儿数学教育的内容是"引导幼儿对周围环境中的数、量、形、时间、空间等现象产生兴趣,建构初步的数学概念,并学习用简单的数学方法解决生活和游戏中某些简单的问题".  相似文献   

新时期开始,性主题的创作最初乃是为突破"文革"以来意识形态对人性本能的不正当压抑。90年代中期开始,一些女性作家秉承西方女性主义者用"躯体写作"去寻找"性别自我"的初衷,严肃刻画在女性躯体欲望的表面展现之下的深层冲突。流风所播,后来者则发展为几乎完全回避躯体文化的内在冲突,为颠覆而颠覆、为欲望而欲望,造成"躯体写作"的形而上建构意图淹没在躯体欲望的张扬之中。颠覆过度,建构阙如,最终如巴赫金所说的单纯"性"的躯体将丧失完整的躯体存在,沦于"欲望躯体"的行列。  相似文献   

影视表演专业教学中,在进行表演技巧的基础训练的同时,要相当重视表演专业基础课的综合训练。影视表演的语言技巧训练通常可用气、声、字、意来进行概括。声乐和声音的训练,其目的也不是培养歌唱家,而是训练学生能够科学地运用自己的声音,更好地进行表演创作。形体技巧训练是专业演员不可忽视的重要的基本功。优秀的演员都有自己的一套保持体态灵活自如的锻炼方法,以适应更多角色的塑造。  相似文献   

变革理性对人发展具有优先性的大脑教育,在于唤醒教学中的身体知觉,使以人为本的教学更加确凿、实在并富有底气。重新捡拾历史印记中的知觉教学,用身体现象学思想改革当下积习已久的教学弊端就是要实施知觉教学,强调身体知觉是人认识事物的基点,它与情感和理性共在,引导学生将身体知觉表达成为思想,使学生的身体切实回到教学。知觉教学将师生变为行动者和思考者,将自由支配的时间和广阔的空间还给身体,使学生的身体、理智和精神进一步得到和谐发展。  相似文献   

万事万物因生命的存在而生机勃勃,活力无限,正是有了生命力的存在才有了我们这个在动与静中循环往复的世界。人类天生有着发现美,创造美的原始本能,而这种美的本能源自对和谐的追求,追求的动力就在于生命力,充沛的精力驱动人们花更多的时间来创造艺术这种生命力的展现形式。人的任何活动都是指向一定的对象的,活动主体正是通过占有和改造活动对象来实现自己的目的、意志,进而加强自身的本质力量。艺术创造是人类精神生产中最具有活力的部分,是人类精神世界中最能体现人的生命力,人性本质的部分,  相似文献   


This article explores the role of white comfort in sustaining white hegemony in institutional culture and classroom dynamics. The presumption of comfort and security in established social norms enacts an embodied commitment to white supremacy that operates concurrently with conscious, articulated desires to pursue equity, as it delimits how white people imagine what authentically equitable institutions might look and feel like. The article draws on theological uses of phenomenology and developmental psychology to describe how the white self develops within a hegemonic social milieu and how an embodied sense of agency and comfort within unjust social structures facilitates white normativity.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that infants' action production affects their action understanding, but little is known about the aspects of motor experience that render these effects. In Study 1, the relative contributions of self‐produced (= 30) and observational (= 30) action experience on 3‐month‐old infants' action understanding was assessed using a visual habituation paradigm. In Study 2, generalization of training to a new context was examined (= 30). Results revealed a unique effect of active over observational experience. Furthermore, findings suggest that benefits of trained actions do not generalize broadly, at least following brief training.  相似文献   

编写放松套语要考虑运动员的文化水平、接受能力及其语言特点。放松套语中应尽量排除专业术语,使语言通俗易懂,贴近生活。放松顺序切不可采取随机地、跳跃式地选择不同部位放松,否则影响放松效果。放松套语要使用正面语言,并因人而异,可长可短,还要注意每一个运动员的敏感词,放松套语要不断完善。  相似文献   

论幼儿自信心的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自信是走向成功的第一步,自信心对个人一生的发展具有基石性的作用。自信心的发展受到家庭环境与父母教养方式、幼儿自身的心理发展水平与取得成功的体验以及成人的评价与反馈等因素影响。因此,培养幼儿的综合能力、增强幼儿的成功体验、多给予幼儿积极的肯定与期望、多给予幼儿积极评价和反馈,是培养幼儿自信心的有效措施。  相似文献   

Filling in the gaps in what humans see is a fundamental perceptual skill, but little is known about the developmental origins of occlusion perception. Three experiments were conducted with infants between 2 and 6 months of age to investigate perception of the continuity of an object trajectory that was briefly occluded. The pattern of results across experiments provided little evidence of veridical responses to trajectory occlusion in the youngest infants, but by 6 months, perceptual completion was more robust. Four-month-olds' responses indicated that they perceived continuity under a short duration of occlusion, but when the object was out of sight for a longer interval, they appeared to perceive the trajectory as discontinuous. These results suggest that perceptual completion of a simple object trajectory (and, by logical necessity, veridical object perception) is not functional at birth but emerges across the first several months after onset of visual experience.  相似文献   

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