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山子 《中学教育》2014,(6):26-34
本文探讨了识字的界定及识字规律的问题。本文提出,所谓识字,就是将文字的形音义三者之间在识字者头脑中,建立正确、稳定和自动化的联系;提出了五条识字规律,即"权威性字形、字音和字义配对律""新旧元素交织律""语境及其意义支撑律""经验及其经验背景支撑律"和"运用反复律"。本文指出:识字教学的正确方向,是识字为识词服务,是扩展学生的词汇;积极词汇的拥有量,才是衡量识字教学成功与否的根本标准。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study in which teacher assessments were a central part of a methodology for collecting literacy profiles of primary aged children in South Africa. The main focus of the study was to ascertain whether teachers could collect evidence of, and record, significant achievements in the literacy development of primary aged children.

The study set out to address a number of important questions. First, whether the Profiles of Learning framework could be used to profile the literacy development of primary aged children in South Africa, and second, whether teachers could engage with the demands of performance assessment, specifically in developing portfolios and keeping records of achievement.  相似文献   

Television is becoming more and more widespread in India and teachers, as well as parents, are seriously worried about its impact on young children. The research presented in this article looks at the influence of long periods of television viewing on children's performance at school and their cognitive competence.  相似文献   

通过对460名小学生的调查,可以发现:1.校园集体舞是团体辅导的一种形式,2.校园集体舞能改善同学间的人际交往,3.校园集体舞有助于小学生友谊的建立。因此,校园集体舞不仅是一新的校园活动内容,而且对小学生在身心方面以及建立同学间良好的、正常的交往方面都能起到积极的作用和意义。  相似文献   

Phonemic awareness is beginning to become rather a buzz term in discussions about methods of teaching reading and there is widespread agreement that children need to develop this awareness in order to read effectively. It is not yet clear exactly how they should be taught this awareness and Rhona Johnston and Joyce Watson here describe their research into this issue.  相似文献   

叶琳 《天津教育》2021,(8):67-68
在小学教育阶段,“光影嘉年华”电影课程是全面发展小学生核心素养的“助推器”,不仅丰富了学校教育资源和教育教学手段,拓展了小学教育教学空间,而且推动了学校德育拓展性课程的开发,助力小学生个性发展,促进品德素养、文学素养、艺术素养等综合素质的提高。  相似文献   

汉字是记录中华民族思维智慧和情感的书面符号系统,也是中华文化的符号。对刚开始接受系统学校教育的学生来说,小学低段的汉字识字教学的意义在于,引导学生通过汉字开启学习的大门,体验生命成长,追寻人生意义,内化中华文化基因,传承中华文明。  相似文献   

学龄儿童适应技能测评量表的编制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:以智力落后和适应技能理论为依据,编制适用于7-15岁学龄儿童适应技能发展水平的测评工具。方法:在市区和郊县选取490名正常儿童和323名智力落后儿童接受测评,对经过理论推演,经验筛选,再经预试的测评内容,进行统计分析。结果:项目分析表明,所有测评项目都具有适当的难度和较高的区分度;因素分析将测评内容概括为三个主要因子,基本符合适应技能的最新理论框架;本量表具有较高的信度和效度,测查结果稳定而有效。结论:本量表使用方便,能有效测评学龄儿童的适应技能发展水平,实现在我国义务教育阶段对智力落后儿童鉴别、诊断的目的。  相似文献   

根据PASS认知加工智力理论和评估思想,编制同时和继时加工测试任务,包括图形类比推理、镶嵌图形提取、言语类比推理、逻辑语法关系、系列记忆、发现顺序、句子重复、数字记忆8种.对某小学学习英语的三年级、五年级各20名学生施测这些任务,考察儿童双语学习对认知加工方式发展水平的影响效果.测试结果分析表明(1)儿童的英语发展程度与继时加工发展水平有较大相关;(2)年级、性别因素对认知加工方式发展无显著影响.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代中期以来,我国的一些师范院校将“微格教学”引入了教师教育领域,主要用于研究教师教学技能。由于小学英语教育是学生学习英语的启蒙阶段,对教师的要求往往高于初中、高中、甚至高于大学教师。为此,探索新形势下能促进学生发展的未来小学英语教师教学技能是新时期又一项重要任务。每位高校教师教育工作者只有通过对微格教学和不同层面上的未来小学英语教师教学技能的理性认识,了解微格教学与未来小学英语教师教学技能发展的关系,才能探究出微格教学在未来小学英语教师教学技能发展中的训练系统。  相似文献   

The current study addressed the development of reading attitudes and their relationship to reading skills. Forty-one prekindergarten and kindergarten learners in 1 of 3 cohorts were assessed 2 or 4 times during the course of a year. Findings indicated a slight decrease in reading attitudes during the kindergarten year. Expected increases in skills were generally indicated with pronounced increases in sight word recognition during the kindergarten year, after other skills had been mastered. Decreases in some skills were evident after summer recess. Other findings from the study and recommendations for future research and practice are provided.  相似文献   

Math anxiety impedes performance in simple arithmetic tasks. Anxiety constrains working memory capacity and particularly the attentional functions of the central executive. The experiment reported here explored how interactivity mitigated the impact of math anxiety on the performance of elementary school students with simple additions. It manipulated two independent variables. The first was the length of the additions—involving either 7 or 11 number tokens (the value of the tokens ranged from 1 to 20). The other was the level of interactivity: in the low interactivity condition participants could not touch or point to the number tokens that configured the sums, and in a high interactivity condition participants could manipulate the tokens as they saw fit in deriving their answer. The length of the addition had an impact on accuracy, with longer sums leading to poorer performance. However, overall, performance in the high interactivity condition was superior, in terms of accuracy, absolute calculation error and efficiency, than performance in the low interactivity condition. Mathematics anxiety significantly predicted performance in the low interactivity condition, but not in the high interactivity condition. These results suggest that working memory resources are augmented through interactivity with the physical problem presentation, defusing the impact of anxiety on performance.  相似文献   

The poor reading achievement of African-American children in urban schools is well established. African-American children from low-income homes may be at particular risk for reading difficulties, although middle-income children often fare poorly as well. Intervention efforts have focused on children in kindergarten through fifth grade. This article suggests that prevention efforts must begin prior to kindergarten entry. Several key variables that may influence young children's performance, including poverty, general oral language skills, dialectal variations, home literacy practices, standardized testing bias, and teacher expectations, are explored. Future directions for research addressing emergent literacy in African-American children are discussed throughout.  相似文献   

Robert Fisher 《Literacy》2001,35(2):67-73
We read for many reasons and this paper focuses on one of those – reading for thinking. It reports on the Philosophy in Primary Schools project and argues that one of the best ways teachers can add value to their work in literacy is by incorporating philosophical discussion with children through an approach called Stories for Thinking. It outlines what ‘philosophy for children’ is and how it can be used for developing the thinking skills that underpin literacy and higher order reading skills. It argues that a Stories for Thinking approach can enrich thinking and learning in the literacy hour, and uses evidence from teachers and children to illustrate the effects of the programme on classroom practice and on raising levels of pupil achievement  相似文献   

The science education literature demonstrates that scientific literacy is generally valued and acknowledged among educators as a desirable student learning outcome. However, what scientific literacy really means in terms of classroom practice and student learning is debatable due to the inherent complexity of the term and varying expectations of what it means for learning outcomes. To date the teacher voice has been noticeably absent from this debate even though the very nature of teacher expertise lies at the heart of the processes which shape students' scientific literacy. The research reported in this paper taps into the expertise of (participating) primary teachers by analyzing the insights and thinking that emerged as they attempted to unravel some of the pedagogical complexities associated with constructing an understanding of scientific literacy in their own classrooms. The research examines the processes and structures within one primary school that were created to provide conditions to allow teachers to explore and build on the range of ideas that presently inform the scientific literacy debate. The research reports these teachers' views and practices that shaped their actions in teaching for scientific literacy.  相似文献   

What follows is an account which summarises a study that took 18 months to complete and which examined concept development and acquisition in a sample of Singapore primary schoolchildren. For more details the reader is to refer to Thomas, Lee, Fam, (1984a). The broad aim of the study was to obtain baseline information on children's cognitive development mainly through the application of Piagetian tasks.  相似文献   

通过对我国东、中、西部不同地区九个省市的城乡小学进行抽样调查分析后发现:小学生公民素养在整体上得分较高;小学生公民素养存在显著的性别差异,女生的公民素养要高于男生的公民素养;小学生的公民素养存在着显著的城乡差异,城市学生的公民素养要高于乡镇学生的公民素养;东部地区小学生的公民素养情况好于中部和西部地区小学生的公民素养,但中部地区小学生的公民素养与西部地区小学生的公民素养不存在显著差异。针对调查情况,为提高我国小学生的公民素养,应转变教育观念,重视学生的公民素养教育;加强小学生的实践训练,做到知行统一;克服性别刻板观念,树立男女平等思想;加大对中西部地区和农村地区的教育投入,积极利用各种教育资源。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study that investigated the problem of hope for the future and literacy achievement in a sample of impoverished South African primary school children. data was collected through a quantitative survey that was administered to 160 learners from four classes of grades 5 to 7 at a school in Soweto township, Johannesburg, South Africa. The survey comprised five literacy tests that were standardised by Do-IT Profiler, an institute based in the United Kingdom (UK), and Shape the learner, a South African based consultancy. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between hope for the future and literacy scores, with learners who had less hope for the future scoring significantly lower on the literacy tests used in the study. Specifically, learners with less hope for the future performed noticeably lower in the real word test, followed by spelling, words spelt correctly, reading fluency, and non-word spelling. Based on social constructivist learning theory, positive psychology, and hope theory, the author discusses the implications of the findings for literacy achievement in children living in poverty. Several important recommendations are made, namely: the use of a methodological tool to identify specific literacy skills in children; the support that could be provided by educators and school psychologists; and a multilevel focus in targeting poverty eradication.  相似文献   

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