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Contemporary secondary education is marked by the standardization of both content and testing. The effect of this characterization on history, the humanities, and social studies results in a break from the spirit of these disciplines. Regarding history, the specific implications include objectification of causation and "the truth" about the past, which in turn, narrows the range of questioning and investigation by students and restricts the pedagogy of teachers. In the article, the author investigates some parameters of World War I and the contextual understanding of the causes of this event via standardization. In the broader sense, the author strives to contribute to the dialogue on the purpose of history in modern high schools and its relationship to its meaning in higher education.  相似文献   

Marital Conflict and Adolescent Distress: The Role of Adolescent Awareness   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The present longitudinal study (1989–1991) of seventh-grade adolescents (173 boys, 197 girls; M age = 12.7 in 1989) living in the rural Midwest examined the influence of children's awareness of marital conflict and reported level of parental hostility on symptoms of adolescent distress. The theoretical model guiding the research indirectly linked marital conflict to adolescent perceptions of parents' hostility through the mediating effects of parents and observers' report of hostility toward the adolescent and through adolescent awareness of the frequency of interparental conflict. Controlling for earlier levels of psychological distress, we hypothesized a direct path between adolescent report of parent hostility and adolescent maladjustment. Maximum likelihood estimation of the proposed model showed that marital conflict was significantly related to parents' and observers' reports of parent hostility toward the adolescent and to adolescent awareness of conflict frequency. Both parent hostility and adolescent awareness of the frequency of marital conflicts were significantly related to adolescent perceptions of parent hostility. When controlled for earlier distress, adolescent report of parent hostility significantly predicted the later internalizing and externalizing symptoms of these teenagers. The model predicted externalizing problems for boys but not girls. Otherwise, there were no gender differences in the postulated causal processes.  相似文献   

亲社会行为的研究范畴在微观、中观和宏观三个层次上存在差别。宏观层次的亲社会行为研究较多关注群体身份对亲社会行为的影响。群体身份对亲社会行为影响的生物基础可用亲缘选择模型解释。这种解释符合进化心理学视角下的行为连续性假设。群体身份影响亲社会行为发生的内部机制与行动者对求助者身份的社会认知过程有关,求助者的内群或外群身份使行动者亲社会行为意愿、表现有差别。行动者感受到求助者和自己的"相似性"越大,亲社会行为越易发生。未来研究应在具体社会情境背景下探讨两者的关系,丰富该研究主题的内涵及其实际应用价值。  相似文献   

109 Children were classified using the Ainsworth Strange Situation at 18 months. 81 children who were unequivocally classified as insecure/avoidant (A1, A2) or securely attached (B1, B2, B3) were used in this study. The children's parents reported on occurrences of problem behaviors at 24 months, 27 months, 30 months, and 48 months using several methods. The children were observed at 18 and 30 months in their homes with their families and in toddler playgroups during the same period. The only significant effect for attachment classification was that teachers and observers of the playgroups rated girls classified as insecure/avoidant as more difficult to deal with and as having more difficulty with peers than girls rated as securely attached.  相似文献   

Child temperament was examined as a moderator of the link between family conflict and child behavior problems. Temperament assessed in early childhood was used to predict the relation between family conflict and externalizing behavior problems measured during the early elementary school years. For children with difficult temperament, a strong association between subsequent family conflict and behavioral adjustment was predicted; for children with easy or intermediate temperaments, low to moderate associations were predicted. These hypotheses were tested across 3 temperament groups (easy, intermediate, and difficult). Data were collected from 108 children and families participating in the Fullerton Longitudinal Study at ages 3 through 10 years. Consistent with the hypotheses, the data provided support for the moderating role of temperament in predicting the association between family conflict and child externalizing behavior problems. These findings suggest that temperamental difficultness operates as a vulnerability factor with respect to the development of children's behavior problems in families with high conflict.  相似文献   

基于对大学组织及其使命责任的不同认识,大学的行政人和学术人之间存在明显的价值鸿沟和文化分裂。具有"双重身份"的辅导员群体在两种文化的博弈中,遭遇了诸如角色身份摇摆、角色规范冲突、角色定位矛盾等一系列问题。身份认同是辅导员群体发展的主体性实践,辅导员应在意义世界、现实世界和符号世界中进行自我、德性和归属的建构,在职场生活中通过价值观和职业观的塑造、辅导员角色和师生关系的确立以及辅导员群体文化的形成,促进自身职业化和专业化发展。  相似文献   

茅盾在《子夜》中塑造了范博文这个自认为是"革命家",却被人视为小丑;自认为是诗人,却让人觉得酸腐懦弱的人物形象。通过这个形象,小说体现了作者对知识分子命运的深切担忧。茅盾先生希望真正的知识分子,应该是敢于直面残酷现实,能够担当起民族道义的勇士。  相似文献   

符号消费是当代青少年文化生活的重要方式.身份认同构成了青少年符号消费的主要目的和意义.青少年在符号消费中的身份认同诉求主要包括个体认同和社会认同两个层面.青少年符号消费的能指空间主要包括现代媒介信息、流行时尚以及消费空间.它们构成了青少年符号消费的重要载体和素材.青少年符号消费的意指属性主要包括流行文化和亚文化两种不同的文化价值取向,这表明了青少年通过符号消费所谋求的身份认同具有不同的文化诉求.符号消费作为青少年文化母题--身份认同的当代表征,与当前的社会经济以及文化结构的变迁有着十分密切的关系.对青少年符号消费所包含的美学功能的揭示,有利于我们重新理解当代青少年,增强知识传递载体本身的可欣赏性和可视性,让学生在教育中获得一种愉悦性.  相似文献   

Parents and teachers reported that 6- to 8-year-old boys with developmental delays were less able to regulate their emotions than nondelayed boys matched on chronological age. Compared to nondelayed boys, boys with developmental delays had more social problems, which persisted and increased over a 3-year period. Children's ability to regulate their emotions explained significant variance in their social problems after controlling for their developmental status. In addition, emotion regulation partially mediated the relationship between children's developmental status and their social problems. These results suggest that emotion regulation plays a significant role in the social problems of boys with developmental delays. Furthermore, increasing the emotional competence of these children may facilitate their peer relationships and, ultimately, their school adjustment.  相似文献   

Parents and teachers reported that 6- to 8-year-old boys with developmental delays were less able to regulate their emotions than nondelayed boys matched on chronological age. Compared to nondelayed boys, boys with developmental delays had more social problems, which persisted and increased over a 3-year period. Children's ability to regulate their emotions explained significant variance in their social problems after controlling for their developmental status. In addition, emotion regulation partially mediated the relationship between children's developmental status and their social problems. These results suggest that emotion regulation plays a significant role in the social problems of boys with developmental delays. Furthermore, increasing the emotional competence of these children may facilitate their peer relationships and, ultimately, their school adjustment.  相似文献   

We assessed relations between early temperament and behavior problems across 12 years in an unselected sample of over 800 children. Temperament measures were drawn from behavior ratings made by examiners who observed children at ages 3, 5, 7, and 9. Factor analyses revealed 3 dimensions at each age: Lack of Control, Approach, and Sluggishness . Temperament dimensions at ages 3 and 5 were correlated in theoretically coherent ways with behavior problems that were independently evaluated by parents and teachers at ages 9 and 11, and by parents at ages 13 and 15. Lack of Control was more strongly associated with later externalizing behavior problems than with internalizing problems; Approach was associated with fewer internalizing problems among boys; and Sluggishness was weakly associated with both anxiety and inattention, especially among girls. Lack of Control and Sluggishness were also associated with fewer adolescent competencies. These results suggest that early temperament may have predictive specificity for the development of later psychopathology.  相似文献   

The Role of Emotion in Teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Associated with the recent research results of emotion psychology, the paper addresses the role of emotion in teaching from five aspects. The author presents that emotion plays a primary role of internalization and regulation in the process of teaching and directly restricts the accepting of course contents, the mastery of academic knowledge, the internalization of learning motivation, the regulation of students' behavior and the construction of teaching strategies while arousing the relevant emotional experience, which is the psychological base of effective teaching.  相似文献   

认识过程是一个充满主客体矛盾的复杂过程,它永远无法摆脱主体主观因素的影响。其中情感在认识中发挥着十分明显的作用,它非但不是否定客观知识的理由,而且是认识、获得客观知识的基础。  相似文献   

Intersectional approaches for understanding identity have gained momentum in the social sciences. Black adolescent males are often perceived as threatening, underachieving, and hypermasculine, which is reinforced through media outlets and psychological research that portray them as a monolith rather than a heterogeneous group with multiple intersecting identities. This cross‐sectional study of 70 Black adolescent males between 14 and 18 years old simultaneously explores their race and gender identities and associations with self‐concept (global and school). Results demonstrated that participants reported a combination of feminine and masculine gender roles, rather than hypermasculine. A canonical correlation analysis found that Black racial identity attitudes (RIAS‐L) and gender roles simultaneously contributed to significant relationships with total and school self‐concept. Study limitations and future directions for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Gender intensification, an increased pressure for adolescents to conform to culturally sanctioned gender roles, has been posited as an explanation for the emergence of the gender difference in depression. This longitudinal study assessed whether 410 individuals became more stereotypical in their gender-role identity across adolescence and whether such patterns predicted depressive symptoms. Girls reported higher femininity than boys at ages 11, 13, and 15, but girls and boys did not differ in masculinity. Contrary to prevailing views, there was not evidence of intensification in femininity or masculinity. Positive trajectories in masculinity for both girls and boys predicted fewer depressive symptoms, particularly at moderate levels of stress. Findings suggest a need to reconceptualize gender intensification in ways that characterize contemporary adolescence.  相似文献   

青少年学生在成长过程中可能会习得各种各样的心理和行为问题,而这些问题对他们身心的健康发展是极为不利的。因此,研究者将对青少年的心理行为问题进行深入解析,并在研究方法上突破以往惯用的范式,从质性研究的角度出发,借助QSR Nvivo10.0完成分析。最终,研究结果得到当前青少年身上存在的六大心理行为问题,三个引发问题的主要原因以及教师针对问题重点采用的六种教育措施,以此引发广大教师的思考。  相似文献   

我国正处于社会急剧转型的新时期,青少年的心理健康问题日益凸显。青少年心理与身体发育不协调,心理发育相对滞后,加之受负面信息的影响,青少年身心健康很容易受到侵害。本研究以357名初中生为被试,采用问卷法,考察了不同情绪状态与社会支持对攻击性的预测作用。研究结果表明:(1)除了正性情绪与攻击性各维度及总分没有显著相关外,其他变量与攻击性各维度及总分均有显著相关;(2)身体攻击的年级主效应、性别主效应显著,攻击性总分的年级主效应显著,其他变量年级与性别主效应不显著;(3)情绪状态与社会支持对攻击性具有显著的预测作用。结果进一步说明了情绪、社会支持与青少年攻击性的关系,这可为解决青少年的心理健康教育问题提供值得借鉴的启示。  相似文献   

介绍了情感在体育教学中的作用,情感在体育教学中培养的基本原则及情感在体育教学中的培养。  相似文献   

积极情绪的脑机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文梳理了情绪脑机制研究的历史与现状.已有研究表明,积极情绪的加工涉及广泛的脑区.其中,前额叶皮层、伏隔核、基底神经节、杏仁核、腹侧黑质在积极情绪的加工中扮演着更为重要的角色.积极情绪和消极情绪加工有着分离的神经回路,但部分脑区又有重叠.文章最后指出了当前积极情绪脑机制研究面临的一些问题,同时对未来研究提出了建设性的意见.  相似文献   

合唱声音训练是合唱活动中的重要环节。文章主要关注心理因素和情绪对合唱声音的影响,总结出如启发调动、转移控制、赞美激励等情绪调控方法,以帮助合唱队员获得良好的情绪,快乐地歌唱。这些方法经实践检验,在合唱中能起到积极的作用,并产生良好的效果。  相似文献   

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