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In the current research, we introduce the team CARE model for supporting team development during post-secondary education. Team CARE is part of a larger suite of assessments at itpmetrics.com. Team CARE is a free, online, survey-based assessment that allows team members to rate their team’s health and functioning in four key categories (communicate, adapt, relate and educate), as well as provide written feedback about the team’s functioning to add nuance and supplemental context to the numeric scores. Team members completing the assessment receive a report documenting their team’s scores on the variables measured. We report on data from student learning teams suggesting that the variables in the team CARE model are reliable, and that they are correlated with team performance outcomes. Students’ perceptions of the tool were also examined, and the findings suggest that team CARE is perceived to be valuable, useful and easy to use. Recommendations for practice are detailed, including sample assessment schedules for teams with differing life spans. Implications for future research and implementation are discussed.  相似文献   

Team‐based projects continue to be important for structuring work in many organizations, and employees are increasingly using mobile applications (apps) for peer evaluations as part of a performance appraisals process. Since a graduating student can expect to work in a team at some point in their career, exposure to class‐related group projects is important. This study explored using a mobile application (app) called DevelapMe (DMe), which allowed for 273 business undergraduates in 54 teams to give and receive real‐time peer‐based feedback during a 5‐week group project. Prior empirical research has shown that technology can improve the group development process, but such research has not used a mobile app. The general goal of this study was to investigate how receiving real‐time feedback through a mobile app (DMe) can affect the team development process over time. Two online surveys, Time 1 (T1) and Time 2 (T2), were administered over a 5‐week period. Results showed that two of the three team‐level process outcomes, team trust and team commitment (but not team value‐goal fit), significantly increased from T1 to T2. Results also showed that receiving T1 sender‐based positive, but not negative, feedback scales had a significant impact on all three team‐level process outcomes.  相似文献   

浅议加强企业团队管理与构建和谐组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐社会的构建离不开各类组织的和谐发展,而和谐的组织要靠高效的团队来保证其运行效率,剖析团队的影响因素与如何加强团队建设这两方面,将为新时期各类组织的管理者提供一个新的视角与切入点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a shared mental model (SMM) based intervention on student team mental model similarity and ultimately team performance in an undergraduate meteorology course. The team knowledge sharing (TKS) intervention was designed to promote team reflection, communication, and improvement planning. Results reveal that the TKS intervention was partially effective in enhancing student team SMM and team scores on meteorology lab assignments. The TKS intervention has potential for use in science courses where a teaming approach is used. Similar interventions could likely be developed, empirically examined, and potentially employed to promote success in handling complex challenges while working in teams in the classroom and beyond.  相似文献   

The main concern is a longstanding one in classroom instruction—the determinants of effective team performance. The paper explicitly examines the effect of teacher‐controlled factors on the use and functioning of student teams. From a sample of 500 undergraduate students, data are obtained on aptitude, diversity, instability, motivation, personality style, size, and performance. The regression results suggest that team motivation and instability, which are both partly controlled by the instructor, are particularly important in determining a team's performance. An implication is that instructor decisions about team make‐up and incentives can have a significant impact on student achievement.  相似文献   

The question “Can team development increase revenue?” was tested using regression analysis at a mega‐casino. The general manager implemented a strategic initiative to enhance revenue through exemplary customer service. Team development was selected as the vehicle for implementing this initiative. Performance improvement initiatives focused on qualitative team development outcomes that included the establishment of team pacts, team goals, and improved communications between management and employees. The team pacts and team goals included customer service agreements created by each team. The team pacts and team goals established performance goals that introduced concrete measurable performance outcomes. The creation of a feedback loop provided employee autonomy that assessed the quality of the team's efforts. This article defines team development, explains the researchers' processes, and concludes with quantitative evidence that supports the economic value of team development as a revenue enhancement tool.  相似文献   

以往的团队研究主要集中于同地域团队而忽视分布式团队。为准确把握影响分布式团队绩效的因素,以达到团队研究的真正目的,必须拓展和加深对分布式团队特点、沟通方式、跨文化因素等的探讨,重视对层级团队和现实团队的研究。  相似文献   

Providing teams with feedback has been forwarded as a powerful practice to improve their learning and performance. Yet, this learning potential may not be realized unless teams actively process this feedback by stepping back from their team activity, building plans, and ultimately putting them into action. In an experimental study (N = 212 undergraduate students), we compared the effects of team-level feedback with or without an intervention prompting shared reflection on the feedback (i.e., guided reflexivity) to a no feedback control group on team performance growth. The results showed that only the combination of team performance feedback and guided reflexivity lead to performance change, at the beginning of team activity. These findings suggest that prompting feedback processing at an early stage of collaborative work has the power to help teams benefit from their past experiences and improve performance.  相似文献   

Researchers have long noted the correlation of various personality traits and team performance. Studies relating aggregate team personality traits to team performance are scattered in the literature and may not always be relevant to engineering design teams. This paper synthesizes the results from applicable Five-Factor Model (FFM)-based personality studies related to engineering design team performance, into a form that can be readily used by non-experts—engineering faculty and students. In addition, an approach is presented where aggregate data is visually presented to recognize patterns that correspond to strength and existence of personality traits within the team as measured by the FFM model while maintaining student confidentiality. With this approach, identification of team strengths and weaknesses stemming from the personality trait distribution is simplified. An assessment of the usability of the approach—completed in two first-year engineering courses—is presented to demonstrate its potential.  相似文献   

The success of interdisciplinary research teams depends largely upon skills related to team performance. We evaluated student and team performance for undergraduate biology and mathematics students who participated in summer research projects conducted in off-campus laboratories. The student teams were composed of a student with a mathematics background and an experimentally oriented biology student. The team mentors typically ranked the students'' performance very good to excellent over a range of attributes that included creativity and ability to conduct independent research. However, the research teams experienced problems meeting prespecified deadlines due to poor time and project management skills. Because time and project management skills can be readily taught and moreover typically reflect good research practices, simple modifications should be made to undergraduate curricula so that the promise of initiatives, such as MATH-BIO 2010, can be implemented.  相似文献   

Existing review studies on team learning present integrated models, suggesting general applicability to any team. However, such models neglect the influence of the team type and its developmental stages. These context-specific characteristics may create variety in team learning processes and outcomes among teams. In this theoretical contribution, we revisit the most recent generic team learning model developed by Decuyper, Dochy, and Van den Bossche (2010). Taking this model as a starting point, we present a context-specific model for ad hoc multidisciplinary emergency management teams. The developed model can fuel future research on team learning in teams with comparable characteristics. It supports the development of tools to evaluate them and offers the rationale for training programs aiming to increase the quality of their interventions.  相似文献   

组织壁垒、利益分配不公、缺乏有凝聚力的学术带头人以及学术腐败之风是严重影响高校科研团队健康发展的重要原因。促进我国高校科研团队的健康发展,需要采取坚持自主结合的原则,优化内部组织结构,重视科研团队带头人的选拔,改革科研团队分配制度,加强科研团队的文化建设,完善科研团队管理制度等一系列措施。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断繁荣发展,广大人民群众对武术集体项目表演的艺术性和欣赏能力越来越高,武术集体项目表演也日益广泛,受到人们的高度重视,因此,其创编的方法也受到了人们的极大关注,愈来愈显得极为重要。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between learning style, as determined by Kolb's Learning Style Inventory, age and one measure of academic performance in design assignments for two cohorts of first‐ and third‐year architecture students. The paper focuses on the results of a cross‐curriculum learning style survey conducted as part of a project aimed at resolving the learning difficulties of students collaborating in multi‐disciplinary and multi‐cultural team assignments. The research was conducted to determine how learning style differences in heterogeneous teams might be addressed through pedagogy. In light of evidence in student cohorts of learning style changes towards the learning styles of design teachers as students progress through their studies, this paper demonstrates how these changes reflect a statistically significant relationship between learning styles and academic performance in design assignments.  相似文献   

对QNX实时操作系统的发展历程、主要特点、最新技术和应用领域进行了概括性描述,对于QNX嵌入式用户界面和QNX多媒体解决方案等最新应用进行了分析。  相似文献   

对美国企业团队管理经验的探讨和借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪下半叶团队在美国的大规模兴起以及由此所带来的组织绩效水平的大幅度提高日益得到人们的关注,特别是对于在团队建设方面起步较晚的我国企业来说,主动借鉴美国等发达国家在团队管理领域的成功经验显得尤为必要。美国团队的发展轨迹表明,科学而有效的团队建设和管理的确能够带来相应的组织绩效的提高,但并非在所有组织中和所有情况下,团队都是万应良药。  相似文献   

目前很多中国企业具有一流的硬件设施,但中国企业的竞争力不强,最主要的问题不是战略问题,而是高绩效团队短缺的问题。高绩效的团队是企业的脊梁。是企业的核心人才库,是企业创新源泉。大量的案例和事实证明,企业的成功不是取决于某个人,整体团队的水平起到了80%的作用。一个企业团队的优秀程度,决定着企业的未来。 本文从不同绩效团队的表现切入论题,首先重点分析团队执行力的塑造。主要分析执行力不强的原因,提出要培养执行力,必须解决团队政策朝令夕改,制度本身不合理,流程过于繁琐等问题。然后分析团队如何有效的沟通。论述了建立团队共同愿景、正式沟通网络和如何发挥非正式团体的正向作用,总结了怎样技巧性的进行团队批评。接下来分析团队冲突的原因,根据托马斯一基尔曼模型,论述团队冲突采用竞争、回避、迁就、妥协和合作五种处理方式,每种处理方式的行为特征和心态描述,指出解决冲突的方法和技巧。最后提出依据团队的发展阶段。结合各阶段的特征,打造高绩效的团队应采取的管理策略。 本文力求在系统、深入的团队分析基础上,从团队建设的重点环节提出应采取的策略,希望能为打造高绩效的团队提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate team learning in the context of teacher teams in higher vocational education. As teacher teams often do not meet all criteria included in theoretical team definitions, the construct team entitativity was introduced. Defined as the degree to which a group of individuals possesses the quality of being a team, this makes it possible to extend team learning research from strict teams-in-theory to various types of teams-in-practice, including teacher teams. The team learning beliefs and behaviours model, including team entitativity, was applied to teacher teams, assessing whether it still stands in these non-strict teams. Data were collected from 105 teams and analysed using multilevel analysis. Results showed that team entitativity, psychological safety and group potency were related to the occurrence of team learning. The latter appeared to be significantly related to team effectiveness, and the formation of mutually shared cognition was found to be a mediating variable in this relationship.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As professionals, food scientists are expected to communicate effectively in interpersonal and team contexts. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of structured teambuilding activities on the development of interpersonal and team-work skills through team research projects in a food chemistry course. Team-building skills and the assessment of team performance were integrated into team research projects for a food chemistry course. Through these activities, teams exhibited the characteristics of effective teams. Students recognized that the development of good teamwork and communication skills are important for their future careers.  相似文献   

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