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In this article I raise three objections to Debra Satz's adequacy approach to education. I argue that her approach fails to see education as a positional good that opens the door to more inequalities. Second, I argue that her concept of adequacy for equal citizenship misses an essential part of students’ educational experience beyond their citizenship statues. Last, I argue that Staz's approach fails to answer crucial practical questions about how to distribute extra resources when the adequate level is already met. Finally, I provide an alternative view that is sensitive to the fact that education is a positional good, based on an active and more inclusive account of citizenship, and conditioned to limit inequalities to be to the greatest benefit of the least-advantaged.  相似文献   

Meta-analyses of active-learning research consistently show that active-learning techniques result in greater student performance than traditional lecture-based courses. However, some individual studies show no effect of active-learning interventions. This may be due to inexperienced implementation of active learning. To minimize the effect of inexperience, we should try to provide more explicit implementation recommendations based on research into the key components of effective active learning. We investigated the optimal implementation of active-learning exercises within a “lecture” course. Two sections of nonmajors biology were taught by the same instructor, in the same semester, using the same instructional materials and assessments. Students in one section completed in-class active-learning exercises in cooperative groups, while students in the other section completed the same activities individually. Performance on low-level, multiple-choice assessments was not significantly different between sections. However, students who worked in cooperative groups on the in-class activities significantly outperformed students who completed the activities individually on the higher-level, extended-response questions. Our results provide additional evidence that group processing of activities should be the recommended mode of implementation for in-class active-learning exercises.  相似文献   

Hundreds of thousands of raters are recruited internationally to score examinations, but little research has been conducted on the selection criteria for these raters. Many countries insist upon teaching experience as a selection criterion and this has frequently become embedded in the cultural expectations surrounding the tests. Shortages in raters for some of England's national examinations has led to non-teachers being hired to score a small minority of items and changes in technology have fostered this approach. For a National Curriculum test in English taken at age 14, this study investigated whether teaching experience was a necessary selection criterion for all aspects of the examination. Fifty-seven raters with different backgrounds were trained in the normal manner and scored the same 97 students' work. Accuracy was investigated using a cross-classified multilevel model of absolute score differences with accuracy measures at level 1 and raters crossed with candidates at level 2. By comparing the scoring accuracy of graduates with a degree in English, teacher trainees, experienced teachers and experienced raters, this study found that teaching experience was not a necessary selection criterion. A rudimentary model for allocation of raters to different question types is proposed and further research to investigate the limits of necessary qualifications for scoring is suggested.  相似文献   

In this article, I respond to the work of Gert Biesta regarding the question of what education should be for. He maintains education ought to be oriented towards the ‘good’ rather than measurement, accountability and efficiency. While sympathetic to such claims, I nonetheless question his avowal that discussion of the purposes of education needs to entail reflection upon tripartite processes of qualification, socialisation and subjectification. I also argue that the concept of subjectification presented by Biesta is elusive. He says educators cannot plan to produce it in students. He also suggests there is an unhelpful surplus of reason in education that constrains possibilities for subjectification. According to Biesta, education partly reproduces ‘rational communities’ that stifle the emergence of human uniqueness and inhibit persons from challenging accepted social orders. In response to this, I argue there is currently a deficit rather than a surplus of reason in education concerning the common good. Following MacIntyre, I claim that educational institutions should support students to learn how to think for themselves and act for the common good. I conclude that such utopian thinking about the purposes of education may be needed, now, more than ever.  相似文献   


Teaching for Social Justice Edited by William Ayers, Jean Ann Hunt, and Therese Quinn, New York: The New Press, 1998, 416 pages, $;18.95 paperback original  相似文献   

Joint work among academic staff is important for solving the ever‐increasing number of complex tasks that are becoming part of everyday activities in higher education. At the same time, diversification and internationalisation may challenge collaboration processes and communication demands. Speaking a shared language consistently could be a way of overcoming problems. Hence, this study focuses on the effect of shared language among academic staff on the relation between academic staff involvement in work processes and openness to diversity. This study draws on data from 489 Danish academic staff members in science departments of three universities. Results show positive associations between academic staff involvement and all openness‐to‐diversity variables (openness to informational, linguistic, value and visible diversity). Shared language had a positive effect on openness to surface level types of diversity (linguistic and visible) but no effect on openness to deep‐level types of diversity (informational and value).  相似文献   

Necessary evil?     
Boyce N 《New scientist (1971)》2000,167(2554):16-17

This article explores two questions: (1) Is education a unique and distinct discipline? (2) Is education anything other than the achievement of noneducational aims or objectives? In it, Trevor Norris examines how these two questions are interconnected, specifically analyzing how what we think about education as a distinct field of study informs what we ask of it as a practice. When we study education, we should be educational about it, because if we render education as the object of study, it is never endowed with agency or distinctiveness. Norris inquires into the distinctiveness of education as a way of thinking and a way of impacting the world, asking what are the conditions that make it possible for us to identify something as “educational”? To investigate this question, Norris draws from Hannah Arendt's account of politics, and he concludes by describing a case study assignment that requires educational foundations students to draw from philosophy of education in order to show what exactly is educational about education by contrasting education with business and psychology.  相似文献   

Computer classrooms (CCs) have been an important part of writing instruction since the mid 1980s, yet little scholarship concerns the roles that directors of computer classrooms play in maintaining these facilities. Based on a review of scholarship of CC administration and an informal survey of CC administrators, this article argues that CC directors walk a tightrope between the role of teacher and manager and that we need to focus on building partnerships to maintain our facilities, because we simply cannot do by ourselves everything that this complex role requires of us.  相似文献   

Byrnes and Fox get much right in their review of the relevance of cognitive neuroscience for educational psychology. They are correct that theoretical reduction is to be welcomed. They are also right that neurophysiological findings can constrain psychological theory and that this too is to be welcomed. Their review is on the mark in recommending that educational psychologists must become bilingual in their understanding of neurological terms and their analogous psychological constructs. The one difference in our positions that I do highlight is one of calibration rather than strong disagreement—my level of enthusiasm for scientific reduction in domains related to education is somewhat more muted than that of Byrnes and Fox because of wariness bom of the premature reductive attempts that litter our field.  相似文献   

The topic of educational alliances undertaken between Sino-foreign universities remains a contentious and much debated matter. This is an area of considerable and often very busy activity with a high rate of failure and frustration—yet, also one of reward, mutual satisfaction, and achievement. This paper evaluates a key aspect of these alliances often overlooked in research: educational delivery activities and projects that form the heart and core of alliances. The paper notes that the development and delivery of a range of programs beyond just degree or part degree courses but of research, seminar, and ancillary activities, lies at the very core of a successful alliances, particularly if these activities can be undertaken in a manner that melds two very different cultural and educational worlds, and in a way that can contribute to the Chinese students' sense of well-being and ability to take part in the globalization of the emerging Chinese market economy.  相似文献   

The United States is extremely diverse include whites, blacks, Native Americans, Alaskans, in the racial and ethnic backgrounds of its citizens, which Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics. Such a diverse combination of different racial populations makes the characteristics of accessibility and diversity in American higher education important. The necessity of educating such a vast and diverse population in a climate of competing social demands on limited public resources presents the United States with serious challenges. This paper discusses and analyzes educational transition, innovation and future development in American Higher Education.  相似文献   

While some difficult learning conditions can improve learning, the findings regarding the contribution to learning of disfluent, hard-to-read text materials have been inconsistent. We identified test delay and disfluency manipulations as factors potentially contributing to these discrepancies. We tested students' immediate and delayed memory performance (2 weeks later) on a course text that was presented between-subjects (N = 134) either as perceptually disfluent with a hard-to-read-font, as lexically disfluent with 20% scrambled letters, or in its original format. By distinguishing between short-term and long-term learning, our expectations were supported; an illegible font reduced forgetting, thereby producing delayed memory benefits. We also tested whether lexical disfluency would have similar memory effects as perceptual disfluency, as the meta-cognitive perspective suggests, or whether different disfluency manipulations would have different memory effects, as ideas from a contextualized framework on desirable difficulties suggests. The findings supported the latter. The results are discussed regarding the generalizability of the disfluency effects and the implications for when disfluency is desirable.  相似文献   

To address disproportionalities in suspensions for students of color, many districts have prohibited schools from suspending students for willful defiance of school authorities and implemented restorative justice programs (RJP) that address student misconduct using alternative conflict resolution practices. However, there is limited evidence on the efficacy of these new policies. This article examines how the Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) suspension ban and RJP are associated with student suspensions over time, as well as suspensions across different groups of students and schools targeted by these policies. We employ an interrupted time series design using 12 years of studentlevel administrative data from the 2003–2004 to 2014–2015 school years, which allows us to examine trends in student suspensions in LAUSD before and after its suspension ban in 2011–2012 and rollout of restorative justice practices and training to schools in 2014–2015. We find large rates of decline in suspensions in the years following LAUSD's suspension ban relative to the years leading up to the ban, as well as evidence of reduced suspension gaps between frequently disciplined students and their less-disciplined peers. Additionally, we find the district's public identification of schools most in need of continued reform, and provision of restorative justice training to these schools, is associated with further reductions in suspensions. Despite this progress, suspension gaps between black and non-black students, and between special education (SPED) and non-SPED students, still persist in our data, suggesting that districts may need more time and comprehensive strategies to fully resolve these inequities.  相似文献   

This study tested a hypothesis that focused on whether or not teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is a necessary body of knowledge for reformed science teaching. This study utilized a quantitative research method to investigate the correlation between a teacher’s PCK level as measured by the PCK rubric (Park et al. 2008) and the degree to which his/her classroom is reform-oriented as measured by RTOP (Sawada et al. 2002). Data included 33 instructional sessions of photosynthesis and heredity videotaped with 7 high school biology teachers. Each session was given a score on both the PCK rubric and RTOP by two independent raters. Results indicate that PCK score is significantly related to RTOP score in terms of both total score (r = .831, p < .01) and sub-component scores (ranging from r = .616 to .805, p < .01). Implications for science teacher education and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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