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教师测评素养是教师教育和教师发展的重要组成部分。通过对国外有关教师测评素养研究文献的梳理和分析,其研究内容主要包括教师测评素养的构成、现状及培训需求、测量工具的开发和验证、测评素养发展途径和影响因素等。这些研究对我国开展教师测评素养相关研究有一定的参考价值,同时也启示我们可以在研究对象、研究方法和研究内容上进一步拓展,要基于我国国情,开展教师测评素养及其测量测量工具的本土化研究。  相似文献   

美国教师评价素养研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
围绕"评价素养是什么"、"教师需要怎样的评价素养"、"如何发展教师评价素养"等基本问题,梳理、评论美国有关教师评价素养研究方面的成果。在此基础上,为我国开启这方面的研究提供建议,一是处理好三对关系,即评价素养与专业素养的关系、评价与教学的关系以及教师评价素养与学生学业成就的关系;二是建构本土化的教师评价素养框架;三是调查与分析教师评价素养状况。  相似文献   

随着英语测试特别是大规模标准化测试在当代社会当中的重要性日益凸显,英语教师的语言测试素养的培养也逐渐成为国内外学者关注的问题。本文首先探讨了语言测试素养的定义,然后从英语教师的职业属性、大规模标准化测试给英语教师的冲击以及测试对于教、学的促进作用等三方面探讨培养语言教师测试素养的重要性,并提出了语言测试素养的培养途径。  相似文献   

对学生的学业表现做出评价是教师工作的重要组成部分,也是教师学科教学知识的重要内容。教师评价素养的高低关系到影响教与学的效果。本文采用定量分析方法调查了173名中国某省高校外语教师的评价素养。研究发现被调查教师评价素养整体水平不高;其评价素养对评价实践有显著的预测作用;对评价素养水平起影响作用的因素主要有与测试相关的职前学习,在职科研和参与命题经历。  相似文献   

Facilitating the Development of Assessment Literacy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When STARS reform efforts were launched in 2000, teacher training in assessment was seen as crucial to the success of the program. The STARS reform efforts focus on both supporting the implementation of quality classroom assessment practices and implementing a district-based accountability system. The training programs described in this article were developed in response to one or both of these needs. Two of the programs were designed to provide training to experienced teacher. The other two programs were designed to meet the needs of pre-service teachers. Evidence suggests that the training programs have had a positive impact on teacher confidence, knowledge, and skill in key areas of assessment. In addition, there also appears to be evidence, while somewhat limited, which suggests students also experience positive outcomes.  相似文献   

第二语言读写能力的高低在一定程度上反映了第二语言教学的成效。文章论述了当代西方发达国家对学生第二语言读写能力评价的改革形式和共同特点,以期对我国的外语(第二语言)读写能力评价改革提供参考。  相似文献   

幼儿教师评价素养是直接影响幼儿发展评价有效性的重要因素,也是决定评价是否发挥其实质性功能与作用的关键要素。它包括评价理念与专业品质、评价态度与主体意识、评价策略与实践智慧等三方面内容与判断标准。目前,国内幼儿教师评价素养的提升尚受到外部支持系统以及教师自身知识与技能水平的制约,因此需要通过提供积极的外部环境支持、加强对幼儿教师评价知识与技能的园本培训、探寻幼儿教师评价素养自主提升等途径,切实提高幼儿教师评价素养。  相似文献   

Recent policy highlights schools' responsibility for safeguarding children and promoting their health and welfare and addressing their emotional and behavioural needs. In doing so, it is anticipated that their emotional literacy and social competence might be enhanced. Recognizing that an increasing number of children exhibit emotional and behavioural difficulties affecting their learning, Wrexham Local Education Authority implemented a Student Assistance Programme (SAP). SAP offers primary prevention and early intervention to pupils who exhibit high-risk behaviours and supports those whose circumstances affect their ability to engage with others at home and school, through participation in support groups. A study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of SAP. The study aimed to illuminate changes in student behaviour as described by themselves and facilitators, and to identify any wider implications of the SAP in terms of its effects on peers, teachers and family members. Using an interactive, responsive evaluation design, 11 focus group interviews were conducted involving 21 facilitators, seven head-teachers and 64 children. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings revealed benefits, challenges and issues of sustainability. This paper discusses the findings of the study and the implications for future sustainability.  相似文献   

健康是人首要和珍贵的财富,实现健康及其可持续发展的重要途径是提高健康素养。健康素养是保障人全面发展的必备素养,是反映经济社会发展水平的综合性指标,是体现教育质量和教育公平的重要素养。健康素养具有综合性、层次性、互动性、终身性和目的性等特点。基于健康素养的不同界定,国际上开发了大量的以成年人为对象的健康素养评价工具。国际上的健康素养研究为我国学生健康生活素养研究的开展提供了借鉴:应准确理解和把握学生健康生活素养的内涵,开发完善我国学生健康生活素养的评价体系,高度重视沟通性和批判性健康素养的培养。  相似文献   

This opening article of the Special Issue makes an argument for parallel definitions of scientific literacy and mathematical literacy that have shared features: importance of general cognitive and metacognitive abilities and reasoning/thinking and discipline-specific language, habits-of-mind/emotional dispositions, and information communication technology strategies to prepare people for adult life and democratic citizenship. These frameworks provide potential insights into research and pedagogy. Furthermore, they provide guidelines for second-generation standards, curriculum development and assessment so as not to overlook or underemphasize the fundamental literacy component of mathematical and scientific literacy for all students, which can result in fuller participation in the public debate about science, mathematics, technology, society, and environment issues.  相似文献   

21世纪能力:数字时代的基本素养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一百年前一个人会读写算,就算“脱盲”了,今天的脱盲标准是什么?{21世纪能力》报告通过采用访谈、问卷、文献调研与观念综合等研究方法,提出了数字时代的基本素养、创新思维、有效沟通和高产出等4大类22条指标,为我们勾勒了面向知识型全球化社会的21世纪素养及其教育目标的最新图景。  相似文献   

Students with disabilities continue to be denied literacy rich experiences with their non-disabled peers. Throughout this article the authors explore how narrow, ability-focused teacher dispositions can perpetuate low expectations and can preemptively deny students with disabilities access to meaningful literacy experiences. Hence, the development of an inclusive literacy disposition is crucial to providing access to robust learning experiences for students with disabilities. The authors describe a research study that utilizes journal writing and a role-play intervention with pre-service general educators in a graduate literacy methods course. Analysis of post-intervention data suggests it is possible to shift narrow, ability-orientated dispositions to broader and more inclusive conceptualizations that support students with disabilities. Implications for both research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

美国"全国学生参与度调查"(NSSE)是一项在全国范围内调查四年制本科学生对有效学习活动投入程度的年度研究.该调查通过对"学生投入到有效学习活动中的时间与精力"以及"高校在多大程度上促进学生更好地参与"这两大因素的分析来评价学生的学习效度和高等院校的质量.NSSE调查注重学生真实的学习经验,关注高校的教学能力,是一项真正基于学生学习和高校教学的院校评价方式.  相似文献   


This essay reflects on ways to equip teacher candidates so they are not only prepared to answer tough questions, but are educated for the linguistic and literacy challenges of today’s classrooms. We recognize that with an ever-growing majority minority population, it is time to change the teacher preparation system, and to support current teachers and the preparation of future teachers for the field; these changes need to be soon and are imperative.  相似文献   

信息素养教育研究述评   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
信息素养是建构在知识背景之上并能够充分掌握信息的检索、筛选、存储、传输、加工和利用等多种能力的总和,其内涵的丰富性和教育的重要性已引起了世界各国专家和学者的普遍关注。世界各国在信息素养教育过程中主要采用以下三种策略和途径:通过建立信息素养标准以促进信息素养教育的规范化;开发信息素养课程并实施信息素养认证;通过信息技术和课程的整合有效促进信息素养教育的实施。  相似文献   

The 1990 Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students ( AFT, NCME, & NEA, 1990 ) made a documentable contribution to the field. However, the Standards have become a bit dated, most notably in two ways: (1) the Standards do not consider current conceptions of formative assessment knowledge and skills, and (2) the Standards do not consider teacher knowledge and skills required to successfully work in the current accountability and “standards‐based reform” context. This article briefly reviews the 1990 Standards and their influence, describes some other lists of assessment knowledge and skills that might be considered in updating them, and then proposes educational assessment knowledge and skills for teachers that reflect current teacher assessment needs. This set of competencies should help focus the work of teachers, teacher supervisors, professional developers, teacher educators, and others responsible for teachers’ assessment knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

对西医从业者开展科学素养测评研究为促进我国医疗卫生事业的健康发展、探索医药行业的人才培养方式等实际问题提供了重要的参考依据.应用职业从业者科学素养五维度模型,根据西医从业者的工作特点和岗位特殊性形成西医职业特征的"专测"问卷,对广州市地区的西医从业者开展了科学素养测评.测评结果显示西医从业者的科学素养综合水平略高于一般公众水平,但在个别维度上略低于一般公众.研究结果显示了在西医职业教育课程中增加科学教育课程的必要性,进一步提高西医从业人员的科学素养.  相似文献   

信息教育中的教师信息素养及培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在信息教育中,教师的作用是多方面的,一方面自身也需要接受信息教育;另一方面,教师又是学校教育的主要承担者,在学科教学中让学生接受信息教育,教师自身的信息素养关系到整个信息教育的成败。本文论述了教师信息素养的重要性和特征,还对如何提高我国的教师信息素养提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

学生干部建设是高校思想政治教育工作中的重要一环,研究借鉴胜任力理论和方法,分析高校学生干部胜任素质特征,通过构建高校学生干部胜任力模型,应用灰色关联分析法对某高校学生干部胜任力进行评价,其基于胜任力的灰色评价模型提供的优先顺序符合客观实际需要,对学生干部评价具有一定的指向意义,可以有效提高学生干部的甄选效率。  相似文献   

全国读写计算能力考评计划是澳大利亚学业成就评价改革的重要举措。其旨在促进澳大利亚课程标准的统一,提高学生学业成绩跨州跨地区的可比性,提升澳大利亚教育体质的透明度。其启示在于:作为全国性的学业成就考试必须公正、透明;学业成就评价的信息来源应该是多渠道的,不应将考评结果作为惟一的参考依据;全国性的学业成就评价的考评报告内容应翔实,应充分反映学生具体的学业水平;学业成就考评报告应立足多元化。  相似文献   

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