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The Company They Keep: Friendships and Their Developmental Significance   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Considerable evidence tells us that "being liked" and "being disliked" are related to social competence, but evidence concerning friendships and their developmental significance is relatively weak. The argument is advanced that the developmental implications of these relationships cannot be specified without distinguishing between having friends, the identity of one's friends, and friendship quality . Most commonly, children are differentiated from one another in diagnosis and research only according to whether or not they have friends. The evidence shows that friends provide one another with cognitive and social scaffolding that differs from what nonfriends provide, and having friends supports good outcomes across normative transitions. But predicting developmental outcome also requires knowing about the behavioral characteristics and attitudes of children's friends as well as qualitative features of these relationships.  相似文献   

We investigated probabilistic cues to grammatical category (noun vs. verb) in English orthography. These cues are located in both the beginnings and endings of words—as identified in our large-scale corpus analysis. Experiment 1 tested participants' sensitivity to beginning and ending cues while making speeded grammatical classifications. Experiment 2 tested sensitivity to these cues during lexical decisions. For both tasks, words with consistent ending cues (with respect to grammatical category) were processed more quickly and with lower error rates than words with inconsistent ending cues. However, for beginnings, consistent cues resulted in lower errors but no differences in response times. The data reported here point to the multifaceted nature of grammatical category representation and indicate that probabilistic orthographic cues relating to grammatical category have a clear influence on lexical processing particularly when these cues are located at the end of the word.  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展与网络应用的日益广泛,利用网络平台进行交际交流的频率越来越高,由此便在网络交际的语境下产生了许多网络流行语。通过全面观察与分析,我们认为这些网络流行语主要是通过“比喻造词法”、“借代造词法”、“字母缩写造词法”、“数字谐音造词法”等九种造词方法而创造出来的。它们一经创造出来就能在网络交际领域广泛流行并传播,是有其客观基础与逻辑理据的。特别是通过“比喻造词法”与“借代造词法”创造出来的网络流行语尤其具有旺盛的生命力,流行传播广泛,这是与这些造词法创造的新词符合汉语词汇发展规律,同时具有独特的表达效果有关。  相似文献   

本文主要分析"支那"一词在日语使用过程中的语义转化现象,并对日语的蔑视语进行粗略的探讨.本文认为,由于使用者(日本人)语用意识的变化而导致"支那"的语义发生转化,原本非贬义的"支那"逐渐转变,终而转化为蔑视语.  相似文献   

"Learning by doing" in pursuit of real-world goals has received much attention from education researchers but has been unevenly supported by mathematics education software at the elementary level, particularly as it involves arithmetic word problems. In this article, we give examples of doing-oriented tools that might promote children's ability to "see" significant abstract structures in mathematical situations. The reflection necessary for such seeing is motivated by activities and contexts that emphasize affective and social aspects. Natural language, as a representation already familiar to children, is key in these activities, both as a means of mathematical expression and as a link between situations and various abstract representations. These tools support children's ownership of a mathematical problem and its expression; remote sharing of problems and data; software interpretation of children's own word problems; play with dynamically linked representations with attention to children's prior connections; and systematic problem variation based on empirically determined level of difficulty.  相似文献   

Put two groups of letters together to make 7-letter words about learning which answer the clues (information that helps you to find the answers).The first one is done to help you. Clues 1.A word that means "lessons" or groups of students who take lessons together.(CLASSES) 2.A place where students go to learn when they are between 16 and 18 years old,or after they finish school. 3.A piece of paper that shows you have completed a course. 4.The study of things that happened in the past. 5.Einstein studied this. 6.A piece of work that you do for school,for example,"This weekend I need to finish my art..." 7.The study of all areas of nature:animals,rocks,stars,etc.  相似文献   

The career development and disability knowledge of 97 students with learning disabilities from three postsecondary institutions in the Midwest was examined through semi‐structured interviews. Students with disabilities who were eligible for services while in high school generally did not engage in transition planning as required by federal law. Their career development activities were limited despite having unique career needs. The majority of students had difficulty describing their disability and its impact on their career exploration and planning. For students with learning disabilities at the postsecondary level, career development services should be provided, including training in self‐advocacy and career exploration in the first two years. Instruction in career self‐management skills should be ongoing.  相似文献   

以543名在职研究生为被试,采用问卷调查法,考察了在职研究生学习倦怠的现状以及社会支持与学习压力、学习倦怠之间的关系。结果发现:6.07%的研究生学习倦怠非常强烈;不同年龄、不同工龄、不同工作单位在职研究生学习倦怠存在显著差异;社会支持在学习压力与学习倦怠之间发挥调节作用。  相似文献   

国内的部分语言理论按对象分属和兼属两种方式为词分类,其中类别分属观认为,词分属语言词和言语词等两个类别。由于词分属语言和言语词等两个类别不能解释词的单类说、总类和子类没有确定性、不存在同一的划分标准等原因,所以这种做法违反逻辑不能成立。提出词的抽象和具体性问题的目的是为了推出并强调词是例、词位是类型的结论。  相似文献   

One likely mechanism in learning new skills is change in synchronous connections between distributed neural networks, which can be measured by coherence analysis of electroencephalographic patterns. This study examined coherence changes during the learning of two tasks, a word association task and a figure association task. Although learning curves were similar for both tasks, distinct patterns of coherence change were observed. Coherence tended to increase as learning progressed in the figure association task. In contrast, coherence tended to decrease in the word association task, especially within hemisphere. Word learning was coupled with negative intrahemispheric and positive interhemispheric performance–coherence relations in the gamma frequency. Unique to the figure learning task was an increase in the number of positive coherence–performance relations in both delta and theta frequencies across blocks. Results are discussed in light of ongoing efforts to identify the mechanisms that coordinate distributed brain activities during the process of learning. Further research is needed to define patterns of coherence change for different tasks, goals, and brain regions.  相似文献   

及时总结和规范新词新语是当下语言文字工作的重要任务,它关系到汉语词汇系统的健全发展及社会价值观的导向。文章把2006年以来的185个新词语分成族群和非族群两部分,探讨了新词语的生成类型、语用来源、基本特点,以及滋生流行的语言理据、心理因素和社会原因,并从语言规范的角度预测了它们的存在和消隐的趋势。  相似文献   

殷墟甲骨文中有"逆"字,罗振玉较早释出此字.从词汇学角度,在现有释字水平的基础上,对其用义及相关语词进行系统整理与探讨.  相似文献   

翻译不仅涉及语言,也是两种文化的大接触。不同文化在具有鲜明文化个性的同时,也具有一定的文化共性,这种共性与个性反映到语言层面上,即表现为语言运用的异同。文章通过对中西方语言中颜色词词义联想异同的比较分析,说明语言的理解与翻译离不开对文化因素的考虑。  相似文献   

Semantic Constraints on Word Learning: Proper Names and Adjectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
4 experiments examined 3- and 4-year-olds' interpretations of novel words applied to familiar objects in the sentence frame, "This Y is X," where X is a novel word, and Y is a familiar basic-level count noun (e.g., "dog", "cup"). These novel words are ambiguous and could be interpreted either as proper names (e.g., "Fred") or as adjectives/mass nouns (e.g., "red"/"lead"). The experiments addressed 2 questions. First, do children appreciate that the words can be construed either as proper names referring to individuals or as adjectives/mass nouns referring to salient properties/material kinds? The results showed that children could easily make either interpretation. Second, what factors affect children's tendency to make either a proper name or an adjective/mass noun interpretation? In the experiments, children learned the novel words for a range of animals and artifacts. Most children who learned the words for typical pets (e.g., a bird) made proper name interpretations, as did the majority of those who learned the words for certain non-pet animals (e.g., a caterpillar) described as possessed by someone, but only about half of those who learned the words for such non-pet animals not so described. Very few children who learned the words for either simple (e.g., a shoe) or complex (e.g., a boat) artifacts made proper name interpretations. The results provide clear evidence of the role of semantic information in constraining children's interpretation of a novel word, and they help to refine an understanding of what counts as a nameable individual for preschoolers.  相似文献   

Early Conversations and Word Learning: Contributions from Child and Adult   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Temporal and topic contingencies between child and mother speech are reported at 2 achievements in language development in the second year. Measured against their respective baseline rates of speech, children were most likely to talk before mother speech and mothers most likely to talk after child speech. This pattern, evident at both language achievements, increased in amplitude with development. These early conversations were generated by the children; neither their interactions nor word learning depended on adult-scaffolded formats. Only about one-third of all child speech occurred in response to something mothers said; only half of all child speech received a topic-related response. When mothers responded, they most often simply acknowledged, repeated, or clarified what the child said. The results supported the intentionality model for language development, in which the child's role is primary: Children learn words for expression and interpretation in order to share contents of mind, bringing words to their conversations that they've already learned in other contexts.  相似文献   

开放教育学生学习支持服务的实践与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对学生的学习支持服务是现代远程开放教育教学工作的核心内容 ,也是“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”能否取得成功的关键。本文就陕西广播电视大学在资源开发和学习支持策略两方面的实践与探索作一总结。  相似文献   

如何在计算机模拟情境中嵌入有效的学习支持是当前研究者关注的一个重要问题.科学发现学习活动中有三种基本活动线索:问题表征与假设生成、实验检验、自我监控与反思概括.这种学习活动可能主要受三个内在条件的制约:意义性、系统逻辑性和反思概括,据此,针对计算机模拟环境中的学习支持可以包括三个侧面:解释性支持、实验性支持和反省性支持.  相似文献   

近年学界有全面否定"联绵字—双音单纯词"理论之势,否定者的主要论点为:作为单纯词的联绵词没有造词理据。然而,词的理据包括内部理据和外部理据,联绵词有外部理据,即语音象似性。联绵词的语音象似性在辞赋中表现最为突出。联绵词在特定的外部语境中,凭借词语相对微弱的语音象似性,由于共同的心理作用,得到传达和理解。汉语受汉字机制的制约太深,每个汉字都可以在使用过程中获得意义,联绵词的分释分用并不能证明其在形成之初即为合成词。  相似文献   

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