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在经过一个否定之否定的过程之后,美国学校的课堂德育模式已经进化到了比较成熟的第三阶段,该模式基本包括四部分:说教、体验、探究、践行引导。以简练说教开题明义;以人际互动体验诱发、强化道德心理势能;以探究活动澄清是非观念;以践行引导促进行为改进。其中,以人际互动体验诱发、强化道德心理势能是最核心、最关键的机制。  相似文献   

The Engineering profession is as old as mankind itself. It evolved from the work of the mason, the blacksmith and the millwright; but the modem profession was shaped mainly during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The profession itself and the professional bodies played vital roles in the development of the education and training of new engineers. They set standards for competence to practise, which the educational establishments followed by necessity. In a rapidly changing world and a swiftly evolving technology, ideal educational curricula are difficult to establish. Nevertheless, most educators support the thesis that the emphasis of the curriculum should be on the basic and engineering sciences and on humanities, in order to create open-minded engineers, capable of adapting to the new challenges of technology. Training in specialized topics should be left to industry (on-the-job training) and advanced courses. But some professionals do not agree with this, advancing the theory that the new engineer should be able to cope with current industrial problems. The current trends in engineering education appear to be; a broad educational approach in science and technology as well as in the humanities, together with an emphasis on computer applications in every engineering discipline, both for education and for design. More consideration should also be given to engineering design and applications throughout the whole curriculum. In those countries with well-developed technological infrastructures, it is better to keep the basic engineering degree (BSc) to 4 years and enhance the advanced level and specialization degrees (MSc, PhD, etc) to promote the technology appropriate to the country. In less developed countries with limited employment markets and without developed technology, over-specialization may lead to unemployment and an unjustified waste of money. Participation of the students in design and/or research projects should always be encouraged, A comparison between the European and the North American engineering educational systems shows that in Europe undergraduate education is stressed more, whereas in North America advanced courses are better developed. Some comments on the Greek engineering education system are also made.  相似文献   

学前教师教育的学校和专业设置在一定程度上决定了学前教师教育的发展规模、结构、质量和投资效率.现在的设置标准、程序、结果都不适应学前教师教育发展的需要,必须从调整体制、制定规划、明确标准等方面加强调节.  相似文献   

As the world multipolarization and economic globalization are developing,competition in overall national strength is becoming increasingly fierce.Social development requires the students to possess English language ability.More and more people propose that English education be implemented in the primary schools.However,by analyzing the practical situation of English education in China,to the author’s opinion,it is infeasible to comprehensively implement English education in China’s primary schools.  相似文献   

创新型人才的评价可能出现在许多情况下:一是社会组织评价,这样的评价对被评价者和人才使用者都有较高的价值。这种评价既可能是被评价者要求的,也可能是用人单位组织的,还可能是社会公认系统组织的(有如今天的大学四、六级英语考试);二是学校评价。学校对自己培养的学生进行评价,只要是公正合理的,同样能作为社会用人的基本依据。本文主要以建立学校自己的评价系统为出发点讨论问题。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的建立,中学生的思想价值观发生了新的变化,学校道德暴露出诸多弊端.要提高中学德育实效性,就要转变教育观念,提高教师素质,坚持严格要求与尊重信任相结合,言教与身教相结合.  相似文献   

In 1993 a new comprehensive curriculum for secondary education was introduced in the Netherlands. In that curriculum learning objectives related to environmental education are formulated. This paper describes: (1) the present situation regarding EE in schools in the northern part of the Netherlands on the subject level, as regards the relative importance attributed by teachers to the different objectives of environmental education. (2) the constraints and the need for support when teachers want to pay more attention to the various objectives of environmental education. Teachers pay most attention to the objectives of EE that are aimed at improving the knowledge of the relationship between man and the environment and the environmental problems and their causes. They seem to underestimate the objectives aimed at skills and attitudes. Teachers show only a slight tendency to change their current practice towards more environmental education. The main reasons are described. A considerable number of teachers are willing to use support to implement environmental education if that is offered, but more than half have made no decision yet. The kind of support wanted by teachers differs with different objectives. The paper concludes with a discussion of the prerequisites of a supporting programme for the implementation of environmental education.  相似文献   

安娜·卡列尼娜是一位美貌动人,气质典雅,心地善良的女性.安娜身上充满激情与活力、力量与勇气,她是一个立体的、鲜活的人.尼采的酒神精神学说揭示了人类生命的本质,酒神精神的张扬意味着个人在其中感受到的不是遵守道德秩序的自我,而是充分释放长时间被压抑的生命活力,在这种释放中真正感受到作为人的存在感和生命酣畅淋漓的快感.安娜的悲剧既有社会与宗教的因素,更有她追求生命自由的个人愿望,她的毁灭恰当地诠释了酒神精神的美学意义.  相似文献   

中小学科学教育课程改革的观念性支持   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国科学教育存在的主要问题有:绝对化的科学知识观、重结论呈现而不重知识的发生过程、重视“读科学”而忽视“做科学”的学习方式。科学课程改革倡导新的科学教育理念:合理的科学观、科学素养的教育目的观、科学课程的整合观、以探究为核心的科学教学观。同时,必须清除教育中的应试倾向。  相似文献   

继续教育办学机构开展成人休闲教育,既能促进成人学员的全面发展,又能提高成人学员的生活质量,也有利于学习型社会建设。休闲教育的基本目标是培养休闲兴趣,树立正确的休闲观,掌握休闲知识和技能。继续教育办学机构应重视休闲教育工作,加强休闲教育场地建设,挖掘个性化休闲学习需求,规划多样化休闲教育内容,开发休闲教育课程与资源,完善休闲教育模式和手段。  相似文献   

本分析了“生本德育”产生的社会背景动因,从德育理念,思想,内容和方法等方面论述了学校“生本德育”的实质和作用。并提出了当前学校德育必须实施“生本德育”的观点。  相似文献   

经济建设的快速发展,对技能人才提出了高的要求,素质教育的地位越来越重要,探索和推行技工学校素质教育成为广大技工教育工作者的重要课题。  相似文献   

河北省师范教育在教育层次和人才培养模式方面,还不能全面适应河北省各级各类学校教育的需要;师范院校的专业设置和课程结构也不能很好的适应未来经济、科技和社会发展的需要。河北省中小学师资的供求状况,在数量上,经济不发达地区中小学师资供不应求;在质量上,全面适应中小学教育改革的高素质教师还严重匮乏。  相似文献   

学校德育改革的思路是多样的。本文提出应围绕德育目标内容的科学性,德育实施的一致性和连贯性,多种德育方法的灵活并用,重视传统道德的现代运用等方面进行。  相似文献   

健康教育是美国中小学的重要教育内容之一,其目的在于使学生获得健康的知识,养成健康的习惯,增强社会适应能力等。文章详细地探讨了美国中小学健康教育的演进、标准、具体内容、目的及特点,以便读者对美国中小学健康教育有一个全面完整的了解。  相似文献   

马克思主义关于人的本质理论对于当代教育的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于人的本质的正确认识,是教育工作能够获得成功的一个重要理论问题.马克思关于"人的本质是一切社会关系的总和"的提出对于当代教育有着重要的意义.她帮助我们确立先进的教育理念、选择合乎人性的教育内容与教学方法.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育面临的挑战及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗威 《高教论坛》2003,(3):47-49
高校思想政治工作要做到“以人为本”,坚持从实际出发的原则,分析信息网络化的新特点,提高思想宣传工作的时代感和主动性、实效性、创新性。  相似文献   

在培智学校开展可持续发展教育,是智障儿童参与社会建设、发展与进步的有效途径,对其未来生活品质的提高、公平参与社会活动、学会生存,掌握生存技能、更好履行公民义务有着重要作用.文章从可持续发展教育的产生出发,客观分析了在培智学校开展可持续发展教育的依据与重要性,进而探讨可持续发展教育对培智学校现有教学目标、内容与方法的挑战,从而为在特殊学校开展可持续发展教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   

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