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Children's (5‐, 7‐ to 8‐, and 10‐ to 11‐year‐olds), and adolescents’ (13‐ to 14‐year‐olds) judgments and reasoning about same‐sex romantic relationships were examined (N = 128). Participants’ beliefs about the acceptability and legal regulation of these relationships were assessed, along with their judgments and beliefs about excluding someone because of his or her sexual orientation and the origins of same‐sex attraction. Older participants evaluated same‐sex romantic relationships more positively and used more references to personal choice and justice/discrimination reasoning to support their judgments. Younger participants were less critical of a law prohibiting same‐sex relationships and were more likely to believe it was not acceptable to violate this law. Beliefs about origins of same‐sex attraction showed age‐specific patterns in their associations with evaluations.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the belief by Piaget that immanent justice responses occur when fairness judgments override conceptions of physical causality in young (6-8 years) children's understanding of a certain type of story. The structure of Piaget's stimulus stories was analyzed, and they were found to involve 3 narrative elements: motive valence, outcome valence, and causal connection. These 3 factors were crossed to create 8 types of stories, one of which (e.g., a character with a bad motive receives a negative outcome which is noncausally related to the previous motive) was the type used by Piaget. It was predicted that 2 types of stories would yield immanent justice responses: good motive/positive outcome/noncausal and bad motive/negative outcome/noncausal. Subjects received 4 stories and answered the Piagetian immanent justice questions and rated outcome fairness. Subjects were 48 each of children in grades 1, 3, and 5 and 38 college students. Results supported the prediction that children use the belief in a just world in immanent justice judgements.  相似文献   

Children's judgments about inclusion and exclusion of children with disabilities were investigated in a Swiss sample of 6‐, 9‐, and 12‐year‐old children from inclusive and noninclusive classrooms (= 422). Overall, the majority of children judged it as morally wrong to exclude children with disabilities. Yet, participants were less likely to expect the inclusion of children with mental or physical disabilities in academic and athletic contexts compared to social contexts. Moreover, older children more consistently coordinated disability type with context of exclusion. There were also significant differences depending on the type of classroom. The findings extend existing research on exclusion by investigating exclusion based on disability across different age groups and educational settings.  相似文献   

Parental Psychological Control: Revisiting a Neglected Construct   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
This article argues for the value in socialization research of focusing explicitly on the construct of parental psychological control of children—control that constrains, invalidates, and manipulates children's psychological and emotional experience and expression. The article traces the history of the construct and distinguishes psychological control theoretically and empirically from more behaviorally oriented control. 2 new measures of psychological control are developed. Data from 3 separate studies are presented which indicate that psychological control can be adequately measured across demographically varied samples and mode of measurement. In both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, psychological control, particularly as perceived by preadolescents and adolescents, is consistently predictive of youth internalized problems (depression) and, in some cases, externalized problems (delinquency). In contrast, behavioral control is related primarily to externalized problems.  相似文献   

父母心理控制与幼儿社会退缩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用《父母心理控制水平调查问卷》和《幼儿社会行为教师问卷》对广州市210名幼儿进行调查,探讨幼儿社会退缩与父母心理控制水平的关系.结果表明父母的消极心理控制与幼儿社会退缩呈正相关,并能预测幼儿的社会退缩行为;父母的内疚感引导、焦虑感引导、监管,与幼儿的沉默害羞呈极其显著正相关,保护儿童与幼儿沉默害羞负相关;内疚感引导、权威控制、贬低儿童与儿童主动退缩呈正相关,情感表达与儿童主动退缩呈负相关;家长独立与儿童被动退缩呈正相关.父母应对幼儿社会行为进行正确引导并适度控制,同时应加强亲子沟通,努力建立良好的亲子关系,以减少幼儿社会退缩行为的发生,促进其社会性发展.  相似文献   

根据学习心理学的研究结果,结合多年的教学实践,探讨了在初中数学的课堂教学中,对学生进行心理调控的方式和方法。  相似文献   

72 children, ages 6 to 11 years, were presented with a series of stories involving psychological harm (name-calling) in a game context. Situations were presented in which intentions, consequences, and game context were varied, along with order of story presentation. Comparisons between acts of physical and psychological harm were also conducted. Although responses in some conditions were influenced by order of presentation, age differences were found in children's evaluations of agents' actions and recipients' reactions for psychological harm in game contexts. Younger children were more likely to ignore intentions and consequences or the recipient's perspective and to focus on contextual features (e.g., game rules). Older children were more likely to base their evaluations on intentions, or both intentions and consequences, and to take into account the recipient's perspective. Game context interacted differentially with psychological and physical harm at all ages. Evaluations of acts of physical harm were more likely than acts of psychological harm to be transformed by game context.  相似文献   

In this study, psychological control of children was conceptually and empirically distinguished from behavioral control. Further, it was demonstrated as hypothesized that psychological control was more predictive of adolescent internalized problems, and that behavioral control was more predictive of externalized problems. Subjects were 473 fifth-, eighth-, and tenth-grade males and females from a Southern suburb. Control was measured by the Child Report of Parent Behavior Inventory and the Colorado Self-Report of Family Functioning Inventory. Problem behaviors were measured with the Child Behavior Checklist. First- and second-order factor analyses discriminated psychological and behavioral control, and structural equation analyses demonstrated the differential prediction of internalized and externalized problems. These last analyses were conducted using youth-reported data and validated using a subsample of 227 mother-youth pairs.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of parental cognitive impairment in cases opened for child maltreatment investigation in Canada, and to examine the relationship between parental cognitive impairment and maltreatment investigation outcomes including substantiation, case disposition and court application.


The method was secondary analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2003) core-data, which is derived from a multi-stage stratified cluster sample of 11,562 child maltreatment investigations.


Parental cognitive impairment was noted in 10.1% of sampled cases that were opened for child maltreatment investigation in 2003, and in 27.3% of sampled cases that resulted in child welfare court application. Neglect was the most common cause of concern. With child and case characteristics held constant, parental cognitive impairment predicted investigation outcomes. The data further suggest that the relationship between parental cognitive impairment and investigation outcomes was partially mediated by perceived parent non-cooperation, mental health issues and low social support.


The number of children who are living with a parent with cognitive impairment and who are referred for protective services is thought to be increasing. Building systems capacity to support parents with cognitive impairment and promote child wellbeing is therefore essential to containing the human and economic costs of maltreatment and out-of-home care.

Practice implications

A broad-spectrum approach is needed to support parents with cognitive impairment and their children. Equipping services with the knowledge, skills, and mandate they need to deliver evidence-based parent training is vital. However, strategies are also needed to tackle discrimination, alleviate family poverty, strengthen the social ties of parents with cognitive impairment and in turn, improve the life chances of their children.  相似文献   

目前,我国中小学心理健康教育工作存在着教育思想落后、教育方法欠缺、教育人才匮乏等诸多问题,其解决的根本途径在于加强学校心理健康教育的师资队伍建设,加强心理应用研究。  相似文献   

知识与能力在个体发展中,孰轻孰重一直是教育史上颇有争议的话题.强调知识习得重于能力培养的实质教育以联想主义心理学为依据,强调能力培养重于知识习得的形式教育以官能心理学为依据.从两种观点的心理学依据上展开学理上的分析,探讨它们各自历史与逻辑上的合理性,以便更加辩证地理解两种教育观.  相似文献   

在分析学科优势丧失原因的基础上,指出了学科可持续性竞争优势,应具有价值性、稀缺性、不可模仿性、不易被替代性四个特征。提出了创造良好的学科组织文化,构建合理的学科组织架构,注重对学科带头人的识别和培养,建立学科组织学习机制,形成学科动态竞争能力等促进学科建设和学科优势积累的若干对策。  相似文献   

试论我国教育人类学的学科定位与学科精神   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
结合学科发展的现状和实际,应该强调我国教育人类学的双重学科属性,即人类学的部门学科和教育科学的基础性学科.我国教育人类学的学科精神为:实事求是、求真务实的田野精神,善待别人、尊重他者的包容精神及兴教为民、旨在智民的人本精神.如此框定教育人类学的学科精神,有利于加速中国教育理论发展的时代性转型和教育品质的提升.  相似文献   

研究性学习以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为根本出发点,着眼于学生学习方式的改变,地理学是一门多学科,跨领域,门类复杂的综合性学科,是非常适合开展研究性学习的一门课程,地理学科学习为在研究性学习奠定了基础,研究性学习也能促进地理学科素质的发展,地理研究性学习具有其独特目标的特点,评价主体是多元的,评价方法是多样的。  相似文献   

文章针对写作教学必然走向开放的趋势,结合国内写作学网站建设的现状,采取个案分析的形式,从网站的性质与栏目、特色与评价等角度,介绍了国内写作学值得关注的华丈写作在线、应用写作杂志网站、马正平写作学与美学网站、香港大学中丈教育研究中心等多个网站。  相似文献   

唐代科举考试的制度较为粗略,其突出表现是:许多在后世看来属严重违规的行为在当时被视为正常,较多的状元是靠不正当竞争夺魁的。对于特别严重的违规事件亦处理颇轻,因科场案被处死的只是极个别人。这说明科举考试在唐人心目中的地位远没有后世那么高,因此唐人对科举考试的公征性、严肃性期望值较低。  相似文献   

文章针对写作教学必然走向开放的趋势,结合国内写作学网站建设的现状,采取个案分析的形式,从网站的性质与栏目、特色与评价等角度,介绍了国内写作学值得关注的华文写作在线、应用写作杂志网站、马正平写作学与美学网站、香港大学中文教育研究中心等多个网站.  相似文献   

在许多情况下,一国法院对案件实施管辖而作出的判决需要其他国家的协助(即获得外国法院的承认与执行),法院的司法权威才能实现。但是,由于各国实施管辖的标准不同,在民事责任竞合案件的管辖上各国容易产生间接管辖权的冲突从而影响判决的承认与执行。解决的方法包括两种,一是各国放弃对间接管辖的规定,二是通过条约的形式制定共同的管辖标准。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between various levels of parent-child physical violence and psychological symptoms reported by college students, while controlling for demographic variables, severity and frequency of violence, and co-occurrence of parental psychological aggression.MethodParticipants included 298 college students ranging in age from 18 to 27 years. Participants completed a demographic information form, the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), and the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale (CTSPC).ResultsResults of analysis of variance and multivariate analysis of variance indicated that individuals in the child physical abuse group obtained higher BSI scores compared to individuals in the corporal punishment and no violence groups. Few differences were observed between mild and severe corporal punishment groups. Multiple regression analyses indicated that when frequency of corporal punishment, child physical abuse, and psychological aggression, along with demographic variables, were considered simultaneously, psychological aggression was the most unique predictor of BSI scores.ConclusionsThe findings suggest that severe forms of physical violence were associated with long-term psychological symptoms. When demographic variables and the frequency of several parent aggression variables were considered simultaneously, however, psychological aggression was most predictive of psychological outcome. These findings suggest that messages communicated to a child via psychological aggression may be more important in contributing to psychological outcome than the actual occurrence of physical violence toward the child.Practice implicationsThe current study supports the premise that severe physical aggression experienced in childhood is associated with serious psychological consequences in adulthood. In contrast, individuals who experienced less severe forms of parent-child violence, such as corporal aggression, exhibited similar symptom levels to those reporting no parent-child violence. When severe physical aggression, corporal aggression, and psychological aggression were considered simultaneously, however, psychological aggression emerged as the most unique predictor of psychological outcome. Researchers and clinicians who work with adults reporting childhood histories of severe parent-child violence should be aware of the importance of parent-child psychological aggression in contributing to psychological outcome.  相似文献   

西方传统逻辑讲谬误,主要指形式谬误;中国古代逻辑讲谬误,主要指实质谬误。中国古代逻辑中关于“说”的谬误,主要指非必然性推理的错误。由于在推理的过程中不知类,不明故或不知止,就会产生各种实质性谬误。古代逻辑学不仅分析了产生谬误的原因,而且分析了不同的谬误形式,这些探索和分析有助于我们进一步提高思辩能力,防止逻辑错误。  相似文献   

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