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在教学管理中教室的管理占有很重要的地位。自主研发教室管理系统,为教室的管理提供了一种新的管理方法和构建思路。教室管理系统有助于教务部门编排课表、教师使用教室、教室管理员管理教室和学生找到自习教室。首先,描述了教室管理系统的界面与功能设计;其次,说明了教室管理系统的实体定义;最后,对系统开发中用到的关键技术给予说明。教室管理系统在北京大学教室的管理中起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

通过剖析高校多媒体教室存在的诸多问题,梳理当前智慧教室相关研究和应用,对高校智慧教室作出新的定义,认为高校多媒体教室有必要向智慧教室转型。从多媒体教室的设备、管理和教学3个维度为切入点,提出高校应该构建一种理想的智能—智慧教室即Smarter教室,并提出转型模式即Smarter模式,以期使智慧教室最终能服务于高校学生的“学”。  相似文献   

教室教学环境是一个由多种要素构成的复杂系统,不同要素相互联系、相互作用,共同构成了教室教学环境特有的系统结构。文章综合已有文献、现有教室配置、智慧教室发展以及国家标准、教育行业标准,认为教室教学环境可以理解为:影响教学活动的开展、质量和效果,并存在于教室教学过程中的各种物理的、心理的、信息及设备设施等因素的总和。文章指出,教室教学环境的构成要素包括教室物理环境、教室心理环境、教室教学信息与设备设施环境,它们共同构成了教室教学环境质量评估框架的基础。  相似文献   

国内外智慧教室的建设方兴未艾,在智慧教室的建设热潮中应冷静地思考为什么建智慧教室、有没有能力建智慧教室、怎么样去建智慧教室、能不能用起来等问题。学校在智慧教室建设和使用过程中需要明确几个问题:①智慧教室核心能力在于更好地辅助于教与学而非提供先进设备。②智慧教室应以教学需求为导向。③智慧教室应重视对学生创新意识和创新能力的培养。④智慧教室不仅要建好,而且最重要在于要用好。  相似文献   

信息化环境中智慧教室的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术与教育融合创新发展,以智慧教室为代表的智慧学习环境的设计与应用已得到广泛关注。文章通过对智慧教室概念的研究,阐述了智慧教室区别于以往多媒体教室和网络化教室的主要特征;同时,根据智慧教室的设计思路和注意事项,设计出智慧教室的总体架构。文章认为,结合高校的实际情况,可从硬件环境和软件环境两个方面协同实现智慧教室。  相似文献   

当前高校多媒体教室管理工作存在管理难度大、技术人员工作量大、教室利用率不高等问题。而多媒体教室节约化管理的模式,从选择性价比高的多媒体教室设备、创新多媒体教室管理体制、专业队伍人员的技术配备、多媒体教室设备使用方法的改进等方面,确保多媒体教室物尽其用、人尽其力。  相似文献   

多媒体教室作为公共教室.常常存在设备损坏率高的问题,本文通过对多媒体教室的系统组成及各种设备的的分析,指出要想延长多媒体教室设备的使用寿命,充分发挥多媒体教室的作用,必须要正确使用多媒体教室的各种设备,并且要做好定期维护。  相似文献   

智慧教室是智慧教育发展的基础,是"互联网+"教室的新形式。为整体把握我国智慧教室的现状,文章从智慧教室的人群定位、应用技术、教室特征、设计理念以及配套的教学模式等方面分析了智慧教室的现状,提出了智慧教室的战略转移、纵深发展等策略,并展望了下一代智慧教室——智慧研创室的发展,以期为我国创新型人才的培养和智慧教育的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文章从高职院校如何测算教室需求量、如何提高现有教室的利用率、教室类型如何设置以及教室如何使用和管理等方面进行探索与研究,并提出对高职院校教室资源管理的一些设想,希冀能为高职院校教室资源管理提供有益的参考和帮助.  相似文献   

智能教室研究现状与未来展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
智能教室是教室发展和变革的阶段产物,它注重于教室设备的智能性,体现更为便捷和自然的人机交互,设计上更多地体现出对教室使用者的关注.智能教室的技术基础包括普适计算技术、人工智能技术、电子交互白板技术、分布式伺候计算技术以及智能空间技术等.目前,国内外典型的智能教室案例包括DELL的智能教室、卓越智能教室、加拿大麦基尔大学的智能教室和清华大学的智能教室等,未来智能教室的功能模型包括人物出席、功能模块层和数据服务层,提供给教学者与学习者一个服务更为个性化、智能化的学习空间和充分关注课堂主体自由、发展的和谐新型课堂.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, research and policy in many geographic regions has promoted a shift from direct, lecture-oriented mathematics instruction to inquiry-based, dialogic forms of instruction. While theory and research support dialogic instructional approaches, some have noted that the complexities of dialogic teaching make it difficult for teachers to implement. One mechanism by which teachers can improve their decision-making practices in dialogic classrooms is learning to notice (i.e. becoming aware of learners’ processes). While research has contributed frameworks for understanding how teachers notice individual learners’ mathematical thinking, there is little conceptualization regarding how teachers notice group processes in mathematics classrooms, which is integral to dialogic instruction. We offer a noticing framework termed professional noticing of coordinated mathematical thinking that describes how teachers notice group activity in mathematics classrooms. Professional noticing of coordinated mathematical thinking is conceptualized as a bi-dimensional process: noticing groups’ mathematical activity and noticing groups’ coordinated activity. Teachers must become aware of how groups approach the mathematical and collaborative nature of a task, since both of these aspects inform whether learners develop opportunities to learn in groups. The framework describes noticing practices integral to dialogic instruction and promotes inquiry for future research related to teaching moves in dialogic classrooms.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Shared book reading provides opportunities for adults to engage in literacy-related interactions with children in meaningful ways. Research has examined various dimensions of adult and child behavior during shared book-reading interactions with some focus on how book type affects the reading experience. Little research, however, has examined systematically the use of shared book reading in a mathematical context. Thus, the purpose of the study was twofold: (a) to examine the effect of book type on teacher use of mathematical talk during shared book reading in preschool classrooms and (b) to examine the effect of training teachers specifically to use mathematical talk during shared book reading. A multielement design with 2 female preschool teachers who taught in inclusion classrooms in an urban school district was used. Results generally indicated that the use of mathematical storybooks resulted in increased teacher mathematical talk compared to the use of nonmathematical storybooks. Training and instructional supports resulted in an increase in mathematical talk over that achieved by mathematical storybooks alone. Practice or Policy: Because shared book reading is a common practice in preschool classrooms, strategically choosing books to address mathematical skills can increase attention to mathematics throughout daily routines and provide a means of increasing teacher mathematical talk.  相似文献   

本文主要针对什么是数学建模 ,为什么要在中学数学教学中引入数学建模以及怎样将数学建模掺合到中学数学教学中去这三个问题进行了讨论 ,详尽地阐述了数学建模进入中学课堂的紧迫性 ,必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

We propose a framework for examining how teachers may support collective argumentation in secondary mathematics classrooms, including teachers’ direct contributions to arguments, the kinds of questions teachers ask, and teachers’ other supportive actions. We illustrate our framework with examples from episodes of collective argumentation occurring across 2 days in a teacher’s classroom. Following from these examples, we discuss how the framework can be used to examine mathematical aspects of conversations in mathematics classrooms. We propose that the framework is useful for investigating and possibly enhancing how teachers support students’ reasoning and argumentation as fundamentally mathematical activities.  相似文献   


Responding to mathematical problems is a core activity in classrooms. The problems that teachers select determine the mathematical content, processes and nature of mathematical inquiry occurring in classrooms and thereby contribute to the development of mathematical skills and dispositions. Selecting, designing or reformulating mathematical problems is a critical skill, then, for prospective and practising teachers. This study explores the influence of a mathematical letter writing initiative in developing the problem posing skills of 28 prospective primary teachers. We examine the characteristics of mathematical problems designed by prospective teachers, and their understandings of what constitutes a good mathematical problem, prior to and following completion of a 12-week letter writing initiative with 10–11-year-old children. Analysis of the data reveals the benefits of engaging in the initiative as evidenced in improvements in several problem characteristics. There was an increase in the number of multiple approach and multiple solution problems and in the level of cognitive demand of problems posed. The challenge of posing non-traditional problems, alongside the competing demands of building in opportunities for success, may have diminished participants’ ability to evaluate and attend to the cognitive demand of problems.


提高课堂吸收率是提高教学效果的重要手段 ,用微分方程建立了一个描述讲课过程的数学动态模型 ,用数学方法阐明了显著影响学生课堂知识吸收率的各种因素及其内在联系 ,最后利用该模型的边界解 ,对上述各种因素作了定量分析 .并据此分析给出了提高课堂知识吸收率的实施方法及理论依据  相似文献   

The activity of reasoning-and-proving is at the heart of mathematical sense making and is important for all students’ learning as early as the elementary grades. Yet, reasoning-and-proving tends to have a marginal place in elementary school classrooms. This situation can be partly attributed to the fact that many (prospective) elementary teachers have (1) weak mathematical (subject matter) knowledge about reasoning-and-proving and (2) counterproductive beliefs about its teaching. Following up on an intervention study that helped a group of prospective elementary teachers make significant progress in overcoming these two major obstacles to teaching reasoning-and-proving, we examined the challenges that three of them identified that they faced as they planned and taught lessons related to reasoning-and-proving in their mentor teachers’ classrooms. Our findings contribute to research knowledge about major factors (other than the well-known factors related to teachers’ mathematical knowledge and beliefs) that deserve attention by teacher education programs in preparing prospective teachers to teach reasoning-and-proving.  相似文献   

试析影响学生数学建模数学化过程的若干因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应新一轮数学课程改革中加强应用性和创新性,重视联系学生生活实际和社会实践要求,开展数学建模教学成为当今数学教育改革的热点之一。如何有效实施数学建模教学是许多数学教师感到困惑的一大难题。而研究学生数学建模过程中所面临的困难及产生原因是教师有效实施数学建模教学的前提与关键。文章拟从初中数学课堂中实施数学建模教学的一则案例出发,初步研究发现学生在数学建模的数学化过程中,学生自身的数学阅读能力、简化实际问题能力、数学语言能力和元认知能力影响着学生的数学建模活动。从而对教师在日常数学课堂中有效开展数学建模教学活动具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Analogical reasoning is believed to be an efficient means of problem solving and construction of knowledge during the search for and the analysis of new mathematical objects. However, there is growing concern that despite everyday usage, learners are unable to transfer analogical reasoning to learning situations. This study aims at facilitating analogy use for conjecturing in discourse-rich mathematics classrooms. We reconceptualized one of the traditional perspectives on analogical reasoning, called classical analogy, as a more dynamic one by providing learners with the opportunity to choose a target object and its property. While shifting attention to particular aspects of mathematical activity, we observed and analyzed how students became aware of hidden relational similarities and utilized them while weakening others to make conjectures. The detailed analysis of the constructs and processes of several similarity-making and conjecturing activities supports the significance of reconceived classical analogy use in mathematics classrooms.  相似文献   

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