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关于克隆技术的伦理思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不同的伦理理论对人性的假定以及人的什么特征对伦理分析是关键的都存在差异,因此它们对克隆技术的伦理分析也有差异,不可能达成共识。关于治疗性克隆和生殖性克隆:为了获得器官、组织的克隆把人类作为一种手段并且创造出更多的需要,是不合理的;克隆作为个人对生殖方式的偏好选择在技术成熟的前提下是可以接受的,但若将其普遍化,就会产生一系列社会、伦理问题。  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞研究的伦理学问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章考查、分析了与人胚胎干细胞研究密切相关的几个伦理学问题:人胚胎地位的伦理学争议、治疗性克隆与生殖性克隆的伦理学问题、世界各国克隆技术的政策与法规,等等,特别提到了生殖性克隆对社会伦理造成的巨大冲击。结果表明,各国政府普遍支持治疗性克隆的研究而反对生殖性性克隆(克隆人)的研究。最后论及了一些学者对“克隆人”伦理学问题作出的相关预测。  相似文献   

人的克隆:支持和反对的论证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
支持和反对人的生殖性克隆及治疗性克隆的有各种伦理论证,综述这些论证并提出反论证,即可在此基础上得出结论:反对生殖性克隆的站得住脚的主要论证是不伤害论证和人类尊严论证;支持治疗性克隆的主要论证是其对治愈多种疾病的巨大潜力,而且人类胚胎的伦理学地位并不妨碍有控制地利用胚胎于治病救人的人道目的。  相似文献   

20 0 1年 11月 2 5日 ,美国马萨诸塞州的先进细胞技术公司 (ACT)向全世界宣布 ,他们已经成功地克隆出了人类早期胚胎。这一人类胚胎克隆技术上的突破引来各方关注。虽然ACT公司表示 ,他们的研究目的不是为了克隆人 ,而是为了获得治疗性的人类胚胎干细胞 ;并声称一旦治疗性克隆研究获得成功 ,就可以利用克隆胚胎所得到的全能型胚胎干细胞诱导培养成各种目标器官的细胞 ,甚至组织和器官的整体 ,来修复或更换人类各种受损组织、器官 ,造福于人类 ,但科学界和各国政府都对克隆人类胚胎所引发的伦理及科学上的问题作了迅速的反应。许多国家政府在表示有限度、有控制地允许人类胚胎干细胞的治疗性克隆研究的同时 ,对克隆人或人类的生殖性克隆实行或正在实行立法禁止。为了使读者从生物学知识方面对人类胚胎干细胞及治疗性克隆研究及时获得比较全面的了解 ,本刊走访了华东师范大学生命科学学院细胞生物学教研室的张红锋、叶希韵两位老师 ,请她们就有关问题作了深入浅出的阐述。  相似文献   

质性研究具有很强的伦理特质,而教育的实践特征使得教育质性研究面临更多的伦理问题。从伦理学的视角来分析和判断教育质性研究中的价值和伦理问题,是把伦理学理论运用于质性研究实践,从而形成运用研究伦理学的过程。教育质性研究实践的伦理学关照,对于提高质性研究规范、摆脱实践的伦理困境具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

质性研究具有非常重要的伦理规范。本文通过对中国和西方在道德伦理和思维习惯等方面的对比分析,探讨西方伦理审查规范在中国的适应性。研究表明,为了有效推进质性研究在中国的应用和发展,我们需要创造东、西方质性研究伦理对话空间,需要借鉴西方的伦理审查体系来建立适用于本土文化的伦理审查。  相似文献   

近年来,因为教学中频发的伦理问题,学者们将研究的兴奋点逐步由认知活动转向了伦理性思考。从现有的文献资料出发,可以从教学伦理内涵、教学伦理研究内容、教学伦理问题等几个维度对教学伦理思想作出归析。  相似文献   

简要介绍了干细胞的定义、种类,从干细胞研究的历史入手,阐述了人们对干细胞研究的矛盾心理,指出了目前干细胞研究中遇到的问题,并展望了干细胞研究的美好前景。  相似文献   

克隆技术应用于人类的生殖会带来很多的社会伦理问题,但就克隆技术本身的特点来看,克隆技术可以防止人类的退化、治疗人类很多疾病,所以我们应该以现实客观的态度来看待克隆人问题,兴其利而避其害,让这项技术能更好的为人类服务。  相似文献   

近年来动物克隆和人胚胎干细胞技术进展迅速,治疗性克隆引起人们的广泛关注。本文介绍了治疗性克隆的概念、基本程序和进展,并分析了治疗性克隆研究存在的问题及伦理学争议。  相似文献   

Using participatory action research (PAR), this paper explores the ethical practice of students engaged in practitioner research in a higher education context. Using narrative enquiry, the paper explores the participants’ experiences of practitioner research, including ethical dilemmas that resulted from a conflict of values between the practitioner and research roles. We postulate a multi-dimensional approach to ethical practice known as ‘ethical posture’ emerging from our consideration of conceptions of inquiry that resulted in contrasting ethical behaviour.  相似文献   

讳饰既是一种社会文化现象,又是一种修辞伦理现象。其形成有着深厚的伦理基础,一方面根源于中国古代伦理社会成文的礼义规范,体现互以他人为重的伦理意识;另一方面则根源于人们趋吉避凶的伦理情感。这两个方面相辅相成,共同建构与制约着修辞表达者的修辞心理,从而形成富有民族特色的修辞伦理表达。研究讳饰现象产生的伦理渊源,有助于我们更深入地理解与运用讳饰辞格。不仅如此,在日常的交际交流中,还将强化人们恰当运用讳饰辞格以增强交际效果的修辞伦理意识。  相似文献   

在当前的境遇下,转基因作物产业化的伦理学研究应该由伦理批判转向伦理治理,这种转向有其理论合理性与现实合理性。转基因作物产业化伦理治理的主要特质重在"伦理建构",转基因作物产业化的伦理治理的实质是"商谈伦理",转基因作物产业化伦理治理的目的是"善治",转基因作物产业化伦理治理的基本途径是"公众参与"。  相似文献   

This essay suggests that the concept of interdependence provides a rhetorical telos for research ethics. Current field-based rhetoric work advocates for a postcolonial research ethic. However, this is often articulated with a discourse of ethical accountability. Although it has advantages, accountability limits us by excluding ethical pursuit and reifying people as autonomous individuals. In contrast, interdependence helps complete the liberatory trajectory of postcolonial research ethics. Drawing on work in a recent field site, I argue that interdependence encourages scholars to see dilemmas as an opportunity for rhetorical response and ethical lament, helps scholars take creative action to be shaped by participants directly, and helps scholars explain to others why they pursue ethical actions beyond what is socially required.  相似文献   


This article explores the ethical complexities of involving children in research in the contexts of their families, schools and communities. We argue for an approach that is dynamic, reflexive, responsive and informed by an understanding of how local cultures impact on and shape negotiations and practices around ethical issues and processes. We use different sociocultural lenses to analyse the complexities of ethical processes and practices at the beginning of a research project which explored children’s informal and everyday learning. The article contributes to ethical debates about involving children with research through foregrounding the multiplicities and complexities that emerge when researchers are attentive to the practices and values of the settings that children’s and researchers’ lives traverse.  相似文献   

Action research (AR) comprises a diverse family of methodologies. Common amongst most types of AR are both an emergent design – leading to action or change – and participation or community involvement. While this type of research has expanded considerably since the early 2000s, the criteria used for ethical review have apparently been slow to adapt to the emergent and participatory nature of this research. This has resulted in researchers reporting negative attitudes towards, and experiences with, review boards and ethics review processes; painting ethical review committees, at times, as insufficient or unnecessary. A review of the literature was undertaken to assess the state of play in this regard. Few articles disclose the side of the ethical review boards or committee members and the issues they face in undertaking ethical review of studies with an emergent, action, or participatory focus. A larger number of peer-reviewed journal articles report on the views of the researchers, but mainly through specific case examples where ethical review processes presented challenges to researchers and communities employing a participatory approach to research. The focus of this article will be on both the generic challenges researchers report in managing ethical review and of strategies utilized or recommended to conduct participatory research in an ethical manner. The contrasting experiences of researchers and ethical review committee members will be considered where available.  相似文献   

This paper addresses ethical issues in educational research with a focus on the interplay between research ethics and both internal and external quality of research. Research ethics is divided into three domains: (1) ethics within the research community; (2) ethics concerning relationships with individuals and groups directly affected by the research, and (3) ethics related to the external value and role of educational research for various user groups and for the quality of education. The three domains represent different stakeholders and interests. The paper presents an ethical matrix method including three types of matrices. The method combines a systematic and a case-based approach to ethical problems and possibilities. The purpose of the matrices is to serve as a framework for identifying, reflecting, analyzing, and discussing ethical issues and balancing ethical dilemmas in educational research and development.  相似文献   

周恩来伦理思想是指导我国社会主义、共产主义思想道德建设的科学理论,是毛泽东伦理思想的重要组成部分。理想性、人民性、实践性是周恩来伦理思想的基本特征。在改革开放和发展市场经济条件下,学习、研究周恩来伦理思想具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

In this article we argue that when university researchers engage in democratic participatory action research with schools the process requires a special type of attention to the ethical difficulties which can arise. We note how current professional standards of ethics are inadequate to fully address many of the dilemmas faced in collaborative research. We then share examples of ethical dilemmas that have arisen in our work with schools and demonstrate how each has contributed to the (developing) framework we have created to avoid or manage the kinds of messy ethical issues we describe. We argue that this framework reflects a continuous commitment to an ethics of practice. We believe that those engaged in this type of work must assume an ethical stance and view all decisions in the research process as ethical ones that potentially affect the lives of all of those involved.  相似文献   

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