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The present state of development of higher education is described and quantified. Notable characteristics of the system are (i) the predominance of private establishments, (ii) the variety of courses available, (iii) the wide social base from which students are drawn, (iv) the highly competitive nature of the entry procedures. The system faces many challenges including the linked problems of management and finance.  相似文献   

1999年,日本政府开始面向各级各类学校实施新一轮的生计教育改革。具体措施包括:整合和增加课程内容,帮助学生制定职业规划,开展多样的职业支持活动,使产学合作成为正规科目,等等。我们可以从日本生计教育中得到启示,吸取经验。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):199-210
Today, a rationale for the existence of universities and colleges is likely to be sought in terms of their economic relationships, with a focus on accountability and relevance. Moreover, while the importance of academic institutions for social and economic development through the expansion of educational opportunity and knowledge has been increasingly emphasized, the institutions themselves, exhibiting little evidence of economic efficiency and rationalization, appear to be on the road to failure. At the same time, clashes between academic freedom and accountability are becoming stronger as well as conflicts between equality and excellence. It is quite apparent that these are difficult times between universities and society in many countries. This includes some advanced countries which have achieved massification or even the post-massification stage of higher education (Arimoto, 1996; Kerr, 1994). In consideration of these and related issues, specific discussion needs to be focused on the development of market principles and mechanisms in the higher education system of Japan.  相似文献   

日本是当今世界仍在实行社区教育制度的少数几个国家和地区之一,日本的社区教育与"社会教育"概念具有相似之处。大约400年前,日本的社区教育开始萌芽,自江户时代(1603年)起日本社区教育最早出现了"石门心学"和"报德教"的结社教育。至今日本的社区教育在基础理论研究,尤其是在理念提炼和深化方面,达到了相当高的水平。探讨日本社区教育实践,学习和借鉴其成功经验,有助于我国社区教育的改革与健康发展。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后,日本的教师教育制度一直实施"开放制"和"教师资格主义",即在综合大学培养教师。观其"开放制"培养教师的效果,还存在培养质量等诸多问题,日本呼吁结束"开放制"培养教师的学者也越来越多。而我国实行"开放制"教师教育制度和教师资格制度则刚刚起步,还有待进一步完善和发展,更应该注意吸取日本的经验教训。  相似文献   

高等教育的结构变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从高等教育系统和大学这两个层次分别论述了20世纪90年代以来日本高等教育的重大的结构变化,并着重分析了产生这些变化的原因,包括大众化,市场化和全球化这三个国际大趋势及日本国内的人口、经济和政策方面的变化等,最后指出这次结构改革成功的关键是要建立一个崭新的健全的高等教育评价系统。  相似文献   

日本学校教育荒芜的表现有形式上的和实质意义上的.前者的主要原因在于"少子化",后者的原因则是多方面的,包括有增无减的学历主义风潮、学校的管理主义、德育的工具化倾向严重等.我国近年也开始出现类似的教育荒芜迹象,其原因也与日本有着类似地方.通过了解日本学校教育"荒芜"的表现、成因与对策,可以帮助我国学校教育寻找规避荒芜化的路径.  相似文献   

环顾世界发展,各国都在为实现创新教育的目标而努力进行教育创新,日本金泽工业大学的梦考房活动,即为这种理念下的典型实例。它以教学创新、目标创新、环境创新和管理创新而在日本受到好评。2002年7月,日本金泽工业大学基于工程设计教育和梦考房活动的成绩,而获得日本文部省科学大臣奖的荣誉。我国  相似文献   

森有礼是日本明治维新时期著名的政治家、教育家。森有礼国家主义教育思想主要体现在为国家富强而办教育、贯彻忠君爱国思想、由国家来办教育三个方面。森有礼国家主义教育思想对日本近代普及义务教育具有重要影响,主要表现在政策制定、师资培养及课程改革等方面。森有礼的国家主义教育思想帮助近代日本确立了义务教育制度,有力地推进了日本近代义务教育的普及。  相似文献   

环顾世界发展,各国都在为实现创新教育的目标而努力进行教育创新,日本金泽工业大学的梦考房活动,即为这种理念下的典型实例.它以教学创新、目标创新、环境创新和管理创新而在日本受到好评.2002年7月,日本金泽工业大学基于工程设计教育和梦考房活动的成绩,而获得日本文部省科学大臣奖的荣誉.我国应该了解这一状况,学习国外的长处,加快自己的步伐.愿本文能为我国工科教育提供一点积极的思考.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来日本研究生教育组织结构变革集中在研究生院重点化改革、独立研究科与研究生院大学的创设以及新型专门职研究生院的设置三个方面,体现了研究生教育重点化、多样化和职业化的趋向,对日本研究生教育产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

“高质量大学教育推进计划”是日本文部科学省对大学、短期大学、高等专科学校的“优秀教育改革方案”进行重点财政援助的制度,其目的在于提高高等教育的教育质量和国际竞争力。该计划是在日本社会发展、大学生源变化和《大学设置基准的修正》基础上制定的。日本对“高质量大学教育推进计划”的管理体制、申请条件、涵盖领域以及审查评价等都做出了具体的规定。“高质量大学教育推进计划”对我国高等教育的改革具有较大的启发意义。  相似文献   

Due to the national policy of university and junior college decentralization and private education subsidy, the enrollment capacity in big cities has decreased while that in provincial areas has relatively increased to make the competition to enter universities and colleges more keen in big cities. Thus the rate of students continuing to study at universities and colleges has declined in big cities and increased in provincial areas to decrease the disparity among regions, but as a result the national average of the above rate has declined. If the decentralization policy continues to be practiced, the rate of students continuing to study at universities and colleges will not increase. On the other hand the national average of such a rate will increase but the gap among regions will also increase if the enrollment capacity of big cities is increased.  相似文献   


This article aims to describe the general framework of the teacher training system and its recent reform in Japan. As elsewhere, Japanese society is moving into an era of mass higher education provision. Since initial teacher training is provided by universities, the reform of teacher training is a part of the higher education restructuring that is also under way. At the same time, Japan is facing educational problems in compulsory education. The Educational Personnel Training Council of Japan is recommending reforms, which attempt to create a new type of teacher to cope with these educational problems. This opens the way for the Japanese state to develop more direct control over the curriculum and assessment of teaching staff in universities. The Ministry of Education is attempting to develop new control methods of 'Evaluative State' strategies. The reform of teacher education system exemplifies this shift.  相似文献   

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