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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Teacher: Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon? Pupil: The moon. Teacher: Why? Pupil: The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it.—M um,whatare you cooking?—It's bean soup!—I don'tcare whatithas been;Ijustwantto know whatitis now!“An abstract noun(抽象名词),”the teacher said,“is som ethingyou can think of,butyou can'ttouch it.Can you give m e an exam ple ofone?”“Sure,”a teenage boy replied,“M…  相似文献   

T eaching C ontents:1.Let's tryListen and tick or cross2.Let's talkTeacher:A re you helpful athom e,Chen Jie?Chen:Sure.Teacher:W hat can you do?Chen:I can sweep the floor.I can cook the m eals.Teacher:G reat。Y ou'rehelpful。3.G roup workT eaching A im s:…  相似文献   

根据图画所示补全对话,每空填一词。1.A :Y ou re from A ustralia,?B :Y es,I am .A :W hats the w eather of A us-tralia like w hen w e are insum m er?B :Itis season.2.A :W hich do you likebest?B :I I like spring best.A : ?B :B ecause we can see allkindsof flowers everywhere.3.A : are the oranges?B :They re in the fridge.A : oranges are therein it?B :There are eight.4.A :W ould you to com e tom y party?B :Is today your ?A :D on tyou know ?A :Sorry. birthday!5.A :C an I to B ill,please?…  相似文献   

(A) Teacher:What do we getfrom sheep? Boy:Wool. Teacher:You are quiteright.And what do we makefrom wool?  相似文献   

Teacher: Tom, where were you born? Tom: I was born in England. Teacher: Which part? Tom: All of me.  相似文献   

Teacher:Now,Joan,can you tell me where God lives?Joan:Yes,Miss,I think he lives in the bathroom.Teacher:In the bathroom?Why?  相似文献   

funny story     
1.Teacher:Tommy,name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago. Tommy:Me. 2.Substitute Teacher (代课老 师):Are you chewing gum(嚼口香 糖)? Tommy:No,I'm Tommy. 3.Teacher:How can one per son make so many mistakes in one day? Tommy:I get up early. 4.Teacher:Didn't you promise  相似文献   

SCIENCE   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(1) Q:How many planets are there in the solar system? 太阳系中有多少颗行星? A:There are nine of them. 共有九颗。(2) Q:Which is the world's largest fish? 世界上最大的鱼类是什么? A: It is the whale-shark. 鲸鲨。(3) Q:Which is the world's biggest bird? 世界上最大的鸟类是什么? A: It is the ostrich. 鸵鸟。(4) Q:Which is the world's largest animal on land? 陆地上最大的动物是什么? A: It is the African elephant. 非洲大象。(5) Q: Which is the world's longest river? 世界上最长的河流是哪一条? A: It is Egypt's River Nile. 埃及的尼罗河。(6) Q:Which bird lays me biggest egg in the world? 哪一种鸟生下世界上最大的蛋?  相似文献   

Go Home Earlier     
Teacher: Tomorrow morning, if any one of you can answer my first question, he or she will go home earlier. The next morning, the teacher comes into the classroom. He finds the blackboard daubed. He is very angry. Teacher: Who did it? Please stand up! Bob: It's me. Now I can go home. Good-bye, sir.  相似文献   

N ounsTeacher:A noun is the nam e ofa person or thing.N ow who can givem e a noun?Firstboy:A cow.Teacher:V ery good.A nother noun?Second boy:A nother cow.名词教师:名词就是一个人或一种物的名称,现在谁能给我说出一个名词?第一个男孩:一头奶牛。教师:很好。另一个  相似文献   

(1)Q: Which is the largest mammal in the world?世界上最大的哺乳动物是哪一种?A:It is the blue whale.鲸鱼。(2) Q: Which is the largest ape in the world? 世界上最大的猿猴是哪一种?A:It is the gorilla.  相似文献   

Teacher:Good morning.everyone.Where did we leave off last time?老师:早上好,同学们。上节课我们讲到什么地方了?Student: We finished the secondlesson,and we are going to start thethird lesson.学生:第二课已讲完,要讲第三课了。Teacher:Right.Thank you.老师:好!谢谢!  相似文献   

(1)Q:Which is the tallest animal? 世界最高的动物是哪一种? A:The giraffe. 长颈鹿。(2)Q:Which is the largest jellyfish? 最大的海蜇是哪一种? A:The Arctic giant jellyfish. 北极的巨型海蜇。  相似文献   

Part 1: Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice tomeet you. Class: Good afternoon, teacher. Nice to meet you,tOO. Teacher: What day is today, do you know? Class: It's Friday. Teacher: Now let's sing an English song—"This isthe way we wash our clothes. "I'11 invite some volunteers to sing and do the actions. OK? Class: OK! (Some volunteers come to the front and  相似文献   

Clean FliesCustomer: Oh, God! So many flies in the dining hall!Waiter: Don蒺t be afraid, sir. They are not dirty at all.Customer: Why?Waiter: Because they have been in the kitchen since they were born. And mind you, our kitchen(厨房) is very clean.Where Does God (上帝) Live?Teacher:Now, Susan, can you tell us where God lives?Susan: Yes, Miss. I think he lives in the bathroom.Teacher: In the bathroom? Why?Susan: Because every morning I can hear my father knock on the bath-room door a…  相似文献   

I Started a Joke     
Bobby: Do you want to hear a new joke? Kelly: No thanks, Bobby.Bobby: Why? Everybody loves a good joke.Kelly: I have heard you tell jokes before and you don' thave the talent. Bobby: What do you mean I don't have the talent?  相似文献   

(1)Q:Which city is the capital of England?英国的首都是哪一个城市? A:London.伦敦。(2)Q:In which country lies the River Nile?尼罗河是在哪一个国家? A:Egypt.埃及。(3)Q:Which city is the capital of France?法国的首都是哪一个城市?  相似文献   

The Use of Water     
Teacher: Water is important to us. Now, Tommy, can you give us an example?Tommy: If we have no water, we won't be able to learn swimming. So if we fall into the lake we'll get drowned.  相似文献   

Mind Twister     
1.Q:Who is closer to you,your mum or your dad?谁离你更近(谁和你更亲近),你的妈妈还是你的爸爸?A:2.Q:Which can move faster,heat or cold?哪一个移动得更快,热还是冷?A:3.Q:What is the smallest room in the world?世界上最小的房间是什么?A:4.Q:What kind of dog doesn謘t bite or bark?什么狗既不叫也不咬人?A:  相似文献   

Question:Which is the strongest creature in the world?哪个是世界上最强壮的动物?Answer:The snail.It carries its house on its back.当然是蜗牛啦。因为蜗牛的后背上总是背着一所房子。Q:What's the difference between a monkey and a flea?猴子和跳蚤有什么不同呢?A:A monkey can have fleas,but a flea can't have monkeys.猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能有猴子。  相似文献   

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