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The year I went to college was a very difficult time for me.I lived in a strange place and was surrounded by people I didn't know.I got quite homesick.  相似文献   

When I was young,I cried in kindergarten , The first person I think of is my mom , Because only she can give me a nice family. When I was ina primary school, I failedmy tests, The first person I think of is my mom , Because only she can give me encouragement and hope. When I was in a middle school,I met problems , The firstperson I think of ismy mom Because onlyshe can melt worries away In my lifeway , If I feel happy, The firstperson I think of ismy momBecause only she can share all o…  相似文献   

Last summer, my family and I went to Qingdao. Qingdao is a beautiful city. It is in the east of China. The sun was bright, the sky was blue, the sea was big and the water was dean. We swam in the sea and saw a lot of fish. Weate some seafood (海鲜).The seafood was yummy. I loved the seafood very much. We took many photos, and l bought some nice gifts (礼物) for my friends. I had a good time in Qingdao.  相似文献   

A Blackout     
It was a stormy night. I was alone at home, reading a book, when suddenly there was a blackout. The whole house was in darkness. I knew it was a blackout though I had never experienced one before. Muttering angrily to myself, I started feeling my way to the kitchen where the candles were kept.  相似文献   

One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant,waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive.Suddenly I 36 that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction,37 he knew me.The man had a newspaper 38 in front of him,which he was 39 to read,but I could 40 that be was keeping an eye on me.  相似文献   

My American Life     
I went to America two months ago. The first city that I went to was Detroit. The air there was very clear, and had no noise nor pollution. I lived in a family. My host familys name is Charade Whitson. She is a very lovely girl. She is thirteen years old. Her family has five people; her father, her mother, her two brothers and her. We lived in a villa (别墅) . The house was very big, and had two floors. I have lived there for two weeks. In these weeks, I had a good time. They often took me to everywhere that I wanted  相似文献   

小歌 《英语沙龙》2013,(4):48-49
Once,a friend from China came to visit me around the selection time.So,on the Election Day I took him to the polling place to see democracy in action. The Unexciting Election Process 平淡的选举过程 The polling place was located in a church.There were a few desks with volunteer workers sitting behind them,all smiles.No one checked my ID.I just went up to the volunteer workers and told them who I was,and one of them found my name from a voters' list.The only thing I needed to do was to sign next to my name to validate the information.  相似文献   

Motorbike and I     
My friends and I always find an excuse to ride a motorbike. I personally think it is one of the funniest things to do in Guilin.The first time I did it I had to admit I was a little bit nervous. I had never been on a motorbike before and I always thought there was a big possibility of failing off the bike, for the road was too bumpy.  相似文献   

A Sweet Memory     
There is a gong like this: "Looking back on how it was years gone by, and the good time that I had." I agree. The time I spent in Grade 2 was most unforgetable in my school life. It had a great effect on my studies, especially my English study.  相似文献   

<正> JokeAt a BBQ, a couple was chatting with someguests when the marriage counseling topic cameup. The wife very pompous commented: "Oh,we'll never need that. My husband and I have anexcellent relationship. He was a communicationsmajor in college and I majored in theater arts. Hecommunicates real well and I just act like I amlistening."  相似文献   

One evening a young man at Oxford who was known to be something of a poet read one of his poems to a small group of friends in his room. The poem was greatly admired, but as they came away one of the friends, Charles, said, "I was very much interested in Alfred's poem-but it was stolen from a book."This remark was repeated to Alfred, who was very annoyed and demanded an apology. “Well,”said Charles,“I don't of ten take back what I have said,but on this occasion I admit I was mistaken…  相似文献   

Primary School     
My primary school is a delightful1 memory. It is full of joy and happiness. The memory of it always makes me happy. To tell the truth I was not a good pupil at that time. I didn't work hard, but I was not bad. Our school was located in a three floor2 bu…  相似文献   

Phone Dinner     
One day, when I was at an airport waiting for my flight, I had to make a phone call. I looked around and found all the phones were busy. So I went to wait in line and stood there for a long time.The person talking on the phone was an old man and I could hear the conversation clearly. He was talking about his trip in this city. He said he was having a good time. He commented on(评论) the weather here and asked about the weather back there. While he was talking, he was eating a sandwich and drinking coffee.  相似文献   

I stood on the hill all alone. Staring at the full moon.I was bare-footed and only wearing a thin summer dress that blew in the cold northeastern wind.The cold bit at me but I had no care.As I had been wishing the full moon was growing brighter with every passing moment. The moon was almost as bright  相似文献   

Jesse McCartney was bom on APril9,1987,in New York City. He enjoyed aeting from a very ear]y age and in 1994,at age seven,he was in a national tour of “The King and I”and also had some  相似文献   

NeverGive in     
"Nothing is too difficult in the world if you putyour heartinto it." This is a fam ous saying. But I didn’ t understand it until oneday Im etwith a specialgirl. It was a cold afternoon of a Tuesday. I was walking alone in an alley. The road was slippery, forithad snowed the day before andthe snow hadn’ tm elted, Ifeltvery cold, notonly because ofthe weather, but also ofm ybad m ood. I failed in this exam ination andwas blam ed by m y parents justnow, I nearlylostheart. Atthatm om…  相似文献   

One evening a young man at Oxford who was known to be something of a poet read one of his poems to a small group of friends in his room . The poem was greatly admired. But as they came away one of the friends,Charles,said“,I was very much interes-ted in Alfred"s poem — but it was stolen from a book.”This remark was repeated to Alfred,whowas very annoyed and dem anded an apology.“W ell,”said Charles,“I don#t often takeback what I have said,but on this occasionI adm it I have m ade a m…  相似文献   

The story happened when I w as ten years old.O n a rainy day,m y father w as busy and he asked m e to go to a shopto buy som ething for him . The shop was about three m iles aw ay from ourhom e.I set out with an um brella in m y hand.The road was very wet andm uddy,and I walked with great difficulty.A fter I bought w hat m y fatherneeded,I started to go back with all the things in m y hand.O n m y w ayhom e I fellseveral tim es,but I w asn tbadly hurt.W hen I was 500m etresaway from our ho…  相似文献   

A couple of years ago, when I was going tocollege, I volunteered to be a finish-line "hugger" atthe Kentucky Special Olympics held in Richmond1.Because I was studying to become a special-educationteacher, I was very interested in the games and thepeople and wanted to be more involved.The day of the event dawned dreary, wet andgray. I arrived early and watched as the participantsarrived with their families, friends and school groups.Even though it started to rain and a cold wind blew,I didn…  相似文献   

The days before Internet (BI) seem very distant now like another time in history. At that time, I avoided computers and never thought I would use them. My passion was selling musical gear. Not a very scholarly pursuit, I know, but it kept me out of trouble. The last thing I needed was a strange hitech gadget to complicate life. Little did I know the Internet revo-lution was just around the corner and I would soon find computers hard to live without.  相似文献   

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